Top Immortal Emperor in the City



0"I'm afraid he's going to be killed by your last sentence."    


When everyone left the restaurant, Long Wei followed them out. Originally, he wanted to make Heng Yanlin eat a little, but after Heng Yanlin rejected him, he tactfully left.    


Jiang Siyu looked behind him, and when he heard the faint miserable wails, he immediately looked at Heng Yanlin, and then said while shaking his head.    


With Liang Kun's personality, he would definitely be at a disadvantage. Now that he heard Heng Yanlin's words, he would definitely cause trouble for Xin Gong, but he did not know what would become like.    


However, that did not have much of a relationship with them. They actually dared to speak to them in such a manner, and were endlessly arrogant after that. The people he offended did not have any relation to them at all.    


"What he said was what he said before. He wasn't my friend. Since he was the one who caused this trouble, I told him to bear it himself. It has nothing to do with me."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin looked at Jiang Siyu who was at the side, then slightly shook his head, and spoke out.    


This really had nothing to do with him at all. The other party was simply courting death. In the past, if he didn't have this opportunity, the other party should have met with a calamity in the future.    


When Jiang Siyu heard these words, he thought about Xin Gong who was still inside, and shook his head with a smile. No matter what, he was extremely disgusted by those arrogant lies.    


"Siyu, it looks like even if I didn't come, you would still be fine. With this person by your side, how could anything have happened to you? I feel like I'm worrying over nothing."    


At this time, Tian Ya, who was at the side, also shook his head and said.    


When she was previously worried about, she had worried about him. However, at this time, she realized that she had only been blindly worrying about him, and the reason why she had come to find Heng Yanlin was because the person that Liang Kun feared the most had offended his son.    


The opponent's strength should be incomparably strong, however, when facing Heng Yanlin, he didn't dare say anything, and simply held an extremely respectful attitude. Just this situation alone was enough for people to understand that Heng Yanlin's strength was much stronger than his own, and caused him to not dare to say a single word.    


When she thought about it, the gaze she used to look at Heng Yanlin became slightly different. Previously, she did not think too much into it, she only felt that Heng Yanlin was at most an ordinary person.    


But she absolutely did not expect that Heng Yanlin actually had such a background, to the point that she was somewhat shocked.    


"I was fine from the start, but I still have to thank you for coming here."    


After Jiang Siyu heard these words, he immediately grabbed onto Tian Ya's arm, and then said in an extremely intimate tone, because he was worried about him.    


"Alright, if you really want to thank me, then hurry up and find a place to eat. I'm about to starve to death."    


Hearing those words, Tian Ya lightly nodded her head, then quickly said: "Before this, she did not eat, and had ran over here."    


It was already so late and she was starving. She thought she found a restaurant where she could eat, but something like this happened.    


Hearing this, Jiang Siyu also felt hungry, after thinking for a while, he turned around to look, only to see that the surrounding area had basically become a street stall, and he immediately told Tian Ya who was standing at his side with some hesitation.    


"There are only these kinds of things around here. Why don't we just eat something here first?" If you want to change your location, you'll have to run far away. "    


What does it matter? It's not like I've never eaten these things before, do you think I'm like that guy before, I get angry just talking about him. Before, I thought he was very powerful, but now, he's acting like an explosive rich guy.    


Hearing that, Tian Ya immediately waved his hand, and said without the least bit of concern, and after looking to the side, he picked a relatively clean place, and sat down.    


"Come on, let's sit here. I'm too lazy to leave."    


After Tian Ya sat down on his butt, he seemed to be somewhat dispirited and powerless. He immediately told the two of them this and rubbed his own stomach, as if he had been hungry for a long time.    


Seeing that, Heng Yanlin and Yue Yang also walked over. After they sat down, there was immediately a shop assistant who ran over, and asked the three of them what they wanted, while asking, he sneakily sized up the ladies by Heng Yanlin's side.    


He hurriedly turned his head away and did not dare to look at the two girls again. For some unknown reason, when he peeked at the two girls, he felt an extremely large pressure.    


That kind of feeling directly affected his heart, making him no longer dare to peek at the two girls. When he turned his head to look at Heng Yanlin, a hint of jealousy immediately flashed across his eyes.    


To be able to eat with these two women, Heng Yanlin was enjoying his blessings, the two girls were rarely seen beauties, and now they sat together on Heng Yanlin's two sides.    


"What do you want, gentlemen?"    


At this time, the three of them also took a look at the menu and saw that it was only a barbecue. Since it was originally a barbeque stall, it was quite normal for there to be all these items here.    


"Let's see what's on it first." Tian Ya looked at the items at the side, then pointed at the items on it, casually said, regardless of whether or not he finished eating, it was still just a small amount of money. She did not care, and Heng Yanlin and the other two would not care at all.    


"Alright, I'll be troubling you with your preparations."    


The shop assistant did not waste any time. If the customer asked for it, he would do the same. After agreeing to it, he quickly left. After saying a few words to the chef, he waited for the barbecue to be done and for the item to be ready.    


"Siyu, I didn't ask you before, but now you have to answer one of my questions."    


After a while, the barbecue started to arrive one after another. After Tian Ya ate a few skewers, she barely filled up her stomach, and after recovering some of her spirit, she looked at Jiang Siyu at the side. Then, she looked at him with an extremely serious expression, and asked.    


Hearing that, Jiang Siyu was startled, she did not know what she wanted to ask, could it be that he wanted to ask about his relationship with Heng Yanlin? It can't be. After all, he could only talk about the two of them first, it was just an ordinary relationship.    


However, after hearing what she said, there were still some feelings of unwillingness in her heart.    


"Yes, ask away."    


With these thoughts flashing through his mind, the slightly absent-minded Jiang Siyu directly answered.    


Seeing that Jiang Siyu had responded, Tian Ya quickly opened his mouth and asked, "Have you been doing a beauty job recently? "Why have you become so beautiful after only seeing her for the last month? I've never seen such an appearance like yours before."    


At this time, Tian Ya was looking at her best friend with extreme desire. He wanted to find out from her what methods the other party used to become so beautiful.    


Previously, she had seen Jiang Siyu before, when was she so beautiful?    


Originally, she thought that it was due to plastic surgery, but after a slight glance, she felt that it wasn't too big of a deal. If someone could do such a heaven defying thing with plastic surgery, they would definitely become famous in the world.    


Most importantly, when he looked at his best friend, his face didn't change much. It should be more likely that his skin and temperament remained the same.    


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