Tranxending Vision



0See you later, darling.    


The red BMW M6 came to a small district, Liang Siyao parked her car and entered a apartment building. Right after she entered the apartment building, a red, worn-out POLO car also drove into the district.    


Xia Lei put down the window and glanced at the apartment building that Liang Siyao had entered. Then he got off the car and entered the apartment building as well.    


When they went up the stairs, Xia Lei activated left eye's micro vision and Liang Siyao's footprints suddenly appeared on the stairs. Xia Lei was familiar with everything about her, even her footprints. Following these footprints, Xia Lei arrived at the entrance of a Door on the third floor. Liang Siyao had entered the Door.    


Liang Siyao had never mentioned this place, nor had Xia Lei ever come here.    


Xia Lei's left eye jumped slightly, and the tightly shut Door disappeared from his left eye's line of sight in the blink of an eye.    


It's not a living room. There are a few medical Instrument in it, such as microscopes, Pop analyzers, and so on." It looked like a small Laboratory.    


In the room, Liang Siyao took out the dirty little thing that he used before and squeezed the liquid inside into a glass test tube. After that, she put the glass test tube into a Instrument and the Instrument started to run.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "She took mine to study... What does she want? "    


Just then, Liang Siyao took out the pill again and walked to one of the Instrument s. She carefully opened the pill and took out a tiny bit of it for analysis.    


Two minutes later, Liang Siyao's body suddenly trembled, and she lost control of herself and threw the Analytic Instrument onto the experiment table. She crouched down on the ground, her hands wrapped around her head in pain.    


The capsule pellet she stole was real, but it contained ordinary Amoxicillin capsule's powder. She was an extremely intelligent woman, and she already knew what was going on.    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment before he knocked on the door.    


Now, it was time to face her.    


Dong dong dong, dong dong dong.    


Liang Siyao raised her head and looked at the tightly shut Door s. Her face was tense.    


Xia Lei continued to knock on the door.    


Liang Siyao stood up and walked to the door. She looked out of the peephole and saw that it was Xia Lei standing outside. Her teeth were biting her lips.    


Liang Siyao still hadn't opened the door.    


Xia Lei said, "Siyao, open the door. I'm the only one here. Do you want me to talk to you or do you want to talk to Long Bing? "    


Liang Siyao finally opened the door and stood there, looking like she had lost her soul.    


Xia Lei walked into the room from beside her.    


Liang Siyao closed the Door.    


The two of them did not speak, only looked at each other.    


After a long while, Xia Lei broke the repressed silence, "Why?"    


"I …" Liang Siyao could only say one word before the tear fell to the ground. At this point, what else could she say?    


Xia Lei shook his head, "No need to cry, I don't believe in your tear anymore. "Tell me, why?"    


Liang Siyao bit down on the cherry lip ferociously, the trace of the blood particularly striking between her white teeth.    


Xia Lei's corner of eye was also wet, but he held it in and did not let it flow out.    


Liang Siyao took a deep breath. "Hit me if it makes you feel better."    


"I want to know the truth." Xia Lei had already lost his patience.    


Liang Siyao went silent again, and kept talking about the tear.    


Xia Lei suddenly laughed, "I already told you, I don't believe in your tear anymore. You did all these, you think you can get my forgiveness just by using tear? And then we can pretend that nothing happened? I didn't contact Long Bing because we loved each other. "If you don't even want to tell me the truth, then I have nothing else to say. I'll ask Long Bing to come and ask you." After which, he took out the mobile.    


"Wait!" Liang Siyao immediately became nervous. "Don't call her over. I'll tell you."    


Xia Lei put down his mobile, "Go ahead."    


Liang Siyao smiled wryly. "My father sent me to America to study because I had an uncle there. He was an American officer, my skills were good, my qualifications were excellent, and he recommended me to the CIA, the CIA. I started receiving all kinds of training when I was in high school, and Universities was no exception. I have participated in many missions, and each time, I was able to finish a mission brilliantly. I also experienced several promotions and became intelligence officer, who has a high authority. But my father didn't know. Nothing I do has anything to do with him. "    


Xia Lei said, "In my heart, he's still my master, so you don't have to worry about anything. Go on. "    


Liang Siyao let out a sigh of relief. "Before I returned, I was assigned to a very special operation called Patch."    


"Patch operation? Is this an action against me? "    


"Yes, but not only for you. Your father, Xia Changhe, was the one that was targeted in the early stages." Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei. "You don't know yet, but your father is a free agent." He has another name, Jing Ke. We call him Assassin. "    


Xia Lei was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had heard.    


Liang Siyao said, "I know it's hard for you to accept this, but he really does work for money. But we don't know who he's working for this time. Initially, we thought it was the China, but after an investigation, we realized that it wasn't. We spent a lot of manpower and resources to finally find the assassin's true identity. Xia Changhe, then we found out about you. Naturally, we found you. You just happened to be in my dad's boxing club, so I showed up. "    


After saying all of this, Liang Siyao became silent again.    


Xia Lei sneered, "So this was all arranged. You and him falling in love was part of your plan, right?"    


"It was part of the plan, but..." Liang Siyao suddenly shouted, "My feelings for you are real! "If you didn't discover me, I would have used the results of this operation to exchange for my freedom and the opportunity to be together with you in the future!"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "It doesn't matter if what you say is true or false, I don't care anymore, there's no possibility of us being together anymore."    


