Strongest Guard

C2247 Devilish Aromatic Spirits and Lives

C2247 Devilish Aromatic Spirits and Lives

0Duan Linghsing swore that she was Duan Linghsing, not Duan Xiangning!    


Even though she wasn't clear about it and didn't want to accept Duan Xiangning's memory, she still wanted everyone to believe that she was the one and only Duan Linghsing.    


To prove this, Duan Family had already sent her to a mental hospital.    


Duan Chuhuang had invited an esteemed monk himself, and now he said that she was Duan Xiangning!    


Duan Linghsing wanted to cry.    


He wanted to laugh, to laugh crazily!    


It was just that her exhausted physical strength did not support her actions.    


At most, tears could be seen dripping from those mysterious clear black eyes. However, she smiled and said, "I admit that you are a big liar. "You can leave now. In the future, don't ever show up in front of me again."    


She thought that after she said those words, in order to avoid trouble, the old swindler would tell her that he couldn't leave yet. However, Master Empty stood up and said: "Alright, I'll go. However, you must come with me as well. "    


"Where to?"    


Duan Linghsing asked coldly.    


Without waiting for Master Empty to say anything, she continued, "I won't go with you. Because I'm afraid, you'll make me believe that I'm Duan Xiangning. Duan Linghsing had never been in this world before. That way, I really will go crazy. "    


"I'll take you to Lee Nanfang. Get yourself back. "    


Perhaps it was because he felt sorry for the girl, but the old thief could no longer bear to joke with her. He raised his head and looked out the window.    


In the southern horizon, a star suddenly flickered.    


Master Empty's snow-white eyebrows also wrinkled.    


Duan Linghsing, however, did not notice it. She stared at Master Empty blankly: "Looking, looking for Lee Nanfang? Find, find me back? "    


Master Empty asked, "Who is Duan Xiangning's favorite?"    


Without a second thought, Duan Linghsing said that person's name.    


Regardless of whether she was Duan Xiangning or Duan Linghsing, she would still remember that name.    


Master Empty also became indifferent: "Are you sure?"    


Duan Linghsing didn't have much strength left, but she still nodded vigorously.    


In her memory, Duan Xiangning being able to die for Lee Nanfang, thinking like that before she died, was already enough for her to love him so much.    


Master Empty quickened his pace of questioning: "Duan Linghsing, do you love him?"    


Duan Linghsing nodded again.    


She loved her brother-in-law.    


Her heart, her people, were already Lee Nanfang's. This wasn't a secret.    


Even if it was a secret, when her life was about to be exhausted, there was no need to hide it.    


Master Empty sneered, "Hur Hur, then why did you fall in love with the evil creature that Duan Xiangning deeply loved?"    


Duan Linghsing was speechless and felt it to be weird.    


There was no need for a reason to love.    


It was even weirder to talk about love with a bald man.    


Master Empty's expression softened and he sat back down. He raised his hand to caress Duan Linghsing's haggard face and said softly: "Do you know why Duan Xiangning's Incense Soul invaded you? Are you going to fight with me for your body?"    


Tears fell like rain.    


It was because someone finally believed that Duan Xiangning's Incense Soul had taken over Duan Linghsing's body, making it impossible for her to accept a dual soul.    


This proved that Duan Linghsing was not insane.    


However, no one would believe that she possessed Duan Xiangning's memories.    


Or rather — Incense Soul.    


"I really love and admire Sister Xiangning. Even though I am in pain, I have never blamed her for suddenly appearing within my soul. "    


The teary girl slowly raised her left hand that was cuffed with leather, and held Master Empty's right hand. She choked with sobs: "Maybe, this was all arranged by the heavens. "Perhaps, I should follow the will of the heavens. It's not Duan Linghsing anymore, but Duan Xiangning."    


"Your Duan Linghsing. "The unique Duan Linghsing."    


The old monk sighed and said with a face full of compassion, "But you are Duan Xiangning, the unparalleled Duan Xiangning."    


Duan Linghsing slowly raised her head and looked at the old monk with teary eyes. She couldn't understand why he would say that.    


