Tranxending Vision

C135 Death of Lu Kasi

C135 Death of Lu Kasi

0An hour and a half later, Xia Lei walked out of the warehouse. In the past hour or so, he had already understood all the mechanical structures, integrated circuits, NC programs and so on and so on of Joseph's intelligent machine tools. There were some virtual objects that he could not see, but he knew the principle behind them. With what he had now, he would be able to create the most advanced machine tool in the world when he returned home!    


Returning to the living room, Xia Lei saw two strangers. They were all wearing black silicone. From the color of their eyes, Xia Lei could tell that they were of the same race as him.    


"Is it done?" Long Bing asked.    


Xia Lei replied: "Done."    


Long Bing looked at the wristwatch in her hand, then said: "There's not much time left, you should take your original seat."    


Xia Lei walked to the dining hall and sat in the previous seat. Looking at Anina who was lying on the dining table, he suddenly felt a sense of guilt.    


He could completely feel Anina's feelings towards him. She liked him, but that was from the bottom of her heart. Even though she knew he had a wife, she didn't give up. Her feelings for him were so real that he had deceived her, not even a chance to apologize. As soon as she woke up, he would die in front of her, waiting for her forever unsolvable doubts and feelings of sadness. This was not fair to her at all.    


Xia Lei looked at Anina's face quietly, and in his heart he quietly said: "I'm sorry, I lied to you, but I didn't do it on purpose, there are some things that I couldn't help but do ? I don't know if we'll have a chance to meet again in the future, but if we do, I'll repay you well. Take care, Anina. "    


At this time, Joseph and Anina who were lying on the table moved.    


Long Bing gave a meaningful glance to two of her colleagues who were wearing black masks as she left the room.    


The two colleagues wearing black masks immediately took out their pistols and hid at the two sides of the dining hall, waiting for Anina and Joseph to fully awaken.    


Xia Lei also laid on the table, pretending to wake up together with Joseph.    


"What's going on?" The first one to wake up was actually Joseph. He bewilderedly opened his eyes and saw Xia Lei and Anina sprawled on the table.    


Just then, Anina also opened her eyes, she shook her head, as though she wanted to wake up from her stupor.    


"Anina, are we drunk?" Joseph's heart was filled with doubts.    


"Are we drunk? "How terrible ?" Anina muttered.    


Xia Lei also opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes, and said: "Joseph, is your family's wine alright? It's just two bottles, we're all drunk. "    


Joseph suddenly thought of something, and his expression instantly became anxious. He said: "You guys stay here, I'll go check the warehouse."    


"We're going back." Anina stood up, "lucas, let's go."    


Xia Lei smiled at Anina. He wanted to leave Anina with a smile, but at this moment, his smile was filled with sadness.    


Maybe Xia Lei's smile had touched the soft part of Anina's heart, but she suddenly pulled Xia Lei's hand intimately in front of him.    


Joseph's face suddenly became ugly.    


At this moment, an explosive shell suddenly flew into the dining hall and landed on the ground with a loud bang. The strong light from his left eye and the deafening explosion caused the three of them to tumble to the ground. The moment she fell to the ground, Xia Lei subconsciously held Anina tightly, protecting her body.    


Two wore black silicone. The masked gunner suddenly rushed into the dining hall and grabbed Xia Lei who was lying on Anina's body. One of them pointed his gun at Xia Lei and roared: "It's him! She's the one who killed our boss Navas, kill him!"    


"Damn it!" "Kill him!" The two masks wearing black silica gel chimed in, and then shot at Xia Lei together.    




Sparks spurted from the barrel and the shell fell to the ground with a clatter.    


Xia Lei fell to the ground, screaming in pain. The masked man, however, continued to frantically pull the trigger at his body.    


However, there were only cartridge shells. There were no bullets. There wasn't even a single piece of skin on Xia Lei's body.    


Anina shook her head with all her might, but she was still unable to see Xia Lei's situation clearly. Her ears were also buzzing non-stop, and the deafening gunfire did not manage to hurt her ear drums, which had already been numbed by the explosion. But she was very clear that the two black men were shooting at Xia Lei!    


"lucas ?" She opened her mouth wanting to wake lucas up. She hoped that a miracle would happen and lucas would suddenly get up from the ground and defeat the two black gunners. However, such a miracle only existed in her imagination. It did not appear in reality at all.    


Joseph struggled to get up from the ground, but before he could stand firm, a gun barrel smashed onto his head, causing him to groan in pain, and he fell to the ground unconscious.    


