Tranxending Vision

C123 The Beautiful Walden Town

C123 The Beautiful Walden Town

0The day's work was over. Although it was only two days, Anina was extremely satisfied with Xia Lei's assistant. In her eyes, Xia Lei was an outstanding Mechanist, what made her even more satisfied was that he was diligent, humble and courteous, and that working with Xia Lei was truly a joyful thing. Moreover, she actually knew that Xia Lei was the person who helped her. Although she didn't know why Xia Lei didn't admit that he did it, she was actually grateful towards him.    


"lucas, I'll send you to the subway station later." Before going to the public bathroom, Anina told Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "Aren't you going to attend Joseph's birthday party? You don't have to worry about me. I'll just call my own car and go to the subway station. "    


Anina said: "My home is one hundred meters away from Joseph's, I am not in a hurry. It's a deal then. Wait for me after you take a bath, I'll send you off. "    


Xia Lei smiled at her, "Alright, thank you."    


Anina also smiled at Xia Lei, it was a very sincere feeling.    


They walked together to the public bathroom. There were many people who went to the public bathroom to take a bath because mechanics did manual labor. After a day of work, their bodies were covered in sweat and they were covered in oil. Many of them would take a shower before going home. Few people would be willing to get into their cars covered in sweat or stand on the subway.    


When he was about to reach the public bathroom, Xia Lei saw Joseph. He was walking and chatting with a colleague with an engrossed look on his face.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "What is he talking about?"    


With this thought, Xia Lei's left eye locked onto Joseph's lips. He wanted to use his lip language to decipher Joseph's words, but he suddenly realized that his understanding of the's hundred percent of lip language was completely useless in Germany. Those familiar lips of his simply didn't seem right when it came to pronouncing them in German.    


However, he was able to decipher a few German words by imitating the pronunciation himself. It was an era, large, intelligent, machine tool, certain, success.    


It was just a few words, Xia Lei could not guess any more. He was a little depressed as he thought to himself: "The reason why I tried to comprehend the technique in all kinds of ways in Grand China is because I am familiar with my mother tongue. If I want to have more room to use the technique, I still need to study and familiarize myself with the German pronunciation and lips."    


There were too many things to learn, Xia Lei felt that he did not have enough time.    


"Joseph!" Anina walked up quickly.    


Joseph noticed Anina, and his face immediately revealed a smile: "Anina, you must come tonight."    


"Of course I'm coming." Anina walked in front of Joseph, pulled him to the side, and whispered into his ear.    


Xia Lei looked at it for a bit before entering the bathroom.    


10 minutes later, Xia Lei changed into casual clothes and left the public bathroom. At this time, Anina also walked out of the bathroom. Her hair was wet, and it was easy to see how hastily she had washed it.    


"Actually, I could have waited for you. Why are you in such a hurry?" Xia Lei said with a smile, but in his heart, he was slightly grateful. He knew very well that if he wasn't sent to the subway station, a woman couldn't bathe so fast.    


Anina pursed her lips and laughed, "Let's go get the car."    


A few minutes later, Anina's Breaker engine drove out of the factory area and headed towards the city.    


Xia Lei sat in the back seat as usual, tightly hugging her small waist. Her full, perky butt was also pressed up against his thigh, making him exceptionally sensitive.    


Very quickly, Anina reached an intersection. Going straight ahead was the city district, and going to the left was a small town. Next to the T-junction was a road sign that said, in German, "Walden, five kilometers."    


Xia Lei had actually already seen this road sign four times, but he did not have a single memory of what it looked like, because he had never been to Warden Town before.    


Just as Xia Lei was looking at the road signs, Anina suddenly changed the direction of her locomotive and entered the main road towards Walden Town.    


"Aren't we going to the subway station?" Xia Lei said in shock: "Where are you bringing me to?"    


Anina said: "Come to my house."    


"Go..." "Your family?" Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


Anina said: "I told Joseph that he invited you to his birthday party. You go to my house first, and then we'll go to Joseph's house to participate in his birthday party. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"You won't blame me, will you? I took you away without consulting you, haha. " Anina said with a smile.    


Xia Lei laughed: "How can that be, I also want to make a few more friends."    


Joseph was a very powerful electrical engineer, he wanted to come into contact with someone like this. How could he not be happy at such a chance?    


The few kilometers of journey was over in a flash. An ancient town came into view.    


The town was situated in a U-shaped valley surrounded by several mountain peaks. The architecture was classical, with a Roman attic and a Gothic church. When these buildings were mixed together, there were very few modern elements. The feeling it gave people was that they had arrived in medieval Europe, perhaps a group of German knights would rush out from the Maple Forest near the town if they weren't careful.    


Mountains surrounded it, an ancient town, a river with clear, slow flowing water, a mountain full of maple leaves and green grass burning like fire, the place was breathtakingly beautiful.    


