Magic Little Rural Doctor

C480 Grand Ending

C480 Grand Ending

0Chen Ke Er's pair of grey-blue eyes emitted a piercing cold light from within. The aura in the surroundings was filled with a blazing fire that gradually spread from the edge of his body.    


Chen Long realized that there was a hot air current coming from behind him. He slowly turned around and looked behind him. His eyes were filled with fear. "But …" Ke Er, what's wrong? How did it become like this? "    


Chen Ke Er didn't say anything, and her expression instantly became fiendish, as if she was a completely different person. From the beginning until the end, he didn't feel that it was Chen Ke Er.    


"But …" Chen Long wanted to say something but hesitated. It seemed that he had realized that the person before him was someone else.    


When a burst of intense sounds echoed out from behind them, everyone turned their heads to look at Chen Ke Er, and all of their faces contained only shock. They never imagined that Chen Ke Er would suddenly revive.    


"Oh my god, Ke Er, what happened to you!"    


"No, she isn't Ke Er anymore. Don't be fooled by her."    


Angel flew from the top of Rose Manor and landed on the dam.    


Sun Ning felt a little baffled. Chen Long's parents could not understand the situation in front of them. When everyone gathered at the top of the dam, their faces were filled with fear and unease.    


Chen Ke Er's expression suddenly became slightly strange, and a trace of a faint smile appeared on her cheeks. "Hum, hum, hum …"    


"Ke Er, what's wrong?" Why did it become like this? " Sun Ning was in a state of panic. His heart thumped in his chest like a frightened bird, and even his lips were trembling.    


Chen Ke Er didn't reply to his words, and her smile became even weirder. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and said, "Chen Long …" Hmph hmph, you also have this day. Chen Ke Er has already died, so you should just suffer for the rest of your life. Hahaha … "    


Chen Ke Er's voice had turned into that of a man's, and it was Ouyang Wei's voice at that.    


When everyone heard this, they were shocked by his words.    


"Ah …" "Ouyang Wei, how can you be like this? This is too much."    


"Aren't you afraid of retribution? "How shameful, I feel ashamed of you.    


Chen Ke Er laughed loudly once again. "What?" Then shouldn't all that you've done to me be punished? "    


"I was kind enough to spare your life. I could have killed you, yet you did such a despicable and shameless thing." Chen Long's eyes flickered with a raging fire, as if he was about to devour the surrounding air.    


"What?" Save me? Laughable, truly laughable. You caused me so much suffering and even had the nerve to say that you would save me! "    


Chen'er changed the subject. "All of you must die, all of you must die."    


As she spoke, a white light shot out from the top of Chen Ke Er's head, rushing into the pitch-black clouds. The ground was also illuminated by the white light.    


Then, the white light transformed into a sharp sword. It split into two, two became four, and four became eight. In the blink of an eye, countless white swords, which were like lightning bolts in the rain, formed a circle and shot straight towards everyone at the dam.    


"Be careful!" Angel immediately stepped forward and spread out her palms, releasing a purple barrier from her palms, covering everyone.    


The white sword shot towards the barrier, causing it to split open. Obviously, this barrier was unable to block Chen Ke Er's fierce attack.    


Chen Long summoned an early sage realm Fierce Bird. After it flew out, it shot out rays of gentle red light from all directions. After a screech, he spat out a large amount of flames and burned the white swords to ashes.    


Perhaps this white sword was Ouyang Wei's final soul. Once it was destroyed, he would immediately die.    


Sure enough, Chen Ke Er suddenly vomited blood as she lay on the ground. The white light around her also gradually dissipated.    


Seeing this, Angel immediately put away the huge purple barrier. Within the dam, all the light disappeared at the same time, and everything calmed down again.    


Everyone took a long time before they could regain their senses. When all gazes gathered on Chen Ke Er, it was as if a yellow lotus had been stuffed into their throats, causing them to be unable to speak and their faces to go pale.    


Chen Long immediately dashed towards Chen Ke Er's body. When he arrived at Chen Ke Er's side, he noticed that her entire body had suddenly turned into a rock.    


Chen Long only ran halfway before stopping, as if he'd realized that this person wasn't Chen Ke Er at all. It was Ouyang Wei's incarnation, and his incarnation was Chen Ke Er's appearance.    


"Oh my god! Oh my god! Ke Er is here! Come quickly and have a look!"    


A voice suddenly sounded from the crowd. It was Sun Ning's voice. She looked at the square stone table in the dam, and Chen Ke Er's body appeared on the stone platform.    


"Ah!" "So it turns out that Ke Er is here!    


Ren Qianqian was also holding a flashlight as she walked over from the top of the dam steps. She used the dim light in her hand to illuminate Chen Ke Er's body.    


Chen Ke Er's face was slightly pale and her lips were slightly black. Her body seemed to have been infected by some poison, and she was still slightly twitching.    


After seeing this, Chen Long was the first to run under the stone table. He supported Chen Ke Er's body and asked, "How is it? "Can you still speak …"    


Before his voice had even faded, a layer of dark clouds had dispersed in the sky, shooting down a silent black light. With a pair of invisible wings, Ao Lei descended from the sky, slowly and steadily landing in the middle of the dam.    


