Starts With A Full Level System

C11 Enemies Again

C11 Enemies Again

0In fact, Van Hui didn't really know much about the inner force cultivation technique that he was learning right now, because it was helping Van Hui increase his strength and means in the dark. However, this cultivation technique couldn't be used in real life. It was really difficult for Van Hui to determine its use.    


But now, Van Hui was seriously injured. This was the reason why he could clearly sense the power of the inner force skill that he was learning.    


As the saying went, the Grand Desolate Universe Spell could overturn heaven and earth and overturn the universe.    


At the moment when Van Hui was exhausted, the inner force skill had actually forcefully stopped the festering of Van Hui's wound. Furthermore, it was the reverse, continuously absorbing the boundless spiritual energy that came from the outside world. It was used to nourish Van Hui's body.    


Van Hui, who was originally unable to move, suddenly turned around not long after Yang Yilan left.    


"Alright, let's increase my internal force cultivation technique to 1% first!"    


Finally, it was time to do some simple activities. Van Hui's interest was piqued. This was what he said.    


A total of 13,000 legendary experience points were divided into 3500 points and 9500 points.    


He did not unlock any other skills, nor did he convert them into essence. The skill that Van Hui unlocked was a transformation. For:    


Grand Desolate Universe Spell (Unlocked Progress: 1%)    


Four Directional Beast Town (Unlocked Progress: 1.5%)    


A warm current flowed up along Van Hui's Dantian. The pain that was constantly spreading throughout his body slowly disappeared. At this moment, the entire world seemed to have merged with Van Hui.    


"Just the additional 3.5 thousand Unlocked Progress is already so amazing?"    


Van Hui could not help but mutter once again when he sensed the changes in his body.    


Originally, he only felt the wounds on his body healing at a faster rate. However, Van Hui could no longer feel any pain from the wounds on his body.    


Even if he was moving normally, he wouldn't feel any hindrance.    


Except for the bandage that was wrapped tightly around his body.    


Reversing the power of heaven and earth, was this the power of the spells learned by Great Completion Stage warriors?    


"Quick! I heard that there are a lot of monsters at the entrance of the village!"    


"What? Didn't the government send a lot of soldiers recently? Why didn't they stop those monsters? "    


"Who knows? Recently, those monsters have been active frequently, and their numbers have also clearly increased. Perhaps there are a few monsters that escaped from the government's encirclement at the entrance of the village!    


We can't let them enter the village. Let's go and intercept them first! "    


There seemed to be some noise coming from outside the house. Van Hui carefully listened and only then did he hear the above words.    


This is...    


Something happened again?    


However, this time, it didn't seem to be those cultivators who were doing evil deeds, but rather some monsters that suddenly became abnormally active and had a significant increase in numbers?    


"This can be considered disturbing my recuperation. Anyway, with the help of the Grand Desolate Universe Spell, the injuries on my body have been healed in an instant. I'll go to the entrance of the village and take a look!"    


He hurriedly got off the bed. However, Van Hui's current attire almost made him shrink back into his bed.    


His entire body was wrapped tightly by bandages, just like a mummy from ancient Egypt!    


If he guessed correctly, this might be Yang Yilan's bandages.    


This technique...    


Was that bowl of medicine really not poisonous?    


Seeing his current attire, Van Hui couldn't help but ridicule. But then, Van Hui suddenly stood there with a red face.    


If the current Van Hui didn't have these ribbons, he could be said to be completely naked.    


But if the ribbons on Van Hui's body were replaced by Yang Yilan's help, then didn't this mean that Van Hui had been seen by Yang Yilan?    


"Pooh pooh pooh, what time is it? What are you thinking all day long? Let's hurry to the village entrance and see if the villagers are hurt!"    


After giving himself two fierce slaps, Van Hui hurriedly distinguished the main and secondary relationship of the current situation. He ignored his attire and ran towards the village entrance.    


"Little brother? Why did you run out? Shouldn't you be heavily injured and lying on the bed now? No wonder Little Yang said that you have a good constitution. I didn't think that you would be able to jump out now!    


