Tranxending Vision

C443 More complete Princess Yongmei

C443 More complete Princess Yongmei

0The ancient alloy parts that were exposed did not have any fluctuations, but Xia Lei's vision seemed to have sunk into an endless whirlpool. Icy cold fear followed, followed by darkness. He felt as if his entire body had fallen into a dark abyss, frozen and unable to move.    


This feeling was familiar to him. Every single time he took a look at the ancient alloy, it would bring him the same feeling, and every single time, it was extremely uncomfortable, making him unable to adapt.    


Two minutes later, Xia Lei's vision returned to normal. The ancient tomb also had a special existence, he was once again shocked on the spot.    


The one who suddenly appeared in the ancient tomb wasn't any old man, nor was it any other living thing, it was the Princess Young-mei. Her skin was like ice and his bones were like jade. There was no clothes on her snow-white body. He had a jade-like carved face and her entire body was covered in curves. There was nothing that wasn't alluring about his.    


However, Xia Lei knew that she did not exist and that she was not real.    


Xia Lei looked at the dregs inside the sarcophagus, then looked at Princess Young-mei who was standing in front of him. After being stunned for a good long while, she finally spoke, "Why is it you, and not him?"    


He had experienced the same thing in the tomb of White Horse City in Afghanistan. He took down the ancient alloy that was in Princess Young-mei's mouth, then the Princess Young-mei appeared. Now, he took out the ancient alloy that the old man had and examined it. Logically speaking, the old man should have appeared. However, it was still the Princess Young-mei.    


"I'll remember your face." Princess Young-mei was still the opening statement.    


The moment she opened her mouth, Xia Lei's head became two heads wide, and he said with a wry smile: "I know, you remembered my face. I also know you've been waiting for me for a long time, haven't you? "    


"They're all dead." Princess Young-mei's second sentence.    


Clang! Xia Lei's brain thumped like a gong, causing him to be dumbstruck.    


Princess Young-mei said something that she had never said before!    


"They're all dead." Princess Young-mei repeated.    


Xia Lei came back to reality, "Who did you say is dead? What else do you know? Tell me everything! "    


In that instant, he had a kind of intuition that the Princess Young-mei that appeared here might be more perfect than the Princess Young-mei that appeared in Grand China, or that she might have a stronger communication ability!    


Sure enough, Princess Young-mei stared at Xia Lei blankly, and said something different, "Take me home."    


"Where ? where is your home?" Xia Lei's voice trembled as he thought about the Great Ming Imperial Palace, the Forbidden City. It was his father, Zhu Di, who had built the world-famous imperial city.    


But Princess Young-mei did not answer Xia Lei's question. She walked towards Xia Lei with a faint voice, "I'm so cold, I'm so cold ?"    


Xia Lei subconsciously took a step back, but he stopped after just a single step. The Princess Young-mei was not his enemy, and he knew this better than anyone. In Bao Ding, the Princess Young-mei had even destroyed the brains of Lance Bigge and Special Agent Hank when the CIA hit him. Later, both men died early.    


If she wasn't an enemy, she didn't even have a real body, so there was no point in avoiding her. And he was curious as to what she would do.    


Just as Xia Lei was feeling curious, Princess Young-mei walked to his side and slowly approached his body. Finally, she snuggled into his embrace.    


At this time, Xia Lei did not know if the Princess Young-mei was "warm" or not, but he was feeling extremely cold on his side. The Princess Young-mei did not have a real body, but it was a form of energy. He snuggled up to his chest as if he was holding a jar of liquid ammonia in a freezer!    


"Tell, tell me ?" "Duo... duo." Xia Lei gritted his teeth uncontrollably, "Tell me, who's dead? Who was this old man? "Why are you looking for these metals?"    


With a series of questions, Xia Lei wanted to know the answer to each one.    


"They're all dead." Princess Young-mei said that as she nestled in Xia Lei's embrace, she felt a little better. She looked particularly meek, like a cat.    


"Tell me, tell me." Xia Lei urged.    


"I want to go home." The Princess Young-mei said.    


Xia Lei did not give up and repeated his question a few more times, but the answers he got were always these two sentences.    


The raging fire of hope was extinguished once more.    


The Princess Young-mei that appeared here seemed to be a little 'whole', but it wasn't completely complete. She could say more, and have a more human-like appearance, but it was far from enough.    


Xia Lei did not have the mood to continue asking her any questions, as he was about to freeze solid. He shifted his gaze onto the ancient alloy, as it had the ability to awaken his left eye.    


The Princess Young-mei had disappeared, and the situation was the same as the Princess Young-mei.    


Xia Lei stood quietly in the middle of the ancient tomb for two minutes. Then, he placed the five ancient alloy s into a special anti-radiation tool and left the ancient tomb.    


"Xia Lei, Xia Lei?" Tang Yuyan and Long Bing's voices came from the entrance. They were excited, anxious, and also from the tactical flashlight beam that they shot over.    


