Strongest Guard

C2281 He Should Have Died with Him

C2281 He Should Have Died with Him

0The scoundrel was looking down at her, his face filled with amusement.    


It was as if he was saying to her, "Didn't you not come with me? Why did you come and lie at my feet?"    


Of course I'm not looking for you.    


When I was about to escape from QIngling County, who knows how I met such a heavy rainstorm. These wolves that shouldn't have appeared, chased me all the way here to you — In an instant, Yang Tiantian suddenly became both embarrassed and angry. She slowly got up with her arms crossed, and just as she was about to shout out these words, she coldly snorted, turned around, and was about to leave.    


Just as she turned around, she saw a wolf lying a few meters in front of her. It was constantly pulling at the corner of its mouth. Although it was immediately washed away by the torrential rain, it was on the verge of dying.    


Yang Tiantian understood.    


She threw herself onto the ground. Just as she was about to be bitten by the wolf, Scoundrel used something unknown to hit the wolf on its head.    


In a flash, he had killed the wolf and saved her in time.    


As for the other wolves, they retreated dozens of meters away.    


Although the torrential rain was heavy, it was not the main reason to prevent the wolves from pouncing on them.    


They could only grit their teeth and let out strange cries, but they didn't dare to come over because of the bad guy behind them.    


This was a devil. Even the wolves were afraid of him.    


However, the reason why Yang Tiantian accompanied this scoundrel to jump into the sea, then showed up with that kind of feeling was not because she wanted the damn sea map on her back to flash and be molested by him.    


Perhaps, this scoundrel would take the opportunity to bully her because of her beauty.    


She would rather be torn to pieces by a pack of wolves than be bullied by this scoundrel — and die.    


Such a heavy rainstorm and such a high wave, yet he had to go deep into the sea and find a tunnel that did not even exist. What was the difference between this and suicide?    


Since they were all dead, why did they still want to be tainted with their innocence by this scoundrel before their deaths?    


However, the feeling of drowning was much better than the feeling of being torn to pieces by a pack of wolves.    


At the very least, he would be able to leave a whole corpse behind.    


For the sake of a complete corpse, he was going to be treated like a bad guy — was this worth it?    


Just as Yang Tiantian was looking at the pack of wolves and feeling conflicted, Lee Nanfang's voice came from behind her, "I'll ask you one last time, come with me or not."    


Yang Tiantian immediately sneered. She turned around and glared fiercely at Scoundrel who was drenched by the torrential rain. She bluntly said, "I'd rather die than go."    


Since Lee Nanfang said he wouldn't force her, he definitely wouldn't use violence against her. He just raised his hand and made any preparations.    


Yang Tiantian lifted her leg and left.    


She knew that as soon as she left this villain, the wolves would come after her.    


However, there was an indescribable determination on her face. When she walked towards the wolf pack, there was no fear on her face.    


It was just like how she was a martyr who would rather die than submit and go to the execution grounds.    


From her mouth, she whispered, "Isn't it just death? What's so great about it? "As the saying goes, no one dies since ancient times …"    




When the wolf pack in the torrential rain saw Yang Tiantian running towards them without any hesitation, they all howled and retreated.    


The hair on his back stood up.    


Its sharp fangs had a cold luster to them in the water.    


"They are afraid of me too!"    


Yang Tiantian's eyes immediately lit up and her courage increased.    


In fact, she knew very well that the wolves were not afraid of her. Otherwise, they wouldn't have chased after her to kill her.    


What the wolves were afraid of was the bad guy behind her.    


Besides, the wolf was suspicious.    


The pack of wolves saw with their own eyes that the one who had attacked the fastest, suddenly cried out and threw himself to the ground only half a meter away from Yang Tiantian's feet. Seeing that he was about to die, he was scared out of his wits.    


Now, seeing this woman walking over fearlessly, he thought that she had killed her own kind and would of course retreat in fear.    


"All of you, scram!"    


Yang Tiantian shouted and raised her right hand, placing her left fist beside her ear as if she was ready to pounce at any moment.    


Dogs are afraid of men squatting, wolves are afraid of fighting.    


When you met a vicious dog, all it had to do was squat down and think that you were going to smash it with a brick and it would only try to run away with its tail between its legs.    


In a confrontation with a wolf, as long as you reached out your hand, it would think that you were taking a carrying pole, hitting it, and scaring it away.    


So it was like that.    


Yang Tiantian had just raised her hand when the hesitating wolves all turned around and scattered in all four directions. They stepped on the water and fled in panic.    