However, there are a few monsters at the entrance of the village now. Go back and rest first. It will be bad if you are accidentally injured by that monster later!"    


Seeing Van Hui suddenly rushing towards the entrance of the village, a few villagers around recognized him and quickly said.    


However, Van Hui suddenly accelerated. He leisurely left behind a sentence to those villagers who were worried about him.    


"Don't worry, this young master is healthy! Leave those monsters to me. I don't want the experience that comes to my doorstep for free. I am not one of those monsters, and each of them is comparable to a Nascent Infant Stage warrior!"    


"Huh? What is that little brother talking about?"    


Looking at Van Hui who was rushing towards the entrance of the village from afar, the villagers said in a daze.    




When Van Hui finally rushed to the entrance of the village, he saw that it was already surrounded by villagers.    


In the distance, there were a few huge rhinoceros shaped monsters confronting a few villagers with hoes in their hands.    


In front of the villagers, Yang Yilan, who was holding a slender immortal sword, was also emitting a powerful aura.    


"Horned Rhinoceros Beast, a Rank 3 mutated beast. Its strength is equivalent to that of a Golden Core Stage warrior!"    


The system in his mind hurriedly analyzed the monsters that had barged into the village for Van Hui. However, after learning the strength of those monsters, Van Hui was suddenly shocked.    





Monsters with strength comparable to Golden Core Stage?    


If he remembered correctly, Yang Yilan's strength was only at the stage where her heart would beat.    


Facing those monsters whose strength was two levels higher than hers, how could Yang Yilan dare to rush to the front?    


There were also the villagers behind her. Although they had the help of hoes and shovels, those villagers were only ordinary mortals.    


It was even more impossible for them to fight those monsters in front of them.    


"Little brother, why are you here? Don't worry, Miss Yang will help us block those monsters. Go back to your room and have a good rest. You were just brought back by Miss Yang with wounds all over your body not long ago. How can you walk so quickly? "    


Some of the surrounding villagers recognized Van Hui. They hurriedly said to Van Hui. Yang Yilan, who was confronting those monsters not far away, also sensed Van Hui's arrival.    


"Why did you run out? Hurry up and go back. These monsters are not weak. They might hurt you at that time! There were also villagers? You guys hurry back to your houses and hide here. I can do it by myself!"    


Yang Yilan shouted at Van Hui who was far away. Yang Yilan also urged the villagers who were gathered around her anxiously.    


However, while Yang Yilan was distracted, those monsters suddenly rushed towards Yang Yilan. Their sharp rhinoceros horns directly pointed forward.    


"You are courting death!"    


Facing these rhinoceros monsters, Yang Yilan did not hesitate and directly urged her own Spiritual Qi to suddenly charge forward.    


Thousands of sword shadows scattered around Yang Yilan's body. The sharp sword qi also rolled towards the rhinoceros monsters in front.    


However, just like what the system had told Van Hui about the strength of both parties, how could Yang Yilan, a cultivator at the stage of Heart Movement, be able to defeat those powerful monsters that were comparable to Golden Core Stage?    


Those monsters completely ignored Yang Yilan's thousands of sword Qi and took Yang Yilan's attack head on. They arrived in front of Yang Yilan and pointed their sharp rhinoceros horns at her.    




They never thought that these monsters would be so powerful. The sword shadows in front of Yang Yilan were also directly shattered. She was directly sent flying by those sweeping rhinos. A mouthful of fresh blood was spat out from her mouth. The long sword was also thrown far away.    


"Are you stupid? How dare a cultivator with the cultivation base of Heart Movement Stage fight against a monster with the strength of Golden Core Stage? Are you sure you don't want to live anymore? How dare you fight against so many of them at the same time?"    


Looking at Yang Yilan who was pushed back by the force, Fan Hui quickly rushed out of the surrounding villagers' way and stood in front of Yang Yilan, cursing with mixed feelings.    


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