Tranxending Vision

C307 wild mountain hunting

C307 wild mountain hunting

0When the sun was high in the sky, the three horses had crossed a mountain at the end of the valley. Xia Lei sat on his horse and looked back at the valley. He could no longer see White Huns Tribe. Behind him was a dense primeval forest, but in front of him was a barren land that stretched as far as the eye could see. The basin in the mountain range was truly a paradise. It should not be disturbed.    


"Let's go." Ootsuki said: "We still have a long way to go, we have to leave this valley before nightfall."    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze and looked ahead, "They are all mountains, can we make it out? I need to know your route. "    


Syrani smiled as she looked at Xia Lei, "Let's take the Wakhan Corridor and enter the new province. You should know the ancient Silk Road. "    


Xia Lei said: "I thought we would go to Pakistan and take a plane to Grand China."    


Ootsuki said: "Your suggestion seems to be very safe, but it is also the fastest, yet it is the most dangerous route. We are already being watched by the United States military. If we go to Peshawar, we will have to face not only the United States military, but also the armed groups of Santa Ita. "    


"There are also tribal forces along the way." Syrani interrupted.    


"Okay, let's go through the Wakhan Corridor." Xia Lei said: "However, how long will it take for us to pass through the Wakhan Corridor and enter the new province?"    


"If nothing unexpected happens, I'll be fine for half a month." Ootsuki said.    


"Half a month ?" Xia Lei could not help but smile bitterly. Without question, it would be a long and arduous journey.    


"Giddy up!" Ootsuki roared lightly, her long legs fiercely pinching the horse's abdomen, the white horse beneath her immediately galloped down the mountain.    


Syrani followed closely behind and urged her horse to chase. Her buttocks swung back and forth in the saddle, creating a beautiful ripple.    


Xia Lei couldn't help but think back to the things he did with her under the mosquito net last night. Although it was done a little, it made his heart itch when he tried to remember it. The so called bottom line was not even able to withstand a single blow from Syrani, who had a large bosom.    


Xia Lei gave one last glance back before he spurred his horse to chase after his. Following behind the two valiant women, he had a strange feeling that he was James Bond of MI5, the world-famous 007. Mr. Bond always had a beautiful woman with him when he was on duty. He was in this situation...    


Thinking about it this way, the trip across the ancient Silk Road was actually quite good.    


In the evening, the three of them arrived in front of a large mountain. The road under his feet had disappeared here. There seemed to be a road here before, but the road that had been dug between the cliffs had long since collapsed.    


"We have to climb this mountain and set up camp behind it." Ootsuki jumped down from the horse's back and climbed up the hill while leading the horse.    


Syrani and Xia Lei also jumped off their horses and climbed up the mountain while leading their horses.    


"Xia, once we reach the Grand China, can you buy me clothes?" While climbing the mountain, Syrani chatted with Xia Lei, "I heard that Grand China's clothes are very cheap, I want to buy a lot of clothes, but I don't have the money."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Didn't you get rich after selling your sheep?"    


Syrani glared at Xia Lei, "Stingy!" Then she said, "When we reach the Grand China, I will sell you and then go buy clothes!"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The women of White Huns Tribe could not change the habit of women, even men who they truly liked did not have an equal status in their eyes. However, it seemed that the young White Huns Tribe's women were a little better in this area. Syrani was one of them, if that was the case, she would only say what was said, and would not take it seriously. Last night, she was even willing to take the initiative to bathe Xia Lei and serve him. It was impossible for such a thing to happen to older tribal women.    


"Once we reach Grand China, will you run away?" Syrani turned around and glanced at Xia Lei. Suddenly, his feet slipped, and his body suddenly leaned back, about to fall down.    


Xia Lei hurriedly used his hands to support her butt and pushed her up. The feeling of this process, aside from elasticity, was also elasticity. He could speak several languages, but he could not describe that wonderful elasticity in any one language.    


After the danger was gone, Syrani looked back and smiled, "Thank you, I thought you would let me fall."    


Xia Lei laughed: "How could that be? I'm behind you, and I'll protect you. "    


Syrani playfully blinked her eyes at Xia Lei, as if hinting at something.    


It was a face full of innocence. It was cute and beautiful, yet it also had a body that was like a devil's. The bottom line in Xia Lei's heart became more and more blurry, almost to the point where he couldn't think of anything else. In his heart, he even said, "Why must one live a proper life? Humans don't flirt with youths. Even if I pretend to act with her, once I get old, isn't it still a kind of happiness to think of a girl from a foreign race? "Haha ?"    


Indeed, he didn't have a girlfriend in the truest sense. He was still single right now, so why couldn't he do the same to Syrani? Before he married, before he had children of his own, why did he have to be as strict about himself as a monk?    


Thinking about it this way, Xia Lei became even more relaxed and relaxed. When Syrani blinked his eyes at him, he couldn't help but reach out and lightly patted her perky butt.    


The clear and melodious sound reverberated across the hillside. Syrani turned around and rolled her eyes at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart, she was really a fox spirit.    


