Super Upstart System

C68 He Took Advantage of Me

C68 He Took Advantage of Me

0"What are you doing?"    


Bian Shuohan was thrown to the back of the car by Guan Fei and found that he had suddenly taken out his phone from his pocket.    


Could it be that he wanted to take a photo to threaten her?    


Thinking of this, she subconsciously tightened her clothes and tried her best not to reveal any traces of lust.    


Guan Fei was not an idiot. How could he not know the meaning of her actions? He said disdainfully: "Report your father's good news."    


Bian Shuohan heard his explanation and was extremely embarrassed. In her heart, she thought that this fellow really grew a good skin for nothing. His heart was rotten to death. He definitely wanted to see her embarrass herself.    


On the other side of the phone, Bian Liang had been anxiously waiting. Every second felt like a day had passed. Time passed too slowly.    


Suddenly, the bell rang and broke the silence. He saw that it was Guan Fei's phone and quickly picked it up.    


"Dad, I'm Bian Han. I'm fine."    


"You're not hurt, right?"    


On the other side, Bian Liang's voice was a little shaky. If those people did anything to her daughter, how would she meet people in the future?    


"No, I'm fine."    


"Then you have to thank Brother Guan. If it wasn't for him, Dad really wouldn't know what to do."    


Hearing Bian Shuohan's voice, Bian Liang, who had been on tenterhooks, finally let out a long sigh of relief. It was good that she was fine.    


He really didn't expect Guan Fei to settle the matter in less than an hour.    


"Brother? He's so shameless..."    


Bian Shuohan was about to curse and let her father know what kind of person this employee was, but before she could finish her sentence, her phone was snatched away by Guan Fei.    


"Fifteen minutes to the sound of the night."    


Guan Fei did not waste any time and hung up the phone after speaking for a long time.    


Bian Shuohan was extremely angry. How could there be an employee who spoke to the boss like this? Although you have made a great contribution this time, you can't be arrogant because of your pampering!    


She used her eyes to kill Guan Fei with all her might, but her eyes were so wide that tears almost flowed out. Guan Fei, who was driving, seemed like nothing had happened.    


This person's skin is really thick!    


"It will take at least half an hour to get from here to the sound of the night. You can get there in fifteen minutes? You don't even draft a draft when you brag!"    


Bian Shuohan did not know why, but she always wanted to give him a blow.    


What other people can't do doesn't mean that I can't do it. "    


Guan Fei smiled. As soon as he finished speaking, he started to step on the accelerator. The Porsche rushed out like an arrow.    




Bian Shuohan did not react in time. She threw the Porsche hard on the back seat. She hurriedly fasten her seatbelt before she could stabilize her body.    


However, Guan Fei's speed was already almost 200 per hour. He turned left and right and kept swinging his body. Not long after, his head became dizzy and heavy. It was as if he was about to spit it out.    


"You... Do you want to die?"    


It took Bian Shuohan ten seconds to complete the words. Her small face was already pale from fright.    


The surrounding buildings looked like they were made of wood. Cars passed by the Porsche one after another. If one was not careful, the car would be destroyed and people would die.    


Guan Fei looked through the mirror at the girl behind him and could not help but tease her. "Didn't you have a lot of guts just now? Are you afraid now?"    


"Who's afraid..."    


Bian Shuohan was about to retort, but she realized that Guan Fei's eyes were actually on the lens of the car. He did not even look at the large truck in front of him.    


"In front... the car..."    


Bian Shuohan hurriedly closed her eyes. At this speed, they would run into each other in less than a second. It must be over!    


However, after waiting for five seconds, there was no sound of a car crash. She could not help but carefully open one eye and found that the car was still moving through the crowd. It did not look like a car crash at all.    


His driving skills were so good?    


Bian Shuohan sighed. It was good that he was alive. She would never see this person again. He was simply a bastard who did not care about his life and a dirty hooligan!    


"You have the courage to open your eyes, little guy!"    


Guan Fei had been observing her expression the entire time. When he saw that she had woken up, he began to tease her.    


Bian Shuohan curled her lips and said disdainfully, "I was just tired and wanted to sleep."    


Guan Fei smiled. What a stubborn girl.    


"Then you can sleep for a while more!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the speed of the car started to increase again. The car was like a white lightning that kept moving around.    


Bian Shuohan did not dare to look at the surrounding buildings. She was afraid that she would accidentally bump into them. It was even more dangerous than a roller coaster.    


"I'm afraid, slow down."    


Bian Shuohan finally could not help but beg for mercy. Her voice had already started to tremble.    


However, Guan Fei ignored her and continued to move forward at this speed.    


The driver who was overtaken could not see clearly what kind of car logo it was. He only felt a series of rumbling sounds coming from beside him. Then, he saw a shadow floating in front of him.    



Bian Shuohan closed her eyes and tightly grabbed onto her seatbelt. Suddenly, she felt that the speed of the car had slowed down.    


Opening her eyes, she saw that it was already here!    


Stop the car!    


Guan Fei was the first to step out of the car.    


Bian Liang, Yu Lu, and the others were already waiting at the door.    


"Thank you... Shuohan, what happened to you?"    


Bian Liang nodded at Guan Fei. This kind of kindness could only be repaid slowly in the future.    


However, when he opened the rear door, he found that his daughter's face was pale and her body was trembling slightly. He didn't know what had happened.    


"Dad... I almost died..."    


Bian Shuohan finally could not hold it in anymore. She unbuckled her seatbelt and threw herself into Bian Liang's arms. Tears fell down her face. These few hours had been too dangerous.    


"Don't worry. In the future, dad won't let those bad guys get close to you anymore."    


Bian Liang gently patted her on the back. Just thinking about it made her feel scared.    


However, he did not know that Bian Shuohan's face was pale not because she was scared by Ino Hara and his gang, but because she was shocked by Guan Fei's speed.    


That speed, no normal person would be able to withstand it!    


"It's all because of him..."    


Bian Shuohan wiped away her tears and immediately turned around to glare fiercely at Guan Fei.    


If he did not have to drive so fast, he would not have made her feel so uncomfortable. He must have done it on purpose.    


Bian Liang nodded vigorously and patted his daughter's head as he explained. "Indeed. If it wasn't for his help, Dad might never see you again."    


Bian Shuohan saw that her father misunderstood her meaning and immediately explained, "It was him who did it. He knew that I was afraid and deliberately drove so fast. I was almost scared to death."    


When Bian Liang heard this explanation, he was dumbfounded.    


Guan Fei shrugged and said helplessly, "I was afraid that you would be anxious, so I drove a little faster."    


Bian Liang smiled, indicating that he was fine.    


As long as his daughter was fine, he could accept anything.    


"Shuohan, Young Master Guan is our benefactor. Hurry up and thank him."    


Bian Liang signaled his daughter to thank him. No matter what, he had to express that he was not.    


Bian Shuohan shook her head vigorously. The more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. She had already been seen by him. How could she thank him?    


"Dad, you don't know. He is just a hooligan."    


Bian Liang's expression changed. He thought that his daughter had received some kind of provocation. He waved his hand at Guan Fei in embarrassment. "Young Master Guan, my daughter has suffered some provocation. Tomorrow, I will specially apologize and apologize."    


Guan Fei nodded and said, "It's fine. Why would a man like me care about a little girl?"    


Bian Shuohan looked at Guan Fei's serious look. The anger that she had just suppressed suddenly jumped up.    


"He took advantage of me!"    


Once this sentence was said, Bian Liang's expression became even worse.    


The content came from [Migu Reading].    


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