Top Immortal Emperor in the City



0Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Commander Wu was a soldier, so he naturally had the deepest understanding towards this matter, and immediately slapped his thigh, waking up. That's right, that guy, if he only wanted to escape, why would he kill so many people?    


If they really wanted to escape with all their hearts, they would have done so long ago. However, it just so happened that when Heng Yanlin came, and because Heng Yanlin posed a huge threat to them, they immediately started to flee. If not for that, they would have probably killed a few more people already!    


When he thought about it, how could Commander Wu not understand that there was definitely a problem with these guys? Without mentioning the rest, these people should have some fear towards these soldiers as to how their strength would skyrocket. Instead, it was like this where they would start a massacre.    


Geng Yongqiu, who was at the side, was also slightly startled when she heard this. Although she was not a soldier, her intelligence was high enough.    


Logically speaking, he had already mentioned this to these people previously. As long as the experiment succeeds and they are willing to cooperate, he would be able to give them something when the time came.    


However, what they were doing right now was instead directly killing them. Not only did they kill them, they even became sworn enemies with them. No matter what, it was impossible for them to let them off.    


Thinking of this, her face slightly changed. If that was the case, then this experiment definitely could not be considered as a success. One must know that the success of the experiment was considered a failure at all places.    


However, she was nothing after all. After these people had been tested, their temperament had changed drastically, becoming so bloodthirsty. If it were any other soldier who had done the experiment, they would have become enemies.    


As they thought of this, their complexions turned incomparably unsightly. They had originally thought that this experiment could be considered a success, but now that they thought about it, how could it be considered a success? This aspect was an undisguised failure.    


It was fortunate that Heng Yanlin had appeared in time to stop all these people. Otherwise, because they were afraid of the strength of these people, when the time came, they might have to use other soldiers to carry out experiments so that they could kill all five of them. This idea was extremely possible.    


When he thought about that, he started sweating cold sweat. At that time, if he used some Sharp Bladed Team s to test his strength, who knew what would happen? These people only had slightly stronger bodies, how could they be compared to the Sharp Bladed Team.    


However, what they were doing had already become like this. If they turned into the Sharp Bladed Team, it would be a nuclear bomb level attack.    


"How do you know they're not right?"    


Geng Yongqiu's face did not look good, but after that, he turned and looked at Heng Yanlin, his eyes carrying a strange expression, and asked, "Logically speaking, Heng Yanlin was just a newcomer, how do you know that these people are just starting a massacre?"    


For Heng Yanlin to be able to see through it in one glance, it was simply too strange.    


"It's because I've seen situations like this before. Their minds have already been affected, and if a period of time passes, they will become people who only know how to kill. When the time comes, that guy will be a bit better and his willpower will be stronger, but he will still be affected a bit."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin pointed to Number One, and upon hearing that, Geng Yongqiu also followed Heng Yanlin's finger to look over, and upon seeing the experimental body number one, he was startled, and then he recalled his conversation with Number One.    


However, she still remembered the brutality in her eyes clearly. As for the other experimental monsters, she did not speak to them, but those few people were definitely out of place when compared to her. Without even saying a word, they began to blow up the glass.    


Speaking of which, Heng Yanlin was too powerful, to think that he could even clearly understand the other party's situation after just a short conversation just now. What Heng Yanlin said, seeing such a situation, it should be true.    


"If that's the case, these people will become irrational after a while?"    


At this time, Commander Wu also looked at the three of them worriedly. If it was really like that, then it would be even more difficult to control them, especially with this kind of medicine, the soldiers were not allowed to use it.    


"If you don't believe me, you can take a look after a while. These people will probably only know how to tear the thing in front of them to pieces after a period of time. The kind that is several times more crazy than wild beasts."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin shrugged his shoulders and said, this matter had nothing to do with him, as long as he knew it himself, it would be fine.    


As the two of them listened to Heng Yanlin's words, they did not doubt him too much. After all, Heng Yanlin had named the condition of the experimental monsters from the very beginning, so they naturally did not question him too much.    


However, when they thought about how they had experimented with such a thing, both of them appeared extremely disappointed. Especially since there were still a lot of losses among them.    


Heng Yanlin looked at the two of them, and directly shook his head, then said, "That's why I say, keeping something like this is meaningless, and might as well just kill them, or else destroy their minds, and then type in some orders for them to obediently listen to in the future."    


