Tranxending Vision

C239 Substitute Lamb

C239 Substitute Lamb

0The Imperial Feast Edge was not the best Chinese restaurant in Hai Zhu, but it was the most unique Chinese restaurant. It looked like a palace, and the interior was decorated in an archaic manner. Dining inside of it gave off a "royal dining" feeling.    


Once Xia Lei arrived, Hu Hou brought him to a private room.    


There were several cold dishes on the dining table, as well as red wine and white spirits. The hot dishes had not been served yet, but judging from the quality of the cold dishes and wine, the cost of the meal was definitely not low.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Mayor Hu, what are you doing?" That was a greeting.    


Hu Hou laughed bitterly, "Xia Lei, you know my identity, I have already violated the rules by inviting you here to discuss things, understand?"    


Xia Lei said: "Mayor Hu, you are too polite, if you have anything to say, just say it to me, if you have any requests, as long as it is something that I can do, I will do it for you."    


"That's what you said, I told you to take them back, can you do it?"    


"Mayor Hu, let me pour you a glass of wine." Xia Lei also had times when he was crafty.    


Hu Hou covered his wine cup and looked at Xia Lei in displeasure, "Look at you, you just said that you could raise any request you want, and it changed in the blink of an eye."    


Xia Lei put down the Five Grains Wine bottle in his hands, "Mayor Hu, although this may be a matter of criticism to you, it is still a matter of several hundred people eating together with us. You've sealed off my company, and one for half a year. What do I have to pay the workers, what do I have to buy insurance for the workers? This was a matter of cutting off one's path of life. The workers were angry inside. Even venting their anger wouldn't work? It's not that I haven't tried to persuade them, but no one listens to me.    


Hu Hou said with a smile that was not a smile: "Aren't you afraid of getting caught?"    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "Mayor Hu, if you capture me, it will solve the problem.    


Hu Hou shook his head and laughed bitterly. The workers of the Rayma Manufacturing Corp were just walking on the streets. The slogans they took out were also tragic and not even a sensitive word, so what right did he have to capture Xia Lei? And once he captured Xia Lei, not only would it not solve the problem at hand, it would also cause the situation to develop in an even worse direction.    


"Xia Lei, it's not that I don't uphold justice for you, but ? Politics is the most complicated and filthy thing in the world. You are an outsider, and you cannot understand my difficulties. Even if I wanted to help you, I didn't have the strength. If I insist on standing on your side, not only will I be unable to protect your interests, I will also step down. So, you still have to understand my difficulties. "    


"I understand, so I came here." Xia Lei said.    


If even Shi Boren could not help, then there was no need to mention a mere mayor like Hu Hou.    


At this moment, the waiter pushed open the door of the private room and began to serve the dishes.    


There weren't many dishes, but they were all very delicate and high quality.    


When the waiter was opening the bottle of red wine, Hu Hou's phone suddenly rang. He stood up and walked out, saying, "Sorry, I have to answer a call."    


Xia Lei nodded and watched Hu Hou walk out of the private room. He was a little curious in his heart, who would call Hu Hou at this time? With this thought, his left eye twitched and the wooden wall of the private room disappeared from his sight.    


Hu Hou stood in the hallway of the private room and answered the call with a respectful expression.    


Xia Lei's left eye locked onto Hu Hou's lips, and used lip language to decipher his words.    


"Mm ?" Mr. Gu, I've already arranged to meet with you. When are you coming? "Hmm ?" What I mean is that both of you should sit down and have a good talk. Now that things have turned out this way, I'm in a position to interfere ? Yes, yes, there is a solution to everything. You two can sit down and talk while I act as a middleman. We can resolve this conflict together, what do you think? "Yes, I'll wait for you." Hu Hou hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei also retracted his gaze, and said secretly in his heart: "So I actually wanted to be the peacemaker, but with Hu Hou's face, at most, he could invite Gu Kewu over, and not Gu Dingshan. Gu Kewu wants to negotiate with me? and so on... Hu Hou said, "I've already asked for him to come, when will you come?" This meant that Hu Hou was not the one who asked for me, but he was the one who asked him to ask for me ? "    


Hu Hou walked in, and the waiter in the private room poured the red wine into the wine wake up set before pushing the dining cart away.    


"I'm sorry." Hu Hou sat down and looked at Xia Lei. He seemed to want to say something, but it would be hard to say anything.    


Xia Lei's line of sight landed on the sobering cup the waiter had placed on the table, silently awakening Left Eye's micro vision ability. In his left eye, the transparent wine decanter and the red wine inside were magnified like a red swimming pool. Everything was magnified and became extremely clear. He soon noticed something white in the bottom of the decanter that was slowly dissolving.    


Xia Lei's gaze then shifted to the hot dishes that the waiter had just brought over. He discovered that these dishes contained a similar white powder, which was melting slower and more obviously than the white powder in the red wine.    


This was a trap!    


Xia Lei's heart was bright. If Gu Kewu made an appointment with him, even if he made an appointment, he would definitely still be on his guard. However, since Hu Hou had asked him out, he wouldn't be on guard. This was also the truth. If not for the fact that he had used his lip language to read Hu Hou's language and found a flaw, he wouldn't have realized that this was a trap!    


