Tranxending Vision

C375 See also the chewing gum

C375 See also the chewing gum

0Under the shroud of darkness, the Hai Zhu was bustling like a dream.    


Walking out of the hospital, Xia Lei's mind was still thinking about what Jiang Ruyi had said to him in his ear: I'll wait for you to come back, no matter how long it takes. If you are tired outside, come back and rest.    


When he was young, many memories from his youth surfaced in Xia Lei's mind. A wry smile surfaced on the corner of his mouth, "You said it already, but what should I do?"    


He really didn't know how to face such a feeling. He already carried too many emotional debts with him.    


He wasn't a philanderer, but he was definitely a very outstanding man. This was the same reason why there were always many suitors for this beauty. He was so outstanding and was single, so how could he not be liked by women?    


"Maybe I really should find a woman to marry. "In that case, perhaps there will be no such worries." He had such a strange thought in his mind.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


Xia Lei took out his phone and saw an unfamiliar number. He hesitated for a moment before answering.    


A woman's voice came out from the phone, "Xia Lei, it's me Gu Kewen."    


was surprised when she reported her identity, "Why did you call me?"    


Gu Kewen laughed: "Can't I reminisce with you?"    


Xia Lei frowned, "Gu Kewen, although you are helping Shentu Tianyin right now, we are not friends. "If you have something to say, just say it. If you have nothing to say, then I'll be hanging up."    


"Alright, let's get down to business." Gu Kewen stopped laughing, "I called you to tell you something, An Xiuxian has already been released."    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned. He was sure that someone would use An Xiuxian as a bargaining chip in exchange for political benefits, but he never expected that it would happen so quickly. In his imagination, An Xiuxian would be locked up for a few months, until both parties were agreed upon before he was released.    


"He came to find Shentu Tianyin today." Gu Kewen said, "I was just by the side, and he and Shentu Tianyin discussed the God Realm Guild's and Wanxiang Group's mobile phone project. Finally, he talked about you. "    


Xia Lei pretended to be calm, "What did he say about me?"    


"Of course it's not good news. He said that you stole her family's Sword of Attila, and a few antiques. It's a thief. Then he said you framed him and got him arrested by the police, but he was innocent. He also said that he would settle the score with you, that he will definitely settle it. "    


Xia Lei sneered, "Did Tianyin say anything?"    


Gu Kewen said: "Of course it's to speak up for you, and she even advised An Xiuxian not to be impulsive. On the surface, An Xiuxian seemed to agree, but I can see that it was just faking it. In front of Shentu Tianyin, he will agree to anything, but it will be hard to say whether he will keep his promise. "    


"Then let him do it." Xia Lei's voice was very cold. Since he could kill six of An Xiuxian's people consecutively in Jiang-Nan hotel, he didn't mind killing the other people from the An clan!    


"Then that's it. I'm hanging up."    


"Wait." Xia Lei called out to Gu Kewen, "Why are you telling me this?"    


"Then why do you think I told you this?"    


"We are not friends. You and I both know this. You should be on the same side as An Xiuxian, giving him advice and helping him to deal with me. If I die in An Xiuxian's hands, wouldn't that be good for you? "    


Gu Kewen was silent for a moment, then said: "Do you still remember the trade that I proposed at the beginning?"    


Xia Lei suddenly thought back to the night when the Gu Family fell not long ago. At the clubhouse, Gu Kewen had taken off the evening gown she wore, using her body as bait, luring him to work with her, and take revenge for her father, Gu Dingshan, to deal with the man who killed his father. Of course he wouldn't agree and reject her, but he didn't expect her to actually bring it up at this time.    


"What I want to tell you is that the deal I proposed is still valid. As long as you promise to help me take revenge, all the grudges between us will be written off. My entire body is yours, you can do whatever you want with it. " If that was the case, Gu Kewen had also said that night in the clubhouse.    


"Gu Kewen, I thank you for reminding me, but ?" Xia Lei changed to a more tactful way of speaking, "By doing this, you are actually ruining yourself. When did the old young miss of the Gu family become someone who could use her body as a bargaining chip? Besides, you're not my type. "    


"Hur hur." Gu Kewen laughed, "I have indeed used my body to attract you before, you were indifferent, but I, Gu Kewen, won't do it again. When I say I'm yours, that means I can help you make money. Although my Gu family has collapsed, those relationships are still there, and I still have a lot of people with me. These are all resources that cannot be bought with money. With my help, your company will be able to catch up to the Wanxiang Group within ten years. "    


If others were to say something like that to the Wanxiang Group within ten years, it might just be a joke, but if it came out of Gu Kewen's mouth, it would have a lot of weight. This was because she did have the Gu family's network in her possession, and there were also many people who knew of what was going on. Although she couldn't see the resources, but she could tell that there was definitely a strong power, if not Shentu Tianyin would not let her be an assistant.    


Xia Lei was silent. At this moment, he couldn't help but admit that he was somewhat moved.    


"I'll think about it. I still have a bit of patience." Gu Kewen's voice sounded, "I will continue to keep an eye on An Xiuxian. If anything happens to him, I will inform you immediately."    


