Tranxending Vision



0It was still a little awkward.    


The next day when Xia Lei came to the company, his eyes were red. He almost didn't sleep the whole night. He searched through all the things his father Xia Changhe left behind, trying to find some clues. But in the end, he was still busy for nothing. The more the mysterious man resembled his father, the more he wondered why he didn't go home or even meet him.    


The mysterious man never saw her, and the question never got an answer. However, Xia Lei solved an urgent problem, and that was the self-tapping rod that could be bent. In a single night, he had completed the drawing's design.    


The self-tapping rod that he had upgraded was even smaller, and could be stored inside. However, after extending it, it could reach a length of two meters and could be bent, satisfying all the angle required by the selfie. If a selfie wanted to get their own pars dorsalis, they could easily use this kind of self-tapping rod. If one wanted to take a picture of the scenery inside the wall, this kind of self-tapping rod that could extend its body to two meters could easily satisfy their needs.    


Xia Lei told Liang Siyao about the idea of producing self-tapping rod, and Liang Siyao happily agreed with his idea.    


"This plan is much better than the Shopping cart!" Liang Siyao said excitedly: "It's mostly the old granny who buys Shopping cart, the young people don't even bother to look at Shopping cart, let alone buy it. However, self-tapping rod is something that is very popular among the young. If we can do better things like others, we will definitely sell it off! "    


Xia Lei said: "One more thing, this kind of self-tapping rod that can bend 360 degrees doesn't exist in the market. My design is also very unique, I intend to apply for a patent and make this product unique to us."    


"Apply for a patent? "Is that okay?"    


Xia Lei smiled and said, "Of course you can, but I'm not applying for it in Hai Zhu. I'll call a Telephone for Long Bing and have her help with it." With her help, I couldn't be bothered to run to Patent Office. Hai Zhu is such a small place, I don't want others to know of our plan. "    


If he went to Hai Zhu City to apply for a patent, he might encounter some troubles, and this secret might be leaked out. To put it bluntly, this kind of self-tapping rod that could be bent was just a small idea. It did not have much science and technology, so they could easily create it with a glance. In order to avoid this trouble, Xia Lei thought of asking Long Bing for help. The last time Liu Ying applied for the automatic surfboard, it was also with Long Bing's help.    


"I approve of applying for a patent, but would they be willing to help?" Liang Siyao was somewhat suspicious of this.    


Xia Lei replied, "Compared to what I've done for them, my request is just a small request. If they don't even help me with such a small matter, I'll pretend that I don't know anything if they want my help in the future." Senior Sister, don't worry about this matter, we will split up and do it, you copy a few of the drawing and send one to Car director each. From today onwards, our company will produce this kind of self-tapping rod all over, we need to hurry up and get out a batch of them as soon as possible.    


"Alright, I'll be there immediately." Liang Siyao picked up the drawing and went back to work.    


Xia Lei started to prepare the Material for the patent application. After he was ready, he dialed Long Bing's Telephone.    


Before he could say anything, Long Bing's voice sounded, "You took the initiative to attack the Telephone, you must have asked me to do something for you. Tell me, what is it?"    


Xia Lei was a bit speechless, "How do you know I'm here for your help?"    


"Could it be that you came to beat up the Telephone to invite me to drink?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Next time when you come to Hai Zhu, I'll treat you to some Coffee. I really need your help this time. I have an idea from the self-tapping rod and would like to apply for a patent. "You know, about a hundred of my subordinates are watching me eat. Right now, the company's business is not doing well, so I can't even keep the pot boiling."    


"Wait, you said self-tapping rod?" Long Bing's voice was filled with curiosity, "Didn't you already have that thing? Many young people nowadays play with it. All day long, they take pictures here and there. Such a common thing, are you really your creator? "    


Xia Lei said: "The self-tapping rod I designed can bend 360 degrees, have you seen it before?"    


"I've never seen it before."    


"I'll fax you the Material that has applied for a patent to you. Can you help me settle it?"    


Long Bing stayed silent for a while before saying, "If you can bend it, there should be no problem. Fax it to me. I'll show it to General Manager Shi and approve it for you within today."    


"Thank you." Wu Tie let out a sigh of relief and probed again, "You don't need General Manager Shi for this, do you?"    


Long Bing said, "If you apply for a patent at the Beijing Patent Office, I don't have that much energy to help you get it done. I was the one who asked General Manager Shi to get it done for you." You are now the red man in his eyes, and he will be happy to help you. "    


"What do you mean by 'a red person doesn't look red'?" "Thank you. Also, please convey my thanks to General Manager Shi."    


"There's no need to be polite about such a small matter." With the contribution you've made this time, even if you say that you invented the kitchen knife, he can help you get a patent for it. "    


She could actually make such a joke?    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Yup, send me one if you have any products."    


