Tranxending Vision

C201 The Mayor's Face

C201 The Mayor's Face

0There were even more people in the meeting room. The moment Xia Lei entered the door, he saw Shentu Tianyin, and the Gu Kewen he didn't want to see the most.    


Shentu Tianyin and Gu Kewen also saw Xia Lei, and their reactions were completely different. Gu Kewen's gaze carried hatred and disdain, yet Shentu Tianyin stood up and waved at Xia Lei.    


"Come sit, come quickly." Shentu Tianyin's tone was warm and kind, her face had a beautiful smile.    


Xia Lei smiled back and walked towards her. For some reason, when he saw Shentu Tianyin, he had a very intimate feeling, and wanted to talk to her a bit to understand more about Shen-tu's Ren Jin.    


"Isn't that Xia Lei?" One of the boss spoke in a low voice, "A few days ago, the media was reporting that he is Shentu Tianyin's boyfriend, is that true?"    


"It should be true, right? Look, Shentu Tianyin is greeting him right? Shentu Tianyin smiled so intimately. When have you and I ever seen her smile before? " Another boss said.    


"What the f * ck? An unknown nobody actually managed to get her into the Wanxiang Group's Ice Mountain Queen?" A young man who was suspected to be a junior manager of a certain enterprise felt very uncomfortable.    


"Maybe he's that good? If the Ice Queen of Wanxiang Group likes it, no one can help it. " Someone said.    


"This brat is really lucky, to be able to get the favor of Shentu Tianyin, he could be considered to have married into a rich family." Others said so.    


The entire room was filled with people discussing. Some of their words were nothing special, just gossiping. Some of the younger and second generation rich men were envious, jealous, and resentful. Their words were not pleasing to the ears. All men had this kind of mentality. If Xia Lei was richer than them, and had more social status, they would recognize him. However, they all thought that he was much stronger than them, so why couldn't they get Shentu Tianyin's favor? To someone with this mentality, if this wasn't a flower stuck in the cow dung, then what was it?    


With so many people talking, Xia Lei was not deaf, he could obviously hear them. His heart was very uncomfortable, but he had no way to deal with this situation. He couldn't possibly beat up everyone who talked about him, right? If he did, half the people in this room would be beaten.    


The best way to deal with it was to face it calmly. Xia Lei pretended not to hear the ugly discussions and walked over to Shentu Tianyin's side. Shentu Tianyin even pulled out a chair for him and invited him to sit.    


"What have you been doing these past few days?" Shentu Tianyin looked unsatisfied, "Why aren't you giving me a call?"    


Xia Lei actually wanted to call her, but he was worried that Liang Siyao would be jealous, so he endured it and didn't call her. He had also guessed that Shentu Tianyin would ask him this question, but he did not have a good answer. He only smiled, "I'm making a new product, and also want to call you. But ?"    


"Miss Liang, you're in charge, right?" Shentu Tianyin said.    


Xia Lei laughed awkwardly and changed the topic, "Oh yeah, is uncle alright?"    


Shentu Tianyin slightly raised the corner of her mouth, "His condition is still alright, I can barely eat some porridge over the next few days. But I'm still too weak to get out of bed and speak. "    


"How long was he awake?"    


"There's a lot of time when I'm awake. Sometimes it's five hours, sometimes it's even more. It's about seven or eight hours." Saying that, Shentu Tianyin's face revealed a smile, "These few days, I played a movie he liked to watch, he's in good spirits."    


"That's good. No rush. Take your time. He needs some time to recover." Xia Lei was also relieved.    


"Go and see him. He must want to see you." Shentu Tianyin said.    


Xia Lei said: "I'm afraid that after a while, I will have to accompany Master to Emei Mountain to participate in the Martial Arts Conference."    


Shentu Tianyin sighed in disappointment and did not say anything else.    


