Tranxending Vision

C117 Letters and Legs in the Stain of the Coffee

C117 Letters and Legs in the Stain of the Coffee

0Just as he entered, a young lady with blonde hair and blue eyes suddenly walked over and crashed into Xia Lei's embrace.    


"What are you doing?" The blonde looked angry. She spoke in Russian.    


"I'm sorry." Xia Lei hurriedly said 'humbly' in Russian and then walked around the golden-haired girl's side as he entered the room.    


The gold haired lady suddenly pulled Xia Lei back, "You destroyed my thing and you want to leave?"    


Only then did Xia Lei realize that the Russian girl was holding a piece of handicraft in his hand. It was a conch made of straw. After being hit, the conch turned into a flat conch.    


"Apologizing is not enough." The Russian girl said that she was holding onto Xia Lei's arm and did not let go.    


Xia Lei was very anxious, he did not want to argue with the Russian girl, so he took out his wallet and took out a few hundred Chinese dollars from inside, and stuffed them into the hands of the Russian girl.    


Only then did the Russian girl let go of Xia Lei's hand, "Actually you don't need that much."    


Xia Lei did not have the heart to say anything to her, and quickly walked into the coffee shop. But the man was gone. Chi Jingqiu was still sitting in front of the table, looking down at the money pouch that the man had given to her.    


Xia Lei's gaze quickly swept across the coffee shop. There were a lot of customers, but he had already disappeared. His gaze stopped at a door in the work area before he ran to catch up. The man who looked so much like his father could not have left through the front door, and he would have to go through the back door.    


"Sir, you can't go in. This is the working area." A waiter blocked Xia Lei's way.    


"Sorry, I'm looking for someone." Xia Lei said.    


"We can't even look for someone." the waiter said.    


Xia Lei pushed the waiter away and chased after him into the room.    


The door was indeed the work area. The employees of the coffee shop were grinding coffee, baking pastry, making ice cream, and so on. It was a busy sign. At the end of the work area was a back door that led outside. When Xia Lei caught up to the work area, the door was still shaking slightly, as if someone had rushed out just now and didn't had the time to close the door.    


Xia Lei chased after the back door. The waiter who was blocking the way earlier followed him in, but before he could speak, Xia Lei had already rushed out of the back door.    


Outside the back door was an alleyway. There was no light and it was pitch black. On either side of the alley were buildings with no doors. The two sides of the alleyway were separated by two streets. However, whether it was the buildings on both sides of him or the streets on both sides of him, the man was nowhere to be seen ? his speed was too fast!    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched, and many footprints suddenly appeared on the pitch black ground. He soon identified the man's footprints, because he was the nearest to leave through the back door, and his footprints were also the freshest and most obvious.    


After confirming the man's footprints, Xia Lei followed the footprints and chased after them towards the right side of the alley. He quickly chased to the end of the alleyway. The sidewalk outside the alley was full of people. The driveway under the sidewalk was full of people, but the man was nowhere to be seen. The man's footprints disappeared between the sidewalk and the driveway, too.    


"How can he be so fast? Does he know I'm after him? Who the hell is he? " Xia Lei's heart was filled with surprise and confusion. Then, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and ran towards the coffee shop.    


He thought of the blond Russian girl. Just now, if it wasn't for her pestering him, he definitely would have been able to stop that man before he left. It seemed like a coincidence, but what a coincidence! He had a feeling that the Russian girl was a companion of that man. She knew his identity, but she just didn't want to meet him!    


It must be so, otherwise why didn't that man directly come to him to place the order, and instead go through Chi Jingqiu's hands?    


Returning back to the coffee shop, Chi Jingqiu saw Xia Lei and was extremely surprised. She was about to stop Xia Lei from speaking when Xia Lei ran past her in a hurry as if he did not see her.    


Xia Lei chased his to the front door, where he could still see the blonde Russian girl.    


The Russian girl was indeed a companion of the man. She had set up an ambush at the front door and was only waiting for him to appear before she rammed into his body. She had completed her mission, why would she continue to stay here and wait for Xia Lei to interrogate her?    


Xia Lei returned to the coffee shop, walked straight to the opposite side of Chi Jingqiu and sat in the seat that the man had sat previously.    


"Humph!" "You really are following me!" Chi Jingqiu took the lead and attacked first, "Last time you used this method to pry away Liu Ying, the customer, and now you want to use this to pry away my new customer?"    


Xia Lei took a deep breath to calm his agitated emotions. "Jingqiu, I didn't think to pry your client away. I just wanted to know who gave you this order. "I want to know the identity of that man just now, please tell me everything you know."    


Chi Jingqiu laughed coldly, "You followed me and I haven't settled the score with you yet, but you still have the guts to ask me for the customer's information? Who do you think you are? Do I need to fulfill all of your demands? "    


"Jingqiu, I beg of you." Xia Lei said.    


Chi Jingqiu laughed, "I never thought that you would have a time to beg me for help."    


"Tell me." Although she mocked and ridiculed him, Xia Lei was still able to restrain his emotions. If it wasn't for the fact that that man looked exactly like his father, he wouldn't even bother begging her!    