Facing the light beam, Xia Lei hastened his footsteps.    


"It's really him! He came out!" Tang Yuyan said excitedly.    


Long Bing impatiently reached her hand into the hole on the ground and reached her upper body, preparing to pull Xia Lei up.    


Xia Lei grabbed Long Bing's hand and crawled out.    


Once he climbed up, he collapsed into the pit, looking extremely tired. The continuous use of the clairvoyance was an inducement, and there was another reason was that the Princess Young-mei had warmed his body for a while. That bone-piercing cold had affected his muscles and nerves, and he had not recovered yet.    


Long Bing reached out to take off the oxygen mask on Xia Lei's face, and also took out the oxygen bottle and backpack, while asking with concern: "Your body is really cold, is it cold down there?"    


Xia Lei took a deep breath, and waited for his mind to calm down a little before he said: "It's very cold down there, we've gotten the things we need, let's leave this place."    


"You got it? What's all this? " Tang Yuyan asked. She gently rubbed Xia Lei's hands together with him to bring him warmth.    


Xia Lei did not hide anything, "A new pointer, and five ancient alloy, there's nothing else."    


"This ancient tomb is huge, it doesn't even have a single treasure?" Tang Yuyan looked a little dissatisfied.    


Xia Lei said: "I don't know whose tomb this is, but there is no corpse, and there are only four stone statues in the tomb chamber. If you don't believe me, you can go in and take a look. "    


"I'm not going." Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei, and suddenly revealed a sly smile, "Could it be that you hid the gemstone agate or something? I want to search you. "    


Xia Lei then opened his arms and legs, showing a very generous look, "If you want to search, then come and search."    


There wasn't even a single gem, but there were two walnuts. He didn't know if she would dare to touch them or not.    


In the end, Tang Yuyan did not search her body. What she said was merely a joke, and to help Xia Lei relax his nerves.    


After a short rest, Xia Lei climbed up the pit with the help of the two girls. The three of them threw their useless tools into the pit, then turned back the way they came.    


The sound of their footsteps echoed in the ancient gutter, echoing far away.    



"I really want to take a look at those ancient alloy you've dug up." Tang Yuyan said.    


Long Bing did not say anything, but she was curious about the same thing.    


Actually, the two girls also had another question that they were curious about and wanted to know the answer to. That was, why did Xia Lei, the only one who was protected from the poison of that metal, not go crazy?    


Xia Lei seemed to have sensed something, he thought for a moment and said: "I know that you guys are very curious, not only about the ancient alloy, but also about why I'm fine. In fact, I don't know what's going on, and I'd like to know the answer. If you want an explanation, I think... Probably because I repaired the compass. "    


Long Bing and Tang Yuyan couldn't help but look at each other and not speak. There was a common question in their hearts, was it really like this?    


However, apart from this explanation, they could not find any other explanation.    


The way back was smooth and without any accidents. The three of them returned to the drainage well, stripped off their rubber skins, and changed into their clothes.    


In this process, Xia Lei once again enjoyed the feast.    


This time, Tang Yuyan did not reprimand him. Instead, she said naturally: "Xia Lei, can I ask you a question?"    


"What problem?" Xia Lei looked at her long legs with a smile, "Ask away if you want to."    


Tang Yuyan said: "Um, what size underwear does Shentu Tianyin wear?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"If you get married, how will the property be distributed and managed? Will the Rayma Group and the Wanxiang Group merge? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Xia Lei didn't even bother about such a question, what was she worrying about?    


Long Bing used the satellite telephone to call Liu Qiang. A few minutes later, the sound of brakes could be heard from above her head, followed by three more knocks. This was the signal for Liu Qiang to get into position.    


Xia Lei was the first one to climb up, extending his hand to push the iron cover of the well upwards.    


The well lid was flipped to the side, and Xia Lei, Tang Yuyan and Long Bing climbed out of the drainage well one after another, then got into the car. Liu Qiang closed the lid and got into the driver's seat. Then he started a fire and drove away.    


"What's new?" Long Bing asked.    


Liu Qiang said: "The members of the Panel have already left through the security channel. The Israeli side questioned the embassy about the identities of the three colleagues. The embassy's response is unclear. We don't have any agents operating in Israel. "    


If nothing unexpected happened, the United States would not recognize the identities of Lance Bigge and the others, and the Grand China would not recognize the identities of Dou Yong and the others. This was the world of secret agents. For the sake of their country, they could even forsake the final glory.    


"We need to return home as soon as possible." Xia Lei said: "It's not safe here, the things in my bag are too important, I can't allow even the slightest mistake."    


Long Bing nodded her head, "Return to the Information Station and immediately arrange for the return route and tools."    


Just as Long Bing finished speaking, a truck holding a container suddenly appeared at the intersection ahead. It suddenly appeared and its speed was very fast. However, just as it was about to pass through the intersection, it strangely came to a screeching halt!    


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