The first method, was to directly destroy it. In Heng Yanlin's opinion, it was the most suitable, and the other was the Immortal Cultivation Realm's method, it was ruthless, but it was also relatively useful. If one encountered something like this, if one's strength was extremely strong, they could use it, and then use it as a helper in battle.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Geng Yongqiu and Yue Shan were obviously stunned for a moment, because the two of them seemed extremely unfamiliar with this kind of thing, so how would it be possible for them to know about something like destroying one's mind?    


But Commander Wu's reaction was extremely fast, and he immediately spoke to Heng Yanlin.    


"What method did you say we should use to destroy the mind? Can we make them completely listen to our orders?"    


He had clearly seen the fighting strength of these fellows just now. Moreover, even if they were captured later on, or even sacrificed, other than feeling heartache for this fighting strength, there was nothing else he could do.    


Therefore, it could be said that if a super warrior like him came out, he could be said to be carrying out some tasks. He would be the best candidate.    


Geng Yongqiu, who was at the side, also opened his eyes wide when he heard Heng Yanlin's words, and looked straight at Heng Yanlin. Without saying anything else, she wanted to know how Heng Yanlin was able to destroy the other party's mind without harming them.    


Heng Yanlin didn't think too much about it. He had just said it out according to his own thoughts, and had actually forgotten about it. The people here were all normal people, how could they know about these things?    


But since he had already said it, it was impossible to take it back even if he wanted to, so Heng Yanlin coughed dryly a few times and could only continue.    


"It can indeed be like this. Some ordinary commands can be completely understood, but some complex commands are hard to say. The intelligence quotient of a child is about the same as that of a seventeen or eighteen year old."    


Heng Yanlin said after thinking for a while.    


When Geng Yongqiu and Luo Huan heard this, they looked at each other. Both of them saw the astonishment in the other's eyes, and after eliminating their state of mind, it was already terrifying enough that they could compare to a seventeen or eighteen year old child.    


And the most important thing was that they could still listen to whatever orders they wanted, such a thing was too shocking, if not for what Heng Yanlin had done previously, they would be extremely shocked, and they would never believe what he had just said.    


However, since Heng Yanlin was able to do such a thing, how could he possibly let him go? Especially since he possessed such a powerful combat ability, it was definitely a joyous occasion. He had already been informed about what had happened to the Sharp Bladed Team when he went out previously.    


Outside the country, there were still some extremely powerful soldiers. If they could not increase their ranks a little, they could face their invasion, and it would be difficult to stop them. Thinking about that, Commander Wu directly said to Heng Yanlin with extreme sincerity.    


"Yan Lin, look. Since you have this method, why don't you help out? Otherwise, if you keep them, they'll just kill you. That would be too much of a waste."    


Geng Yongqiu, who was at the side, also looked at Heng Yanlin with a hopeful gaze. Forget about others, she was also extremely interested in using such a method.    


After Heng Yanlin heard his words, he hesitated a little, but erasing one's consciousness was not an easy thing to do. In his current condition, he would probably need to use some acupuncture to do it.    


If those with high strength were to directly invade with their Spiritual Sense and then directly wipe them out with an explosive force, it would be fine. However, the situation in front of them clearly did not allow for that to happen.    


Heng Yanlin nodded, and immediately agreed.    


"Send them to a room. Also, bring me a set of acupuncture needles. When the time is right, I will tell them that I need them."    


After Commander Wu heard this, he immediately ordered the soldiers to send them to a room where they could clean it up. When the time comes, they would need it as well as a needle.    


In merely a few minutes, everything had been properly arranged.    


When Geng Yongqiu heard Heng Yanlin's response, he was extremely happy and immediately ran away. She still had to prepare some equipment, and when the time came, she had to carefully monitor the situation of the experimental body and analyze how Heng Yanlin had done it. At that time, she would see if she could use the equipment to analyze it properly.    


Heng Yanlin immediately ran towards Geng Yongqiu, but did not say anything, and only followed Commander Wu towards the base. Although he had already seen the situation of the experimental body, Heng Yanlin still wanted to take a look at the gene medicine.    



The liquid medicine he sent over, was actually used in such a manner. Commander Wu, who was at the side, was naturally directly with Heng Yanlin, and then, he walked inside.    


The soldiers at the side all looked at Heng Yanlin with incomparable respect. Just now, Heng Yanlin was extremely sharp, actually dropping from the sky and defeating these five people.    


The army had always worshipped strong practitioners, so naturally, people like Heng Yanlin gained the respect of everyone. There were even many people who wanted to learn a few moves from Heng Yanlin, because the things that happened today had truly been a big blow to them.    


So many people had actually been turned upside down by these five people. It could be said to be the most humiliating thing they had ever done.    


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