Magic Little Rural Doctor

C476 Zhou Yang

C476 Zhou Yang

0"Humph!" "You sure have a big mouth."    


As soon as the old man finished speaking, the silver white tiger that had a fierce expression pounced towards Chen Ke Er and the others.    


Both sides fought intensely and were on par with each other. After a few rounds, Chen Ke Er was defeated and she was seriously injured.    


As for the white-clothed old man, he still held the advantage. From start to finish, he hadn't been harmed in the slightest. The silver white tiger raised its head to the sky and gave a long roar. It was also full of fighting spirit and was in high spirits.    


Just when the white-clothed old man was extremely pleased with himself and regarded everything around him as grass, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. A sharp sword came from behind, thrusting straight at his heart.    


With a miserable howl, the white-clothed old man vomited blood and died. The White Tiger in the surroundings also turned into dust and disappeared into the void.    


Only then did Angel relax, exhausted. So it turned out that when Chen Ke Er and the old man were trembling, Angel had stealthily circled around them.    


A vicious blow, a sword strike that caught everyone off guard, had saved all the danger from before.    


At this moment, Hou Jinkui, who had collapsed to the ground earlier, slowly stood up. His face was very dark, as if he had turned into another person in an instant. His appearance was completely different from before.    


When Angel looked closely at that face, she could clearly see that it was Zhou Yang's face.    


It seemed that after Hou Jinkui had survived from his injuries, he had summoned Zhou Yang's avatar to seek revenge.    


Zhou Yang's body appeared to be in the form of a black stream of air. It seemed to be an illusionary avatar that could last for a very long time.    


Angel felt dissatisfied and fought with Zhou Yang's avatar for a few more rounds. Unexpectedly, the spirit energy within Zhou Yang's body was just too great, causing all of the plants around him to be ravaged into smithereens. All four sides were full of fear.    


Although Angel's illusion techniques had already reached the highest level, her mastery was still insufficient to reach perfection. Facing Zhou Yang's avatar, her strength paled in comparison.    


Very quickly, just as the two of them were about to launch an intense attack, Angel was struck to the ground by Zhou Yang's palm. Following that, Zhou Yang's clone also disappeared.    


A few hours later, when Angel woke up from her coma on the ground, she found that the entire park had been reduced to ruins.    


Not far away from them, there were a few corpses of men in black, their faces completely unrecognizable.    


Chen Ke Er laid flat beneath an enormous rock, and a trace of blood flashed at the corners of her lips as her body lightly twitched, and she seemed to be in a muddled state.    


Angel endured her injuries and brought Chen Ke Er out of the park, then fled back to the manor.    


The next day, quite a few people came to the park to record the sudden scene. It was reported that there were many mysterious people fighting in the park, and there were even tigers and lions that were able to shine.    


At that time, someone had recorded those scenes with a cell phone and uploaded them to the internet. Many people believed it when they saw it.    


However, although those reporters saw the truth, they still said that it was natural disaster that caused it, and that it was all a natural phenomenon. Maybe someone behind the scenes had used money to gag them, even the television stations.    


The relevant authorities (Guoan Group 7) had captured the person who posted the video online. They had cleared all the memories in that person's head in order to prevent the matter from leaking out.    


Furthermore, he warned the Zhou family to restrain themselves. Otherwise, they would be in for the consequences.    


After Zhou Yang received the news, he didn't care at all. They even called for the destruction of the entire city.    


Furthermore, Zhou Yang also had an unknown identity, his name was the Zerg King, Orloff. In ancient times, humans were treated as food, and people were referred to as food made from blood.    


When the news of Chen Ke Er being injured reached Zhou Yang's ears, his face unconsciously revealed a trace of a strange smile. The next day, he immediately gathered all the men and headed to their hiding place and started a fierce attack on the Li family's manor.    


However, Ren Qianqian had already prepared herself and placed quite a few bodyguards around the manor. He set up an inescapable net and waited for Zhou Yang's real body to enter the trap he had set up earlier.    


Hundreds of bodyguards had set up a Seven Star Arrays in the manor, which could prevent any external object from entering.    


However, this old fox, Zhou Yang, was not someone who was easy to deal with. He had long anticipated the situation that was unfolding in front of him. Moreover, his real body was tens of times stronger than his previous clone.    


He looked at everyone with a condescending gaze.    


After arriving at the manor, there were about forty to fifty black limousines speeding along the street. After he got off the car, he saw that there were over a thousand black-clothed men gathered together.    


From the trunk of the car, they took out a number of rocket launchers and explosives, all of which were devastating heavy weapons. It seemed like they were prepared to make a final death match with Chen Ke Er and the others.    


There were more than a thousand of them lined up in a long line. The few dozen men in black holding the bazooka at the front pointed their standard mirrors at the buildings in the manor. The attic, the room, the balcony, all became living targets.    


With Zhou Yang's order, countless men in black clothing used the tactic of a sea of people to attack the manor.    


