Tranxending Vision

C181 Madman and the Knife

C181 Madman and the Knife

0Her delicate and colorful petals danced in the sky. Her big foot, which was wearing a pair of forty-one yards of leather shoes, passed through one rose after another and ruthlessly kicked onto Gu Kewu's shoulder. Clang .    


Gu Kewu groaned. He, who was kneeling on one knee with a bouquet of flowers, was kicked to the ground.    


The entire Heavenly Note Pavilion was in complete silence.    


No one believed that someone would dare to kick Gu Kewu with their big feet, especially in a clubhouse!    


But Xia Lei did it, without any hesitation at all.    


Xia Lei had actually never thought of fighting with Gu Kewu here, but Gu Kewu was going too far. Shentu Tianyin had already repeatedly told Gu Kewu that he was her fiance, but Gu Kewu still wanted to show his love in front of everyone. Although he and Shentu Tianyin were fake, Gu Kewu's insult was real! If he was indifferent to such insults, would he still be a man?    


There was another reason, that Shen-tu Tian Feng must be a spy in this house, if Gu Kewu insulted him like that, he would be unmoved, then the scene that he and Shentu Tianyin acted in would be exposed.    


There were two reasons. Xia Lei clearly knew that this kick would bring about a terrible consequence, but he still kicked cleanly and fearlessly!    


Shentu Tianyin also looked at Xia Lei in shock. She never thought that Xia Lei would be so impulsive, actually kicking him down to the ground at the clubhouse!    


"Bastard!" Gu Kewen was the first one to recover from her shock. She cursed angrily and sent a slap towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand and flung it, causing Gu Kewen to stagger and fall to the ground.    


Gu Kewu crawled up from the ground, patted the dust off his shoulders, and angrily laughed instead, "Xia Lei, in my entire life, you are the first person to hit me, and you are even at my place. If you can get out of here alive tonight, I'll kneel down and kowtow to you. " He whistled.    


The sound of intense footsteps suddenly came from all directions, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of people came running over. These were Gu Kewu's subordinates, including the dozens of ferocious bodyguards in the hall earlier.    


Gu Kewu reached out and pulled Gu Kewen up.    


Gu Kewen pointed at Xia Lei and said sinisterly: "Break his legs for me!"    


Dozens of bodyguards swarmed forward. In each of their hands were fellows, steel pipes or baseball bats. Some of them were even holding control knives such as machetes or folding knives.    


"You dare!" Shentu Tianyin panicked, but her imposing manner was still there, "Gu Kewu, if you dare touch him, I will use all of the resources I have at my disposal to get revenge!"    


Gu Kewu raised his hand, and the dozens of men who were about to attack stopped, but they had already surrounded Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin.    


Gu Kewen said angrily: "Shentu Tianyin, when my brother treats you like this, you actually treat him like this!"    


Shentu Tianyin did not show any weakness, "That was his one-sided wish, what does it have to do with me? "Don't think that I am some girl who has never seen the world before. You would fall for it if you coaxed me. We both know what you and your brother are scheming!"    


"You ?" Gu Kewen asked angrily.    


"Kuwen, say less." Gu Kewu looked very calm, and he looked at Shentu Tianyin, "Tianyin, your words can't scare me. You're in trouble now, don't you dare say so? I know why you have your eyes on this kid, because he is strong enough to help you deal with your family. But why didn't you choose me? Am I not as good as this kid from the construction site? Don't play with him, he is not worthy of you, I am the man you are destined to marry in your life. "If you stay with me, I can guarantee that none of those who think about you will get anything good!"    


"We will never be able to be together. My fianc? and I came to the banquet together, but I didn't expect you to be so rude. Forget it, we shouldn't contact each other in the future." Shentu Tianyin pulled Xia Lei's hand, "Lei, let's go."    


"Want to leave?" "Hahaha ?" Gu Kewu laughed very loudly.    


The dozens of bodyguards did not have any possibility of letting them go, all of them stared at Xia Lei and his group ferociously.    


Shentu Tianyin bellowed: What are you guys trying to do?    


"What for?" Gu Kewu laughed coldly: "No one dares to hit me, and it's in front of a friend like me. If I just let you guys go like this, what face would I have in the future by joining the circle? My sister wants his legs, as you heard. Xia Lei, if you break your legs, I will let you crawl out of here. I will keep my promise, and for Tian Yin's sake, I will spare your life. "    


"I'll call the police!" Shentu Tianyin took out her phone from her bag. However, when she was about to dial a number, she realized that there was no signal.    


Gu Kewen sarcastically said, "Sister Tianyin, is there no signal? Do you want me to have someone activate the signal tower? "    


"You've been scheming against me from the beginning!" Shentu Tianyin completely understood now. She regretted letting Xia Lei accompany her here. However, it was too late for regret to contact the outside world, Fu Chuanfu and his people could not come over to help, nor would the police come over.    


This was a Hongmen Banquet.    


Gu Kewu looked at one of his subordinates.    


The subordinate threw the machete in his hand at Xia Lei's feet, and with a clang, sparks flew.    


Gu Kewen stared at Xia Lei, and said coldly: "Left and right legs, tendons, cut it off yourself, and then crawl out."    


Xia Lei bent down to pick up the blade. Shentu Tianyin held onto his hand tightly, "Don't!"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Rest assured, nothing will happen to you. I already said, as long as I am by your side, no one can hurt you. "    


Shentu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, and water droplets instantly appeared in her eyes. She was a very strong woman, and would never reveal the emotions in her heart. But here in Xia Lei's room, it was as if she had become a different person.    


