Magic Little Rural Doctor

C36 Pay Attention to the Protective Measures

C36 Pay Attention to the Protective Measures

0After the meal, there were no entertainment in the countryside. In addition to that, after a long day of work, Chen Zishan and Li Mei were tired and went to rest.    


After Chen Long returned to his room, he thought to himself, 'Now I have to improve my strength as fast as possible, not just for myself, but also for dad!'    


He then turned over and sat cross-legged on his bed. Actually, he could also cultivate while lying down. However, after experimenting, he found that he could focus his mind and maintain the highest efficiency when using this posture.    


Under Chen Long's attraction, the surrounding spiritual energy gathered and turned into a faint mist that enveloped Chen Long, slowly seeping into his body.    


Gradually the night grew dark and silent, except for the full moon, which hung high in the sky, casting a mischievous light through the window and landing on the angular face of a young man.    


"Huuu ~ ~ ~"    


Chen Long took a deep breath. The surrounding spiritual energy turned into two streams of white gas and was sucked into his body. He slowly let out a stream of impure Qi. A bright light flashed across his eyes like a bolt of lightning.    


"There doesn't seem to be any improvement in a short period of time. It's a bit troublesome. Looks like I have to hurry up and earn money to start taking drugs!"    


Thinking of this, Chen Long jumped down from the bed. He had been sitting there for such a long time, yet he did not feel any soreness. Instead, he felt refreshed. He could not help but exclaim at the miraculous nature.    


Stealthily walking out of his house, Chen Long suddenly had a strange thought. He wanted to test his body's strength, so he didn't channel his spiritual energy and threw a punch with all his strength at the tree trunk that was as thick as a bowl.    


Ka-cha! *    


Accompanied by a cracking sound, the large tree fell down with a loud bang. It gave Chen Long a fright, as if chickens and dogs were flying and dogs were jumping all over the place.    


"Why are you not sleeping in the middle of the night? Do you believe that I won't go out and kill you?!"    


A curse came from not too far away. Chen Long felt very embarrassed and immediately ran away. If he really got caught, then it would be hard to say!    


In the pitch black night, a shadow flashed past a flowery cat, but that cat didn't react at all. It was like a gentle breeze had blown past it as it turned around and ran into the distance.    


"Not only has my strength increased by several times, even my speed has increased by so much. However, strength is still easy to explain. Speed is better not to be displayed in front of others. It's really too shocking!"    


Chen Long reminded himself as he was running.    


Phoenix Village was not large, and with Chen Long's speed, they arrived at the edge of the paddy field in the blink of an eye. Looking at this vast and empty land, his heart surged with emotion.    


"Alright, time to work!"    


The innate divine ability seemed to be instinctive and Chen Long was very familiar with it. With a wave of his hand, he threw out a ball of spirit power towards the sky, summoning the rain and wind!    


A storm was brewing. Under Chen Long's control, a thick layer of dark clouds gathered above the farmland in front of them. From time to time, lightning would flash out and the sound of muffled thunder could be heard.    


In the blink of an eye, it had turned into a torrential downpour. The amount of rain was astonishing, and the water in the paddy field was rising at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.    




Seeing that the amount of water had already reached a certain level, Chen Long waved his hand and dispersed the spiritual energy. In an instant, the rain and wind stopped. The scene just now was just like an illusion; it was truly shocking!    


"After the level of spiritual energy had increased, Xingyun's speed also increased. Let's see how the Spiritual Concentration Formation is!"    


Chen Long closed his eyes and calmed his agitated heart. He focused all of his attention on the spell he was about to complete. The last time he was lucky and succeeded, there was actually a chance of failure for the Spiritual Concentration Formation!    


After a moment, Chen Long suddenly opened his eyes. Lightning flashed across his deep eyes. With a wave of his hand, a clump of mud instantly flew into his palm.    


The array disc was completed, and the finger was like a knife as it rapidly drew on the surface. A mysterious seal symbol fell onto the array disc, perfectly fused together!    


Earth-type Spiritual Concentration Formation, complete!    


"Phew, it seems like condensing spirit energy through the air is quite difficult. I was lucky enough to succeed!"    


Chen Long wiped the sweat off his forehead. If there was even the slightest mistake in the previous process, he would have failed. Fortunately, Chen Long's control was not bad, which was why it was completed!    


"If it can be raised to the next realm, then it will be able to set up a dual attributed Spirit Convergence Array. I don't need to prepare like this every time!"    


Chen Long thought to himself. He placed the Spiritual Array into the center of the paddy field, turned around and left, and rushed to his next destination — the vegetable field!    


According to Chen Long's speed, they very quickly arrived at the vegetable patch. First, they activated their innate ability to bring down the rain, and then drew an earth type Spirit Convergence Array and placed it in the center of the farmland. But this time, he would honestly go up with his own hands and not take the risk.    


"I've finally completed it. It's so tiring!"    


After doing all of this, Chen Long used up all of his spiritual energy and became dispirited. He endured the heavy sleepiness as he returned home and fell asleep.    


After Chen Long had left, the nearby Phoenix Mountain became restless. A shadow walked out from the darkness of the mountain and circled around the vegetable patch several times before disappearing in a flash.    


