Top Immortal Emperor in the City



0Heng Yanlin took a deep breath, then raised his hand and injected a bit of Spiritual Energy into the needle. With a shake of his wrist, he inserted an extremely long needle into the brain of experimental body # 1.    


When the people at the side saw this scene, they sucked in a breath of cold air. Their brains! That was the most mysterious and crucial part of the human body. If Heng Yanlin's long steel needle was pierced in just like that, it was possible for him to die instantly, no?    


Seeing this scene, Geng Yongqiu also subconsciously turned his head to look at the equipment beside him. Only after seeing that there were still no changes to the numbers, did he heave a sigh of relief.    


Heng Yanlin did not care about the crowd's reactions at all. He still took out the long steel needles and inserted them one by one into the brain of experimental body number one after that. A short while later, the head of the experimental body number one was filled with astonishing steel needles.    


At this moment, everyone on the side felt that as long as they moved the steel needles, this experimental body 1 would definitely die. After all, even the ones with needles on their heads would feel fear and trepidation upon seeing this scene.    


Heng Yanlin did not bother to pay attention to the others, as he immediately heaved a sigh of relief after inserting all of the steel needles into the body of the number one experimental body. And at this time, Geng Yongqiu's eyes were also filled with a strange glow, not to mention the fact that all the steel needles were pierced into the brain, and not the life of the person in danger, Heng Yanlin's move could be said to be extremely stunning.    


Next, he would have to erase the consciousness of experimental body number one. This guy's willpower was quite strong, so it would probably be a little troublesome to erase it. However, it shouldn't be a big deal.    


A sliver of Spiritual Energy flew out from Heng Yanlin's hand, and after entering the steel needles, he saw them tremble uncontrollably, following that, was Experimental Body # 1. Its face showed an extremely painful expression, and from time to time, even its face contorted to the extreme.    


In order to erase a person's consciousness, it was equivalent to killing the opponent alive. Realizing that as the number one, naturally, he was unwilling to surrender, and immediately resisted the external Spiritual Energy.    


It was just that Heng Yanlin did not send his consciousness into his body, so his resistance, was only a fight with the Spiritual Energy.    


After all, he was not a cultivator, and his use of divine sense was extremely lacking, far from something an experienced person like Heng Yanlin could compare to, it wasn't long before he was completely defeated.    


The number one experimental body seemed to have sensed that something was amiss and immediately roared wildly. The eyelids of its originally slumbering body started to twitch crazily at this moment, appearing as though it was about to wake up.    


Seeing this, the corner of Heng Yanlin's mouth raised into a cold smile, he then extended his index finger and lightly tapped it on the head of the experimental body # 1. His originally trembling body instantly calmed down, but two lines of fresh blood suddenly remained in his nose.    


Heng Yanlin slightly closed his eyes, and directly followed the direction of his forefinger, and then invaded the body of experimental body number one.    


The sea of consciousness in experimental body number one naturally appeared to be extremely small, and even Heng Yanlin felt like he couldn't fit inside it at all. And body number one, at this time, suddenly saw a huge monster squeezed his way in, and his expression immediately changed greatly.    


"Who are you? Get the hell out of here, or I won't be polite! "    


The # 1 experimental body that was on Heng Yanlin's body felt a dense death aura, and immediately opened its mouth, roaring at Heng Yanlin. He had a feeling that if Heng Yanlin was here, he would definitely die.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin laughed disdainfully, then slowly walked towards the experimental body # 1. When the experimental body # 1 saw this, it immediately retreated in fright.    


"Who exactly are you? Why did you painstakingly push me to the brink? How about you let me live?"    


The suppression of the divine sense directly caused experimental body # 1 to have no thoughts of resisting, so he could only beg for forgiveness. However, Heng Yanlin didn't care about it at all, and continued to walk toward experimental body # 1, step by step.    


Seeing this, Number One's eyes turned cold, and he fiercely looked at Heng Yanlin. Since Heng Yanlin was not giving him a way out, then there was no other way out after his evaluation.    


Only, when he looked carefully at Heng Yanlin, he was stunned for a moment. It was only now that he realized that when he looked at Heng Yanlin seriously, it was as if he had seen Heng Yanlin's entire life.    


The fog that originally looked like it was going to disappear at this moment was now completely gone. After which, one could see extremely soul-stirring scenes. One after another, flying almighty elders were able to annihilate an entire planet with a wave of their hands.    


