Top Immortal Emperor in the City

C3885 In the Void

C3885 In the Void



The void trembled and Mu Shishan's heart slightly moved. Immediately after, an extremely violent energy aura burst out from her body.    


Immediately, streams of milky white origin energy surged out from Mu Shishan's arm and produced a "Ding Ling Ling" sound which made people feel exceptionally clear when they heard it.    


When he saw Mu Shishan circulate her origin energy, a helpless expression appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face. Immediately, he said to Mu Shishan, "Wife, you don't need to be like this..."    


"Why is there no need? Don't talk so much nonsense. Hurry up and collect my Origin Power!"    


When she heard Heng Yanlin's words, a displeased expression surfaced on Mu Shishan's beautiful and exquisite face. Immediately, she spoke in a very serious manner.    


Heng Yanlin was immediately helpless. Hence, he could only hesitate for a moment. Only then did he open his mouth and slowly opened his mouth to say, "That thing, wife, listen to me. I do not wish to absorb your original strength. There is a reason. "    


"The reason?"    


Mu Shishan immediately withdrew her palm when she heard this. Immediately after, her heart moved slightly, and she withdrew the Origin Energy back into her body. Immediately, she looked at Heng Yanlin's handsome face and frowned slightly. Then she asked, "What's the reason? Tell me!"    


"If I really lose, then even if the Origin Energy in my body is taken away by the Illusion Realm's laws, however, at least the Origin Energy is still in your body. At the very least, it is still unable to control the entire world. If that's the case, we might still have a chance to live! "    


Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan and thought for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, he said these words to her.    


Shock surfaced on Mu Shishan's exquisite and beautiful face when she heard these words from Heng Yanlin. Immediately, her eyebrows became even tighter. At the same time... Her tone also became very serious as she said, "What do you mean by this? Don't you think highly of yourself? "    


"It's not that I'm not optimistic about myself, it's just that I want to be prepared. After all, I'm not an omniscient god who can control any time. Therefore, the Origin Energy in your body can be considered as a precautionary measure. "    


Heng Yanlin's words caused a very serious expression to appear on Mu Shishan's exquisite and beautiful face. Immediately after that, she slightly frowned and said softly, What do you mean by that?" According to what you said, if we take ten thousand steps back, all of the origin power in your body has disappeared, which means... The Illusion Law obtained all of your Origin Energy, which was equivalent to the authority of the entire world being controlled by the Illusion Law. If that's the case, even if I have some Origin Energy in my body... It would be useless!"    


When he heard Mu Shishan's words, especially the last few words she said, Heng Yanlin's lips curled up slightly and formed a faint smile. He then shook his head gently and said, "That's not it."    


"Hm? What's with that smile of yours? And you even said it wasn't... Could it be that there's some sort of secret hidden within? "    


A faint smile appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face, especially when he heard what Heng Yanlin said. Mu Shishan's eyebrows slightly raised, and a surprised expression appeared on the exquisite and beautiful Fatty Li. She immediately asked.    


Seeing that Mu Shishan had already asked, Heng Yanlin naturally did not hide anything. Immediately, he replied to her question, "Because in this world, it isn't just me and the Laws of the Illusion Realm who have grasped the origin force."    


"En? What do you mean by that?"    


Heng Yanlin's words stunned Mu Shishan for a moment. However, Mu Shishan was not a person with a low IQ, so she quickly came to a conclusion from Heng Yanlin's words. "What you mean is that other than you, there is also the Law of Illusion that has grasped the origin power. There are others or other things that have grasped the origin force?"    


When Heng Yanlin heard this, he nodded at Mu Shishan and said, "You are right. It is indeed like this."    


"Therefore, if the origin force in my body is really used up completely... In fact, I am not the biggest threat to the laws of the illusionary realm. Instead, it is the other person who controls the Origin Energy, or something else. Because the Origin Power in my body will flow out, and the Origin Power that flows out... Not only will it be seized by the Laws of the Illusion Realm, the other Laws that control the Origin Energy will also be seized."    


"Therefore, at that time, the two of them will fight each other. They will fight for each other's Origin Energy. At that time, the remaining Origin Energy in your body... It will become a very crucial part, and you might even be able to turn the situation around. "    


"I can't believe there's such a thing happening..."    


Mu Shishan's pretty face revealed a shocked expression when she heard Heng Yanlin's explanation. The gaze that was revealed in her beautiful eyes also became very shocked.    


This was something that Mu Shishan had never thought of.    


Mu Shishan was not stupid enough to question Heng Yanlin. She asked him whether these things were correct or not.    


Because Mu Shishan could tell from Heng Yanlin's tone and many subtle movements that he was not lying.    


However, Heng Yanlin didn't know who the other rule was. This was something that needed to be confirmed.    


Hence, Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin and smiled. She asked softly, "Then, I want to ask you something. You know the other person who controls the origin power. Or something. Do you know its true identity? "    


Heng Yanlin shook his head and said to Mu Shishan with a smile, "If I really knew, I would have done it a long time ago. Or rather, I would have cooperated with him deeply. I don't need to go against the rules of the illusion all the time, right?"    


When Mu Shishan heard this, she also felt that it made sense.    


However, for some reason, Mu Shishan felt a very strange emotion from Heng Yanlin's words. It made her feel very confused.    


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