Tranxending Vision

C285 Peshawar

C285 Peshawar

0Xia Lei burped non-stop from breakfast due to the porridge, mutton and buttered rice grabs. However, the owner had refused the money no matter what. Not only did he not accept the money, the owner had even invited Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan to his house as guests, making Xia Lei feel very embarrassed.    


Throughout the entire process, Tang Yuyan only used Urdu to communicate with the boss. Xia Lei did not understand a single word. The boss would occasionally speak a sentence in Chinese, but it was stiff and full of mistakes.    


"It looks like I need to learn more foreign languages. Several mainstream languages aren't enough at all. Tang Yuyan is extremely proficient in Urdu, and from this, it can be seen that she is extremely familiar with the situation in the Middle East. This is probably why she was not sent to meet Long Bing, but instead to meet him. " Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


After leaving the restaurant, Tang Yuyan drove the Vault Fierce Bird towards the border of Afghanistan.    


"What language is that in Afghanistan?" Xia Lei casually asked.    


Tang Yuyan replied, "I know both Pashto and Persian." Then she said the same thing in Pashto and Farsi, triumphantly.    


Xia Lei curled his lips, "Stupid beauty, do you know Russian?"    


Tang Yuyan said: "Long Bing will, so if it's a mission to Eastern Europe, the higher ups will choose Long Bing and not me. But in the Middle East, that's me. "    


"Where's your brother?"    


"He knows Vietnamese and Burmese, Thai and Japanese. Of course, he knew all English. So he is mainly responsible for South Asia and Japan. " After saying that, Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei and laughed: "I know you know German, English, French, Japanese, Russian and more, so you are qualified to complete missions around the world."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The Ford Raptor drove out of Islamabad and continued in the direction of Peshawar. Peshawar is Pakistan's northwest border city, after Peshawar is Afghanistan's border.    


At noon, Tang Yuyan and Xia Lei came to Bai Sha Wa.    


Xia Lei thought that Tang Yuyan would bring him to a hotel or something like that, but Tang Yuyan drove the car into a normal house. The walls around the house were very high, almost four meters high. There were two more Ford Raptors parked in the yard behind the high wall, and the ten agents had already arrived.    


Entering the house, seeing the busy agents and equipment, Xia Lei realised that this house was actually a base of the 101 units in Pakistan, which was also the "safe station" or "Information Station" that usually appeared in the movies for espionage.    


Tang Yuyan brought Xia Lei to a room on the second floor, "You live in this room, I'll be next to yours. Take a break, and we'll go into Afghanistan at night. If there is anything you need, just say so. After we leave Peshawar, we will face the worst conditions. "    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "Give me some books to learn Persian and Urdu, reading is also a type of rest."    


"No problem, I will get someone to bring it up for you." Tang Yuyan left Xia Lei's room.    


Xia Lei took a look at his room. The room's layout was simple: a single bed, a table, a chair, and a bathroom that was mixed with a bathroom.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the single bed, then suddenly recalled the scene when he was in Germany with Long Bing. During that time, he spent most of the time in the same bed as Long Bing. He was also playing the role of husband and wife, but Tang Yuyan didn't live with her.    


"What am I thinking? This is Pakistan, the most friendly country in Grand China. This is the Information Station of No. 101, how can I sleep on the same bed as another person? The identity of a husband and wife should only be used in certain special environments. " Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


An agent knocked on Xia Lei's door and sent him a few books on Persian, Pashto and Urdu.    


Xia Lei thanked him, and after sending the agent off, he started reading in his room. The speed at which he was reading was still heaven-defying. His left eye was like a scanner. It was a photographic memory. It was also able to store all the content he had seen in his left eye and in his brain.    


After learning for a while, he heard the sound of running water from next door.    


Xia Lei who was in his ability mode did not mind and glanced at the wall next door. The wall quietly disappeared and the scene in the next room entered his field of vision. Tang Yuyan's clothes, outdoor clothing, black lace, black bra and white socks were placed on the bed in the neighboring room. The bathroom door was not closed, but it was not completely open either. There was a white figure bathing in the crack that was revealed.    


Her skin was as white and tender as snow, as if it could melt with a single breath. Her figure was full and firm, giving off a shocking vibe. Her butt was not one bit inferior to Anina's sexy at all. It was perfectly round and plump, yet it gave people a feeling of shock. Her beautiful legs were long and straight, plump and firm. This was obviously because she had practiced martial arts since she was young, not one bit inferior to Liang Siyao's super beautiful legs.    


This was originally a casual glance, and could also be considered as a peeping Tom act. Xia Lei should have left and shifted his gaze away, but he was still stunned for a moment and couldn't help but peek a few more times before shifting his gaze away. Then a new thought came to his mind. "My left eye is seeing things faster and faster, and I can feel the obstacles getting shorter and shorter. Is this the result of a long term exercise that I've been using, or is this ability constantly growing? "    


Xia Lei had never stopped thinking about Left Eye's ability, but he was still unable to get the final answer.    


