Top Immortal Emperor in the City



0Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin as she stood in front of her. This was the first time she was so close to Heng Yanlin, and it caused her heart to become a little flustered.    


Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan strangely. He had been paying attention to Mu Shishan to prevent any mishap from happening to Mu Shishan, so when he felt Mu Shishan's heartbeat increase, he immediately became suspicious.    


If the Spirit Milk had any other use towards her, it shouldn't be because its heart was beating faster, right? Heng Yanlin frowned, and cautiously asked.    


"What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable there? "    


Heng Yanlin asked very seriously, but the concern in her eyes made Mu Shishan's heart feel sweet, and then she closed her beautiful eyes and gently shook her head, she did not know how she should explain it to Heng Yanlin.    


"Open your eyes. Let me see how the effect is. Will there be any accidents?"    


Seeing Mu Shishan, Heng Yanlin immediately closed his eyes, and gave the order immediately. Hearing that, Mu Shishan could only open his eyes, and then met Heng Yanlin's eyes which were devoid of any impurities.    


Heng Yanlin, however, did not notice that much. At this time, the Spirit Milk had already begun to take effect, so Heng Yanlin was able to see that Mu Shishan's eyes had begun to turn a little brighter, and also started to have a kind of bottomless feeling.    


Seeing this situation, Heng Yanlin heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Based on the current situation, Mu Shishan reckoned that there shouldn't be any problems.    


"That's enough. Get up and take a look. I feel like you have eyes. How are your eyes?"    


Heng Yanlin stood up, then walked to the side. As he slowly put away that thing, he spoke to Mu Shishan.    


Mu Shishan immediately stood up, and was a little confused. Wasn't Heng Yanlin's eyes still the same as before, what kind of change could there be in them? At most, she felt that her eyes had become much clearer and clearer at this time, and felt much more comfortable than they had ever been in the past.    


He did not know what Heng Yanlin was talking about, but Mu Shishan was still looking around him. Just as he was about to say that his eyes felt quite comfortable, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.    


At this moment, the scene that she was looking at was extremely strange. She was looking in the distance, and even though she was not nearsighted, she was able to see it much clearer than what she had seen in the past.    


In addition, from her current appearance, she could clearly see everything that was dozens of meters away. She could even see a tiny insect slowly flying by, as if it had been slowed down.    


It was fortunate that Mu Shishan was not afraid of insects, otherwise, when he saw the enlarged image of the insect, he would be terrified.    


"What, what is going on? "Why do I feel like my eyes are able to see even further, and there are even some things that seem to be slowed down?"    


Mu Shishan stretched out both his hands and rolled back and forth with some suspicion, then muttered to himself.    


"This is very normal, the Spirit Milk's effect is very good. To be able to cause your eyes to gain so many benefits, look at something that is slowing down, it's not that it's slowing down, but the effect of your eyes. Actually, it's still that fast."    


This kind of benefit was very good. If Mu Shishan encountered something like a car accident in the future, due to her eyes, she would be able to react quickly and make herself safer.    


The use of the Spirit Milk had made her body somewhat improve, so when it came to danger, that reaction speed would definitely be able to save her life. This was also the reason why Heng Yanlin gave the Spirit Milk to her.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin say that, Mu Shishan immediately relaxed. In that case, it was not that her eyes had eyes problems, but if not, she would have thought that there was some kind of strange change happening.    


However, to be able to change a person's eyes to such a state, the effects of Spirit Milk were truly too overwhelming. If it was slightly improved, the effects would be taken away.    


Just the eyes of a normal person would always be able to enjoy this effect, and those people who had short-sighted would definitely be able to enjoy this effect as well. Thinking about it up to this point, Mu Shishan's eyes became somewhat fervent when he looked at the Spirit Milk.    


"The effect of this thing is so heaven-defying. If I were to take some out and dilute it, won't it be able to treat those things that are short-sighted?"    


Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin and Hai Zi Jie asked. If this was really possible, then their Shilan Group would have another item that they could sell.    


A type of medicine that could be cured if it was just water. For a medicine like this, it would definitely sell to anyone else. Moreover, it was a miracle in the world of potions.    


Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin thought for a while, then nodded his head, indicating that this method was possible, but the medicinal liquid was extremely dependent on the Spirit Milk, if the Spirit Milk did not exist, then this medicine was something that Heng Yanlin would not be able to create.    