Anina heard the conversation of the two black men and also saw two extremely blurry figures walking towards her. A thought suddenly emerged in her heart, "Will they kill me? lucas, wake up, quickly save me ? "    


At the moment of crisis, she didn't think of anyone but Xia Lei.    


A gun suddenly smashed onto Anina's head, she had completely lost consciousness.    


After an unknown period of time, Anina slowly woke up. She subconsciously rubbed her eyes that were stinging from the heat. She saw Joseph lying on the ground, saw the bullets, but she didn't see Xia Lei.    


"Thinking of Xia Lei, Anina's body suddenly gave birth to a strange power. She crawled up from the ground and then staggered back and forth, looking around as he ran. As he ran, he shouted," lucas ? ? lucas, where are you? "    


No one replied her, it was as if that handsome youth from Grand China had left forever and would never appear in front of her again.    


That terrifying scene appeared in her mind. The two black gunners threw explosive rounds at the dining hall, then shot towards Xia Lei ?    


"No, you won't die, you won't die ?" "Woo woo ?" Logic finally triumphed over fantasy, and Anina's tears also flowed down, hot tears wetting her cheeks.    


"Anina, where's lucas? Joseph also crawled up from the ground. He looked around, but didn't see lucas.    


Anina turned her head to look at Joseph, her eyes brimming with tears, "lucas was... The gangsters have been killed... "Wuuwaa ?" At this point, she could no longer hold it in and burst into tears.    


Joseph walked over, held Anina's shoulders and said consolingly: "Don't be afraid, there's still me, I'll accompany you, no one can hurt you."    


Anina leaned on his shoulder and cried non-stop.    


Just when she was crying her heart out, Joseph suddenly let go of her and walked towards the stairs. As he walked, he said, "Oh no, those guys must be here for my [Intelligent Machine Tool]!"    


Anina froze on the spot, "lucas was killed, but you only remember about your machine tool! He saved your life, did you forget? "    


Joseph did not reply him as he quickly walked up to the second floor. At this time, he did not look weak like a patient at all. His footsteps were like the wind.    


Anina ran up to the second floor and entered Joseph's study.    


Joseph saw his computer and heaved a long sigh of relief. "Fortunately my computer is still here, so the things here haven't been touched by anyone before." As he spoke, he awakened the computer, and a password box popped up on his monitor. He entered the password and checked the contents of the hard drive. The results of the inspection made him relax a little more, and the computer's contents remained untouched. He had considerable confidence in his complex code.    


"I've said it before, lucas was killed by a gang member, those guys are not interested in your machine tool at all!" Anina felt that it was not worth it, because he had saved a heartless fellow.    


"No, I have to check the warehouse!" Joseph followed him back to the warehouse.    



This time, Anina did not follow her. She went back to the dining room and looked at the bullet shell on the ground in a daze. She was sure that she saw Xia Lei fall to the ground after being shot by a gun, then the two black gunners shot at Xia Lei's body crazily. No one could survive that situation, this was also the reason why she was sure that Xia Lei had been killed. But why was there no blood, no body?    


"Those two black gunners killed lucas, why did they take the body away?" Anina couldn't understand this question no matter how hard she tried.    


After thinking for a while, Anina took out her phone to call the police.    


Not long after, Joseph returned from the warehouse with a smile on his face, "Those fellows really aren't here for my intelligent machine tools, and no one has even touched the things inside the warehouse. I have checked carefully, no problem."    


To Joseph, the matter at hand was indeed worth being happy for. He had not lost his most important thing, but his love rival had died. Without Xia Lei, how could he worry about Anina not changing his mind?    


"Enough!" Anina roared at Joseph: "I don't want to hear you mention anything about intelligent machine tools anymore."    


Joseph then retracted his smile, and pretended to be sad, "I'm sorry, Anina, I was also hurt when lucas was killed. But you know, the intelligent machine tool in the warehouse is my years of hard work, it's just like my kid... "In the future, we will make a fortune over it. Believe me, we will definitely be able to do it."    


"That's you! It has nothing to do with me! " Anina had lost control of her emotions as she covered her ears and walked out, "I don't want to hear what you have to say, I will go out and wait for the police!"    


"You called the police?" Joseph looked very surprised, "Why didn't you tell me?"    


Anina stopped talking with Joseph and walked out of his house in anger.    


A hint of hatred flashed through Joseph's eyes, but he didn't shamelessly chase after her again.    


The night was boundless, and there was a bright full moon in the sky, along with countless stars. Originally, Anina should have been at home with Xia Lei, but in the blink of an eye, they were separated by heaven and earth, never to be seen again.    


"lucas, are you in the sky? Tell me, which star is you? " Anina looked up at the stars in the sky, tears flowing out once again.    


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