Ootsuki, who was standing at the front, turned his head to take a look, just in time to see Xia Lei withdrawing his hand from Syrani's butt. She shook her head as a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.    


Xia Lei immediately became quiet. In his impression, Ootsuki did not have a good impression of any man, he did not want to make her unhappy. Before saving Tranquil Water and Tang Yuyan, as well as the few experts, he had to rely on her. Also, before he had dug up the "treasure trove", he had to rely on her.    


The western sun had sunk to the horizon, the light in the valley had disappeared ahead of time, and the hillside was better, but it would be all dark in less than an hour.    


"We have to hurry." Ootsuki turned around and said: "Persist a little longer and try to climb to the top of the mountain in an hour's time."    


Syrani shouted, "Chief, I am hungry, and my legs are weak. Can we ?"    


Without waiting for Syrani to finish speaking, a white silhouette suddenly streaked across the sky.    


Xia Lei suddenly raised his head, locking onto the white figure. That was a predator that no one could stop. Astonishingly, two Hellfire air-to-ground missiles were mounted on the missile racks under the wings.    


Just when Xia Lei saw the Hellfire Missile on the missile rack, the predator was left alone. The machine suddenly fired one of them.    


"Get down!" Xia Lei let out a loud cry as he released the reins of the horse. With a leap, he pushed Syrani down to the ground.    


Ootsuki who was in front also heard Xia Lei's warning, and threw herself onto the ground.    


The three of them had just landed when the Hellfire Missile whizzed down from the sky and struck a cliff on top of the mountain.    


BOOM! With a loud sound, the cliff above was immediately shattered. Rocks flew down, and the sound of impact could be heard everywhere, leaving sparks everywhere.    


The warhorse was frightened and hooted.    


The black warhorse that Xia Lei was riding had its head hit by a piece of rock and it fell to the ground with a loud thud.    


BOOM! The second Hellfire Missile whizzed down and struck the cliff again. A large amount of rock fragments rolled down, and the originally flat slope turned into a rocky area that was hard to step on.    


Xia Lei released Syrani who was under him, and quickly took down his sniper rifle from the horse corpse's luggage. He was very clear that the predator's attack was only blocking, otherwise it would not specially choose to bomb the cliff from above, it would save a lot of effort and trouble!    


Sure enough, when Xia Lei took out his sniper rifle and backpack, three night hawk helicopters suddenly climbed up from the back of the mountain. The three Nighthawk helicopters all lowered their ropes, and on each rope, there were armed special forces soldiers sliding down, landing on top of the mountain.    


Xia Lei suddenly stood up, raised his gun, and aimed at the cockpit of a Night Eagle helicopter. A second later he pulled the trigger, and a second later a bullet shot out in rage and struck the driver's window. A spiderweb of cracks appeared on the glass. Although it was bulletproof, the impact of the sniper rifle could destroy its structure.    



The shot dismayed the pilot of the helicopter, who jerked it to a higher altitude. The special forces on the rope were also panicking, not daring to jump even if they wanted to.    


Bang! Xia Lei pulled the trigger once again.    


Ka-cha! * The sniper rifle's bullets pierced through the broken bulletproof glass in the cockpit and stabbed into the pilot's neck. Blood gushed out like a fountain. The Nighthawk helicopter that had lost control suddenly plummeted down the valley.    


BOOM! A violent explosion sounded out from behind the mountain, and the flames that shot into the sky turned the sky red.    


The other party's goal was obvious, Xia Lei would not leave any leeway for him. Because if he was soft-hearted, Ootsuki and Syrani would be killed, and he would also be caught and sent to the US AE Research Center to be treated as an experimental mouse! And what was even worse, was that if he was caught, Tang Yuyan, Serenity and a few other experts from the Grand China would also be killed!    


This was a battlefield, and being merciful to the enemy meant being cruel to himself and his comrades. Who had ever given them even the slightest bit of mercy in the 101 sets of agents who had been ambushed and killed?    


After killing one Nighthawk helicopter, two others also completed the infantry landing. One of them fired a rocket at the hiding spot of the three men. The explosions shook the entire mountain.    


However, after firing only a few rockets, the two Nighthawk helicopters rose in altitude and left the battlefield.    


The rocket bombardment just now was only used to suppress their firepower. Xia Lei was very clear that as long as he was on this hillside, the other party would not be able to truly bomb this place. They wanted him alive, not his body.    


"Damn it!" Syrani wiped off the lime on her face and said angrily: "These American soldiers have never attacked us before, why are they doing this to us? I will kill them! "    


Ootsuki bent her waist and arrived beside Xia Lei and the others. She glared at Xia Lei with an ice-cold expression, "Who exactly are you? We have always been at peace with the Americans. Why did they attack us the moment you arrived? "Tell me!"    


Xia Lei remained expressionless, "We'll talk about it after we survive."    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


There was a sudden burst of gunfire on the hillside, and bullets rained down.    


Ootsuki bit her lips and suddenly lay down beside Xia Lei.    


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