Immediately, Heng Yanlin spoke to Mu Shishan.    


"Your idea is naturally possible. However, if the Spirit Milk are to run out of medicinal liquid, then there will be no more. This medicine's market is too big, I estimate that these Spirit Milk will not be able to hold on for long."    


Heng Yanlin was speaking the truth, but Mu Shishan did not care much about it.    


"It's fine, we can sell it at a limited price and at a higher price. After all, we're just trying to make a name for ourselves, so we don't have to sell this potion as if it's something ordinary."    


Mu Shishan's intentions were very clear. She just wanted to be able to place this medicine on her own official website and let others see the wonders of her Shilan Group. To think that her Shilan Group would actually be able to produce such a medicine.    


Furthermore, something as mysterious as this, the more there were, the more famous the Shilan Group would be.    


After Heng Yanlin heard this, he immediately shook his head helplessly. Since that Mu Shishan had said it like that, then he would just have to create some, but he didn't think too much about it, in other words, he would just take away some of the effects of the Spirit Milk, and dilute them a little.    


"Sure, wait until I finish what I have to do, I will make a batch for you. If you sell it at a higher price, it can last for a while. If you buy it all, just say that the raw materials are gone."    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan was immediately overjoyed, she had the same thought in her heart, after selling the medicine, there would be someone who could prove that their company could concoct a medicine that could completely cure a person's eyes, and with that, it would be enough.    


As for when the goods were gone or when some people wanted the eye drops, that was not what she wanted to care about.    


"How much of the land behind our villa belongs to us? I've already gotten my hands on the ingredients. Let's just start growing the herbs. "    


Heng Yanlin thought for a while, then asked Mu Shishan, planting the herbs, since there was no suitable place for it, he decided to plant it at the back of the villa, and would be better.    


When Mu Shishan heard this, he immediately frowned and thought for a moment. Back then, when she bought the villa, she did not think too much into it.    


However, it wasn't too hard either. Mu Shishan thought for a moment, then remembered that when she chose this villa, because she was very satisfied with the place she brought back, she directly bought it.    


"The lake at the back of our villa belongs to us."    


Although it was called a small lake, it was actually not very big. However, to this kind of place, it could already be considered pretty good.    


Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin thought for a while, and then felt a bit of happiness in his heart. If that was the case, then this place was quite large, and to be used to grow medicinal ingredients, it was completely enough.    


As for whether or not there would be people coming to complain about it after planting these things, Heng Yanlin did not have to worry about that at all. People who could afford to live in this kind of place would definitely do it because they had nothing to do.    


Those medicinal ingredients being planted here, there was definitely no need to worry. Someone had taken action against the medicinal ingredients. After all, given their wealth, if they were to act against such medicinal ingredients, they would appear to be too lacking in style.    


"Then I'll go and prepare. I'll start setting up that herb field later."    


Heng Yanlin could be considered to be an impatient person, for this kind of thing, he would never drag it out, so he directly packed everything up. After entering his room, he first grinded a piece of Spirit Stone into powder.    


This powder contained Spiritual Energy s, it was suitable to use it to nourish the medicinal field. After refining the powder, Heng Yanlin came to the back of the villa and started to reproduce the land.    


As for Mu Shishan, he made a call from inside the villa, and had someone deliver the seed of the medicinal plant. While Mu Shishan was making a phone call, he directly used a few small techniques, and went through the entire plot of land.    



So when Mu Shishan came out and saw the fields that had already been overturned, he was slightly stunned, and then looked at Heng Yanlin with an extremely strange expression.    


"Everything else aside, the speed at which you overturned the fields is really fast. Isn't it a bit of a waste of talent not to be a farmer?"    


Mu Shishan's tone was full of ridicule and upon hearing it, Heng Yanlin did not know whether to laugh or cry. If he really became a farmer, that would be the best decision, letting a dignified Immortal Emperor become a farmer was something Mu Shishan could probably think of.    


After flipping through every inch of this place, Heng Yanlin took out the powder made from Spirit Stone s and scattered it evenly all over the field, scattering the spirit powder out. The seeds of those medicinal herbs, could definitely grow very well, and on this earth, there was probably no place that could be used to raise things better than this place.    


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