Tranxending Vision

C124 one thing, one thing, one thing, one thing

C124 one thing, one thing, one thing, one thing

0Joseph's house was a little larger. In front of the house was an lush green grassland, but behind the house, it was covered by an iron skin warehouse. When he saw the iron skin warehouse, Xia Lei's heart was moved, and he thought to himself: "Joseph studied intelligent machine tools himself, and they are large, so he definitely cannot do them in the house he is staying in. It should be more likely within the warehouse, right?"    


Just as Xia Lei was about to take a look around the warehouse, Joseph walked over and asked, "Anina, can you help me out? There are too many guests, so I'm a bit busy. "    


Anina said: "Okay, what do you want me to do?"    


Joseph said: "Help me get some wine, you know where my wine cellar is."    


Anina nodded her head, "Ok." Then, she turned to Xia Lei and said, "Wait for me here."    


After Anina left, Joseph's gaze fell on Xia Lei's body, "Your name is lucas, right?"    


Xia Lei could also tell that this Joseph didn't want to invite him to his birthday party, and the reason he was able to come to this place was also because of Anina. Actually, if not for considering Joseph's identity and the things that he was researching, Xia Lei would not have had the interest to come here.    


These were all the reasons behind the show.    


Although he was not respected, Xia Lei still revealed a smile and said politely: "Yes, hello, Mr. Joseph." As he said that, he reached out his hand towards Joseph, wanting to shake hands with him.    


"I have some oil on my hand, so I might as well not shake it." Joseph said: "Then lucas, can you help me get some charcoal from the storage room? The barbecue needs charcoal. "    


"No problem, where is the storage room?" Xia Lei asked.    


Joseph raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the storage room.    


Xia Lei walked towards the storage room. Joseph didn't treat him as a guest at all, but instead treated him as a person who wasn't welcome to join in on the fun. Joseph gave him a cold eye, telling him to do undignified work. All of this was nothing compared to the fact that he couldn't even compare to the amount of secrets he wanted to steal.    


A few guests who were standing in the front yard and chatting watched Xia Lei's figure leave, chattering softly.    


"That young man from Grand China is Anina's new assistant. I heard that Anina is very compatible with this assistant, and got along quite well with him." A guest said.    


"I heard that the Grand China brat only took an hour to fix Anina's locomotive, and she was dealing with the problem of the engine. A guest said.    


"Do you know why Anina is willing to accept this new assistant?" A young blonde woman laughed and said: "Anina had talked to me before, she said that this Grand China's assistant knew martial arts and was very powerful. Last night, she messed with a gang member, she said that this Grand China's assistant helped her solve the problem."    


"In that case, this Grand China brat is actually a very capable person, but it seems like she doesn't like him at all. She actually asked him to go get some charcoal."    


A middle-aged man laughed: "Joseph likes Anina, this is an open secret. This Grand China brat looks pretty good, and working with Anina, of course Joseph wouldn't like him. That brat is really stupid, she actually came here, isn't she asking for trouble? "    


When Joseph walked over, the customers quietly changed the topic.    


Xia Lei did not hear any of these discussions as he came to the utility room.    


The utility room was on the side of the house. It was a simple wooden house.    


There were some miscellaneous items in the storage room, including farm tools, mechanical parts and the charcoal that Xia Lei wanted to take. It was a big bag, and it was about fifty kilograms in weight. After entering the storage room, Xia Lei didn't immediately take out the big bag filled with charcoal. Instead, he stood in front of the window and looked at the iron house's warehouse that was constructed at the back of the house.    


Joseph's house was constructed out of pure wood, but the walls of the warehouse were made out of solid wood and brick. However, this was still unable to obstruct Xia Lei's left eye's line of sight. His left eye twitched slightly, and the wall that was over ten meters away disappeared from his sight.    


He saw a machine covered with fluorescent material. It was very big, about ten meters long and about three to four meters wide. When he tried to see through the fluorescent cloth, he found that it had absorbed his energy. He struggled to see through the cloth, but what he saw was very blurry.    


Xia Lei was secretly surprised, "The fluorescent cloth was actually able to absorb my energy and weaken my clairvoyance, causing me to be unable to see clearly, how can this be?"    


Ever since he had obtained the clairvoyance, Xia Lei had never failed when using the clairvoyance's Hundred Spirit Channels.    


It was the law of nature to be born with a nemesis against each other. This was exactly what the Grand China's theory of the five elements reacting to each other meant. In other words, things without a natural enemy did not exist, and so did Xia Lei's clairvoyance.    


Xia Lei did not continue to try. He withdrew his gaze, and walked out of the storage room while carrying the big bag of charcoal. Although he did not see the contents of the fluorescent cloth clearly, he was sure that it was the intelligent machine tool that Joseph researched. Knowing this place, he had plenty of opportunities, so he was in no hurry.    