This beautiful scene shocked Xia Lei, and he let out a sigh. In his heart, he said: "In our country, such an environment is already very rare."    


Suddenly, Anina pulled the locomotive into an old cobblestone path. Xia Lei, who was sitting on the back seat, was almost knocked off the train. He quickly hugged Anina's small waist and leaned on her back. He was able to sit still, but the test had just begun. The locomotive jolted all the way, and Xia Lei's body also continuously trembled on the locomotive ?    


Fortunately, the cobblestone path wasn't very long, and the Breaker stopped in front of a house that was built on the riverside. In front of the house is a winding river, behind the house is a dense maple forest, left and right, no neighbors, quiet and beautiful. This was the most attractive residential area that Xia Lei had ever seen in his life.    


"This is my home." Anina took off his sunglasses.    


Xia Lei quickly jumped down from the car, "Do you live here alone?"    


"Yes, my parents live somewhere else." Anina made a gesture of invitation, "Please enter."    


Xia Lei followed her into the house. The living room had a sofa and a fireplace with a deer horn and a shotgun hanging on the wall. Xia Lei asked curiously: "Do you like to hunt?"    


Anina replied, "No, that's my father's hunting rifle. I don't like to hunt animals. Sit down and I'll make you a cup of coffee. "    


Xia Lei said: "No need, aren't we going to Joseph's house?"    


Anina laughed and said: "It's not even 6 yet, his birthday party time is 7, so we don't need to go over so early. Sit down, I'll get some coffee. "Yeah, you can also take a look around as you wish. There's no need to be restrained."    


Xia Lei did not decline, he nodded his head.    


Anina turned around and went into the kitchen to make coffee for Xia Lei. Xia Lei took out his phone and sent a message to Long Bing: I'm participating in my colleague's birthday party.    


Very soon, he received a message from Long Bing: Un.    


With that word, Xia Lei laughed bitterly and kept his phone to look around Anina's house.    


Anina's house did not have many high-end items, but the design and layout were all very particular, giving people a very comfortable feeling. In the study room on the second floor, Xia Lei saw many books that were very specialized, mainly in the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering. He flipped through a book on electrical engineering and found that the knowledge contained in it was more advanced and comprehensive than the knowledge he had found online.    



"I'll borrow some books from her later." Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


Anina carried a cup of black coffee and walked in, "So you're in the study room, do you like reading too?"    


Xia Lei replied, "Yes, I really like reading books."    


"You are reading electrical engineering books. Do you like this kind of knowledge?" Anina placed the coffee on the table.    


Xia Lei replied: "Yes, I am self-studying in that area." Then he smiled. "To tell you the truth, I'd like to be like you, with a higher rank. That way I could earn a little more."    


Anina said: "I am not very good at electrical engineering. If there is a chance, you should ask Joseph for guidance. He is a genius in this area. Oh right, he was currently researching intelligent large scale machine tools, and it was nearing completion. If nothing unexpected happens, he will succeed. "    


"A very intelligent large scale machine tool?" Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat. He recalled the conversation that Joseph and his colleagues had with each other that he had with lip language in the factory. There were also words like "smart" or "big machine tool".    


"Yes, I heard him say that it should be the most advanced intelligent machine tool in the world. It can save a lot of time for manpower and production. More importantly, its precision should be higher than the existing machine tools." Anina said, "You must know that in terms of accuracy, even increasing the accuracy by one thousandth of a strand is considered very amazing."    


Xia Lei picked up the cup of black coffee and stirred it with the spoon, but he thought to himself in his heart: "I must get hold of his scheme! If Rayma Manufacturing Corp has this kind of highly intelligent machine tool, then my 'Rayma Manufacturing Corp' will become the company with the strongest manufacturing power in the country! "    


"Do you like this place?" Anina looked at Xia Lei with a smile.    


"I like it, I really do." Xia Lei laughed: "I was just thinking, if only I had such a house."    


Anina said: "If you like, you can come live at my house. Are you still renting a house? Since you've come to stay with me, I'll only take a token rent, what do you think? "    


"This ?" Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Thank you, my rent has not expired, let's talk after it expires."    


"How about you stay here tonight? I want to drink some wine, and when the time comes, no one will take you home." Anina said.    


Xia Lei thought about it again, "Alright, then I'll be disturbing you tonight."    


"Keke, are you Chinese always so polite?" Anina laughed.    


"Most Chinese people are very polite, right? As a nation of etiquette, we value etiquette very much." Xia Lei said.    


The two of them started to chat casually, Xia Lei had long forgotten about Long Bing's reminder that she should not speak German too fluently. However, after being in contact with his for the past two days, Xia Lei did not think that Anina would bring him any trouble either.    


After drinking the coffee, at around 6: 30 PM, Anina left her house and walked along a small path towards Joseph's house.    


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