There were many pedestrians and passersby on the street. After seeing them, they all fled in fear. Some even took out their cell phones to call the police, but their phones were unable to connect at all. It was as if the signal in this place had been disturbed.    


After the rocket launcher, every building within a 100 mile radius was destroyed, and the entire city became a war city. Every household was emitting white smoke, and the torches engulfed the entire space.    


In just a few minutes, all the indestructible metal walls of the manor were blown into pieces by the concentrated artillery fire. Many of the bodyguards inside died or were injured.    


But at this time, Chen Ke Er and Angel were both severely injured, and they had no way of assisting Ren Qianqian to join the battle. Only Sun Ning, Li Xing, and a few others were outside the manor defending against Zhou Yang's true body.    


However, the battle didn't last long. Soon, it turned from an all-out resistance to a scattered resistance. The entire Li family estate was bleeding profusely, leaving behind only a few scattered remnants who were trying to escape.    


Zhou Yang quickly gathered another group of men and prepared to launch a final attack on the Li family estate.    


At that moment, Angel staggered out from the door. Her body was swaying, and she couldn't move a single inch. It looked like she had endured the internal injuries as she walked out.    


Perhaps it was because her body had suffered some sort of stimulation, but the five array formations hidden deep within Angel's heart were activated.    


After seeing this, Zhou Yang immediately ordered his men to stop the attack on the Li family estate. They all stopped attacking and kept their weapons away.    


At this moment, sirens sounded from all directions. Several streets were completely surrounded by police cars. Not even a fly could fly out.    


But none of the police cars got out. After seeing this, Zhou Yang could only stop attacking the Li family estate and retreat with his men.    


The main strength of Guang An's group was known as the Five Divine Beasts. The Azure Dragon was the team leader, the Scarlet Peacock Black Tortoise, the White Tiger, and the Qilin, as well as the vice team leader, Tian Jiang.    


The Azure Dragon was originally in Europe watching the fleeing Blood Fox, a member of the Blood God Church. The Kirin Clan was far away in the United States watching the organization under the Blood Fox.    


At this moment, the same was true for the Li family estate. Everyone inside had tensed up. After that battle, a lot of people died in the manor, and just clearing up the battlefield took one day and one night.    


Angel could be said to be the most nervous of them all, because he always thought he was no match for Zhou Yang. His spiritual energy had already reached the peak.    


Thus, right now, he could only stay within the formation to prevent Zhou Yang from bringing more people to attack.    



The few of them were supporting the Five Elements Great Array together. After the first two people ran out of energy, the other two went to support the array. Once the Five Elements great formation was destroyed, they would die without a burial ground.    


And at this very moment, far away in Yangzhou, Chen Long had also reached the end of his refining process. His body collapsed and reformed, which greatly increased in strength. He had advanced to the fifth level of the Spirit Body.    


As long as his spiritual power broke through to the fifth heaven, it would be easy for him to deal with Zhou Yang's true body. It could be said that it was effortless.    


He was able to walk in the shattered Gongquan Secret Realm and rely on his newfound supernatural powers to soar through the void. He was able to sense the points in space and find the Dragon Origin Fruit.    


As long as three days passed, he would be done for.    


On the same night, Zhou Yang once again led his men to attack the Li family's manor. This time, there weren't as many people who came as last time. Furthermore, none of them had a weapon in their hands.    


In the nick of time, the Azure Dragon arrived at the scene in time. When Zhou Yang saw this, he was filled with shock. The two of them did not speak, but looked at each other.    


After that, the two of them rushed forward at the same time. There was black and orange spiritual energy. Two different auras rushed towards the two of them and coiled around them. After coming into contact with them, they began to fight.    


However, the Azure Dragon still did not have the upper hand, because his Divine Realm cultivation was only at the late stage.    


After a few seconds of battle, the green dragon was defeated. He was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. He spat out a mouthful of blood and collapsed onto the ground.    


Zhou Yang let him see that he would definitely be able to break through the Five Elements Array. Even the Azure Dragon wouldn't be able to save those girls.    


At this time, Ouyang Wei of the Zhou Family also came to help. The other God Realm masters also came.    


At this moment, Zhou Yang was like a tiger that had added wings to its wings. His momentum increased, and he clamored about wanting to raze the Li family estate to the ground.    


Several God Realm masters went up to each other and began to attack the Five Elements Great Array.    


Ren Qianqian was so anxious that her eyes turned red. She wanted nothing more than to rush out and kill Zhou Yang and the rest.    


However, Sun Ning stopped her and said that he would wait for a while longer. If Chen Long could return, he would definitely be able to avoid danger.    


Ren Qianqian listened to Sun Ning's advice but ultimately chose to endure, waiting for a miracle to happen.    


Afterwards, Ouyang Wei's helper, Zhou Yang, began to attack the Five Elements Great Array. He broke through several impregnable barriers in succession.    


The Five Elements Great Formation had a total of five barriers: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.    


The first level was gold, and it was forcefully broken through by Ouyang Wei using his spirit energy.    


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