Tranxending Vision

C269 Always one step ahead

C269 Always one step ahead

0No one was born a demon, and even if they were, their heart would still have a soft and kind side.    


Three years ago, Danny passed by an orphanage. Seeing its terrible environment and the pitiful child inside, his heart was immediately pulled back to his childhood. He went in to leave something for the children. That was when a kind girl walked into his life.    


This kind-hearted girl was Sang Qingxin. She fell in love with a demon and did not have a daughter.    


In Sang Qingxin's world, Danny was not a demon. He was just a purchase of a foreign-owned company, and often travelled there. And every time Danny returned home, she would be the happiest of times. There would be a lot of laughter in her house. She liked seeing Danny holding his little darling, Sang Yueyue up high. She felt that was the most beautiful scene to his.    


It was late in the night, but she refused to sleep.    


"Mom, when will dad be back?" Under the covers, Sang Yueyue blinked her big black eyes, which were filled with innocent curiosity.    


"You miss your father after just a few days?" Sang Qingxin patted Sang Yue's head and said, "Hurry up and go to sleep. Your father will be back when you wake up."    


"I'm not sleeping, I want my dad."    


"Not obedient, right? "Watch me scratch you till you itch!" Sang Qingxin reached out his hand to tickle the little fellow.    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck ?" Sang Yueyue rolled around in bed.    


"Go to sleep, go to sleep." Sang Qingxin could not bear to keep scratching.    


Sang Yueyue's eyes were still wide open. "Mom, why am I surnamed Sang?"    


Sang Qingxin was stunned for a moment, "Your father said that girls only have my surname, while boys only have his. Your mother wants to give you a younger brother, he will follow your father with his surname, Dan."    


"Why don't the children here have parents?"    


"Their parents don't want them anymore, so they live in an orphanage."    


"I also live in an orphanage, but why do I have parents?"    


"Idiot, stop asking questions. If you don't sleep, I'll spank you."    


"Mom, I miss dad ?"    


In the small room, there was a babble of voices, full of motherly love, full of warmth.    


Outside the window, however, Xia Lei's heart was filled with a sour feeling. The woman in the room was waiting for her man, and the child was waiting for her father, but the man they were waiting for never had a chance to return to them.    


After some hesitation, Xia Lei decided to knock on the door.    


"Who?" Inside the house, Sang Qingxin's voice was filled with vigilance.    


Xia Lei said: "Excuse me, is this Miss Sang Qingxin?"    


"It's me, who are you? How did you get in? " Sang Qingxin was very nervous.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't be afraid, and don't be nervous, I am not a bad person. I am a friend of Danny, I have urgent matters to discuss with you. "    


"You are Danny's friend? I've never met his friend. " Sang Qingxin still did not open the door, "Hurry up and go, otherwise I'll call the police."    


Xia Lei said: "Danny was in a car accident. A doctor requires the signature of a family member to perform the surgery. It was Danny who told me the address. If you don't go and sign at the hospital, he will die. "    


The door was opened very quickly. The woman standing at the door was small and thin, with slightly yellow skin. She was not very pretty. She had a kind and simple aura unique to Grand China women.    


"Come with me." Xia Lei said: "Danny's condition is very dangerous, hmm, bring the child along as well. Danny wants to meet Yue Yue Yue."    


"Wait a moment, I'll carry the child." Sang Qingxin panicked, and anxiously carried Sang Yue. He did not care about putting on his shoes, as he stepped on a pair of slippers and followed Xia Lei.    


"Mom, what's wrong with dad?" After all, Sang Yueyue was only a three-year-old child. She didn't even know what a car accident was.    


Sang Qingxin wiped away her tears, "Let's go see father now."    


"Well, I want to see Dad! "Cluck, cluck ?" Sang Yueyue was dancing with joy.    


Xia Lei sighed lightly and opened the door, "Please get in."    


Sang Qingxin carried Sang Yue and got into the front passenger seat. Xia Lei got in the car and drove towards the orphanage's main entrance.    


The door to the orphanage was wide open, but the gatekeeper did not come out to close it.    


Sang Qingxin suddenly looked at Xia Lei, and asked cautiously: "How did you come in?"    


This was the second time she had asked this question. Previously, when she heard Xia Lei say that Danny had gotten into a car accident, she was so confused that she forgot to ask. But now that the door was wide open, she was alarmed.    


Xia Lei did not say anything, he stepped on the throttle of the car and the black Suburban quickly drove out of the Angel Orphanage's gate, and followed the deserted road as fast as it could.    


"Let me down!" Sang Qingxin was shocked and angry at the same time. She shouted at Xia Lei, "Otherwise, I will call the police!"    


Xia Lei ignored her and continued driving.    


Sang Qingxin took out her mobile phone, she really wanted to call the police.    


Xia Lei snatched the phone from Sang Qingxin's hands, and said harshly: "Calm down, I am not a bad person, I'm saving all of you!"    


"Wow ?" Sang Yue Yue cried because of Xia Lei.    


