Magic Little Rural Doctor

C11 Five-point Interest

C11 Five-point Interest

0After walking out of the villa that Qin Qing lived in, Chen Long turned around to look at the entrance. Just as he turned around, he saw a modern car screaming towards him.    


Chen Long was shocked, but he did not panic. He took a step to the side and the modern car passed him. It was a very dangerous action.    


After a sharp sound of friction, the modern car stopped in front of the automatic door of the residential complex. The car window slowly rolled down and a head popped out from inside.    


Focusing his eyes, Chen Long frowned and said coldly, "Gao Lin? What do you want? "    


"What do I want to do?"    


Gao Lin let out a cold laugh. The look of disdain on his face was obvious as he ridiculed, "Country bumpkin, I'm telling you, you'd better stay away from Little Qing. Otherwise, I'll definitely make you regret it!"    


After saying that, the automatic door opened. Gao Lin didn't give Chen Long a chance to speak, he coldly snorted and opened up the door.    


Chen Long watched Gao Lin's car disappear into the distance. He clenched his fists tightly. Wasn't this just driving a broken modern car? What's so great about it? I'll get you a Mercedes-Benz every few minutes!    


With a wave of his hand, he stopped a taxi. Chen Long got in and said, "To Woulong County's Phoenix Village!"    


The driver frowned and said, "Young man, that road is not easy. It costs 200 yuan to go back and forth!"    


"I will not give you less money!" Chen Long said absent-mindedly.    


The driver was instantly overjoyed and said, "Alright!"    


The taxi started and sped towards its destination.    


Chen Long looked out the window as he quickly retreated. His brows were tightly knitted together. He was not angry because of Gao Lin's contempt, but was worried for Qin Qing!    


At the West District bus station, Chen Long clearly saw Gao Lin's figure in the crowd, and also saw the eye contact between Gao Lin and Wang Qiang. At the West District bus station, Chen Long clearly saw Gao Lin's figure, and also saw the eye contact between Gao Lin and Wang Qiang.    


However, looking at Qin Qing's family background, it was pretty good. Furthermore, she had already been reminded that there shouldn't be any big problems.    


Thinking about this, Chen Long stopped worrying about this matter. Thinking about the deal he had made today, his lips couldn't help but twitch.    


When the driver saw Chen Long's smile on the mirror, he couldn't help but ask, "Young man, what's making you so happy?"    


"Oh, it's nothing. I just managed to negotiate a big business deal!" Chen Long deliberately pretended to be indifferent as he spoke.    


The driver's interest was piqued and he asked, "You're so amazing, can you tell me what kind of business it is?"    


"He just found a market for our family's rice, that's all. He's nothing special!" Chen Long laughed.    




The driver pretended to be enlightened, then said, "The price of rice on the market right now isn't that high, at most it's only a dollar and a catty. Look at how happy you are, young lad, how much is a catty of rice?"    


"Not much, just ten dollars a catty!" Chen Long lightly replied.    


"Oh, hur hur!"    


The driver stopped talking as if he had no interest in continuing the conversation.    


But at this moment, Chen Long heard his voice again, "Youngsters these days are really bragging. Ten yuan a catty, why don't they just go up to the heavens?"    


At this time, Chen Long's Mind Reading was actually effective, leaving him speechless. He didn't come when he should, he came when he shouldn't. Do you think he should be angry or not?    


Chen Long no longer spoke, and the driver no longer asked any questions. Just like that, they depressingly arrived at Wolong County. As they walked along the dirt road towards Phoenix Village, the driver couldn't help but complain, "This broken road is really damn hard to walk on!"    


Chen Long, who was sitting in the shaking car, couldn't help but frown. He thought to himself: "Looks like it's really true that they want to get rich and build a road first. No one is willing to come to this kind of dirt road!"    


After another long bumpy ride, Chen Long finally reached his village. After giving the driver the remaining 200 yuan in his pocket, he rushed home, impatient to pass on the good news.    


Chen Long jogged all the way to his house. As he was about to push open the door, he heard a familiar voice and couldn't help but pause.    


"Didn't Big Brother Chen borrow twenty thousand yuan from me two days ago? I want it back now!"    


After hearing this voice, Chen Long sighed in his heart. What should come will eventually come!    


The owner of this voice was Huang Xiaomei's mother, Kang Yun!    


Chen Zishan, who was in the courtyard, also let out a sigh. The decision had really been made by Xiao Long. This Kang Yun really came!    


Li Mei glanced at Kang Yun, and with a troubled expression, she said, "Sister Yun, you know how expensive the hospitals in the city are. We really don't have any money right now!"    


"No money? But I also need it now! " Kang Yun said, but her face did not show any signs of anxiety.    


Li Mei said awkwardly, "What should we do?!"    


"How about this!" Kang Yun said, "I'm not going to ask for the twenty thousand back, but you have to give me interest!"    


Hearing this, Chen Zishan finally understood that Kang Yun didn't have an urgent use for them, but was instead here to scam them. However, since they had no choice but to lower their heads under the eaves, he asked in a deep voice, "Then, sis, how much interest do you want?"    


"Five cents!" Kang Yun said resolutely.    


A nickel represents an interest of five cents per month on every dollar borrowed. Now that he had borrowed twenty thousand yuan from Kang Yun, he had to pay her a monthly interest of two thousand yuan!    


2000 dollars was not a lot of money for the people of the city. A meal or two was enough, but a year's harvest in the countryside was around 7000 to 8000 yuan. 2000 dollars was simply an astronomical figure!    


"Sister Yun, isn't the interest too high? Isn't that usury?" Li Mei said.    


Hearing this, Kang Yun was displeased. "Sister-in-law, you can't talk nonsense about usury. If you're not willing, then just return the money to me today. I'm still in a hurry to use it!"    


"No, Sister Yun, what you're doing is a bit too much. We're all villagers, how could you do that?" Li Mei sat beside Chen Zishan and said, "I still don't know what will happen to my Xiaolong's illness. Maybe he will even go to the hospital to have a checkup. Even if he has the money, we can't give it to you now!"    


"Alright, stop with the useless stuff. It's hard for your family. Just a word, pay or not sign!"    


After saying so, Kang Yun took out a piece of paper from his pants, and slapped it on the stone table in the courtyard. He then sat to the side, and waited for the Chen family's reply.    


Wow, this is clearly someone who's already prepared to scam others!    


"Kang Yun!" Chen Zishan's face was gloomy, he did not even bother to say any more polite words, and angrily said, "Do you think my Chen family is easy to bully by doing this?"    



"Ha ha!"    


Kang Yun's face was also torn apart as he sneered, "So what if I bully your Chen family?"    


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