Magic Little Rural Doctor

C25 I Have a Big Plan

C25 I Have a Big Plan

0"Damn, he's actually in love …"    


Feeling Sun Jianming's hand carelessly groping on his body, Chen Long's heart felt like a cat scratching its heart. It was extremely itchy, and he could only use his strong willpower to control himself.    


When Chen Long was about to lose control of himself, he realized that Sun Jianhui had already swelled to an unimaginable scale. He immediately stopped. If he continued like this, something was going to happen!    


Sun Jianming screamed as well. After trembling for dozens of seconds, he calmed down. He took two deep breaths and opened his eyes, saying, "You little scoundrel, why haven't you taken your hand away yet?"    


"Hey hey, right now!"    


Chen Long embarrassedly took his hand away and sat on the chair behind him with a pale face. This was a huge task, but he had to use a lot of spiritual energy.    


"Xiaolong, are you alright?!"    


Sun Jianxin looked at Chen Long's dispirited appearance and immediately felt worried. She couldn't help but get up from the bed and go over to him, asking in concern.    


A woman's unique fragrance immediately assaulted Chen Long's nose. He immediately reacted and closed his eyes, saying, "Sister Jiayi, I'm just a little tired. I'll take a rest for a while. You, you'd better put on your clothes quickly!"    




After Chen Long's reminder, Sun Jia realized that she was still bare-chested. With a scream, she quickly retreated back into the blanket, blushing so much that she looked like she was about to drip blood.    


Chen Long knew it was Sun Jiaxin dressing up, so he didn't open his eyes. He just sat there quietly with his eyes closed, recovering his lost spiritual energy. He secretly calculated in his heart that he should ask Sun Jiaxin for compensation for losing so much spiritual energy.    


"I'm done. Xiaolong, are you okay?"    


After Sun Jianxin was dressed, she calmed down and thought of Chen Long.    


After a period of rest, Chen Long's spiritual force had recovered quite a bit. He opened his eyes and smiled, "I'm fine, sister Jianming!"    


"Quickly, look and see if I've grown up or not." Sun Jiaxin asked.    


Chen Long smiled faintly and said, "Can't you feel it yourself?"    


Sun Jianming looked down and realized that he had really grown bigger. He could not help but smile as he laid back down on the bed and said, "I've finally gotten bigger too, haha!"    


"Why do I feel that my skin has become much better?" Sun Jiaxin couldn't help but ask as she touched her tender skin.    


Chen Long smiled and explained, "This is the brilliance of my massage technique!"    


That's right, according to the records of the《 Dragon Blood Grimoire》, not only could this kind of massage become stronger, it could cure hidden injuries, and it could also replenish the body's moisture.    


"Little bastard, when you were doing this for someone else, did you directly give it to that person?" Sun Jia Nian suddenly asked.    


Chen Long was stunned. He quickly waved his hand and denied it. "Of course not. This is the first time I've grown up for someone else. Besides, I'm a lowly person in the current world. How could I do such a thing?"    


"Tsk, so you're the only one who's being submissive. I think you're Chen Shimei, that's more like it!" Sun Jianhui sneered and then said, "Alright, you go out first, I'll change!"    




Chen Long stole another glance at Sun Jianhui before opening the door and walking out.    


After Chen Long left, Sun Jiaxing let out a sigh of relief. Looking at the puddle of water under her, she could not help but blush and said, "Luckily I wasn't discovered by that little rascal, otherwise I would have been embarrassed!"    


As he said this, he quickly tidied up the evidence and destroyed the evidence.    


Chen Long was sitting on the sofa in his office, recovering his spiritual energy. He was thinking about what he wanted from Sun Jianming. At that moment, Jin Tingting suddenly opened the door and walked in.    


"Eh, Mr. Chen, where's our CEO Sun?" Jin Tingting asked curiously.    


Chen Long opened his eyes and carelessly pointed to the lounge. "Sister Jianming, she's in her room changing clothes. If you have something to say, just wait a bit!"    


Jin Tingting looked at Chen Long in surprise and couldn't help but guess in her heart, "How could Director Sun change his clothes and let this man stay here? "Could it be that the two of them …"    


Thinking of this, a charming image appeared in her mind, causing her to blush and shake her head.    


"This is impossible, just what kind of status does Director Sun have, how could he fancy someone like him!"    


At this moment, Sun Jiaxin walked out from the inside. She wore a long purple dress, vividly contrasting with her beautiful figure. It was noble and elegant, attracting people but not daring to have any thoughts of desecrating her.    


"Wow, CEO Sun, you're so beautiful!" Jin Tingting couldn't help but praise.    


After hearing Jin Tingting's praise, Sun Jia Nian couldn't help but look at Chen Long. Her pretty face reddened, but she quickly recovered and said, "Xiao Jin, why are you here?"    