Xia Lei placed the charcoal on the side of the barbecue rack, and at that moment, Anina walked out with a case full of red wine. There was also Joseph, who was holding an oak barrel that was also a wine container.    


Seeing Xia Lei placing charcoal in the grill, Anina frowned slightly. She put down the red wine case and walked over to Xia Lei's side as she whispered: "lucas, if you don't like it, we can leave. I can cook dinner for you."    


Xia Lei laughed, "It's nothing, I'm very happy."    


"Alright then, as long as you're happy." As she was speaking, Anina glanced at Joseph, but her brows were still furrowed.    


Joseph opened up the stopper of the red wine and oak barrel. The oak barrel was filled with dark beer, and one could smell the unique aroma of burnt malt from far away. The guests began to drink and barbecue, and the birthday party began.    


Xia Lei was familiar with everyone present, but Anina was not the least bit familiar with everyone else, so he became the loneliest person in the bustling environment. However, he did not stay idle either. When no one was chatting with him, he would watch other people chatting, familiarize himself with the shape and pronunciation of his lips in German, and improve his understanding of lip language.    


Not long after, a few youths riding on their locomotives arrived. They were around the same age as Joseph, and they were all wearing cool locomotives. Joseph hugged them warmly as they exchanged greetings. It seemed that he had a good relationship with them.    


At this moment, Anina finally got rid of a girlfriend, and she walked to Xia Lei's side: "lucas, let's drink, for our friendship."    


Xia Lei clinked his cup with hers, "For our friendship." Then he drank the beer.    


"The people who just arrived were Joseph's best friends. They were classmates back in university. One is a cop, one is a prizefighter, and two work for BMW. " Anina drank a lot of wine and spoke a little too much, "I know them, they are all people with bad tempers."    


Xia Lei only smiled faintly. He had no interest in getting to know Joseph's friends. As soon as he had it, he would leave Germany. The people and things here meant nothing to him.    


However, it was at this time that Joseph put down the wine cup in his hand. He walked to the center of the barbeque site and loudly said: "Today is my twenty-seventh birthday. You are my colleagues, classmates, neighbors, and at the same time you are all my friends. You are the most precious people in my life. "    


The guests all clapped their hands in greeting, even Xia Lei also politely clapped a few times.    


After the introductions, Joseph moved his line of sight to the corner where Xia Lei and Xia Lei were. He smiled and said: "Now, I want to invite a new friend over for a chat. This new friend is Grand China's lucas." He waved towards Xia Lei, "lucas, please come over."    


Xia Lei was slightly taken aback. He did not know what Joseph was thinking, but he had a bad premonition.    


"Looks like our new friend is a shy person. Since he's shy, how about we give him a round of applause?" Joseph then led the applause.    


The guests also applauded, and even Anina followed along and applauded.    


Xia Lei braced himself and walked to Joseph's side, awkwardly saying: "Mr. Joseph, I wish you a happy birthday."    


"Thank you." Joseph smiled, "lucas, I heard that you know kung fu, Grand China's kung fu is renowned throughout the world, it's very powerful, right?"    


Xia Lei subconsciously looked at Anina. He knew martial arts, and if there was anyone who knew, it would definitely be Anina. From the looks of it, Anina had already guessed that he was the one who helped her last night. Then, most likely, she had told this to one of her best friends, and then that friend had coincidentally made another big mouth, so even more people knew about it.    


Although Anina had no ill intentions, he brought him trouble.    


"Actually ?" Xia Lei replied: "I don't know any martial arts, but Grand China's martial arts are indeed very powerful."    



"Are you bragging?" A young man wearing a locomotive outfit also walked to the center of the arena and said with a disdainful tone, "The Grand China that I know of only produces low-grade goods such as socks and shirts. "As for martial arts, that's just an empty story. I probably only saw it in the movies, right?"    


A few young men in locomotive suits laughed.    


Xia Lei's face suddenly became ugly. He already had a bad premonition just now, and sure enough, this Joseph was deliberately making things difficult for him.    


"Hans, you cannot say that. lucas is my colleague and also my friend." Joseph asked hypocritically.    


The young man called Hans laughed contemptuously, "I hate those who lie the most. The Grand China does not have any martial arts, only some inferior products. If you do not agree, let him fight with me. I will let him experience our German boxing style."    


Joseph looked at Xia Lei, "lucas, do you dare to fight with Hans?"    


Xia Lei replied, "There's no need for that."    


"Humph!" Hans sneered, "Other than producing inferior products, the Grand China also produces cowards."    


Xia Lei was immediately angered, "Do you really want to fight?"    


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