After thinking for a while, Xia Lei gave up and continued to read.    


After a while, there was another knock on the door, but before Xia Lei could raise his head from his book, Tang Yuyan had already pushed open the door. She was still wearing the white outdoor outfit. His hair was wet, and he looked fresh and energetic. This was probably because she had just taken a bath.    


Xia Lei put down his book and looked at her, "Is there something you need?" Previously, he did not intend to peep at his for two minutes, so he felt a little guilty.    


"It's time to eat. Aren't you hungry?" Tang Yuyan said: "The chef specially made us Grand China food."    


Xia Lei said: "I ate so many oily things in the morning, I don't feel hungry, so I won't eat anymore, you go eat."    


Tang Yuyan said: "I'm actually not hungry. Alright then, accompany me to meet someone."    


"To see who?"    




Xia Lei was surprised: "Such a mission, do we still need a guide?"    


Tang Yuyan laughed bitterly: "Bro, that is Afghanistan, not Pakistan. There are troops from the United States, the British, and other European countries on that land, as well as armed groups from Santa Ita and the Afghan National Defence Force and tribal forces. You can't imagine the chaos. We need a guide to the situation on the ground, one that can help us avoid unnecessary trouble and get us safely to our destination. "    


"Where is our destination in Afghanistan?"    


"The Bamiyan Valley." Tang Yuyan said: "Tang Xuanzang also went to that place. The world-famous Great Buddha Bamiyan was there as well, but it was blown up by the Sant'Ita Armed Forces."    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat. "The place where Serenity and the other experts are trapped is the Bamiyan Valley?"    


Tang Yuyan replied: "Yes, in a Pashtun tribe, we know the location, but it's in the battle zone, so we have to rely on local connections to enter."    


"Serenity and other experts in that area. Is it related to the Bamiyan Buddha?" Xia Lei's brain worked very quickly.    


Tang Yuyan actually rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "I really don't know what Serenity and those few experts are doing, don't ask me, are you going or not?    


Xia Lei replied, "Of course I want to go. Peshawar is a very beautiful city, it's rare to come here, so of course I want to take a look around."    


Tang Yuyan took out a gun from her waist and threw it at Xia Lei, "Take this, this is your weapon."    


Xia Lei laughed, "You're finally willing to give me your spear."    


Tang Yuyan said: "Even though this place is called Bai Sha Wa, it is very close to Afghanistan. We are not absolutely safe here, so it is necessary for us to let you defend yourself with our spears. When you get to Afghanistan, you can have any gun you want. Let's go. "    


Xia Lei put the gun back in his belt and followed Tang Yuyan out the door.    


In the afternoon, the streets were covered with a layer of golden sunlight. The exotic buildings were quietly bathing in the sunlight. Coupled with the brightly colored flowers, it was like painting inside a city.    


After walking a short distance, a few young girls wearing black robes walked over. Xia Lei smiled at them amicably, but the few young girls also turned around and faced the wall, not even sparing him a glance.    



Xia Lei felt extremely awkward, "What's going on?"    


Tang Yuyan chuckled: "In this Islamic world, they have their beliefs and it's useless for you to be handsome, much less have any encounters here."    


Xia Lei and the Tang Sect female hero no longer had any words to say.    


They walked slowly across the street and headed for a market. Tang Yuyan told Xia Lei that the guide she wanted to see was inside the scattered market. The guide was a Pashtun named Kalam. He was selling beans and wheat at the market, but that was just a disguise. His real identity was actually an outer member of the Information Station.    


The world buys people you want just because you have the money. It has nothing to do with religion or belief.    


Entering the market, Xia Lei was stunned by a roadside stall. Instead of cakes and headscarves, they sold American equipment, from clothing to protective gear, and even American weapons and ammunition.    


The owner of the stall saw that Xia Lei was looking at his goods, so he spoke in English that he was not familiar with. "Friend, take a look, these are all good stuff.    


Xia Lei wanted to go over and see, but Tang Yuyan held his hand, "Be careful not to get targeted."    


Xia Lei shook his hands at the boss, then followed Tang Yuyan and left.    


Tang Yuyan said in a low voice: "I wonder how many countries' intelligence agents are operating on this land, don't do anything that doesn't make sense, or else we will be targeted."    


Xia Lei lightly nodded his head, "I know, I'm just curious, I don't really want to buy a spear."    


As he spoke, he constantly scanned his surroundings. This market was indeed very complicated. Not only were there businessmen from Afghanistan, there were also many foreign tourists, many of them blond Western tourists. Some tourists are taking pictures with cameras, some are bargaining with business people.    


This kind of situation made Xia Lei even more worried. If he was discovered by the CIA's intelligence agents, then he would not only be facing the mission of rescuing the trapped experts.    


But just as Xia Lei was following his and walking deeper into the market, in a corner, a woman wearing a black veil pointed her alloy watch at Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan.    


There was a high-definition camera on her wristwatch.    


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