Xia Lei picked up the machete and waved it in his hand. Then, he looked at Gu Kewu and said lightly, "Gu Kewu, I dare to kick you. You let me cut off my ankle and crawl out. I can't do it, so can I trouble you to do it yourself? "    


Gu Kewu's eyes flashed with a ferocious light, and he waved his hand.    


A few of Xia Lei's closest subordinates suddenly rushed over, and the baseball bats, machetes, and steel pipes in their hands struck towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei pushed Shentu Tianyin into the Heavenly Note Pavilion with one hand, and with the other, he chopped down with his blade on the arm of a burly man who was about to smash his head with a baseball bat.    


Blood sprayed out!    




Xia Lei moved to the side, nimbly dodging the attacks of the other two, and then swung his blade at the shoulder of one of his subordinates who was also using a machete to cut his back.    


With a kacha sound, the blade embedded itself into his shoulder blade. That fellow didn't even have the time to let out a cry before he fainted.    


Just as he fell to the ground, Xia Lei's blade once again struck out fiercely, one blade cut into the thigh of his third subordinate, the speed was too fast, it was simply like a professional killer or an agent in a movie!    


Everyone was shocked, scared silly!    


The most shocked one was none other than Gu Kewu. Never in his dreams did he expect that not only would Xia Lei dare to kick him here, he would even dare to chop people here! The current Xia Lei was like a barbarian, whether it was law or the power of a large clan, he did not take them seriously at all.    


After knocking out the three people, Xia Lei suddenly jumped in front of Gu Kewu. Raising his hand, he hacked down with his bloodied blade onto Gu Kewu's neck.    


"Don't ?" In that instant, Gu Kewen's heart almost jumped out from her throat.    


Gu Kewu was so scared that his legs turned weak and his head broke out in a cold sweat. At that moment, he even thought that his head would fly out from his neck!    



However, Xia Lei's blade was still against Gu Kewu's neck, and did not cut down. His goal was not to kill people, so the places where he cut down did not seem to be fatal. In reality, he had already locked onto the non-lethal parts of the target with his left eye before he had swung down the knife. Although the cuts were fierce, they would not kill people.    


But even so, in the eyes of others, he was simply a bloodthirsty madman!    


No one knew what kind of thing a crazy person would do, so no one was sure if Xia Lei really dared to cut Gu Kewu's neck.    


"You, you ?" "Don't act recklessly!" Not only were Gu Kewu's legs weak, even his voice was trembling.    


Xia Lei went around to Gu Kewu's back and coldly said: "Didn't you want my leg tendons? Take a knife, and the two of us will chop at each other. "    


"You, you're crazy!" Gu Kewu continued to tremble.    


Xia Lei sneered: "You don't dare? If you don't dare, then don't talk big. Gu Kewu, others are afraid of you, that's others. I warn you for the last time, don't provoke me. Get your people out of my way! "    


Gu Kewu did not say anything, he was hesitating.    


"How dare you! "Let go of my brother!" Gu Kewen fearlessly roared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei turned his body and kicked, with a bang, it landed on Gu Kewen's face.    


Gu Kewen immediately shut her mouth as she fell down on the ground heavily, and didn't get up again.    


Xia Lei never hit women, but women like Gu Kewen were an exception.    


Looking on helplessly as his sister was kicked to death, Gu Kewu's eyes were about to spew fire, "Xia Lei! Do you know what you're doing? "You're dead for sure!"    


Xia Lei slapped the back of Gu Kewu's head, "Fuck, you think you're a prince? If you want to kill me, you can kill me? "    


The slap was heavy, Gu Kewu's head was buzzing, and his eyes were filled with stars.    


Xia Lei raised his hand and pointed at Gu Kewu's group of subordinates, and said coldly: "I'm going to leave this place soon, you can come and kill me, but I guarantee that I won't hold back when I attack later on, I'm really going to hack you guys to death. It is against the law that you cut me down. I chopped you guys to death in self-defense. "    


The group of subordinates did not dare to move.    


In Xia Lei's hands, there was only one reason to be wary of being attacked, but the more important reason was that Xia Lei was ruthless enough to be so powerful. Who would dare to take the risk of being killed to show off their skills?    


"Tianyin, let's go." Xia Lei waved his hand towards Shentu Tianyin.    


Shentu Tianyin's brain could no longer function normally, so she nodded subconsciously and stood behind Xia Lei obediently.    


Xia Lei grabbed Gu Kewu and walked towards the group of subordinates who were blocking the way.    


Without Gu Kewu's order, the group of subordinates did not dare to give way, but they did not dare to attack Xia Lei either.    


Xia Lei fiercely slapped the back of Gu Kewu's head again, and said with a stern voice: "Get your dog out of the way! F * ck, did you hear that? "You're a pig, don't you understand human speech?" With that, he slapped the man a second time.    


Gu Kewu's head seemed like it was about to explode. The pain and concussion was unbearable to him, but he finally gave in and roared, "Get out of the way!"    


If he took a few more slaps, he might be beaten into a concussion or even an idiot.    


Only then did the group of subordinates open up a path.    


Xia Lei brought Shentu Tianyin through the hall and then arrived at the parking lot.    


Without waiting for Xia Lei's orders, she took the car key from Xia Lei's belt and opened the door, then sat in the driver's seat and anxiously said: "Get in, quickly get in."    


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