In terms of courtesy, Xia Lei should have said "thank you", but it was as if a ball of cotton was stuffed into his mouth, causing him to be unable to say anything.    


Gu Kewen ended the call.    


The night wind blew across his face and brought a cool breeze. Xia Lei's train of thoughts became clear, but he thought in his heart: "The Gu family is done for because of me, Gu Dingshan is dead, Gu Kewu is still in prison, with this kind of pressure on his head, Gu Kewen actually wants not revenge, but cooperation with me? And you even threatened to help me surpass the Wanxiang Group. If I believe you, then I really will get drunk. "    


Cooperation was definitely impossible. However, Gu Kewen was such a smart woman, how could she not see through this? But why would she do that?    


What made Xia Lei even more confused was that when Gu Kewen appeared again, not only did he not seek for revenge, he even helped him.    


When Gu Kewen appeared again, his entire person seemed to have changed into another person, causing others to be unable to see through him.    


As he drove on the road, Xia Lei's speed wasn't fast, his head was filled with these kind of questions, and there was also Jiang Ruyi. When he thought of Jiang Ruyi, he actually felt a little warmth and friendliness in his heart.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


A locomotive sped past the BMW M6 at a speed of at least a hundred yards.    


Xia Lei looked over, the figure on the back of the locomotive seemed somewhat familiar. However, just as he was about to give chase and take a peek at the face hidden under the helmet, the rider in front raised his hand and something white smashed into the windshield of the BMW.    


It was a chewed piece of gum.    


Looking at the chewing gum, Xia Lei suddenly guessed the identity of the rider. There was no need to look at the face of the rider. She was his father's assistant, Ye Liena.    


Ye Liena did not even turn his head around. With a thump on the throttle, the engine suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, it was gone.    


Since this was the Grand China, her goal was not to meet them, but she had already completed what she wanted to do.    


Xia Lei drove the car off the main road, and found a stop by the side of the street. He stopped the car, got out, and removed the gum from the windshield.    


"It's always like this. She doesn't know how to pass on information when I take the gum out of her mouth?" Xia Lei complained as he took the sticky gum back to the driver's seat.    


There was a slip of paper hidden in the chewing gum, and on it was written: Son, we'll meet in Russia. I need your sniper rifle. Take two more to Russia. In Grand China, there are already people eyeing you. I have already started to investigate that person's identity and motives. Once there are any results, I will get Ye Liena to tell you.    


The handwriting on the slip of paper was his father's, Xia Changhe's, and it was not an imitation, so the handwriting could not be deceived by Xia Lei's eyes.    


"Dad wants my sniper rifle?" Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "He really knows his stuff. Alright, this time when I go to Russia, I will bring more than two, and just give them to him."    



Father Xia Changhe was finally willing to meet him, and Xia Lei was very excited in his heart. Because it meant that some of the questions that bothered him might be answered by his father. Of course, the most important thing was that after being separated for six years, father and son were finally going to be reunited!    


Xia Lei burned the slip of paper and threw the chewing gum into the trash can on the side of the road.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


His cell phone rang again.    


"Who is it?" Xia Lei took out his mobile phone, but what he saw was Jiang Ruyi's number. He then picked up the call, "Ru Yi, what's the matter?"    


"Are you at the airport now?"    


"No, didn't I say that I would leave tomorrow? I want to stay at home for the night." Xia Lei said.    


"Aiya, I was confused. I didn't hear you clearly, so I thought you were going to catch a plane, so I didn't keep you. "My mom was just telling me why I didn't treat you to a meal. You haven't eaten yet, right?"    


"Nope, I went to your house when I got back. Then I went to the hospital. I was just about to go home and do something so that I could eat something."    


"Don't go back, pick me up. How about we go to the barbecue shop where we were in high school? "I'll treat." Jiang Ruyi said, her voice was filled with an indescribable gentleness.    


"Sure, I'll be right there." Xia Lei hung up the call, turned around and headed back to the hospital.    


It's good to relive the old high school days.    


In the hospital, Yang Yun gave Jiang Ruyi a big thumbs up, and smiled like a flower, "That's right, girls are supposed to be gentle, act coquettishly, and be coy when talking about girls. You can't talk to people like a man's wife. Who would dare to marry you? "    


"Mom!" Jiang Ruyi stomped his feet, "If you keep talking, I won't learn anymore! "What a mush!"    


"Alright, alright, alright. Can't I tell you?" Yang Yun pouted and added, "Same bad temper as your dad."    


On the bed, Jiang Shuqing turned his body around and pointed his butt at Yang Yun.    


At the same time, a tall man walked out from a hidden corner of the street where Xia Lei was parking. He held his phone, and said in Korean: "President, that brat has a problem."    


A man's voice came out of the phone, "What problem? Is he asking enough questions? "    


The tall man said, "It's not an ordinary situation. I saw a woman ?"    


Before he could finish, a middle-aged man in a peaked cap walked over from the sidewalk and suddenly stuck a syringe into his neck. After about a second, he fell to the ground.    


The man grabbed him, walked to the side of the road, opened the door of a car, and shoved him inside. Then the man drove away. The whole process took less than twenty seconds, and no one noticed.    


As the night deepened, many stories were being played out.    


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