Top Immortal Emperor in the City



0Seeing this, Heng Yanlin laughed coldly, then slapped his left and right, the two knives seemed to have received a huge impact, he was unable to control himself and they left his hands.    


When the two of them saw this, their expressions changed drastically. Was this fellow's strength already so terrifying?    


Furthermore, what was going on with this fellow? How could he suddenly smack his own knife down? Could it be that he was unafraid, that his own blade would cut the opponent?    


Only at this time, there was already no time for the other party to think any further, and when the man with the blade saw that his two teammates had both lost their weapons, his expression immediately changed. Just as he was about to say something, he saw that Heng Yanlin's eyes were already looking towards him, filled with an ice-cold expression.    


When he saw this situation, the man was shocked. Just as he reacted and was about to do something, Heng Yanlin lightly patted his shoulder.    


At this moment, the two men finally understood that their teammates were not cooperating with each other. It was truly because this fellow was too frightening.    


If that wasn't the case, how could this teammate of his not be able to stab his saber? The two of them had been slapped lightly by the other party, and they would not even be able to hold their saber!    


At this moment, his teammates had also fallen. Only the two of them were left. The few people behind them clearly couldn't support them at this moment.    


"Who exactly are you? How could you be this powerful?"    


The man on the right looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and spoke with some difficulty.    


He did not understand how such a frightening man could exist. Before this, he had never heard of anyone who was this powerful.    


"What's the matter? You should talk about it later. I don't have time, so I'll tell you later."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin gave a bland look to the other side, then stepped forward, and with the two of them in a state of shock, he effortlessly dealt with the two of them.    


In the blink of an eye, Heng Yanlin had dealt with four people. There were three more people on the other side, as long as they were settled, there would still be a few people inside the first class cabin.    


At this time, when everyone looked at Heng Yanlin, they heaved a sigh of relief, and their thoughts started to change.    


Regardless of what exactly was going on with this guy, he actually didn't call the police or anything like that. However, as long as this guy could deal with these people, as long as they could, then their safety would be more important than anything.    


If they wanted to be here, then the gazes they used to look at Heng Yanlin would be filled with all kinds of expectations, and they wanted Heng Yanlin to be able to smoothly deal with all these people.    


In the distance, the man standing at the front saw that Heng Yanlin actually killed four of his teammates while still having knives, while he was fighting against his own teammates. The man on his side did not have any ability to resist, and immediately felt cold, and looked at the man in front of him with an ugly expression.    


[What is wrong with this man? How could he be so powerful? He actually killed my man in less than two and a half hours!]    


How did he do it? Could it be that this person was a special forces trained by some secret army? However, even if it was a special forces, it still couldn't be this powerful, right?    


"Just who are you? Don't tell me you are a special forces soldier?"    


The man took a deep breath, then looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him and questioned, all the passengers who were at the side heard and were startled, and then looked at Heng Yanlin.    


No matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like it was made by any special forces. Furthermore, the hair and the temperament, it didn't seem like it at all.    


However, if the opponent was a special forces soldier, they would feel a lot more at ease.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin was startled, then he shook his head: "I'm not a special forces soldier, but to be honest, I taught a team before, they can be considered instructors."    


Seeing Heng Yanlin shake his head and even deny it, everyone was immediately disappointed. However, when they heard what Heng Yanlin had to say, they were stunned, and then looked in disbelief at the Heng Yanlin in front of them.    


What was this guy talking about? Was he the instructor for the special forces? How old is he, calling himself an instructor? Was there such a young instructor?    


If not for the fact that these four people were all equipped with tools, and that Heng Yanlin ended up holding them in his hands, they would not be able to escape even a single round.    


But now, with the evidence of these fellows here, they wanted to suspect and had no way of suspecting. This person was truly powerful!    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the man was shocked. Was this man really related to the special forces? And an instructor at that? Thinking of this, he felt a little unnatural in his heart.    


He was too weak, it was just his first time fighting, how did he end up encountering a special forces soldier, and an instructor level one at that!    


When he thought of this, he felt that it was the result of going out and not looking at the calendar.    


Only by letting this fellow go, they would be able to survive. Otherwise, once they were captured and disembarked from the plane, their fates could be imagined.    


However, this fellow was truly powerful. It was simply impossible for him to defeat her. After all, he did not possess the confidence to knock them all down while his subordinates were unarmed or if they all possessed weapons.    


"Give it to me!"    


Thinking about that, the man sternly said. Then, he pulled out the flight attendant who was squatting in a corner to the side. Then, he held a dagger and pointed it at the flight attendant's neck.    


"Brat, don't come over here anymore. If you dare to come over again, I'll kill her with one slash!"    


"You're an instructor now, so know your own identity. If she dies, what will you do then?"    


The man looked at Heng Yanlin, who was standing in front of him, and grabbed onto the air stewardess. He immediately felt an incomparable sense of security, because the other party was, after all, an instructor, and could be considered to be someone within his team. At this time, he naturally did not dare to do anything.    


Otherwise, if the hostage in his hands were to die, then the person he had to blame would definitely be Heng Yanlin.    


Seeing the situation in front of him, Heng Yanlin looked at the flight attendant who had lost all color on her face. There was no change in her expression at all.    


"Do as you please. If you want to fight, then do it. I only said that I taught a team, not that I was an instructor."    


Heng Yanlin's indifferent attitude caused the air stewardess to freeze for a moment, and then after that, tears started to appear in her eyes due to fright. Heng Yanlin was her hope now, even Heng Yanlin did not care, when the time came for the scoundrels to attack, she would not be able to live.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the man was immediately startled, as though he was confused by Heng Yanlin's words, but after a while, the man reacted.    


"Stop pretending, you must be trying to trick me into letting go of this hostage, right? Dream on, you want me to release her? If you take another step forward, let's see if I can kill her! "    


At this time, the man was Immortal Emperor, he was extremely vicious, looking at Heng Yanlin in front of him, without any hesitation, he faced the air stewardess, as if Heng Yanlin was coming over. It was as if he was going to kill the other party.    


Heng Yanlin saw this, and raised his eyebrows, "Then you can attack, I already said it, I am not some instructor, if I had known earlier that you two were villains, you guys would have thought it a dream to wait for the opportunity to fly up!"    


Heng Yanlin's gentle words almost made the air stewardess cry. This guy was definitely not some kind of instructor. If he was, then why would he say such words?    


As long as this criminal did not believe her at all, as long as her emotions fluctuated a little, then she would be killed. In the end, it was Heng Yanlin who still hoped that the other party would not be that kind of instructor under such circumstances.    


At this time, when the man heard Heng Yanlin's words, he was also stunned. No matter how he looked at it, what Heng Yanlin said seemed to be true. After all, he couldn't really tell what was wrong with Heng Yanlin's words.    


If the other party was an instructor, if the person inside the physique would not do such a thing, and would not urge him to make a move.    



It was just that, at the moment, he didn't have any other chips left, it was only this air stewardess. It was impossible to let her go, he could only capture her.    


Heng Yanlin saw that the man was still grabbing onto the air stewardess, and immediately raised his eyebrows, "Why are you still not making your move? If you don't, I'll help you. "    


After Heng Yanlin finished speaking, he immediately picked up a dagger from the ground and fiercely threw it towards the air stewardess. This scene happened too quickly, and everyone only saw, after Heng Yanlin said that he would attack, he immediately picked up his dagger and threw it towards the air stewardess, as if he did not leave any words for her.    


When they saw that, not only did the air stewardess turn pale from fright, even the people on the side were quite frightened. Who was this guy, he attacked as he wished, and the target was the air stewardess! This fellow was killing someone!    


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