Tranxending Vision

C290 Santa Ita Armed

C290 Santa Ita Armed

0Leaving the village, the 101 team added three cars and three pickup trucks with machine guns. Two in front, one behind, and three Ford Raptors from the 101st. This was the benefit of giving money. Brad and his men were acting as bodyguards. Of course, the price was also extremely expensive.    


Along the way, they passed by several armed outposts of the White Stone Tribe. Passing was also very smooth, Brad only needed to swipe a card before he would be able to clear the level. Within the territory of the White Stone Tribe, the caravan also moved very quickly. However, after passing through the territory of the White Stone Tribe, they slowed down.    


After travelling another 100 kilometers, the convoy entered a canyon. The two cars ahead were moving at twenty-five yards on a winding mountain road, and the speed was disturbing.    


"After we cross this canyon road, we will be able to reach the Bamiyan Canyon." Brad's voice came out of the communication device.    


Tang Yuyan said: "Can you be faster?"    


Brad replied, "No, this is the area under the control of the Sant'Ita. If they find out, it will be very troublesome."    


"Can't you let them go?" Tang Yuyan said.    


Brad laughed, "You know them, in their eyes, the entire world is their enemy."    


The conversation between the two was in Pashtun. Xia Lei had already understood a lot of words, but it was still very difficult for him to figure out what the conversation was about. He was in Pashtun, and every time he heard a Pashtun word, he was reminded of it, of grammar and pronunciation. Although this knowledge was' downloaded 'from the book, it was still very helpful for his studies. Therefore, the speed at which he was learning Pashto was still heaven-defying.    


As Tang Yuyan and the driver talked, Xia Lei's gaze was also constantly observing the mountain peaks on both sides of the canyon. The mountain peaks here were all very steep, and most of them were over two thousand meters above sea level. They were lofty and steep, blocking out the sunlight. The canyon was dim, giving off a ghastly feeling.    


Xia Lei's eyes swept across the ten o'clock direction. A man with a black scarf wrapped around his head and a black scarf over his face suddenly entered Xia Lei's line of sight. He could clearly see that the man had a telescope in his hand and was looking in their direction. He was carrying an AK-47 on his shoulder.    


Xia Lei's line of sight once again returned to the man's scarf. Suddenly, he 'matched' the green text on the scarf, and roared out. Santa! "Stop!"    


This time, he used Pashtu language, so Tang Yuyan and his people could understand what he meant.    


"Where?" Tang Yuyan became nervous and blurted out.    


Xia Lei vigilantly brought the binoculars closer to his eyes, "Ten o'clock direction."    


With his binoculars, he could only see a blurry figure, which was far less distinct than what he could see with his naked eyes.    


The two armed trucks in front stopped as Brad and his men got out. Tang Yuyan also ordered for the parking lot to be stopped, and all the agents of Department 101 also got off the cars and went into battle mode.    


Tang Yuyan and Xia Lei walked to Brad's side. Brad also happened to put down the telescope in his hand, and with a frown, he pointed to the two o'clock direction on the right, and said with a heavy tone: "There are also some over there."    


Tang Yuyan took the binoculars from Xia Lei's hands and looked at them, but Xia Lei turned and walked back towards the Ford bird. He had actually already seen the two o'clock direction to the right of the armed men of Sant'Ita. They had cut off the only passage in the valley, and their position was obvious.    


Xia Lei took out the sniper rifle that he had personally modified and a large box of bullets from the back seat of the Ford bird of prey. He was already prepared for the worst.    


Brad glanced at Xia Lei and said: "No need, they didn't attack us. Maybe we can pass it peacefully. I'll send someone to talk to them. "    


Tang Yuyan translated what she said to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "Will those people let us through?"    


Tang Yuyan said: "I don't know, let Brad handle it. For the time being, you shouldn't act rashly."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, but his eyes had already begun searching left and right for a suitable sniper spot.    


Brad sent one of his subordinates to walk towards the other side. Ahead, a kilometer up the road, a few horses appeared, as did the armed men of Santa Ita on horseback.    


Brad's subordinates walked closer and closer, but the Sant'Ita armed men did not attack him.    


Brad laughed: "I think they will want some money, I have already asked my men to tell them that you are willing to pay ten thousand dollars for peace. I suppose you'd be willing to pay for it? "    


Tang Yuyan cursed in her heart, but said: "No problem." Coming out on a mission, it was impossible for her to not bring cash. She definitely could not pay the one million dollars that Brad asked for previously, but ten thousand dollars was not a problem at all.    


"That's good." Brad became even more relaxed, "In here, money can solve all problems."    


Xia Lei carried his sniper rifle and walked towards the mountain slope on the right, while holding onto the large box of bullets.    