Liang Siyao's tear rolled down once again. Xia Lei's words were like a knife stabbing into her heart.    


Xia Lei said, "Go on, you've said so much, but you haven't mentioned the most important part. Why are you tracking my dad in the so-called patchwork operation? Why have I become your target? "    


"Don't ask anymore. Really, don't ask anymore." Liang Siyao had a pained look on her face.    


Xia Lei hardened his heart and said sternly: "Speak! "Tell me!"    


"You …" Liang Siyao let out a long sigh. "Alright, I have nothing else to hold back. If you want to know, I'll tell you. Your father was very good. He stole the results of the American military 'AE' program. "    



When the word "AE" entered Xia Lei's ears, his heart skipped a beat.    


Liang Siyao went on, "The so-called 'AE' project is actually an acronym for an artificial evolution. This project is the top secret of the U.S. military, and many of the top U.S. officials don't even know about it. But not only did your father know about it, the only twelve pills he stole from the AE program were stolen by your father, and the whole project came to a standstill. After that, the U. S. Army launched the patch. "    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of the last pill. According to Liang Siyao's explanation, it was an evolution of a drug, which explained why he had obtained the perspective ability for no reason!    


"After that, after we found out your father's true identity, we naturally investigated you as well. From the moment you were born until now, we have all the information we have on you. After our analysis, we found out that you consumed AE capsule. We had a plan to kidnap you to the United States for research, but you were involved with 101. The 101st was a very tight surveillance system. If we acted rashly, it would attract the 101st. The AE Research Center didn't want you to become a living experimental body of the China, so it took a more reliable plan. Let me get in touch with you, get in touch with you, and get the specimens they need. "    


Xia Lei couldn't help but take a glance at the metal test tube that Liang Siyao placed on the experiment table. She actually used her body to obtain the specimen, and she even claimed that her feelings for him were real!    


Xia Leiku smiled. "But in the end, the AE Research Center still wants to send me to the United States, right? I remember that you once persuaded me to travel abroad, and that was probably why? "    


Liang Siyao didn't say anything, but her eyes seemed to agree.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with bitterness, "I think, if I didn't see through your identity, we would be married, and our honeymoon would be in the United States, right? When we arrived in the United States, I got in the van and you went back to your CIA to be your senior intelligence officer? "    


Liang Siyao suddenly looked straight into Xia Lei's eyes, "I have no choice. No one can betray the CIA, and anyone who does will be hunted down by the whole world. Also, have you forgotten your trip to Germany? If you and Long Bing go to the Germany, I can definitely take you two down there, but I didn't do that! In fact, I also hid it from you. I did it to protect you, did you forget? "    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


Indeed, while he and Long Bing were in Germany, as long as Liang Siyao wanted to capture him and Long Bing, she would be able to do so. But she did not.    


"Afterwards, I was questioned, but they could not do without me, and I was forced to prove myself with information. So, I took the photo of the Photos that you created. This also led to the matter of A Ninuo and German Secret Service. "Don't think that I don't know that A Ninuo is still alive. I just don't want to point it out." Liang Siyao forced a smile. "I've said so much, don't tell me you still don't believe that I'm being sincere to you?" "You're the first man to touch my body!" At this point, tears welled up in her eyes again.    


She might be telling the truth, but what was the point?    


Xia Lei's voice was filled with fatigue, "I don't believe you, is that important to you?"    


"If you weren't important to me, would I tell you the whole truth? I've also been trained professionally, and as long as I'm unwilling to speak, even if Long Bing comes to interrogate me, she won't be able to make me speak. " Liang Siyao looked straight at Xia Lei, "Tell me, do you believe that my feelings for you are real?"    


Xia Lei didn't say anything, but he nodded. Whether it was true or false was only a feeling, and he could not erase the sweet, good time he had with her, nor deny that she had really let him go. If she didn't have a foundation for emotions, she definitely wouldn't do that.    


A trace of a smile appeared on Liang Siyao's face, but it was filled with bitterness and bitterness.    


Xia Lei said, "I have one last question. You've studied me for so long, what are your conclusions?"    


Liang Siyao shook her head, "You are the only person in this world who consumed AE. It is a drug that can evolve humans, but we do not know how far you have evolved. From the looks of it, your IQ is very high and your learning ability is very high. Your organs should be stronger than the normal person, but to what extent are you so strong, we still have not come to a final conclusion. You're always changing, and we don't know what the end result will be. I'm actually also very curious about what kind of existence you are right now, but I don't dare to ask you. Now, can you tell me? "    


It seemed that she did not know that his left eye possessed a miraculous perspective ability.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before saying: "Go, leave China, the further you go the better, don't come back."    


"You … You want to let me go? "    


"You let me go once, so I'll let you go now as well. We owe each other nothing." Xia Lei said.    


Liang Siyao bit her lips, "Can you really pretend that nothing happened?"    


Xia Lei avoided her gaze, "Hurry up and go, before I change my mind."    


Liang Siyao suddenly leaned over, kissed Xia Lei on the cheek, then turned around and left.    


Xia Lei stood still for a long time before he reached out his hand to wipe away the tears on his face. It was not only Liang Siyao's but also his own.    


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