"It's all because of that evil creature."    


The old monk retracted his hand, clasped his hands, closed his eyes and lowered his head, revealing his supreme demeanor, "He killed many people, and many died for him. However, no one's death would make him feel incomparably guilty. He wanted to make it up, but he didn't know how. He did not want that person to die. Because the dead could not accept his guilt. Therefore, the dead Duan Xiangning must live.    


Duan Linghsing couldn't understand what the old monk was saying.    


However, he believed that the old monk would slowly explain things to her.    


The night was long.    


Outside the window, there was a demonic star constantly flickering. It was like a beacon, pointing the way in the direction of a group of people.    


The deepest part of the starlight was the end of life, a world of darkness.    


In the dark world, some unwilling souls were howling day and night.    


However, not all souls would be able to break out of that world after roaring.    


The only thing that could make it out of the Dark World was the Bane.    


Emperor Yang, who had left a deep mark on history, was a brilliant monarch himself. In his early twenties, he had led a hundred thousand men to conquer the entire Southern Tang Dynasty. He had helped his father Yang Jian create an era of prosperity.    


Let's not talk about Brother Emperor Yang's execution, the three conquest of Gao Li's disgraceful things.    


Simply saying that he was developing the Grand Canal, perfecting the imperial examination system, and trying to suppress and break down the various Wealthy Class families was enough to prove his brilliance.    


Especially his love.    


He loved only Empress Xiao.    


He admits he's killed a lot of people — those people, they deserve to die!    


He had never borne a single person — no one had the right to bear his guilt.    


However, such a powerful existence, because he was in a hurry to gain benefits, was plotted against by the Wealthy Class and eventually died at the hands of the most trusted Yuwen Clan.    


After the king died, the thin coffin hid less than half a meter into the ground.    


Who else could endure this?    


In the Dark World, Emperor Yang was in despair. He kept roaring and asking questions to the heavens and the earth …    


Finally, the demon spawned from the darkness and the Bane entered the world.    


It was just that no one had the responsibility or obligation to be driven by him to fulfill his dream of rebirth.    


He only had one choice, and that was to be a passerby who came to this world and would leave very soon.    


Patients with premature failure.    


Possession was his only choice for patients with premature failure who could only live to thirteen years of age at most.    


Furthermore, this patient of premature death couldn't be a unrelated family's child.    


"Do you know who Lee Nanfang's real father is?" Master Empty asked Duan Linghsing.    


Duan Linghsing shook her head.    


She really didn't know.    


I've never thought about it.    


No matter who Jack's real father was, Duan Linghsing didn't care.    


She knew that even when she had a double soul, she couldn't save herself from loving that man.    


Master Empty laughed.    


His smile was very strange, as if he wasn't smiling at all.    


His long, snow-white eyebrows trembled uncontrollably, as if he was enduring some sort of pain.    


His voice, was also incomparably ethereal.    


It seemed to be coming from the depths of the Fiend Star that flashed occasionally outside the window: "Lee Nanfang's father is Lee Nanfang."    


Lee Nanfang's father was Lee Nanfang.    


Duan Linghsing was stunned for a moment before confirming that she had not heard wrongly.    


Was Master Empty's words correct?    


Surely not.    


How could a man be his own father?    


Even if it was a child who accidentally died after having just been born, he had no obligation to bear Emperor Yang's vengeful spirit.    


Since Emperor Yang came from the Dark World, the only thing he needed after entering the world was his own body.    


Twenty years ago, that was a night when a peach flower suddenly blossomed under the starlight. A girl called Mengxiu had violated the clan rules that forbade eight hundred women from entering Monarch Valley.    


At the stream, she had a dream.    


In the dream, she and a handsome man, dream back to Shengsui --    


At dawn, the peach blossoms would wither.    


Dragon species, deep species.    


In history, there were many legends that were related to the legends of the powerful figures.    


For example, before Liu Bang's mother gave birth to him, Han Dynasty dreamed of having an affair with a real dragon and gave birth to him.    


