Top Immortal Emperor in the City



0"May I know who this is? "He looks a little unfamiliar."    


Ceng Jiaxue glanced at Heng Yanlin, and then immediately hid the expression in his eyes, and asked Heng Yanlin this.    


"Oh, this is Xu Shanyue's boyfriend. It's also the first time we've met."    


Hearing Ceng Jiaxue's question, Shang Xinqiao was immediately overjoyed, and immediately responded in response. After that, she opened her mouth and said, she did not expect Ceng Jiaxue to actually ask Heng Yanlin so straightforwardly, as if it was extremely urgent.    


From the looks of it, when the time came, Ceng Jiaxue would not be polite to Heng Yanlin.    


Hearing Ceng Jiaxue's inquiry about Heng Yanlin, Xu Shanyue frowned slightly and looked at him impatiently. Immediately, her heart was filled with disgust, it had already been so long, she had already put it down, what was the point in asking about her?    


"So it's like that. Then please sit, friend. I still have to entertain these old classmates of mine, I can't entertain you. If there's anything that doesn't suit you, please forgive me."    


When Ceng Jiaxue heard his affirmation, a hint of coldness flashed across his face. After glancing at Heng Yanlin, he gently nodded, and said rather coldly.    


Although he said that he would only be entertaining his classmates, he couldn't entertain Heng Yanlin. The truth was that these were his old classmates, and he needed to entertain them a little. As an outsider, there was no point in coming to join in on the fun.    


It was just a clown, he did not think that he needed to bother about anything. Even if it was Xu Shanyue's classmate, he could not let Heng Yanlin continue to tolerate him.    


He had thought that he would be incomparably angry if he were to be pushed around like Heng Yanlin, but who would have thought that Heng Yanlin would actually lower his head and look at the table in front of him. Towards his words, Ceng Jiaxue was not even willing to pay attention.    


This caused Ceng Jiaxue's expression to instantly become incomparably gloomy. This guy, was even more arrogant than he had imagined!    


"Since everyone is here, then let's serve up the dishes first. It seems like everyone is hungry."    


Ceng Jiaxue looked at Heng Yanlin coldly, and then smiled lightly at everyone, and said. This guy, since he was being so disrespectful, he would have enough time later on to properly teach him, there was no rush.    


Ceng Jiaxue faced the crowd and finished speaking, then called for the waiter. Then, he ordered all the dishes he wanted, allowing the waiter to bring the dishes up right now.    


"When I thought of us back then, we were still incomparably tender in university. Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, we would become like this. This period of time truly passes by very quickly."    


When they saw that everyone had arrived and were seated properly at their tables, one of the men glanced at his old classmates and said with a slight sigh.    


When Ceng Jiaxue saw this, he also smiled slightly. On the one hand, he was trying to recount some of the past, and on the other hand, he was trying to find a way to chat and laugh with the rest of the people. From time to time, he would even bring Xu Shanyue to the topic of conversation.    


And among them, although there were a few other students who had brought their partners here, but they had blended in harmoniously, while Heng Yanlin intentionally or unintentionally allowed himself to be excluded.    


Heng Yanlin naturally noticed this, but he didn't care in the slightest, as it merely made it impossible for him to talk to these people. He didn't want to say anything to these strangers, so he still had to go and answer them.    


He didn't know how great it was for him to just stand there by himself. He couldn't be bothered to care so much about these people.    


As Ceng Jiaxue talked with the rest, he also paid attention to Heng Yanlin. When he saw Heng Yanlin by himself, he still maintained a leisurely look, and did not feel awkward at all. His heart immediately sank, and a hint of displeasure flashed across his face.    


[This guy is so thick-skinned, yet he is still calm. If he is a normal person, he would have already been angry. How can he be so calm?]    


"That's right. Speaking of which, there was no news of you after that. I wonder where you are working at now?" What did you do? "    


One of the students at the side, upon seeing Ceng Jiaxue's bright and well-dressed appearance, who was already filled with speculation, asked directly.    


"Ceng Jiaxue, he's probably the best amongst us right now, but you don't know what car Ceng Jiaxue drove over here when we were on the way here."    


Hearing the questions of the students at the side, one of the students before him interrupted and said. As he spoke, his eyes revealed an extremely envious expression.    


When everyone saw this situation, they were immediately surprised and directly asked him.    


"What kind of car could make you exclaim so much? Tell me quickly, could it be Lamborghini or something like that?"    


At this moment, Shang Xinqiao was also full of curiosity, and then he opened his mouth and asked while looking at Heng Yanlin beside him. The meaning in his eyes was extremely clear.    


Although he didn't know what kind of car it was, it was definitely very good. If it wasn't for that, why would his classmates be so surprised? It wasn't like he was a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.    


And that Heng Yanlin, she actually came over in Xu Shanyue's car, it was embarrassing just thinking about it.    


Heng Yanlin's eyes drooped, but he ignored this fellow. An extremely annoying fellow, there was really no need to care about it, furthermore, what made him speechless was, this fellow was even showing off the Rejuvenation Toner he made?    


The way to show off his strength was extremely peculiar.    


Lamborghini isn't, but it's pretty much gone. It's a few million business cars, probably driven by Zeng Jiaxiang because he was afraid of such a situation. Otherwise, he would have been able to buy such a car, a top grade sports car, or something like that.    


When the student who had opened his mouth to speak heard these words, he directly shook his head and directly spoke about the car that he had seen. That car was a business car and if it wasn't for this car, they really wouldn't be able to sit in it.    


"To be honest, Ceng Jiaxue is very low-key. If it was anyone else, who would be able to afford this type of car, they would have already driven over with some top tier Small Bridge Car. I don't think I need to drive this kind of car, I would feel like I'm the driver of this car."    


Another student, who had been received, also nodded in agreement. Generally speaking, those driving a business car belonged to the driver category.    


However, looking at Ceng Jiaxue's current dressing and his incomparably confident temperament, they did not think that Ceng Jiaxue would actually be a good driver.    


"Wow, Jiaxi, it's only been a few years and you're already doing this to this guy. In the future, you have to take good care of your old classmate. Don't you know that I'm the worst? I don't have the face to say it anymore."    


Looking at me, I feel like I'm too embarrassed to come over. Fortunately Ceng Jiaxue, you kept a bit of a low profile, if you had tried to do something high-profile and run over here, we would have stopped coming over. "    


At this time, the others also joked. They never would have thought that the last person, Ceng Jiaxue, would actually possess such financial resources.    


When he thought about the past, some of them were talking about what kind of industry they were in and how much money they could earn.    


Before, they already thought that some of them were very powerful, but now that they looked at Ceng Jiaxue, they felt that they had lost all their face.    


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