Tranxending Vision

C218 misunderstanding of the soybean milk

C218 misunderstanding of the soybean milk

0On the second day, Xia Lei arrived at Rayma Manufacturing Corp at 1am in the morning, and went into his workshop to change Long Bing's gun. He was busy until 8: 30 PM when the company started working. He put the dismantled AS50 sniper rifle and the parts of his homemade sniper rifle into a large metal box, then locked it.    


When she arrived at the office, she did not see Liang Siyao. Just as Xia Lei wanted to call her, she carried a food bag and walked into the office. There was a cup of soy milk, a fried dough stick, and two buns in the grocery bag.    


Seeing the food, Xia Lei's stomach immediately let out a rumbling sound. He had been at the factory since five o'clock and still hadn't had breakfast.    


Liang Siyao rolled her eyes at him flirtatiously, "I heard from the guard that you were at the factory by 5 o'clock. I think you probably didn't eat breakfast, so you went to the canteen to buy you breakfast.    


Xia Lei's heart felt warm, "My wife is still the best."    


"I'm not your wife." Although Liang Siyao said this, he was actually very happy in his heart.    


Xia Lei wolfed down the food while eating the youtiao and steamed bun. He was really hungry, and there was no need for him to pretend to be gentle with Liang Siyao.    


Liang Siyao's tone was full of reproach, "You're serious, I know you're busy changing Long Bing's spear, but you can't not eat breakfast. Your body is the most important thing. If you were too tired, would she care about you? It's all because I feel sorry for you. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Our family's Siyao is the best."    


Liang Siyao circled around to Xia Lei's back, first sniffed him, then softly laid on Xia Lei's back and probed: "I didn't call you last night, did you miss me?"    


He was asking him what he had been doing last night, or with whom.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "I'm at home, I'm so honest, you can stop worrying now."    


Liang Siyao laughed and said: "Of course I believe you, but being honest does not mean that others are honest. What heavenly music, ruyi, and that foreign girl Anina, they are not easy to deal with, I have to watch you closely, or else when I turn around, they will steal you away."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Feed me a mouthful of soy milk." Liang Siyao stuck his head out from Xia Lei's shoulder.    


Xia Lei picked up the soy milk cup and gave it to Liang Siyao to drink. However, this way of drinking the soy milk was still rather awkward. Liang Siyao accidentally choked on it, and a small mouthful of it sprayed onto Xia Lei's pants. His black pants and white soy milk created an image that filled one's imagination.    


"I'm sorry, let me help you wipe it off." Liang Siyao awkwardly squatted between Xia Lei's legs and used a tissue to help wipe the soy milk off Xia Lei's pants.    


Xia Lei also did not refuse. He and Liang Siyao were already at the stage of cohabitation, and there was not the slightest bit of unnaturalness between the two of them. Not to mention Liang Siyao wiping the soy milk off his pants, even if Liang Siyao unzipped his pants, it would not be a shameful thing for him to grind something out of the soy milk herself.    


But at this very moment, Lu Sheng suddenly appeared at the door. With a glance, he saw Liang Siyao squatting between Xia Lei's legs, and the white liquid on his pants. With another glance, he saw that there was also white liquid on the corner of Liang Siyao's mouth, and for a moment, he was petrified and the expression on his face was bizarre to the extreme.    


Liang Siyao and Xia Lei both stood up in a hurry. If she and were to enter this office together, then doing anything in front of others would feel awkward and awkward.    


Xia Lei came to a sudden realization and picked up the soy milk on the table: "It, it's soy milk, it's spilled on his pants."    


Liang Siyao's beautiful face was also red, "We didn't do anything."    


Actually, it would have been better if he hadn't explained it. This explanation seemed to have no value at all.    


"Mhmm, cough." Lu Sheng was also very embarrassed, he then changed the topic, "Mayor Hu brought a large group of foreign businessmen and foreign businessmen to tour around our company, it's right under the office building. Would you like to go down now or later? If it's later, I'll let them know and let them sit in the reception room. "    


Liang Siyao rolled her eyes at Lu Sheng, "Monk, what are you thinking? Why stay a while? We're going down now, really, and we have nothing else to do. "    


Xia Lei agreed, "That's right, we will go down immediately."    


Lu Sheng shrugged his shoulders, "Then I will go down first." Before leaving, he pointed to the corner of his mouth and said, "Siyao, wipe your mouth clean."    


Liang Siyao was so depressed that she wanted to smash her head against the wall.    


Xia Lei wiped away the soy milk on the corner of his mouth and said, "Let's go down and take a look."    


Liang Siyao embarrassedly hit Xia Lei's fist, "It's all because of you, even the monk misunderstood me and gave you that, what a shame!"    