And even though they were separated by time, it was almost as though he could feel the terrifying pressure of an extremely powerful elder forcefully travelling through the universe with his physical body.    


Although everything that had happened before him was extremely inconceivable, a trace of a thought had appeared in his heart, telling him that all of this was real and was not an illusion at all.    


As he continued to read, he finally understood why a person with such a terrifying experience could be sent to him in such a place! The man in front of him had forcibly reversed space and time and was ambushed. He was seriously injured.    


However, even if they knew that he was heavily injured, so what? Could he defeat his opponent? It was simply a joke. After seeing the other party's experience, he naturally understood that the other party's intention to kill him was nothing more than a wave of a hand.    


"Sir, please spare my life. As long as you are willing, I am willing to do anything!"    


Number One immediately knelt down, and spoke to Heng Yanlin with incomparable piety. He knew that if he did not continue, there would be no more chances.    


Heng Yanlin looked at Number One's transformation and was slightly startled, but soon after, he shook his head. This fellow, was probably able to see through his experiences through his consciousness, and that was something that he could not do anything about, when one's consciousness left their body, others would be able to see something through their consciousness.    


If he wanted to avoid this situation, he would need to be able to cultivate a Nascent Infant of the same realm or higher in order to avoid it.    


"You can see my experiences. How can you not know that I can see yours?"    


Heng Yanlin opened his mouth and sighed as he spoke. Based on the experiences he had seen just now, this fellow was definitely not a good person. Therefore, Heng Yanlin had not been prepared from the start and decided to let him off.    


Furthermore, removing this, if he did not remove the person who knew his identity, Heng Yanlin would not be able to rest at ease, and even if these things were to spread, not many people would believe it, but Heng Yanlin would definitely not allow such a threat to exist.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Number One's face changed, and just as he was about to say something, Heng Yanlin waved his hand, and released a Spiritual Energy Whirlwind, turning Number One's consciousness into dust.    


Seeing that there was nothing in the space in front of him, Heng Yanlin immediately nodded his head in satisfaction, and then retreated. When Heng Yanlin opened his eyes, although Number One in front of him still had the aura of a living person, he could not feel that she was a living person.    


It was obvious that the person in front of them was alive, but he also felt like he was dead. This caused the people beside him to feel extremely strange.    


At this time, Geng Yongqiu directly turned his head to look at the flickering screen, and when he saw that several numbers had already changed greatly, his face immediately changed.    


According to these numbers, this Number One in front of him had turned into a vegetable! Just that, Heng Yanlin had just stabbed a steel needle into his forehead, and just like that, he had turned a human into a vegetable? This method was way too shocking!    


Geng Yongqiu's eyes were filled with shock. When he turned his head around, he coincidentally met with Commander Wu's gaze, and knew what Commander Wu wanted to ask about. He immediately nodded, and his eyes carried remaining shock as he spoke to Commander Wu.    


"That number one no longer has any traces of consciousness. In other words, it has become a vegetable."    


Although Commander Wu had felt that something was amiss when he had just seen number one, when he heard Geng Yongqiu's announcement, he was still shocked. Heng Yanlin had just destroyed a person's consciousness like that? Isn't this too incredible?    


Commander Wu turned his head to look at Heng Yanlin, only to see that his expression was still calm. After he slowly put away all the steel needles, he walked towards the next experimental body.    


Originally, the two people did not believe this was happening, but when they saw that Heng Yanlin was about to start the next one, they immediately opened their eyes wide, wanting to see Heng Yanlin's actions clearly.    


However, no matter how they looked at it, they could not discover what step it was the most important step in using it. Heng Yanlin had also cleared away all the consciousness of the experimental subjects in front of him one by one.    


Geng Yongqiu turned his head to look at the display behind him. Seeing the numbers on it become the same as number one, he immediately took in a breath of cold air. This guy, when destroying the consciousness of others, was as easy as eating a meal or drinking water.    


At least, from their point of view, when Heng Yanlin was sitting and doing something, he didn't seem troubled at all. How could they not be shocked?    


Geng Yongqiu was rather curious about this method. If he could understand it, he would probably be able to undo a layer of the mysterious veil in the human body's brain.    


However, once this damnable fellow brought this up, the other party would probably refuse to speak. He would not tell her about this matter. When she thought of this, she nearly bit her teeth to death!    


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