Xia Lei also felt that it was quite awkward for him to get along with Shentu Tianyin right now, and that he was slightly disappointed or sad or something like that. However, he had no way of talking about love with Liang Siyao while playing an ambiguous game with him. He wasn't that kind of person, and wouldn't be able to do something like standing on two boats. Also, it was impossible for Liang Siyao and Shentu Tianyin to be so great that they could accept each other's existence.    


The most complex and unfathomable thing in the world is human emotions.    


Hu Hou spoke a few words of introduction, then cut straight to the point. He explained the conditions of the exhibition as well as how to obtain a venue for the exhibition. In the end, he actually called out Gu Kewen's name, and invited him onto the stage.    


"There are a lot of enterprises in our Hai Zhu City, but not many can open up international markets and form an influence, and the Yue-dong Sport is an example of that." Hu Hou said: "Yue-dong Sport's automatic surfboard is very popular in the European and American markets. Not only has it brought glory to our Hai Zhu, it has also brought glory to our Grand China. Now, I shall ask Miss Gu Kewen, the chairman of Yue-dong Sport, to say a few words, for our entrepreneur should also learn from her experience. "    


There was applause in the meeting room.    


In the entire meeting room, only Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin did not clap.    


Gu Kewen spoke into the microphone, "Let me just say a few words. With the integration of the global economy, we as enterprises cannot keep an eye on the domestic market, we should develop more products that are suitable for foreign markets. We have the advantage of our human resources, as long as the products are on the right path, we will definitely succeed. This is the reason why the Yue-dong Sport was able to succeed. We only managed to create a product that is suitable for the European and American markets. "    


A few business people who were on good terms with Gu Kewen coordinated with Gu Kewen and began clapping their hands together. They were giving face to Gu Kewen and also bringing about the atmosphere in the conference room.    


Gu Kewen actually also had a lot of suitors.    


However, Shentu Tianyin was not interested in listening to him continue. She used the back of her hand to touch Xia Lei's thigh.    


Xia Lei lowered his voice and asked: "What is it?"    


Shentu Tianyin also whispered: "I know how her Yue-dong Sport came here, she can even act so calm as a bandit, she can also be considered a genius. Mayor Hu, how could he let her speak on such an occasion? I feel disgusted when I see her putting on an act. "    


Xia Lei thought of Liu Ying and sighed, "There has never been fairness in this world, there are some that you have to fight for. If she does all the wrong things, there will be retribution sooner or later. "    


Just then, a staff member brought in an automatic surfboard and placed it on the table in front of Gu Kewen.    


Gu Kewen smiled, "This time, our Yue-dong Sport will represent our enterprises in the Hai Zhu City to display our automatic surfboard. It has already gained a certain level of recognition in the foreign market, but there are very few people who know about it in the domestic market. Thank you Mayor Hu for giving us the opportunity to show this product to the domestic market, we are also confident to open up the domestic market. I would like to ask Mayor Hu to arrange a conspicuous booth, is that alright? "    


"Of course!" Someone echoed, "Mayor Hu, you have to give Miss Gu the best booth."    


Hu Hou laughed: "Of course I will, Miss Gu, you can rest assured. The best exhibition stands, of course we have to leave it for the products that best represent the innovative ideas of our Hai Zhu City. "    


"Thank you, Mayor Hu." Gu Kewen smiled happily, her gaze also landed on Xia Lei, and then she said, "Oh yes, Mayor Hu, is an enterprise that processes parts for others also participating in this Expo? "Does he want to show parts or screws that he's working on for someone else?"    


Although she did not call out the names, many people knew that she was referring to Xia Lei. His high school graduation, his job as a laborer at the construction site had all been announced to the public. Right now in Hai Zhu, who didn't know about him, Xia Lei? However, his popularity was negative. Some people who could not eat grapes but said they were sour also treated him as a laughingstock.    


"Gu Kewen!" Shentu Tianyin stood up.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand, and pulled her back to her seat.    