Hu Hou picked up the wake-up beaker, "Let's have some red wine first."    


"Yes." Xia Lei responded as his line of sight once again penetrated the wooden wall to the left of the private room.    


There were no customers in the private room to the left.    


Xia Lei's line of sight pierced through the wooden wall to his right, and two people sat in the private room to his right, Dong Wu and Qin Qi. There were no dishes or wine on the table in front of them, only a sword.    


Dong Wu and Qin Qi's line of sight were focused on the wooden wall that separated the private rooms from the private rooms. They did not talk, but held their breath and listened to the commotion.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, looked at the glass of red wine that Hu Hou had poured for him, and laughed: "Mayor Hu, let's drink a cup first."    


"Sure." Hu Hou lifted his goblet, clinked his goblet with Xia Lei's, and drank the wine with his head raised.    


However, Xia Lei seized the opportunity when Hu Hou was raising his head, and quickly splashed the red wine in the cup from his shoulder into a basin of water behind him. Previously, Qin Xiang's training had worked, his hands moving extremely quickly. Hu Hou had not finished drinking the red wine yet, but he had already completed all his actions. He put the empty wine cup to his lips and acted as if he had just finished drinking it all.    


Hu Hou pursed his lips and put down the empty wine cup.    


Xia Lei picked up the Awakening Wine, stood up and poured for Hu Hou, "Mayor Hu, let me pour for you."    


Hu Hou laughed and said: "You want to get me drunk huh? Let me tell you, this kind of red wine to me is no different from drinks, I can drink two bottles each."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Then let's toast again."    


Hu Hou drank his second cup of wine, while Guan Yin drank her second cup of wine.    


"Why is this red wine so strong?" Hu Hou shook his head.    


Xia Lei also said, "That's right, I also feel dizzy. Is it a fake wine?"    


"I'm going to ask ?" Before he could finish his sentence, Hu Hou who had just gotten up, felt his legs go weak and fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei picked up the alcohol decanter and poured some red wine on himself, then he took out his phone and activated the recording software, and then fell down as well.    


Two minutes after Xia Lei also "fainted", Dong Wu and Qin Qi pushed open the door to the private room and walked in.    


Dong Wu kicked Xia Lei's butt, and scolded: "Fuck, you also have such a day, brat?"    


Xia Lei's butt was in pain, but he did not even make a sound.    


Qin Qi laughed coldly, "Finally, he is in our hands, but I have to admit, he is too cunning, and is too difficult to deal with. If not for Young Master Wu taking advantage of Hu Hou, I am afraid we would not have been able to catch him."    



"This brat's skill is better than ours and he's f * cking craftier than us, so it would take more effort to deal with him. But no matter how crafty he is, he still isn't our prey? He's finished, haha. " Dong Wu looked very happy as he kicked Xia Lei once more.    


Xia Lei was still motionless.    


"Let's take them with us." Qin Qi said: "The security is already over there."    


Dong Wu said: "I will take Hu Hou, you take this brat." After he finished speaking, he helped Hu Hou up from the ground and carried him on his back.    


Qin Qi also helped Xia Lei up and carried him on his back. The two of them left the private room and walked towards the back door.    


There was no one in the corridor. It was very quiet. This was abnormal, but also normal.    


There was a waiter guarding the back gate. He was the one who had served wine to Hu Hou and the others just now. He opened the back door. Behind the back door was an alley, and there was also a black business car parked in front.    


The attendant opened the door, went around to the driver's side, and got in.    


Xia Lei faced two choices, one was to immediately subdue Qin Qi and Dong Wu, save Hu Hou, and let the two of them bring him and Hu Hou somewhere else. The first choice would be the least risky, but it wouldn't be able to do anything to Gu Kewu, and it wouldn't even be able to do anything to Qin Qi and Dong Wu. With that little recording just now, Qin Qi and Dong Wu could explain their crimes in over a hundred ways. The second choice would allow things to continue this way, which would be very risky, but would give Gu Kewu the chance to swallow this bitter fruit that he thought was his!    


After pondering for a moment, Xia Lei chose the latter. How could he get into the tiger's den without getting into the tiger's den, and the super strong ability in his body was the reason why he made such a choice!    


Dong Wu and Qin Qi brought Xia Lei and to the back of the business car and sat on the sofa. The two of them sat on the second row. The waiter drove the car out of the alley and then headed for the sea.    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "Could it be to the clubhouse? If we're going to the Club, then I'll have to make a move on the way. "    


Dong Wu turned to look at Xia Lei, and a sneer formed on his lips, "This is your last journey in the human world, enjoy it, I will personally send you on your way."    


Qin Qi laughed: "He doesn't know anything, what's the use of you telling him all this?"    


Dong Wu replied, "I'm happy."    


However, Qin Qi said: "I don't have such huge grievances, but I do think that after doing this, we will have to go abroad for a period of time, where do you think we should go? America or France? "    


Dong Wu replied, "I want to go to Japan."    




"I heard that Japanese women are very interesting, I want to try them out."    


"F * ck, I didn't expect you to be so lecherous compared to me at such a young age. Fine, let's go to Japan. I want to compete with you to see who is stronger."    


"Hahaha ?"    


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