Tranxending Vision

C292 buttock stitch

C292 buttock stitch

0Without waiting for Tang Yuyan to say anything, Xia Lei abandoned her and ran up the mountain.    


On both sides of the hill, dozens of Sant'Eta fighters swarmed out from behind their bunkers. The rocket launcher had destroyed the pile of rubble that Xia Lei had hidden behind. Even if it did not hit, the stone fragments would have taken Xia Lei's life. It was the judgment of the armed men of Santa Ita, and it was their experience.    


As the distance between the two sides shortened, the battle instantly became white-hot. The sound of gunfire, grenades, and RPG rockets exploding was everywhere. Flames, smoke, and fragments of rock were flying in the air, intertwining with each other in a frenzy.    


Due to the low terrain, the frontmost armed men of the White Stone Tribe left behind a few corpses, and were quickly defeated. Once they were defeated, the pressure on the agents of the 101 teams increased by several times. The situation had also become critical.    


"We can't hold on any longer! Division Chief Tang! " The voice of the 101 agents came through the communicator. "What do we do?"    


"Hold it for me!" Tang Yuyan clenched her teeth, and rushed down the hill.    


It was because she was worried about Xia Lei's safety that she rushed up the hill, but Xia Lei did not seem to appreciate her kindness. She was too lazy to bother with Xia Lei anymore either, so she was the one in charge of the defense line.    


On the mountainside, behind a large tree, Xia Lei reached out and pulled out a piece of rock that was embedded in the bottom of the mountain. A burning pain spread from his butt to his whole body, causing him to grimace in pain. Blood was still flowing out of the wound, but there were no important blood vessels on his buttocks. By this time, the amount of blood loss had clearly decreased.    


Xia Lei was too lazy to deal with it, he raised his head and looked at the crown of the tree, his legs bent and he jumped up with a swoosh, reaching out with his hands to grab a branch 4 meters off the ground. In the next second, he lightly swayed his body and jumped onto the tree branch. Then he climbed to a higher position and used his gun to search for his target.    


The crown of the tree was at least fifteen meters away from the ground. Xia Lei, who had stuck his head out from the edge of the tree crown, had a broader view. On the opposite side of the hill, at the bottom of the hill to the right, were the armed men of Santa Ita. On the opposite side of the hill, at the bottom of the hill, there were the armed men of Santa Ita.    


The Sant'Eta fighters seemed to have forgotten about him, and they charged down toward the position below. At this moment, they revealed their fearless nature. The canyon was filled with the sounds of their roars, such as the sound of ten thousand years of life in Ala.    


"When I die? "Then go and die!" A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, and then, he pulled the trigger. In his field of vision, the head of a Sant'Ita armed man carrying a Soviet RPG rocket launcher exploded like a falling watermelon.    


And this is just the beginning ?    


One by one, the soldiers fell into the pool of blood. They were below, and even if they hid behind the rocks, it would be difficult for them to avoid the mysterious bullets. The concentrated sounds of gunfire and explosions from hand grenades made it impossible for them to determine the direction of the revived snipers. In this situation, they were like living targets placed all over the target range, and the moment Xia Lei locked onto them, they would go report to hell in the next second.    


As the numbers dwindled, the armed men of Santa Ita, who had lost their advantage in numbers, began to flee, but in the end they failed to escape death. The armed men of the White Stone Tribe once again used the heavy machine guns mounted on the pickup trucks, madly firing at them. They were lucky enough to avoid the bullets from the machine guns, but they were unable to avoid Xia Lei's sniping.    


Bang! The modified sniper rifle roared, and a bullet flew out, instantly piercing through the heart of an armed member of the Holy Ita force seven hundred meters away. This was his last target. After falling to the ground, Xia Lei kept his sniper rifle and slid down the tree.    


Xia Lei's tensed mind completely relaxed at this moment. After returning to the ground, he sat down on the ground and gasped for air. In this battle, he had killed more than fifty Sant'Ita militants. In addition to last night's battle, that meant he had killed more than sixty people within twenty-four hours!    


Chris Kyle, America's "deadliest marksman", had shot more than 160 people on the battlefield in Iraq, but that had been a few years, while Xia Lei had shot more than 100 people in a single day. Killing more than sixty armed men were all snipers, but the strength was obvious!    


If Kris and were to fight, the one to die would be him, not Xia Lei. In this world, no one could fight against Xia Lei, because his left eye was an existence that could not be surpassed or imitated!    


"Fifty-two ? Long Bing was right, after killing so many people, I don't even feel anything, will I become a cold-blooded person? " As he quieted down, such a strange question appeared in Xia Lei's heart.    


If he had a choice, he definitely wouldn't do this, but this was a battlefield, where one could be killed without killing. He simply had no other choice.    


"Thunder!" Tang Yuyan's voice came from below the mountain, "Where are you?"    


At the foot of the hill, the agents of the 101 police station and the armed men of the White Stone Tribe began to clear the battlefield. No one has the slightest bit of mercy for terrorists. Tang Yuyan would not do such a thing, she climbed up the mountain again to look for Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei had angered her earlier, but that was only for a moment. After the battle ended, the person she was most concerned about was still Xia Lei.    


"I'm up there!" Hearing Tang Yuyan's voice, Xia Lei stopped thinking. He took out the sniper rifle that he had taken apart from his backpack and reloaded it onto the sniper rifle.    