Sang Qingxin was so scared that she started to cry, and said: "Big brother, I don't have any money, please spare my children, don't hurt us, I really don't have any money, my orphanages can only be run with the help of kind-hearted people ? "I'm begging you ?"    


In that instant, Xia Lei really wanted to tell them the truth, but when he saw their tears, he just couldn't open his mouth.    


Telling Sang Qingxin and Sang Yue Yue the truth was something he could only open her mouth to say, but it was something that could only be said for Sang Qingxin and Sang Yue Xin for the rest of their lives. Would Sang Qingxin, a kind woman, accept the man she loved as a devilish killer? And a cute little kid like Sang Yueyue, would she accept her father as a bad guy? How would she face the strange looks and discussions of her classmates in the future?    


"Shut up!" Xia Lei faked a ferocious look, "Or else ?"    


He did not speak out threats, but Sang Qingxin kept his mouth shut. Sang Yue Yue Yue was still crying when Sang Qingxin quickly covered the little guy's mouth, afraid that the child's crying would anger the ferocious man in front of him and cause some sort of misfortune.    


Xia Lei stopped his car on the side of the road and looked back in the direction of the Angel Orphanage.    


Sang Qingxin quietly reached out to open the car door, but the door was locked, so she was unable to do so.    



Xia Lei said: "Don't be silly, I'm here to save you. Look at the back."    


Sang Qingxin turned her head back to look. At this moment, several black Toyota's domineering vehicle led by a Bugatti Wyron appeared at the roadside of the Angel Orphanage. The door opened and a group of people in black suits walked towards the orphanage quickly. Sang Qingxin's gaze stopped at Gu Kewu who was standing at the entrance of the orphanage. This was the first time she had seen Gu Kewu, and she did not recognize him.    


"They... "Who is it?" Sang Qingxin tried to test the waters.    


Xia Lei said: "Bad person, if I had been a step too late, you and your child would have already fallen into their hands, and they would have used you two to threaten Danny. Believe me, I am protecting you all and I will not harm you. I will let you all meet Danny. "    


"I ? Why should I believe you?" Sang Qingxin still maintained his vigilance.    


Xia Lei replied: "You don't have a choice."    


"You, you said you were protecting us. Just send Yue Yue to the police station." Sang Qingxin said.    


Xia Lei started the car, without turning on the lights, he turned at an intersection and headed straight towards the military factory.    


At the door of the Angel Orphanage, two bodyguards quickly approached the security room. After observing for a while, one of the bodyguards said, "Young Master Wu, there's an old man sleeping soundly."    


"No surveillance." Another bodyguard said.    


"Ignore him, hurry up and find the person for me." How could Gu Kewu be in the mood to care about the old gatekeeper?    


More than ten bodyguards quickly spread out, looking for Sang Qingxin and Sang Yueyue in every room. Without Xia Lei's left eye, they could only open every door to search.    


Gu Kewu stood in the small courtyard where the children were active. Following the opening of the many doors, his brows slowly furrowed. In a moment, he suddenly sensed something and turned around to look at the widely opened door. When he brought them here, the door was already open. How could the old gatekeeper not close the door?    


"Crap!" Gu Kewu rushed towards the guard room.    


The old gatekeeper was woken up by the splash of a cup of cold water. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the ferocious and fiendish Gu Kewu.    


Gu Kewu grabbed the old gatekeeper's collar and shouted angrily, "Speak! Was there someone who came here just now? "    


The gatekeeper was scared silly, "You ?" What are you doing? "    


"Speak!" Gu Kewu pressed the old guard onto the bed.    


"I, I don't know ?" I only saw you, what ? what are you trying to do? " The old man suddenly seemed to understand something as he fearfully took out a roll of broken coins and handed it over to Gu Kewu. "I-I only have this little, I'll give it all to you, please don't scare the children."    


At that moment, Gu Kewu wanted to smash his head against the wall. He was a dignified young master of the Gu family, with a net worth of tens of billions. It was one thing for the old man to be beaten up like that, but he didn't even have a hundred!    


A bodyguard appeared at the door to the guardroom, "Young Master Wu, no one was there. We searched every room but didn't find the mother and daughter."    


"What?" Gu Kewu's heart immediately sank into the ice valley.    


Just now, when he thought about the fact that the door was not closed, he realized something. However, he did not expect that the more worried he was, the more it would happen!    


Another bodyguard appeared at the door, "Young Master Wu, we've already looked for him. No, what do we do?"    


In that moment, Xia Lei's face appeared in Gu Kewu's mind. When this face appeared in his mind, he completely lost all spirit, and he also seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. This was a feeling that was hard to describe with words. He had already calculated everything, but Xia Lei was always one step faster! Why? Why!    


"Young Master Wu, what do we do now?" A bodyguard carefully asked.    


Gu Kewu suddenly shouted crazily: What are you still standing here for? Find them. Even if we have to flip through the capital once, we have to find that mother and daughter pair for me! "    


The group of bodyguards looked at each other in dismay. The capital was so big, with a population of twenty million. Where could they go to the mother and daughter pair?    


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