"Ha, without you, I would still be able to escape death."    


Yang Tiantianha laughed and turned around.    


She had just turned around when she saw a figure flash in the storm and jump down the cliff of the Black Fog Beach.    


"This scoundrel really jumped into the sea with no regards for his life."    


Yang Tiantian stared blankly at the edge of the cliff and subconsciously thought, "Could he be stupid?" How could there be a tunnel at the bottom of the sea? As for the chart on my back — God knows what. However, no matter what is said, jumping into the sea in such harsh weather is simply courting death. "    


Ka-cha! *    


An explosive clap of thunder seemed to have exploded above Yang Tiantian's head.    


This caused her to shudder and wake up from her confused state.    


Splash —    


The torrential rain was even heavier.    


Just like how the heavens had leaked.    


"It's his business if he wants to die. It's none of my business. I wouldn't be so stupid as to jump into the sea with him and die. I'd better get the hell out of here and go to another city when the weather is good. "    


Yang Tiantian made up her mind and turned around.    






Under the cover of the heavy rain, the wolves that she would scare away quietly surrounded her while she was in a daze.    


Every single one of them had their hair standing on end as they bared their fangs and glared at Yang Tiantian.    


This prey, white skin and beautiful face --    


The key point was that they were well-built, almost enough for the entire pack of wolves to eat a hearty meal.    


The wolf pack couldn't bear to give up on this delicacy, so they just ran away with their tails between their legs.    


"Go, go! All of you, scram, scram. "    


Yang Tiantian kept scolding and waving her hands. Her attitude was almost as good as the tiger beating hero Wu Erlang.    


However, the pack of wolves, except for the moment when she raised her hand, all took a step back before immediately stopping and staring at her.    


Yang Tiantian panicked.    


When the Three Axe was used, it had no effect, so what should he do next?    


The wolves didn't urge her to think of something.    


A man and a pack of wolves confronted each other for almost half a minute. Suddenly, a wolf turned its head towards the sky and let out a mournful howl.    


This was the horn for the wolves to attack!    


No one told Yang Tiantian.    


Her instinct told her this in an instant.    


She turned and ran without hesitation.    


If she didn't run, even if the wolves attacked, she would still be careful to avoid dying for some reason just like that wolf.    


As she ran, she was undoubtedly telling the pack of wolves, "Come, come and chase me. Come and eat me."    


Since Female Donor was so kind and kind, why would the wolf cub …    


Along with the howls of the wolves, about seven or eight of them leaped up, breaking through the rain and mist, and pounced towards Yang Tiantian.    


Yang Tiantian's explosive strength was pretty good.    


And her legs, too, are very long --    


What's the use of it?    


Ahead of them was the cliff.    


Not the main road.    


The pack of wolves didn't give her any chance to escape. They would only attack in groups.    


"I should have jumped into the sea with him. Even if I was bullied by him before I was drowned, it would be ten thousand times better than being torn to pieces by a pack of wolves. "    


Amidst her fear, Yang Tiantian finally made the right decision.    


Is it useful?    


Lee Nanfang had already jumped down from the Black Fog Beach, he might have already been swept away by the huge waves.    


All Yang Tiantian could do now was run — run to the edge of the cliff, and then talk.    


However, just as she reached the edge of the cliff, she felt her pants tighten as her body that was about to leap forward abruptly stopped.    


She didn't even need to turn her head to be certain that the pants on her butt had been bitten by a wolf.    


Moreover, this wolf was very strong, it actually dragged her behind and was about to fall.    


"Never fall. Otherwise, I would be buried in a wolf's den. I'd rather drown than be eaten by wolves. "    


Yang Tiantian screamed in her heart as she used all her strength to throw herself at the edge of the cliff.    




Following a ripping sound that couldn't even be covered by the sound of thunder, Yang Tiantian suddenly broke free from the wolf's mouth and flew down the cliff of the Black Fog beach.    


As if she was being blown down the cliff by the wind, she turned her head to look back.    


The wolf that rolled on the ground and stood up was still holding her pants in its mouth.    



Yang Tiantian's strength, which had been pushed forward with all her might, and the force that the wolf was pulling on, slammed into it. After that, her pants couldn't bear the weight anymore and finally left her master, crying and howling.    


"Heavens, can't you let me die with more dignity?"    


As Yang Tiantian yelled out, a loud "bang" resounded in her ears.    


Then, she was drowned by the roaring and surging waves.    


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