Tranxending Vision



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What was the easiest way to repair a machine, including a locomotive engine?    


The easiest way would be to see the broken parts and change it. However, in this world, no one could see whether the parts was broken or not. Even Mechanist, who had the most experience, could only judge if a parts broke or not based on experience, and then open the test. However, even the most experienced Mechanist misjudged a lot of things. After all, hearing and experience couldn't replace the role of the eyes. However, Xia Lei was the only exception to this rule, because his left eye could see through anything and others could not.    


In fact, while he was staring at the locomotive engine and observing it for two minutes, he had already looked through the structure of the engine and found the source of the problem. That was because there was too much carbon, causing the connecting rod of one of the pistons in the engine to break, causing the piston to be biased and the movement gap to be too large, which resulted in the symptoms of weakness and abnormal noise. To deal with this, all he had to do was replace the connecting rod of the piston ring and clear the engine of the accumulated carbon.    


The speed of Xia Lei removing the engine was very fast. Within fifteen minutes, he had already dismantled the engine of the Breakthrough locomotive, as well as took off the piston ring that only had problems with it.    


A Ninuo watched the entire process from the side. For the first few minutes, her heart was full of worry, and she began to regret using her own locomotive to test Xia Lei's abilities. But after a few minutes, when she saw Xia Lei's brisk, skilled movements, she felt a little confused and wondered if Kid could really fix her locomotive. Finally, seeing that Xia Lei did not even need to check to take out the problematic piston, her jaw almost dropped to the ground — the reason that surprised her so much was very simple, because even if she was the one who supported Senior Mechanist to repair the locomotive, she still would not be able to find the cause of the problem so quickly!    


Xia Lei removed the connecting rod from the piston, then stood up and walked in front of the welding machine to correct and solder the cracks on the connecting rod.    


A Ninuo could not hold it in anymore, and went over, "You actually used a welding method to repair the locomotive's engine, aren't you being too presumptuous? It should be known that a little weight increase or decrease will make it impossible for it to work properly. "    


Although she was still skeptical, her tone was much more polite than before.    


Xia Lei ignored him and welded the crack on the connecting rod. Then, he took the connecting rod onto the machine tool for fine treatment.    


A Ninuo moved closer to him. "I'm talking to you, why are you ignoring me?"    


Xia Lei raised his head and looked at her. He snappily said, "If I don't deal with it this way, can you give me a new connecting rod?"    


"But if you install the parts without thinking, there's definitely going to be a problem with its engine." A Ninuo spoke very professionally.    


"You don't believe me?" Xia Lei asked.    


"You, what I said was the truth, why are you so stubborn? Do you never take advice from others? "    


Xia Lei said, "I think you're intentionally stalling for time, right?"    


"You …" A Ninuo was so angry that she was at a loss for words.    


Xia Lei ignored her and focused on dealing with the connecting rod on the machine tool.    


He admitted that his attitude was not good, but compared to A Ninuo's attitude just now, especially her attitude of looking down on China's industrial level, he would not easily forgive her.    


Sometimes it was better to be serious, even if she was a woman.    


In less than ten minutes, Xia Lei had already finished dealing with the connecting rod. He removed the connecting rod and examined it closely to make sure it was accurate.    


It was this simple check that caused A Ninuo to widen her pair of beautiful azure eyes. She was extremely shocked, because what she saw was a perfectly fine connecting pole that did not have a single trace of welding on it! In fact, even she herself couldn't weld it to this extent!    


"You …" A Ninuo took a deep breath, "Lu Kasi, mister, you..." How did you do it? "    


Xia Lei rolled his eyes at her, then took the rod and walked towards the locomotive's engine. He still didn't seem like he wanted to talk to her.    


"You're really rude." A Ninuo was angry and depressed, but she still followed him eagerly. She was curious about the effects of the parts that Xia Lei had repaired by hand.    


At this moment, A Ninuo had already acknowledged Xia Lei's professional ability in her heart, and she started to accept Xia Lei in her heart. It was just that even she was unwilling to admit it.    


Xia Lei spent another 25 minutes to install the open engine on the locomotive, then he took two steps back, "I've already settled it, take a look to see if there's an hour left."    


A Ninuo finally regained her senses. She looked at the wrist watch in a flurry and was shocked when she saw it. Xia Lei spent a total of 53 minutes and it was less than an hour!    


"It seems like I don't have much time. Try it." Xia Lei said.    


A Ninuo took out her key, inserted it into the lock, and started a fire. The engine of the locomotive rumbled. It was a very normal sound, without any abnormal noises!    