"Oh, CEO Sun, it's like this!"    


Jin Tingting put on her clothes with a serious expression and said seriously, "Recently, there are a lot of old customers who say our vegetables aren't fresh enough and taste bad. But after investigation, we found that there are no problems with the vegetables, what should we do?"    


As she finished her sentence, Jin Tingting started to cry. She must have been forced into a corner by those customers.    


"What the hell is going on?"    


Sun Jianxin didn't understand what was going on and said, "Xiao Jin, don't worry. Let me think for a moment. There will be a way. You can busy yourself first!"    




Jin Tingting nodded and walked out. Her curvy body instantly attracted Chen Long's attention, causing him to be unable to extricate himself.    


As Chen Long was staring intently, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back. He could not help but shiver and curse in his heart.    


Turning his head to take a look, he saw Sun Jiaxin looking at him with a smile that was not a smile. Chen Long couldn't help but blush and embarrassedly said, "Sister Jiayi, you look so good!"    


"Hmph. A glib tongue. Let me warn you, you are not allowed to have any ideas about my secretary. I am still a little girl. Do you hear me?" Sun Jiayin said aggressively.    


Chen Long couldn't help but exclaim, "Sister Jianming, the heavens are right! The sun and the moon can be seen, I really don't have any other thoughts!"    


"No idea?"    


Sun Jiaxu raised her eyebrows. She walked over and sat on the arm of the sofa next to Chen Long. She whispered into his ear, "You don't have any feelings for her. What about the two girls?"    


Feeling the hot air coming from his ears, Chen Long reacted instantly. He couldn't help but put his hand on his vital parts and said with a wry smile, "Sister Jiayi, stop joking. How could I …"    



"Are you saying that I don't have enough strength?" Sun Jianming's face instantly darkened as he shouted in anger.    


"No, Big Sis Jianming, that's not what I meant. I mean …"    


Chen Long hurriedly explained, but he couldn't say anything for a long time, so he could only smile at Sun Jianming in embarrassment.    


"Why are you laughing so foolishly?"    


Chen Long didn't say anything. She couldn't do anything about him, so she could only sit in her seat and not say a word.    


Seeing this, Chen Long's mind raced. When women were unreasonable, he could not speak carelessly. He could only think of other topics to divert their attention, or else he would die miserably!    


"Got it!"    


Chen Long had a flash of inspiration and said to Sun Jianhui, "Sister Jianming, I heard your secret technique just now said that customers don't seem to be satisfied with your vegetables?"    


"Well, what is it?" Sun Jia Nian said angrily, "This has nothing to do with you!"    


Chen Long hit a nail on the head. Luckily, he didn't get angry due to his thick skin. Instead, he smiled and said, "I know what's going on!"    


"You know?"    


Sun Jianming was shocked, but soon calmed down again. As a student in management and psychology, he couldn't even guess what was going on. How could a small village farmer like Chen Long guess what was going on?    


However, in order to give Chen Long a way out, Sun Jiaxin said, "Then tell me about it!"    


Chen Long nodded his head and said seriously, "Recently, the restaurant has only been served the rice. I won't say much about the taste of the rice. You've tasted it yourself, Sister Jianming!"    


"That's right!"    


Sun Jia nodded, indicating that Chen Long was right. He then asked, "What does this have to do with the dissatisfaction of the vegetables?"    


"Of course it does!" Chen Long smiled and said, "Sister Jianming, think about it. The rice is so delicious, but the vegetables haven't improved much. In comparison, I don't need to explain the results, do I?"    


"So that's how it is!"    


Sun Jianming thought about it carefully and found it to be true. He could not help but praise, "Sure, you stinking brat! I didn't think you would have such skills!"    


Then Sun Jianhui sighed and said, "But there's no good solution. The vegetables are all specially delivered from nearby bases every day. They're all good fresh vegetables. Who else can I get them from?"    


Looking at Sun Jianhui's broken body, Chen Long laughed complacently and said, "You're so close to the horizon!"    




Sun Jianxin was stunned. She threw a doubtful look at Chen Long and asked hesitantly, "Are you sure you can do it?"    


"Sister Jianming!" Chen Long said with a stern expression, "Don't ask a man if he can or can't do it. Besides, don't you know whether I can or not?"    




Sun Jianhui had been walking around the mall for so many years. How could she not know what Chen Long was trying to say? She could not help but scold him, "You little brat! Will you die if you don't take advantage of me?"    


"Sister Jianming, listen to me!"    


Seeing that Sun Jianhui was about to go berserk again, Chen Long quickly said, "I have a big plan!"    


"Big plan?"    


Sun Jianhui was bewildered and could not help but ask, "What big plan?"    


Chen Long chuckled. He moved close to Sun Jianhui's ear in a mysterious manner and whispered, "My plan is like this …"    


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