Tranxending Vision

C343 The Tomb of the Princess Yongmei

C343 The Tomb of the Princess Yongmei

0The space behind the stone slab did not have any light. It was an absolute darkness. Xia Lei's left eye could see things in this dark environment, but this underground environment without any light had also affected his ability to see things. He could see about twenty meters in front of him, just inside the slate tunnel.    


There was nothing in the stone tunnel. The floor, the sides, and the top were all made of the same stone, bare stone, with no carvings. Every few meters, an oil lamp would appear on both sides of the stone tunnel. It was a Pashtu-styled duck-bill oil lamp, just like the Aladdin Divine Lamp in "The Thousand and One Nights."    


It was unknown whether those oil lamps were ancient artifacts from several hundred years ago or a thousand years ago. Their bodies were covered with copper rust, and they clearly would not light up again.    


Unable to see anything further, Xia Lei ended his perspective. He reached out to push the stone slab that was in front of him, but the stone tablet was formed from three different types of soil and it was extremely stable and could not be pushed at all. Xia Lei turned back and used the impact drill he took out and drilled a few holes in the stone slabs. After destroying its stability, he pushed it downwards with all his might. This time, he pushed the stone slab down, revealing an entrance that was big enough for him to enter.    


Xia Lei did not immediately enter, but used the lighter to test the air inside. The lighter's flame was very normal, and there was even a slight vibration. This was clearly due to the air flow.    


"Is there a vent?" Xia Lei's heart was filled with curiosity. There was no problem with the air as he entered the stone tunnel. He packed his backpack after entering the tunnel, then headed deeper into the stone tunnel.    


Although he could see to a distance of twenty meters in the dark environment, Xia Lei did not hold back and used the tactical flashlight provided by the 101 match. In this completely dark environment, the tactical flashlight was clearly "seen" farther than his left eye, and he was happy to let his left eye rest.    


Kick, Kick, Kick ?    


Xia Lei's footsteps resonated in the stone tunnel, as if there were a lot of people walking around. From time to time, a strange shadow would emerge from the range of the tactical flashlight, like a lurking ghost. In short, even someone as bold as an ox would feel their blood run cold in such an environment.    


The stone tunnel did not extend horizontally, but diagonally downwards. Xia Lei counted his steps, and only after taking a thousand steps did he finally see the end of it. Fourteen hundred paces, this stone tunnel was seven hundred meters long! Although it was not a vertical height, it was not difficult to calculate from the slope of the stone tunnel that the end of the tunnel was located a hundred meters underground!    


700 meters long and 100 meters down wasn't much on the surface, but it was a huge project underground. It's hard to imagine how people built this underground world hundreds of years ago.    


At the end of the tunnel, there was a thick stone gate. It was two meters tall and one meter and five meters wide.    


Xia Lei glanced at the compass in his hand. The needle of the compass was pointing straight at the stone door, and it was vibrating extremely frequently.    


"The thing we are looking for must be behind the stone door." Xia Lei's heart was filled with excitement as he walked towards the stone door.    


On the stone door, there was a sculpture. It was an ancient dress of a woman. Her carving skills were exquisite and her ancient clothes were lifelike. She was elegant and elegant with an exquisite charm. It seemed as if she could walk out from the stone slab at any time.    


On top of the stone door were carved two Chinese characters: Tomb of America.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "Tombs in Chinese means tombs. Tomb of America, could it be Princess Ning Mei's grave? If that's the case, then the ancient dressed lady in front of us is most likely Princess Ning Mei, Zhu Xuanyue. "    


There was no lock or mechanism on the stone door. Xia Lei carefully observed the situation behind the stone door, and then went in front of the stone door and woke up clairvoyance with his left eye.    


The stone door was about a foot thick and it was made of ordinary stone. With his current abilities, he could easily see through it. However, something strange happened. The back of the stone door seemed to be covered in a layer of black glue. The moment his line of sight penetrated the stone door, it was "stuck", as if he was stuck in a quagmire.    


What was going on?    


Xia Lei was secretly shocked, as he finished his perspective.    


This was the first time he had encountered such a situation ever since he had grasped the clairvoyance.    


"Who glues behind the tomb door?" Xia Lei couldn't figure out the answer to this question.    


Unable to see through or open, Xia Lei could only use extreme methods. He took off his backpack and took out 101 pieces of the explosive device that had been thrown at him from inside. It was the most advanced adhesive explosive device at the moment. He stuck the four explosive units to the cracks at the four corners of the stone door. Then, he stepped back and activated the explosive device.    


BOOM! With a dull thud, the huge stone door crashed to the ground.    


Just as the stone door collapsed, a series of creaking sounds suddenly came from the darkness. Then, a large black mass suddenly pounced at him from behind the stone door.    


"That is ?" "Bat!" Xia Lei's back went numb, and then he held his head and fell to the ground.    


