Tranxending Vision

C291 Embarrassment

C291 Embarrassment

0Most of the mountains in Afghanistan are barren rocky mountains with few vegetation. Xia Lei's effective vision range was more than four thousand meters, and he also had the ability to see through things. It would not be difficult for him to find the sniper team of the Sant'Ita armed group on the hills where there were very few plants. This was because his sniper rifle couldn't possibly reach more than 1500 meters of range, and he only needed to search from 600 to 1200 meters to find his enemy.    


In less than thirty seconds, Xia Lei had found the sniper team of the Sant'Ita Armed Group according to the direction of where the machine gunner was shot. He was wearing a yellow cloak and a hat woven from tree branches and leaves, a simple disguise. This kind of act of deceiving the people from the White Stone Tribe was only barely adequate, but there was nothing that could be hidden from him.    


The only trouble was that fellow was hiding amongst a pile of rubble. It was very difficult for Xia Lei to gather him in his current position.    


The Sant'Eta sniper killed another armed member of the White Stone tribe. Brad called for his men to wildly shoot in the direction of the sniper's hiding spot. However, the bullets released by their guns could not even reach the sniper's location, the distance between them and the sniper was at least 1200 metres. This distance was not something an AK-47's bullets could reach.    


This distance also showed the sniper's effective range. The sniper rifle in his hand was not the most advanced sniper rifle. The furthest range would not be more than 1500 meters. His position was even closer than that of the armed men of Sant'Eta, who were charging up the hill. He must have been lying in ambush at the front of the group early in the morning.    


Xia Lei suddenly stood up and roared.    


Xia Lei's roar echoed in the valley, instantly attracting the snipers from the Sant'Ita armed group. He adjusted the muzzle of the gun and looked through the scope at Xia Lei who was standing on a rock on the opposite side of the hill. He also saw the sniper rifle in Xia Lei's hand.    


The sniper from the Sant'Ita armed group smirked, exposing his head above the surface of the rocks, and shot towards Xia Lei.    


Just as he appeared and shot at Xia Lei, Xia Lei suddenly raised his gun and shot at him.    


Two bullets brushed past each other in the air.    


The bullets from the Sant'Ita's armed forces only hit a rock a few dozen meters below Xia Lei. At the same moment, a bullet pierced the branches and the camouflaged cap woven from grass and smashed the head of a sniper from the Sant'Eta armed group.    


Using his left eye, Xia Lei was able to determine the direct distance between him and the snipers of the Sacred Ita Armed Forces. It was a thousand six hundred meters. On the other hand, the Sant'Ita's armed group's snipers used their telescopes to detect Xia Lei, but they were unable to estimate how far they were from him. He thought that it was 1500 meters, and also determined that Xia Lei was within his range. However, it was this one hundred meter distance that made a fatal mistake.    


The other mistake the Sant'Ita sniper made was that he underestimated the ugly sniper rifle in Xia Lei's hands that didn't even have a scope. Could a sniper rifle that didn't even have a scope be considered a sniper rifle? He thought the gun was only a rifle. However, if he knew that the range of that ugly sniper rifle had reached such a terrifying 3200 meters, he probably wouldn't have appeared out of nowhere to kill Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei purposely removed the aiming lens on the sniper rifle, because installing the aiming lens would not be beneficial for his shooting.    


"Done." Xia Lei said to the messenger.    


However, Tang Yuyan was still in a daze, because she saw Xia Lei suddenly stand up and shoot. She suddenly had an illusion. Was Xia Lei playing a game like Summoning Mission?    


But without waiting for Tang Yuyan to look for another second, Xia Lei once again hid behind the pile of rubble. From start to end, Tang Yuyan only saw Xia Lei suddenly stand up and shoot. She did not even see Xia Lei take off the aiming lens of his sniper rifle. If she had seen it, her jaw would have broken on the floor.    


Bang! A gunshot rang out and an armed soldier of St. Eta, twenty-five hundred meters away, was thrown to the ground. A bullet had blown his head off, leaving only his mouth behind, looking horribly lifeless.    


Xia Lei's hunting had only just begun.    


There were as many as a hundred armed men on both sides of the hill. Once they got close, he and the agents of the 101 Bureau would be in a very dangerous situation. This time, Tang Yuyan only brought ten elites with him. Three of them had already died in the battle against the American Special Forces last night, so they couldn't lose anymore. Otherwise, who would come with him to rescue the trapped Serenity and the members of the Group?    


After going through two battles, Xia Lei no longer had the feeling of killing people in his heart, and he had adapted to the atmosphere of the battlefield. Hiding behind a pile of rocks, he was very calm. He only aimed at the enemies at the very front and shot one at a time.    


The enemies charging from both sides of the hill hadn't noticed when their snipers were killed. It wasn't until more than a dozen of their comrades fell that they realized they had a terrifying sniper. They did not dare to rashly charge, and hid behind the rocks, while heading towards the mountain road and the direction of the blind fire where Xia Lei was hiding. After paying the price of more than ten people, a portion of the armed men of the Holy Eta had already rushed to within five hundred meters.    