"This is impossible!" A Ninuo could not believe that Xia Lei's locomotive could reach such a level.    


Xia Lei sneered, "Miss Anina, is it because I'm a Chinese that you said that? It cannot be denied that your Germany is even more advanced than ours, but do you think that a race that is thousands of years ahead of you will not surpass you one day? Or do you not wish to see the day approach at all? "    


"Lu Kasi, mister, what do you mean? Do you think I'm a racist? I can tell you with certainty that I am not! " A Ninuo thought that she found the reason Xia Lei disliked her, so she got angry.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders and closed his mouth. He didn't want to argue with her anymore. At a time like this, a man should actually give in. If they continued fighting, it would be endless.    


A Ninuo also restrained herself. Actually, she knew that her attitude before was very unfriendly. It was understandable that Xia Lei was unhappy with her at this moment. She didn't want to argue with Xia Lei anymore. She put down the foothold of the Breakthrough and rode it out of the workshop.    


Xia Lei also walked out of the workshop and watched as A Ninuo rode her locomotive on the road in the factory. After being repaired, the locomotive's performance was extremely outstanding. Her upper body was almost flat on the gas tank, and she was very good at riding.    


"A European woman's figure is really good." Xia Lei couldn't help but have this thought in his heart.    


Xia Lei sighed in confusion, then patted the forehead. Then, he gloomily realised that he did not wash his hands just now. He used his greasy and dusty hands to pat his forehead, it was not hard to imagine what his forehead would look like.    


A Ninuo didn't ride far. She quickly turned back.    


An ear-piercing sound of rubber tires scraping against the ground rang. A Ninuo stopped her locomotive beside Xia Lei. She glanced at Xia Lei, and suddenly laughed out loud. "Lu Kasi, mister, your face … You're like a cute cat! "Haha!"    


Xia Lei smiled awkwardly, "How is it?" Did I repair your locomotive? Is it going to be okay? "    


A Ninuo jumped down from the locomotive and walked in front of Xia Lei, giving him a firm hug. Not only that, she even patted Xia Lei's back in a friendly manner.    


Such a change in attitude made Xia Lei a little uncomfortable.    


A Ninuo let go of Xia Lei and smiled, "Lu Kasi, mister, I apologize for my earlier impoliteness. You're right, maybe I have some prejudices against Mechanist from China, but you have already corrected my point of view, you are the best Mechanist I have ever seen, you are completely qualified to become my Assistant, I am sure that our time together will be very enjoyable. "    


Xia Lei also smiled elegantly, "Thank you."    


"If you win, I will keep my promise. I'll take you for a drive after work in the afternoon, and then we'll go to a bar and drink black beer. " A Ninuo said.    


Xia Lei said, "There's no need for that. After work in the afternoon, I still have to go home …"    


But A Ninuo interrupted Xia Lei, "You've already done what you should have done, and yet you didn't give me the chance to do what I should have done. Lu Kasi, mister, are you still mad at me? "    


"Okay, I'll take your car to the bar." Xia Lei changed his mind. A Ninuo had already expressed her goodwill towards him. If he didn't persist, then he would offend her.    


They returned to the shed. The day's work was to repair the Jaguar 2 Tan Ke's engine.    


After a day's work, Wu found that A Ninuo was a workaholic who could not stop working. Her work was also meticulous. She would strictly follow the established standards, for example, by requiring a screw to turn twelve times. She would never turn ten times. Xia Lei could feel German's strict style from her, which made him sigh because the manufacturing industry of the Germany was so developed.    



After getting off work, the two took a bath at the factory area's bathroom and then left together in a car of the Breaker locomotive.    


The Breakthrough locomotive required rider to lie on the mailbox to drive, so the rider had to lean forward as well. Since this was the case, Xia Lei could only sit with his arms around A Ninuo's waist. Plus, A Ninuo was fast in riding, so he not only had to hug A Ninuo's waist tightly, but also had to be very tight.    


The breakers were running along the road, the wind was howling by his ears. Xia Lei was only hugging A Ninuo's waist, and A Ninuo's butt was in between his legs, making a very secret contact with his body. This kind of contact made him inexplicably nervous. He wanted to move back a little, but when he saw the number '159' on the locomotive's road watch, he couldn't help but stick closer …    


Wasn't she afraid of falling to her death?    


This was the question that Xia Lei had been thinking about all the way to the bar. Every time he thought about it, he would stick to it.    


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