"Sure, no problem."    


"Is there anything else? "If there's nothing else, I'll be hanging up." Before Xia Lei could say anything, a Telephone hung on Long Bing's side.    


The matter was settled just like that. Xia Lei knew that the more help Shi Boren gave him, the more he owed Shi Boren. The most difficult thing to return was the debt of gratitude. In the future, there would be plenty of time to work for Shi Boren. However, this was nothing. What Shi Boren asked him to do was basically serving his country. Although this Country was not perfect and had such a weakness, she was still mother who was born and raised by Chinese. If she was capable of making her stronger, this would actually be a very noble thing to do.    


After settling the matter of the patent application, Xia Lei went to take a look at the Workshop. A few Workshop were already preparing to produce the self-tapping rod that he had designed. A few Workshop were also busy. The Shopping cart did not stop producing, and there was also Wu Steel producing it. Although its profits could not compare to the self-tapping rod's, its market was still there. One company wants to diversify its products, and Rema now has two products, which is a good start.    


After coming out of the Workshop, Xia Lei went straight into his exclusive studio s, using all of his strength to make smart machine tool. Compared to the Shopping cart, this intelligent machine tool was the Rema Manufacturing Company's trump card!    


Xia Lei was busy with his studio and Liang Siyao did not stop. After the first self-tapping rod came out, she took Xia Lei's studio, and the two of them were satisfied with the self-tapping rod that worker produced.    


However, the new question was in front of them. Now that the product was out, how were they going to sell it?    


In this world, things that aren't yours can't be sold just because they're good. For advertising, connections were very important. Rema Manufacturing Company did not have any of these two conditions.    


"Our customers and sales channels are too few. This kind of self-tapping rod is easy to produce, one worker can produce twenty to thirty in a day, and we can produce around 2000 in a day. This way, our funds and Material will be exhausted very quickly, so we have to solve the sales problem quickly. " Liang Siyao said.    


Xia Lei thought for a while, and brow also frowned, "Our own Supermarket can sell some of this kind of goods, but the sales are almost negligible. This kind of thing is sold a lot online. I wonder if we can use this channel to sell it online? "    


"You mean opening an online store?" Liang Siyao then shook her head, "It's very deep to open an online store on the internet. It's very difficult to open a new store without a reputation and a customer coming back. "The other question is, we only have two products at the moment. Which store doesn't have a bunch of products on the shelves right now?"    


Xia Lei said: "I'm not interested in opening an internet store. I'm saying that we should sell our things to the web site. Didn't the JD have a self-service platform? We can try. We can also sell some of the big online stores. Our products are very novel and fill the gap in the self-shoot market. I think e-commerce and online stores will definitely be interested. "    


"That's a good idea, I will contact the JD right now. Hmm, I will get the Kid and the girls from the Sales Department to act as well, and have them contact those big online stores." Liang Siyao left as soon as she said she would, looking very excited and anxious at the same time.    


Xia Lei watched her walk out of the studio. He secretly knew in his heart: "If I earn money this time, I will definitely buy her a car. She paid too much."    


Liang Siyao suddenly turned around, "I suddenly remember, isn't Monk Professional bodyguards? I heard him say before that his Owner seems to be a shareholder in the JD who can speak on the board of directors. When fighting Telephone, we can only look for lower level workers to find the JD. We are begging them, the price is definitely not easy to negotiate with them, even if we were to end the negotiation, the process of walking will be very troublesome. Why don't I ask the monk and see what he says. "    


Monk was Lu Sheng's nickname and Liang Zhengchun's disciple. When Xia Lei first went to Liang Zhengchun's boxing school, Lu Sheng disliked him and they even fought each other. In the end, Xia Lei beat him up and the two of them even became Friends.    


Lu Sheng's steel-like appearance appeared in Xia Lei's mind, and a smile appeared on his face, "I didn't hear about Owner's situation from him, but it's much better than contacting the staff of the JD. However, I know that Lu Sheng likes you.    


Liang Siyao immediately rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "He likes me, do you think we'll be embarrassed if we get together? "Then do we feel awkward together?"    


Is that a problem?    


However, there was one ambiguity in this question. Was it because she liked Xia Lei, or because Xia Lei liked her?    


Perhaps she realized there was something awkward in her words, Liang Siyao felt faint. Without waiting for Xia Lei to answer her question, she turned around and walked out again. As she walked, she said, "Don't worry about it. I'll arrange it, come with me when the time comes."    



"Yes." Xia Lei replied, but he was thinking about a question in his mind, "Am I embarrassed when I'm with her? It's not awkward, right? "    


Then, a strange scene of him pulling Skirt s for her and ripping them apart appeared in his mind.    


So it was actually a little awkward.    


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