Tang Yuyan said: "Where are you going? What are you doing? "    


Xia Lei didn't even turn his head around, "I'm going to take care of it, do you want to come along?"    


Tang Yuyan, "..."    


After getting to know each other, Xia Lei could already joke around with her. Moreover, his current identity was her 'husband'.    


On the mountain road, a few armed riders had already lost their patience, they spurred their horses forward and arrived in front of Brad's armed men. The two armed men jumped down from their horses. Without saying anything, the first thing they did was to disarm the armed man from the White Stone Tribe.    


Brad held the communication device and said, "Tell them our identities. We are from the White Stone Tribe and we don't want to fight.    


On the mountain road, Brad's subordinates gave the communication device to an armed member of Santa.    


One of the Sant'Ita militants took the communication device but did not say anything, and kicked Brad's underlings. The latter was kicked to the ground. The other Sant'Ita soldier grabbed Brad's hair and pulled him up from the ground, then pulled out a two-foot-long blade hanging on his waist.    


Without the slightest hesitation, the armed man from Santa Ana swung his blade towards Brad's subordinates' necks.    


Fresh blood spurted out, and Brad's head rolled down from his neck.    


"Damn it!" Brad clenched his fists and shouted angrily: "Do you know what you have done? "Ahhh!"    


"Listen, White Stone Tribe," he said. "You are in league with the infidels, and you will be punished by God. You, and the other heretics who came with you, will all die here! "    


"Prepare to fight!" Tang Yuyan and Brad gave their orders almost at the same time, it was just that the two of them spoke different languages.    


The decapitated Sant'Eta armed man raised a hand and gave a thumbs-up, then turned his fist over and pointed the thumb at the ground. It was a gesture of death.    


Bang! A gunshot rang out.    


A large hole appeared in the chest of the Sant'Ita armed man who had just made the gesture of death. A bullet from a sniper rifle blew up his heart. He had just killed a member of the White Stone Tribe, and now that he was killed, it was a cycle of karma. In this land, human life was the most worthless thing.    


This bullet completely infuriated the Sant'Eta militants, who were mounted on horses. The Sa'Eta militants on both sides of the hill charged forward with all their might. Since they were about 1500 meters apart, no one shot. However, at least 70-80 armed figures of the Sant'Ita appeared on the hillside on both sides. They were familiar with the terrain and their charging speed was very fast. At their speed, the lack of gunfire would be broken in a few minutes.    


The fastest were of course the few armed men of Santa. They rode their horses over, shouting and waving the AK-47 in their hands without fear of death.    


Bang! The head of one of the soldiers was blown off by the sniper rifle's bullets. The headless body swayed for a moment on the horse before falling onto the ground under the horse's belly. It was then dragged along by the warhorse as it ran.    


Just a second later, another gunshot rang out, and another armed soldier of Santa Ana on horseback turned into a headless corpse. The warhorse dragged the corpse with it as it galloped. Fresh blood gushed out from the corpse, staining the ground red.    



Another second later, the third of the Sant'Eta riders fell from his horse.    


The remaining two Sant'Eta horsemen reined in their horses in panic and turned to run back.    


Even terrorists would tremble and fear in the face of death.    


Bang bang! Two shots rang out, and the last two soldiers fell from their horses.    


"Your friend is really amazing!" Brad was very excited and asked: "Is he a professional sniper?"    


Tang Yuyan said: "He is actually my husband."    


"Huh?" Brad looked very surprised.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! A string of gunshots interrupted their conversation. The machine gunner standing on top of the truck opened fire at the three war horses that were dragging corpses along as they rushed over. The bullets from the heavy machine gun directly tore the war horse into pieces. On the mountain path, there were broken pieces of the dead bodies of horses and men everywhere!    


After killing the horses, the sniper rifle pulled up the barrel and fired at the hillside. The machine gun vibrated. The shell of the long machine gun bullet bounced and clattered to the ground.    


The range of the heavy machine gun was much greater than that of the sniper rifle, so before the enemy approached, the machine gunner was the first to enter the battle.    


However, before the sniper rifle could fire for more than a minute, a bullet came from an unknown source and exploded his head.    


"There's a sniper!" Tang Yuyan screamed and hid behind a rock by the side of the road.    


The agents of the 101 Bureau also quickly found cover. A member of the White Stone Tribe was hit in the heart by a bullet because she was half a beat too slow, and she fell to the ground.    


Compared to the agents of the 101st Bureau, the armed men of the White Stone Tribe had a much lower level of combat skills.    


"Lei, find that sniper and get rid of him!" Tang Yuyan roared into the communication device.    


Xia Lei's voice came out of the communication device, "Give me a minute."    


A minute? It would only take a minute to find out the enemy's hidden sniper and finish him off. Tang Yuyan was extremely shocked, was he really a sniper?    


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