However, the bats didn't let him go. In the blink of an eye, they had surrounded him. Lying on the ground, he could clearly feel the bats gnawing and tearing at his clothes, while his exposed skin became the target of the bats. The bats were biting his flesh and sucking his blood!    


In his panic, Xia Lei grabbed a fuel canister in his backpack, and then wildly sprayed liquid fuel at the wildly dancing bats and himself. Then he lit the lighter. BOOM! A large number of bats were set on fire, as well as his clothes. Bats were afraid of the fire. The sudden eruption of flames immediately scared the bats, regardless of whether they had been ignited or not.    


Xia Lei quickly took off her burning clothes and laid on the ground. Extinguish the fire. His clothes had several burn holes in them, but he could still put them on. In this underground tomb, the additional layer of clothes was also very important.    


A dozen or so bats fell to the ground. Their bodies were still on fire as they cried out miserably and struggled. Xia Lei's gaze landed on a bat. He shockingly discovered that the bats here were different from any he had seen before. They were twice the size of normal bats and were entirely black. However, there was a layer of white bat hair on their heads, making them look like a halo of light, which was extremely strange.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the stone door once again, and looked at the stone door that suddenly fell on the ground. However, there was no black adhesive on the door, and it was completely the same as the stone that was on the front. His heart was filled with surprise, "Could it be that these bats stuck to the stone door just now blocked my line of sight? They can't be seen through? "    


Xia Lei's line of sight once again landed on a bat that was already dead. The clairvoyance in his left eye immediately awakened, but the results shocked him; as expected, his line of sight was unable to pierce through the bat. The bat clothes on its body seemed to have the ability to not be seen through. When its eyes came into contact with the bat clothes, they were 'stuck', just like what had just happened.    


This place was filled with oddities.    


Xia Lei picked up the tactical flashlight that dropped to the ground and shot it into the darkness behind the stone door. The darkness was dispelled, and an oval tomb came into view, hundreds of square meters, shockingly large.    


Where the lights shone, there were exquisite stone carvings, war horses and terracotta warriors, as well as antique artifacts such as weapons and porcelain. A white jade coffin was placed in the middle of the tomb chamber. It had been silent for a long time, but when the light shined, there was a faint glow. There wasn't much dust on it.    


Xia Lei stood at the entrance and sniffed at the air, but what surprised him was that there was no smell of decay in the tomb, the air in the tomb was the same as the air in the tunnel. The ventilation here was excellent, except that he hadn't found out where the vent was designed.    


Xia Lei stepped onto the stone door and walked in, his feet stepping on the first stone block.    


Sou sou sou! Suddenly, the sound of something tearing through the air could be heard. A dozen or so crossbow arrows were shot from the side of the wall. In desperation, Xia Lei laid on the ground and rolled backwards. Ding ding ding! Just as he dodged, those arrows pierced into the stone slab that he had stepped on, sending sparks flying everywhere!    


Xia Lei was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. First was the strange bat that sucked blood and ate flesh, and now it was a hidden weapon used to kill people.    


This time, Xia Lei did not dare to be careless. He crawled back up, and activated his left eye's ability to look straight at the ground. He quickly discovered that the floor of the tomb was not simple at all. Most of the stone bricks had mechanisms beneath them. Some of the traps were ten meters deep and were filled with iron spikes. Even a god would not be able to save them if they fell in!    


However, there were normal stone slabs as well. There was only the ground below with no mechanism. Xia Lei quickly found a safe route, and he stepped on a normal stone with his feet. There were no crossbow bolts, nor were there any other hidden traps activated.    


Xia Lei took a deep breath, then jumped over two stone slabs with trap mechanisms on them, and landed on another safe stone tablet. This time, nothing dangerous happened.    


In this kind of tomb, if Xia Lei did not have the clairvoyance, he would have definitely brought a safe map inside. Otherwise, he would be done for after just a few steps. As for the ordinary grave robbers, they could forget about them.    


Xia Lei quickly moved to the center of the jade coffin.    


The stone carvings that were placed around the jade coffin were all stone carvings of Ming Dynasty soldiers. Their weapons and armors were all in the style of the Ming Dynasty. The statues of the Ming soldiers were of real people. All of their expressions were cold and stern, without the slightest hint of anger or grandeur. Being stared at by them was like being stared at by an undead. That feeling was truly strange.    


Xia Lei jumped towards the jade coffin as the compass in his hand vibrated even more frequently. The compass emitted a faint buzzing sound, similar to that of a bee in flight. However, in this completely silent environment, one could clearly hear it.    


Could it be that the thing he was looking for was in that jade coffin?    


Xia Lei leaped up, stepping past the last two stone slabs with trap mechanisms, he arrived beside the jade coffin.    


On the head of the jade coffin was a white jade stone platform. On the stone platform was an emerald spirit tablet, which had the words "The Great Ming Princess Young-mei's spirit tablet" carved into it.    


It was indeed the tomb of the Princess Young-mei.    



Xia Lei approached the jade coffin, and the clairvoyance in his left eye woke up.    


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