A hot stream of air spread out from his body and ground the tough green slabs of stone into dust. It then flew into the air along with the airflow, circling back and forth a few times.    


When Chen Long saw Ao Lei's real body, a raging fire burst out from his dantian and reached the top of his head. He was so angry that his face turned red, and his curved eyebrows were like dandelions that had been ignited in the air.    


"So it's you, O'Leary. It was all done by you, wasn't it?" Chen Long knitted his brows as a wave of anger rose up from his ribs.    


"What a fool!"    


With a roar, Orley spread his wings wide, looking like a giant butterfly. Those wings could only be vaguely seen in the darkness, appearing to be in a transparent state. They were like souls, standing in everyone's line of sight.    


"What do we do now? Is there any other way? " Sun Ning hurriedly said.    


"Yes! We need to gather all of our spiritual power to form a strong current. If we are at the peak of the sage realm, we will definitely be able to defeat Orloff!"    


Angel's tone was indifferent as she explained the plan. She might not have a better idea in her heart.    


"It seems this is the only way. Let's gather all our forces together and break through to the peak of the sage realm. All of you, come at me!" Chen Long stood at the very front and raised his hands high above his head. He crossed his fingers and opened his palms outwards, forcing all the spiritual power in his body out.    


Everyone gathered together and moved in concert with Chen Long. They gathered their spirit energy above their heads.    


When the multicolored spiritual energy gathered into a lump, it formed a huge pentagram. In the middle of the pentagram, a direwolf that was condensed from silver light was roaring towards the sky.    


Suddenly, the entire Rose Manor looked as if it had been painted with a rainbow. It was so bright that even the torches on the stone walls were lit up by the invisible blue flames in the air.    


This was the peak of Sheng Domain. No one had ever seen its true form, much less expected it to be so oppressive.    



"Come on, haha, all of you come up. I won't be afraid of you!"    


Ao Lei laughed evilly. On the surface, his expression was extremely arrogant. The air surrounding his limbs revealed his arrogant and noble temperament.    


No one paid any attention to him. It wasn't until all the spiritual energy had fused with one another that they began to shout at the sky in unison, "Kill!"    


The sound spread to all four corners and almost broke the glass of the attic window.    


The pentagram, which was condensed with spiritual energy, slowly rose into the air, emitting a brighter and more intense light. It shone down on the surrounding flagstones and shrubs, making it seem more like a warm sunlight.    


After that, spiritual energy quickly descended down and pressed on in front of Orloff. Just as it was halfway there, Orloff's body was completely minced by the air current. By the time the spiritual energy completely pressed down, Ao Lei had already turned into black powder. With a miserable cry, he disappeared into the void.    


Very soon, the pentagram was imprinted in the middle of the dam, and the wolf tattoo symbol was forever imprinted on the stone slab. Four words appeared on the stone slab: "Peak of the Saint Realm!"    


After everyone saw this, they were all amazed and finally squeezed the last drop of sweat in their hands.    


A tiny pentagram flew out from the ground and floated in the air before descending onto Chen Ke Er's forehead. A star was imprinted between her brows, and Chen Ke Er came back to life.    


When Ren Qianqian saw Chen Ke Er's revival, she was extremely excited. She turned to her side and clapped as she shouted, "Look! She's revived!"    


Chen Long turned around to look as well. When he saw that Chen Ke Er was safe and sound, he immediately rushed over and embraced her once again, and kept comforting her.    


After Chen Ke returned to normal, she started to comfort everyone and reassure them.    


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. No one mentioned the things that had happened before.    


Ren Qianqian suggested that they have a good dinner tonight. She arranged for her subordinates to clean up the area. When the dam was cleaned, Orley's black powder was found. Under the silver light, the powder turned into red petals that floated into the air.    


That's the pinnacle of sage realm, Chen said. It can turn anything into a kind side.    


On the second day, Chen Long led his men to wipe out the Zhou family. After more than half a year, the Hua Xia Alliance completely broke down and the Zhou family was declared to have nothing to do with it.    


Later on, Chen Long went to the Ling Immortal Pavilion and found that it was already a wasteland, and was completely destroyed by Orloff. This saved Chen Long a lot of effort.    


After that, he went to the island and went to the Sakura Temple. With his strength at the peak of the sage realm, he had suppressed the palace master and the grand elder, saving Cherry Snow from her imprisonment and then brought them back to Hua Xia.    


The European Dark Council naturally heard about Chen Long's strength, and directly escorted him to the front of his house. However, Chen Long was too lazy to kill him, so he handed him over to the people of the Seven Departments of National Security.    


After the matter was completely settled, Chen Long went to Yangzhou to bring back Xia Xiaoxuan. As for the Xia family, they had someone to take care of them, so there was no need to worry at all.    


Without the tricks of the Zhou family, Sun Jiaxin's Bright Jewel Hotel was reopened, and Chen Ke'er was once again reinvested in the construction of the cosmetics factory. She even found Xiao Yezi as a spokesperson, and Ren Qianqian and Li Xing chose to stay in Yang City to manage their own city.    


One day, Chen Long comfortably lied on Chen Ke Er's thigh. As he looked at Phoenix Village's prosperity, a trace of a smile flashed in his eyes. He muttered, "It seems like it's time to teach everyone …"    


(End of book)    


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