After a night passed, the sun rose and once again scattered warmth all over the land. The people of Phoenix Village woke up and began a new day.    


Chen Long was too tired from last night, so he was naturally sleeping lazily at this time. However, there were some people who didn't seem to want to let him sleep comfortably.    


"Chen Long, how did you do it? It's actually this powerful! "    


A melodious voice rang out, but Chen Long didn't appreciate it at all. He closed his eyes and waved his hand like he was swatting flies. He impatiently said, "What do you mean not bad? Don't disturb my sleep!"    


Seeing Chen Long's attitude, the owner of the voice was naturally furious. He could not help but slap Chen Long and scolded him, "You lazy pig, what time is it now? Why are you still not getting up?!"    


"Oh no, there's a sneak attack!"    


Noticing the incoming attack, Chen Long reacted instinctively and grabbed the person who attacked him. With a flip of his hand, he pulled the person under him in the blink of an eye.    




A shriek rang out and Chen Long opened his eyes in a daze. However, he was still unable to see clearly. He could only smell a delicate fragrance. The arm in his hand also felt soft and tender.    




Another shrill scream rang out. Only then did Chen Long come back to his senses. He clearly saw the person beneath him. If it wasn't Chen Ke Er, then who else could it be?    


"That... If I said that I didn't do it on purpose, would you believe me? " Chen Long retracted his hand and said with a smile.    


"Trust your grandpa!"    


Chen Ke Er's eyes were glaring at him, and her beautiful face was flushed red, just like a fully ripe red apple. She was extremely adorable.    



Seeing Chen Ke Er's cute appearance, Chen Long intended to tease her a little, so he smiled and said, "Isn't it just your dad? Of course I believe in him!"    


"Get lost, hurry up and get off me!" Being ridden like this by Chen Long was really too embarrassing!    


However, Chen Long didn't mind at all. He chuckled and said, "What's the big deal. When I kissed you that day, I didn't see you in such a hurry!"    


"You — shameless!"    


Chen Ke Er grinded her teeth as she scolded. She was almost driven mad by Chen Long, but being pressed down by him still gave her a sense of anticipation, causing her to be even more embarrassed and furious.    


"Let me go, or I won't care about you anymore!"    


Seeing that Chen Ke Er was really angry, Chen Long hurriedly let go of Chen Ke Er and even ran to the innermost part of the bed. In that case, if Chen Ke Er wanted to beat him up, she could only run to the bed.    


Chen Ke Er climbed down from the bed. When she saw the smile on Chen Long's face, she got even more angry. However, she didn't know what to say, so she could only stomp out the door in anger.    


Chen Ke had only just left when Li Mei walked in and asked, "Xiaolong, what's going on? Did you bully Ke Er? "    


"Of course not, it's just a little temper!" Chen Long answered vaguely.    


However, Li Mei fiercely slapped Chen Long and seriously said, "Xiaolong, Ke Er is a good girl, you can't bully her. Otherwise, be careful that I don't recognize you as my son. Do you understand?"    


"Understood …"    


Chen Long was extremely speechless. Why did he feel that his biological son couldn't even compare to Chen Ke Er?    


Seeing that Chen Long had agreed, Li Mei's expression eased up. She suddenly asked, "Xiaolong, I just heard you say something about kissing. The two of you …"    


"Mom, can you ask me everything?!" Chen Long blushed. Even though his skin was thick enough, he was still a bit shy when it came to matters like these.    


Seeing Chen Long's evasive gaze, Li Mei suddenly laughed. She did not expect that these two youngsters had already reached such a stage. She could not help but exhort them: "Then you can't act recklessly. You must take precautions!"    


"Mom, what are you thinking about? "Alright, you don't need to worry about this matter. I'm going to get up!"    


Chen Long didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pushed Li Mei out of the room with all his might before finally letting out a sigh of relief. He couldn't even sleep anymore, so he had no choice but to get up and wash up.    


After dinner, when his parents weren't paying attention, Chen Long sneaked out of the house and sneaked into the house.    


"Sister Bai Sha, are you home?"    


"He's here!"    


Bai Sha heard a sound coming from the courtyard and quickly walked out. When he saw Chen Long, his eyes lit up and he said, "I'm guessing it's you, Xiaolong. Come in quickly. Ke'er is here too!"    




Chen Long nodded and silently followed Bai Sha inside.    


The moment he entered, he saw Chen Ke Er sitting inside, so he greeted her with a smile. "Ke Er, you're here too!"    


However, when Chen Ke Er saw that Chen Long had arrived, she directly turned her face away and snorted coldly, then ignored him.    


"Hee hee …"    


When Chen Long saw this, he could only smile coyly to dissolve his embarrassment.    


Bai Sha looked at the two of them and knew that there was something wrong with them. However, it was inconvenient for her to ask, so she called out to them, "Xiaolong, take a seat!"    


Chen Long replied. As soon as he sat down, he heard the sound of a car horn coming from outside, then Chen Ke Er stood up and said, "Big Sister Bai Sha, I have to go first!"    


After saying that, he walked out without looking back …    


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