Chi Jingqiu was silent for a moment, she quietly looked at Xia Lei, as if she was thinking about something. Then, an ambiguous smile appeared on her face. "You're begging me? How do you want to beg me?"    


"Jingqiu, that man ?" Xia Lei wanted to say that the man looked very much like his father, but he swallowed the words that were about to leave his mouth. Although Chi Jingqiu was his classmate in high school with him, Xia Lei's father had never gone to school, so Chi Jingqiu basically had never seen his father before. This matter was very strange, he did not want Chi Jingqiu to know too much about it, so he hesitated for a moment before changing his words, "Tell me, what do you want."    


"What do I want? "I have to think about it ?" Chi Jingqiu looked at Xia Lei with a smile. Beneath the table, she took off her high heels and extended her jade feet that was wearing black stockings all the way to Xia Lei's knees.    


Xia Lei's body instantly stiffened, he immediately understood what Chi Jingqiu wanted.    


"I've said it before, there's nothing that I, Chi Jingqiu, can't obtain." Chi Jingqiu chuckled, "There's a pretty good hotel nearby, let's go there to talk."    


Xia Lei resisted the feeling and endured the anger in his heart, "Jingqiu, can we not do this? "Tell me, who was that man and how did he find you?"    


"Are you begging me? Is there anyone who would beg like that? " Beneath the table, Chi Jingqiu's long legs were nimble and gentle like a second hand on a watch. She could feel the change in Xia Lei, and that kind of change made her excited. As for her, from start to finish, she looked like she was determined to take Xia Lei down.    


You want the answer? Then come to bed with me!    


This was the condition that Chi Jingqiu did not mention aloud.    


Agree or not agree? Xia Lei was hesitant.    


Give his first time to a woman like Chi Jingqiu? He was unwilling. However, when he thought of the man who looked almost exactly like his father, he couldn't help but want to nod and agree!    


His left eye fell on a cup of cappuccino that the man had ordered while he was in a dilemma. The coffee was almost untouched and still full. The cup was clean, too, and there were no fingerprints. But there was a puddle of coffee stains on the table under the coffee cup.    


Xia Lei's line of sight landed on a puddle of coffee, and suddenly discovered that it was actually Russian characters.    


This was a sign of caution.    


"Who did he tell to be careful? Me? " Xia Lei's mind was suddenly shaken, "Could he really be my father?"    


Chi Jingqiu's foot was still hurting up, her voice had already changed, "Lei Zi, I know you still like me. Let's go get a room at a hotel, I'll tell you everything you want to know. Didn't you always want me? I'll give it all to you. I'll give you the place that my damned husband hasn't touched. "    


She was teasing Xia Lei, but her reaction was even more intense than Xia Lei's.    


Xia Lei seemed to have understood something all of a sudden. He reached out and grabbed Chi Jingqiu's leg that was on his body, pinching it with all her might.    


"Aiyo ?" Chi Jingqiu screamed in pain and quickly retracted her leg. She glared at Xia Lei in embarrassment: "What are you doing?"    



Xia Lei shook his head, "Regarding this client, you actually don't know anything about it, right?"    


Chi Jingqiu was startled for a moment, "I don't know, do you?"    


"Forget it, go get a room yourself. I won't be accompanying you." Xia Lei stood up and left after he finished speaking.    


Chi Jingqiu stared at Xia Lei's figure that was walking away in the blink of an eye. She was dazed for a long time before she spoke out, "How did he know that I didn't? This guy, she actually rejected me when I was lowering my status to sleep with him! "Damn it!"    


Although Xia Lei had already left, she was still reminiscing about the tofu he had eaten on Xia Lei's body.    


The reason why Xia Lei changed his mind was very simple. The reason why the man left behind the Russian word was one reason, and another reason was because the man had such a mysterious and professional way of doing things. How could he possibly tell Chi Jingqiu his true identity?    


Xia Lei crossed the street and returned to Qin Xiang's side.    


"How is it? I saw you go after that man. Did you get him? " Qin Xiang asked with concern.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "He seems to know that I am coming, he had already made an escape plan a long time ago. He did not want to see me, it's useless for me to chase him."    


"He ? Is he really your father? "    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I am not sure, but I believe that he will appear again."    


Qin Xiang shrugged his shoulders, "Looks like all my work was in vain."    


Xia Lei stayed silent for a while, before saying: "Qin Xiang, don't tell this to anyone, okay?"    


Qin Xiang replied: "I understand your meaning, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."    


"Go back." Xia Lei sighed, as though he had worked all day, and was completely exhausted.    


"Hmm, don't think too much." After saying that, Qin Xiang ignited the Yamaha electric bicycle, and with a loud explosion, he entered the road and in the blink of an eye, disappeared into the distance.    


Xia Lei also returned to his Great Wall H6, his mind still thinking about that man's appearance.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


A string of cell phone ringing interrupted Xia Lei's train of thought, he took out his phone and looked at it, then opened the answer button, "Hello, it's me."    


Long Bing's voice came out of the phone, "I've already prepared everything. I'll be waiting for you at the airport and come over in two hours."    


Xia Lei was surprised: "So fast?"    


With that, Long Bing hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly as he drove the car towards the Liang Family's residence. In two hours, he could still bid farewell to Liang Siyao and Liang Zhengchun.    


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