"What's that?" Xia Lei said with a smile.    


Liang Siyao stared at Xia Lei, and said angrily: "Are you teasing me too? I won't give you that from now on, hmph! "    


Xia Lei panicked. He grabbed her by the waist, and brought her out the door, coaxing his as he walked, "Alright, our family's Siyao is at the highest level, at most ? I'll give you that first. "    


"Pah pah pah! You're not allowed to say it. You're so embarrassed to death. You're truly shameless." Liang Siyao's face was no longer red, and her legs had mysteriously softened.    


The two of them left the office flirtatiously and then went back to work. The two of them went downstairs and immediately saw the foreign merchants and foreign merchants that Hu Hou had brought with him. The auction was not over yet, the employees of the Rayma Manufacturing Corp were still guarding the stage, but Hu Hou had brought the foreign merchants and foreign merchants over, showing how popular the Rayma Manufacturing Corp was.    


However, Xia Lei knew that it wasn't entirely because of this reason, it was because he saw Anina and the two German agents in the team. It was not hard to guess what the two German agents were thinking. They wanted to see for themselves the Rayma Manufacturing Corp, so they could search for the evidence they wanted.    


Xia Lei's heart was at ease as he said, "They knew that I could create that kind of intelligent machine tools, so they thought that my company would have them? Their appearance here made the most sense. However, in this case, Long Bing's guess that a spy was lurking beside me was not accurate. The photos were taken by the spy. If he was from my company, he couldn't have known that my company didn't have that kind of machine tool, and there was no need for the two German agents to come here at all. But now that they're here, doesn't that prove that the spy isn't someone from my company? "    


All these were just speculations. If the identity of the spy did not surface, then everything would be possible.    


Liang Siyao also saw Anina, and her face immediately lost all color, "Why is she here too?"    


Xia Lei moved closer to her ear, "The two men beside her are German agents."    


"Huh?" Liang Siyao's mouth dropped open, she was no longer able to shut it, and became nervous.    


"I'll explain it to you tonight, so pretend you don't know anything." Xia Lei said.    


"Yes." Liang Siyao replied very obediently.    


To Liang Siyao, although she did not know the entire truth behind Xia Lei's trip to Germany, she could still guess what would happen. Xia Lei went to Germany, and upon his return, he created the world's most advanced machine tool, and the Shenzhou Industrial Group even gave him 200 million. Now that the German agents were in the company, wasn't the nature of the matter obvious? Did he even need to think about it?    


"Xia Lei, look, I came uninvited and brought you so many guests. You wouldn't blame me, right?" Hu Hou walked over and greeted Xia Lei first.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: You flatter me, Mayor Hu, you are doing this for my own good, for the good of our company, you have done so much, why would I blame you? I can't thank you in time. "    


"Alright, alright, let's cut to the chase." Hu Hou said with a smile on his face, "These merchants are very interested in your automatic surfboard. Some of them are these German merchants, they contacted me last night and asked me to bring them here to have a look. They also said that they don't want to tell you beforehand, they want to see the true appearance of your company. I thought it was a good thing, so I agreed. Since the people are here, you should bring them to take a look. "    


"Alright, alright, I'll immediately bring them on a tour." Xia Lei then said, "Siyao, go busy yourself. I'll call for you here."    


Liang Siyao responded as she went back to her office alone.    


Liang Siyao entered the office building and walked to Xia Lei's side. She spoke in German: "lucas, is your nose alright?"    


"It's fine. Look, I've even taken off the gauze." Xia Lei was too lazy to pretend that he did not know German, and directly started talking to Anina in German.    



The Translator Andreas who was standing at the side looked at Xia Lei with a dumbstruck expression. Yesterday, he still needed an interpreter to understand Anina's words, but Xia Lei was able to speak German so fluently in an entire night.    


Xia Lei was too lazy to care about the reaction of an interpreter. He said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, please come with me. We will visit the workshop. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will definitely fulfill your request. " It was in Chinese, and then he said the same thing in German and English.    


It would be superfluous of German agents to pretend they didn't know German.    


"As expected of an outstanding talent. He can actually speak German and English. He doesn't even need a translator. Amazing." A mainland customer said.    


"No wonder he was able to develop such excellent products and establish a partnership with such a person. That's right." Another mainland customer said.    


A large group of customers started discussing about Xia Lei's ability.    


In the business world, it's time to show off. If the CEO of a business didn't have any charm, then the business would definitely not be good.    


Xia Lei brought a large group of guests to the workshop, but the two German agents shifted their gaze towards Xia Lei's workshop. Unfortunately, the studio's door was closed and they could not see anything.    


A German agent walked to Anina's side and whispered to him.    


Anina hesitated, but in the end, he nodded her head.    


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