Top Immortal Emperor in the City





In Heng Yanlin's mind, that huge dragon had noticed Heng Yanlin. After seeing him, it immediately started roaring angrily, and its imposing manner became extremely majestic as it looked at Heng Yanlin.    


Even though he had lost some of his consciousness, this fellow was still a little restless at this moment.    


Seeing this, Heng Yanlin laughed coldly, this was already here, what is there to be restless? If this goes on, wouldn't he be courting death?    


Originally, Heng Yanlin wanted to slowly fuse with this guy, but he had already eaten everything. At that time, these things would sooner or later fuse with him, so he did not need to be so anxious.    


But now, Heng Yanlin could not wait that long, so in the next moment, he began to fuse this thing. But just a moment later, Jiang Yang wrapped his own consciousness completely around this huge dragon.    


At this time, the gigantic dragon struggled to get up, but Heng Yanlin could not let him go, so after wrapping it up, he fused it up.    


Right now, this was Heng Yanlin's territory. No matter how the other party struggled, they would only feel a sense of futility.    


The enormous dragon slowly dissolved within Heng Yanlin's consciousness. A moment later, it felt as if it was being penetrated by Heng Yanlin, and its golden body slowly started to disintegrate.    


At this time, the outside world's Lv Danxi was anxiously looking at the Heng Yanlin in front of him. Just a moment ago, that extremely vast wave had directly swept past this place.    


Earlier, she could completely feel the power contained within this incomparably huge tsunami. Just this one strike was enough to make her feel breathless.    


Fortunately, there was already Heng Yanlin's restriction here, so nothing bad had happened. Otherwise, Lv Danxi would have probably been submerged in the sea by now.    


The tsunami from before was too terrifying. Moreover, this tsunami was heading towards that shore. If it was any later, then it would be too late!    


However, Heng Yanlin was still standing there with her eyes closed, looking completely motionless. This caused her to feel extremely anxious, but she did not dare to wake Heng Yanlin up just like this.    


At this moment, the rest of the countries had also noticed the tsunami. The aircraft carrier from before had been silent, but there were people who knew about it.    


Seeing this gigantic tsunami, countless people panicked. They immediately convened a meeting to discuss how to deal with this tsunami. However, no matter how they thought about it, they could not think of any way to deal with it.    


This tsunami was not that simple. It was something that they could deal with. This was a natural disaster, and facing a natural disaster, humans were actually the most powerless. And now, they had to face such an enormous natural disaster.    


"Damn it, does that mean all of us humans are going to die in this tsunami?!" The movies from before were all fake. They said that the end of the world was approaching, but now, who could predict them? This tsunami is about to engulf us all! "    


In Mei Country, a group of people sat in the conference hall. Looking at the screen which was constantly engulfing the entire area with tsunami, everyone was at a loss of what to do, some even filled with despair.    


Their master had already analyzed this tsunami. It was an existence that could completely annihilate all of humanity. In this sort of situation, they did not even have a place to go.    


All the lands could not escape this calamity, but there was still a mountain peak, but do you want to climb this mountain?    


The surface was incomparably cold, and there wasn't even much oxygen. It simply wasn't suitable for a human to live in. That was why, under such circumstances, it was just one dead person after another.    


When they thought of this, all of them started to feel uneasy.    


"Perhaps, we can try and use weapons to destroy these tsunamis. As long as we can create a huge force, we can destroy this tsunami."    


At this time, one of them directly spoke out before looking at the rest with incomparable hope.    


It seemed like he could only use this method at the moment. However, it wasn't something that could be used in any situation.    


Thinking of this, everyone frowned. They were all thinking whether they should use their weapons or not. In reality, this was a taboo item. How could they say they could use it?!    


The rest of the people started to discuss whether they could use it. The power of this thing was too great and there was even pollution. Unless it was absolutely necessary, no one would want to use it.    


"What are you all thinking? If this tsunami doesn't stop, then all of us will die together. Do you think we can manage this time? Either they perish together, or they survive together. Do you really think that is the most important thing to do? "    


The man who had made this suggestion at the start immediately slammed the table and rose to his feet. Then, he looked at the people before him and spoke angrily.    


[These guys are really stupid to be thinking about such a thing at such a time!]    


If people died, they would have nothing left. Did these people understand?    


When everyone heard these words, they were slightly silent. Then, they raised their heads and looked at the surrounding people. Then, they fiercely nodded their heads.    


"Fine, I want to agree to this. I don't want to die. I think our citizens have nothing to say after knowing about this. We are also saving their lives!"    


"I also agree. My family is still at the beach. I don't want them to die, so I agree to this plan!"    




The rest of the people all agreed. If they didn't use it, they would die together. They didn't want to die, and no one would want to die either.    


When they saw that everyone had agreed, they immediately gave out instructions and swiftly made up their locations.    


The speed of this tsunami was simply too fast. If it was not a little bit slower, then when the tsunami came, could they not place their own sea surface and then pollute their own sea?    


If that was the case, they wouldn't be able to fish in their seas in the future.    


Thinking of this, everyone started to move quickly. Dozens of seconds later, the location was revealed. Following that, the mission was given to them in order to reach that region of the sea.    


On their side, they even directly dispatched their most advanced aircraft to fly at supersonic speeds to that region of the sea before dropping their weapons.    


The higher ups of Mei Country gathered together and watched the screen in front of them. From their messages, they were able to obtain a piece of news, namely, that the other countries had also dropped their weapons at this time, wanting to test if they could break through this tsunami.    


If there was too little for a single round and the tsunami didn't calm down, the tsunami would rush over and submerge them.    


This was the closest one to the tsunami.    


If they failed once, countless people would die.    


"Quick, drop the satellite over and see how it works."    


When they heard that these people were also using this method, everyone was shocked. They all wanted to see whether or not these people would be able to calm the waves of the tsunami.    


If it was possible, they could only hope for it. But if it was not possible, they had to make the rest of the preparations.    


These things could be considered as a lesson learned from their past experiences.    


After the weapon was thrown, it immediately caused the surface of the sea to explode into endless waves. Following that, it collided with the tsunami.    



However, the scene that followed caused countless people to be stunned. They saw that after the wave collided with the tsunami, it did not create the slightest bit of a ripple.    


In fact, the tsunami became even more ferocious. It was as if the energy from earlier had fused with the tsunami, causing the tsunami to become even more ferocious.    


When the crowd saw this, their expressions turned ugly. What was going on? Why was it useless?    


Everyone was puzzled. However, the tsunami did not seem to be affected at all. A few of the planes seemed to be unwilling to accept this and threw it a few more times.    


Merely, not only did he not eliminate all of these tsunamis, he instead caused them to become even more ferocious.    


When the crowd saw this, they felt extremely helpless. What the hell was this? Was this natural disaster already so terrifying? It didn't work at all.    


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