Tang Yuyan quickly appeared in his field of vision, holding onto an emergency medicine box.    


Xia Lei crawled up from the ground and walked towards Tang Yuyan. As he walked away, he felt a sharp pain on his butt. Only now did he remember that his butt was injured.    


Tang Yuyan walked over quickly and asked with concern: "How are your injuries?"    


Xia Lei turned around and looked at his butt that was dyed red with blood and laughed bitterly, "It's fine, it's just that I can't wear these pants anymore."    


"What do you care about pants at a time like this?" Tang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, and then her eyes fell on the sniper rifle that Xia Lei was holding in her hand, and said in surprise: "Didn't you say that the scope was broken?"    


"I fixed it." Xia Lei had already prepared the answer, "Otherwise, how will I fight?"    


"Do you know how many enemies you've killed?" Tang Yuyan believed that Xia Lei's end.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't know, I think..."    


How many times did he have to kill before it became an exaggeration?    


This is a problem.    


But at this moment, the voice of an agent from Department 101, who had cleaned up the battlefield, came through the communicator, "My god, Division Chief Tang, Adviser Xia has been killed ?" He had killed fifty-two enemies! "Oh my god!"    


Clang! Tang Yuyan's first aid kit fell onto the ground. Her chin seemed to have fallen to the floor with the first aid kit, and her small mouth was no longer closed.    


Xia Lei pretended to be confused, "About that ? He probably counted the wrong number, but I didn't really count it. I don't know how many enemies I killed. "    


It was obvious that the sniper rifle had killed the enemy. It was useless for him to play the fool, because those who cleaned up the battlefield could easily identify the person killed by the sniper rifle and figure out the exact number.    


Tang Yuyan finally regained her senses, she looked at Xia Lei with a peculiar gaze, "Long Bing is known as the strongest sniper in our round 101, but I found out now that she isn't even fit to carry your shoes."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Tang Yuyan laughed and said: "When I go back, I will tell Boss Shi that you will be the chief sniper of our 101st round."    


"Don't!" Xia Lei quickly said: "Don't tell this to your godfather, I don't want to be the head sniper. Don't look for me for a quest like this, I'm just a legitimate businessman."    


"We can talk about this later. Turn your butt around, I'll show you and bandage it." Tang Yuyan opened the first aid kit, it seemed like she was prepared to treat Xia Lei's injuries.    


Tang Yuyan was already prepared to become a field doctor, but Xia Lei did not move, he awkwardly said: "This, my injuries are fine, there is no need to treat them."    


"This is an order!" "Turn around!" Tang Yuyan said in a fierce manner, "What's more, I, as a girl, don't even mind you, what are you hesitating for? "Don't waste time, hurry up!"    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he turned around.    


Tang Yuyan reached out to take off the rag on her butt, and when she saw the horrifying wound on her flesh that was turning out, she immediately frowned, "Take off your pants, I have to sew it up for you."    


"Huh?" Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


"Take it off!" Tang Yuyan became even more fierce, "This is a battlefield, there is no need to be so particular! You think your injury is nothing, but look at it yourself. If you don't sew up such a big and deep wound, what would you do if you got infected? If you lose your ability to move, if you meet the forces of Santa, who will kill them? "    


Xia Lei turned around to take a look. He first saw Tang Yuyan's flushed face, then saw that terrifying wound. He had also learned medicine before, and he knew that such wounds were easy to infect if not treated. Not only was it troublesome, it was also very dangerous to inflict inflammation and festering. However, asking a beauty like Tang Yuyan to sew up the wound on his butt while he was naked, had always felt very awkward. It was as if there was a barrier in front of him, and it was difficult for him to cross it.    



"You won't take it off, right? I'll do it myself! " Tang Yuyan reached out and grabbed Xia Lei's belt.    


"Alright, alright, alright. I'll do it myself!" Xia Lei went all out and forced himself to untie his belt, then he slowly pulled down his pants. He had only taken off his pants, and he was unwilling to take them off no matter what.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to take off his outer pants, Tang Yuyan suddenly grabbed his underwear and pulled it down. His bloody ass was suddenly exposed in the air.    


"You ? What are you doing? " Xia Lei panicked.    


"Do you want me to stitch your underwear together with your wound?" Tang Yuyan said.    


Xia Lei was speechless.    


Tang Yuyan pierced the needle and then squatted behind Xia Lei's butt. With one hand, she pinched the wound and with the other, he pierced a needle through the flesh that was cut open.    


"Hiss ?" Without the anesthetic, Xia Lei gasped from the pain.    


"Bring out your courage, don't be like a woman!" Tang Yuyan provoked Xia Lei with her words.    


"Do you have anesthetic?" Xia Lei was in so much pain, he couldn't take it anymore.    


"There's one, but I won't give it to you." Tang Yuyan said.    




"The anesthetic will affect the healing speed of your wounds. You need to get well as soon as possible, so you can't use anesthetic."    


"You ? "You're really vicious, if your butt is injured next time, I won't sew it up with anesthetic anymore!"    


These words made Tang Yuyan think of something related. In her mind, she thought of that scene where her butt was shining with a snow-white luster, and Xia Lei was holding a needle, slobbering her mouth and stitching her wound. This fantasy angered her, and she suddenly slapped Xia Lei's butt.    


Pow! With a crisp sound, a small crack appeared on the seams.    




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