However, Gu Kewen did not hold back at all, and sarcastically said, "Sister Tianyin, it's not like I mentioned my name, are you really sure about who I'm talking about? As a woman, I also want to advise you that some men are interested in your money. For your money, he can do anything. In the past, to survive, he could even do dirty work on the construction site. What else could he not do? "    


There were scattered laughter in the conference room, and only from the people Gu Kewen was on good terms with.    


Shentu Tianyin was about to flare up, but Xia Lei held her back. This time, he stood up, "Gu Kewen, it doesn't matter if the person you're talking about is me, I don't care. Even if you say ten thousand words to me, will I fall? You can't hurt a single hair on my head. "    


"So thick-skinned!" Gu Kewen snorted, "Mayor Hu, I have nothing to say about other businesses joining, but why do you include Rayma Manufacturing Corp in your mix, it's a small workshop for processing screws. With the Rayma Manufacturing Corp, we, the Yue-dong Sport, will not be participating! "    


Only Gu Kewen had such confidence in directly challenging Hu Hou!    


"Miss Gu, you ?" Hu Hou was a little embarrassed. He admitted that he did not want to offend the Gu family, but since Gu Kewen had humiliated him in front of so many entrepreneurs, he must be feeling uncomfortable in his heart.    


Gu Kewen said: "Mayor Hu, I am also doing this for the sake of our Hai Zhu City Enterprise's face. What right did a small business that couldn't even produce a decent product have to attend such an exhibition? Isn't this helping our business in Hai Zhu find the dark? If he were to place a few screws on the stage, haha, once the media reports about it, people elsewhere would think that our Hai Zhu City is a poor and backward region. "    



Hu Hou's face was gloomy, Xia Lei was invited by him, he had always been optimistic about Xia Lei, of course he hoped for Xia Lei to attend the fair. But since Gu Kewen made her army sound like she had a point, he was in a difficult position.    


However, Xia Lei laughed, "Gu Kewen, a thief like you dares to speak to Mayor Hu like that? Do you really think that your Gu family is the greatest family in the universe? "    


"What did you say?" Gu Kewen pointed at Xia Lei's nose, "Who are you calling a thief?"    


Xia Lei did not take Gu Kewen's threat seriously at all, and said loudly: "I believe that many people here know that the Yue-dong Sport is Lady Liu Ying's, right? This Gu Kewen used her son to threaten her, so she was forced to sell his Yue-dong Sport to Gu Kewen. The automatic surfboard that you all saw was developed by Liu Ying's husband, and now it belongs to Gu Kewen. Tell me, if it isn't a bandit, what is it? "    


The meeting room suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere changed.    


Actually, many people present knew about the Yue-dong Sport and the automatic surfboard, but no one dared to say it out loud.    


However, Xia Lei did not care, as he specifically poked a hornet's nest of the Gu family.    


Gu Kewen was so angry that her face turned green, her eyes couldn't wait to drink Xia Lei's blood and eat him.    


Hu Hou laughed, "I say, what's going on with all of you? This is the government conference room. "    


Gu Kewen snorted, "Mayor Hu, in short, if you insist on letting him participate in the fair, then us Yue-dong Sport will withdraw. The other businesses in the Gu family also quit. "    


Shentu Tianyin said: "Mayor Hu, it doesn't matter if the Gu family's business leaves, our Wanxiang Group will make up for it."    


"You ?" Gu Kewen was so angry that she couldn't even utter a word. Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei were obviously not on the same level, she obviously couldn't be compared to Xia Lei.    


"Mm ?" Hu Hou was a little hesitant.    


Xia Lei said: "Mayor Hu, you can rest assured. When the time comes, I will bring out a very good product to replace the Yue-dong Sport's booth. I assure you, it will never let you down. "    


"Are you sure?" Hu Hou looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Mayor Hu, when did I not keep my promise?"    


Hu Hou nodded his head, then looked at Gu Kewen, "You're not participating right? "Then I won't participate."    


Gu Kewen froze on the spot.    


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