Most of the Sant'Ita fighters were armed with AK-47 weapons. The effective range was about four hundred meters, but the yardstick could be adjusted to eight hundred meters. Therefore, even though they were separated by a long distance, if dozens of people were to fire at the same time, with bullets flying randomly in the air, it would be very dangerous for Xia Lei and his friends who were at the bottom of the hill. As long as one was unlucky enough, a stray bullet that flew in from nowhere would take a person's life!    


Although he was hidden outside the effective range of the armed men in Santa Claus, Xia Lei did not dare to be careless. He would not easily appear from the pile of rocks. He extended the barrel of the sniper rifle through the crack in the rock and used his vision to kill the nearest target. Even if it was a cautious and conservative sniper attack, he would not miss a shot. One shot, one enemy!    


One shot, one enemy. This kind of spear technique made the armed men of Santa Claus apprehensive. They who held the absolute advantage were actually suppressed by Xia Lei on the two sides of the hill, not daring to make a move. Once he appeared, a bullet would fly out in the next second and take his life.    


Xia Lei had attracted the majority of the firepower on his side, causing the special agents of the 101 teams at the foot of the hill and the armed personnel of the White Stone Tribe to almost not feel the pressure of the exchange of fire. In the end, they even stopped firing, unwilling to waste ammunition on the enemy hiding behind the rocks.    


"Mistress Yang, your husband is really too powerful. He should be the most powerful sniper I've ever seen." Beside Tang Yuyan, Brad could not hold back his excitement, "If I had known that he was so powerful, I wouldn't have sent my men to negotiate. His sacrifice was completely worthless."    


The fake name that Tang Yuyan had given Xia Lei was "Yang Guo". Naturally, Brad had to call her "Mistress Yang". But Brad did not know of Yang Guo's great fame in Grand China.    


A stray bullet suddenly flew over and struck the rock they were hiding on. Sparks flew, and pieces of the rock flew in all directions.    


"You're injured!" Brad exclaimed.    


"I'm fine. Let your men guard this place. I'm going to support my husband. " Tang Yuyan said as she looked at the pile of rocks where Xia Lei was hiding. He attracted most of the fire, which filled her with worry.    


"No problem!" Brad then called for his subordinates to shoot towards the hillside, covering the fire, to buy time for Tang Yuyan.    


Gunshots were fired from the hillside, and bullets rained down on both sides of the hill.    


Tang Yuyan took a deep breath and sprinted towards the right side of the hill where Xia Lei was. Her speed was extraordinarily fast. The steep mountain slope beneath her feet was like flat ground, almost unable to affect her figure and speed.    


Looking at Tang Yuyan who was advancing forward like a goat, Brad opened his mouth wide, but could not close it no matter what. His husband was a heaven-defying sniper and his wife was ridiculously strong. This couple was a perfect match!    


However, before Tang Yuyan could reach Xia Lei, a rocket launcher flew toward the pile of rocks that Xia Lei was hiding in.    


Xia Lei crawled up abruptly, turned around and jumped backwards, and along with Tang Yuyan who had just climbed up, fell to the ground. Tang Yuyan still did not understand the situation, and her entire body was still pressed down by Xia Lei.    


BOOM! The rocks behind him were exploded by the rocket launcher, and fragments of the rocks flew around randomly, some of them even stuck to Xia Lei's back. Flying past. The deafening explosion caused people's eardrums to ring, and their brain's reaction time began to slow down.    


Xia Lei shook his head with all his might, then turned and climbed down from Tang Yuyan's body.    


The explosion just now allowed Tang Yuyan to understand what had happened, and she also understood that Xia Lei had saved her again. However, when she thought back to the place where she "kissed" Xia Lei earlier, her emotions were in a mess, and she couldn't find a spot that wasn't red on her face.    


"What are you doing up here?" Xia Lei reprimanded, his mind was also revisiting that strange feeling from that moment.    


"If I wasn't worried about you, would I have come running up here?" Tang Yuyan glared at Xia Lei, and then, her gaze stopped at Xia Lei's sniper rifle, as she asked in astonishment: "Where's the scope?"    


"It's broken." Xia Lei crawled back up, and prepared to go up.    


"How are you going to kill the enemy without the scope? "This is bad ?" Tang Yuyan's gaze suddenly stopped at Xia Lei's butt, and exclaimed yet again, "You're injured!"    


Xia Lei turned his head to look and only now saw that there was a piece of rock embedded in his butt. Fresh blood oozed out from the wound and his pants were all wet. He was too nervous to notice that he was injured!    


"You have to take care of your wounds!" Tang Yuyan said anxiously.    


"We'll deal with it after the battle. Don't get in the way here, get down!" Xia Lei roared at Tang Yuyan.    


"You ?" When had Tang Yuyan been so fierce? Furthermore, she was the leader of this rescue mission!    


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