Magic Little Rural Doctor

C20 Nocturnal Healing

C20 Nocturnal Healing

0"Big sister Bai Sha, what's wrong?"    


Chen Long couldn't help but be astonished when Bai Sha suddenly pulled him. However, when he felt Bai Sha's delicate hands, he couldn't help but think of other places.    


Big Sister Bai Sha, you can't be thinking of committing suicide, right?    


Hearing Chen Long's sudden question, Bai Sha's face turned red all of a sudden. With a flustered expression, she said, "Xiaolong, big sis's back hurts …"    




Chen Long couldn't react at all, and then he hurriedly said, "Back pain? It's probably because I was too nervous and couldn't feel it! "    


"Un, I think so!" Bai Sha nodded with a reddened face.    


Chen Long paused for a moment. Looking at Bai Sha's furrowed eyebrows, he cautiously probed, "Sister Bai Sha, should I take a look for you?"    




Bai Sha had a strange look on his face. He didn't understand what Chen Long meant.    


Chen Long was afraid that Bai Sha would misunderstand, so he quickly explained, "Sister Bai Sha, I did some research on injuries while I was in the city with an old Chinese medical doctor!"    


"Alright then!"    


Bai Sha looked out the window at the pitch-black night and nodded helplessly. However, when she saw Chen Long's concerned expression, her heart was moved. Suddenly, endless expectations for what would happen next arose!    


"Sister Bai Sha, you lie on the bed. Let me show you!" Chen Long said warmly.    




Bai Sha followed Chen Long's instructions and laid down on the bed. Even though Chen Long was wearing his T-shirt, his slim waist could still be seen from his back!    


But when he looked up, he could see the bloodstains that had soaked his clothes. In order not to touch Bai Sha's wound, Chen Long slowly lifted his clothes.    




Bai Sha sucked in a breath of cold air, his eyes turning red and shining. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to fall out at any moment.    


"Sister Bai Sha, hold it in for a moment. It's almost done!" Chen Long comforted her.    


Her hand movements became even more gentle as she slowly lifted up the clothes, exposing Bai Sha's back to her.    


Bessa's back was covered in scratches and purple bruises, and blood was seeping out from them. Some sand could be seen from the wounds. It must have been caused by Liu Da Wei's struggle when he pressed her to the ground.    


"That bastard Liu Dawei, we can't let him off that easily!" Chen Long thought to himself.    


Seeing Chen Long remain silent for such a long time, Bai Sha's eyes reddened and he asked anxiously, "Xiaolong, am I going to die from serious injury?"    


Chen Long didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he could understand Bai Sha's feelings. He quickly comforted her, "Sister Bai Sha, don't worry. It's nothing serious. It's just a scratch. It's nothing."    


"Really?" Bai Sha still couldn't believe it.    


"Of course it's true!" Chen Long patted his chest, "This kind of small wound, hand injury, you can look at it!"    


Bai Sha looked at Chen Long's confident expression and was instantly amused. He burst out laughing and said, "Then I'll be counting on you!"    




Chen Long nodded and reminded her, "Big Sister Bai Sha, it might hurt a little. Endure it!"    


"I got it!"    


Under Bai Sha's instructions, Chen Long sat on the edge of the bed and circulated his spiritual energy. He gently placed his hands on the bed and began to massage them.    


He had obtained this skill from the inherited medicine of the Dragon clan. It was called the "Blood-Activating and Blood Dissolving Art". As the name implied, it was a special technique to treat injuries after one look!    


When Chen Long's hand made contact with Bai Sha's body, she felt as if a surge of electricity was flowing into her body. She could not help but tremble!    


However, soon after, it was as if there was a warm stream that washed back and forth in her body, causing the burning pain on her back to disappear completely. What was left was a wave of comfortable feeling that made her unable to restrain herself from crying out in a low voice!    


"Mm …"    


After snorting, Bai Sha also felt his face turn hot, as if he was on fire. He immediately buried his head in the pillow, not daring to move.    


After hearing the voice, Chen Long could not help but shudder. Blood rushed to his head and he almost lost control of it. This voice was simply too pleasing and attractive. No wonder men always tried everything to make women scream out loud!    


"I can't do it, I can't continue any longer. If this goes on, something will definitely happen!"    


Chen Long thought to himself. Seeing that the wound on Bai Sha's back had already healed, he quickly retracted his hand and called out softly, "Sister Bai Sha …"    




Bai Sha's heart skipped a beat and he immediately sat up. When he saw Chen Long Ling's prominent muscles, he couldn't help but blush and ask in a small voice, "What's wrong?"    


"Sister Bai Sha, your injuries have healed!" Chen Long explained.    


Only then did Bai Sha feel that his back was no longer in pain. When he jumped off the bed and looked in the mirror, he found that he had really recovered and there was not a single scar left. It was really unbelievable!    


"Xiaolong, you're so amazing! Even a doctor wouldn't be able to achieve such a feat!" Bai Sha praised.    


Chen Long scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "This is actually the first time I'm treating her, but fortunately, the effect is quite good!"    


Hearing this, Bai Sha's face became serious. "So you're using me as an experiment?"    


"No, no!" Chen Long quickly waved his hand and said, "Sister Bai Sha, that's not what I meant. Listen to my explanation …"    


"Alright, alright!"    


Bai Sha laughed, interrupting Chen Long. "Look at how scared you are, but your move is really powerful!"    


"Big Sister Bai Sha, stop teasing me. I'm not as good as you make me out to be!" Chen Long laughed.    



Bai Sha looked at Chen Long and suddenly remembered that in such a short period of time, Chen Long had done so many things for her. He couldn't help but say, "Xiaolong …"    




"Do you think Sis is beautiful?"    


Bai Sha's eyes sparkled, and he looked expectantly at Chen Long.    


Chen Long raised his head to look at Bai Sha. Although the current Bai Sha was wearing Chen Long's clothes, the wide t-shirt could not completely cover her graceful figure, which was faintly discernible, adding a touch of glamour to her!    


"Sister Bai Sha, of course you're beautiful!" Chen Long sincerely praised her. This was also what he had said from the bottom of his heart. Back in the day, Bai Sha was also a famous beauty in the tens of thousands of villages. He didn't know how many people wanted to marry her!    


"Then you …"    


With a tender look in her eyes, Bai Sha walked step by step to Chen Long's side. He put his arms around Chen Long's waist and said, "Do you want me?"    


Smelling the fragrance in Bai Sha's hair, the blood that Chen Long had just suppressed suddenly started burning again. He felt like he was a volcano about to erupt, and with a flip of his hand, he pulled Bai Sha into his embrace and fiercely kissed him …    


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