Mengxiu's experience was similar to the legend of Boss Liu's mother.    


The only difference was that a man did come to visit the night when Mengxiu had gone deeper into the society.    


Who was that man?    


It could be the Great Elder who came from the Flame Valley, the second elder who guarded the Monarch Tower, or the eight-hundred-year-old elder of the village.    


But whoever it was, on that night, he was no longer himself.    


He could only be Emperor Yang — himself.    


Then Mengxiu went crazy and gave birth to Lee Nanfang in October.    


Lee Nanfang was an 80-year-old patient with premature aging when he was born.    


Ordinary patients with premature aging could live up to thirteen years.    


Lee Nanfang was able to grow in reverse because at the moment of his birth --    


The Bane was shining!    


Black Dragon, Possession!    


The dragon aura of the Monarch Valley was so strong that it had reached the highest peak in history.    


In modern words, it was Emperor Yang's rebirth.    


Lee Nanfang was Emperor Yang, and Emperor Yang was Lee Nanfang.    


The Emperor Yang of history was always fickle.    


On the one hand, he doted on people he trusted, loved Empress Xiao, and worked hard to become a qualified boss, father, and grandfather.    


On the one hand, he was quite cold-blooded. In order to reduce the threat of the seven Wealthy Class families, he sent three hundred thousand soldiers to their deaths in Gao Li.    


These two aspects were his humanity and demonic nature.    


When he was gentle and intimate, he was human.    


When he was brutal and bloody, he was a demon.    


Emperor Yang had never changed, whether it was a thousand years ago or today, when the Bane came from the depths of the dark.    


"His humanity is the Lee Nanfang that you are familiar with. He loved his wife dearly, but he was also unruly. He had strong principles and even a sense of justice. However, when he's scary, his demonic nature is also Lee Nanfang. "    


Maybe it was because he said too much, Master Empty was a bit tired.    


Duan Linghsing suddenly had the illusion that Master Empty had aged a lot.    


But Emperor Yang was Lee Nanfang, Lee Nanfang was Emperor Yang, Black Dragon was Lee Nanfang, Lee Nanfang was Lee Nanfang — no matter who he was, whether he was human or demon, whatever he thought and did, he was always the Lee Nanfang that Duan Linghsing was familiar with.    


Lee Nanfang had never shamed anyone before.    


At least, that was what he thought.    


Therefore, when Duan Xiangning died for him, Lee Nanfang or Emperor Yang would lose the opportunity to make up for it. After that, they would release what could be called "Dragon Qi", making it so that her Incense Soul would not disperse.    


This was something that even Lee Nanfang himself did not know.    


He hadn't expected that his feelings for Duan Xiangning would prevent her from sleeping peacefully, that he would be able to dance by the side of the Hidden Dragon River on a full moon night, and that he would be able to sing softly and like you …    


He even more never thought that after he kicked the other half of the "himself" out, he would cause the Monarch Tower to collapse and sink deep into the Yellow Springs. He never would have thought that the branches of the Dragonpulse would be touched, affecting his Han City and causing the young python to tangle with Duan Xiangning's Incense Soul.    


Lee Nanfang thought that after kicking out the evil, he would be a pure person.    


Even though he knew very well that after losing half of his soul and mind, he would no longer be able to support the immense needs of his body, and could only rapidly age.    


He thought he had great ideas in pursuit of becoming a pure person.    


In fact, it was very stupid.    


How could a person kick his own shadow?    


Behind the light was darkness.    


Lee Nanfang, who had lost his demonic nature, was an incomplete person.    


His humanity was intoxicated within the Lee Family villa.    


His devilish nature howled day and night in the cold pond of Dragon-hiding Stream.    


His guilty woman, the Incense Soul, was being surrounded by evil beings.    


This was an opportunity for him to atone for his sins. Thus, Lee Nanfang left Qingshan, using his own life to save Duan Xiangning's Incense Soul.    


Stupid behavior, there was always a price to be paid.    


The price that Lee Nanfang had paid for his stupidity could be said to be miserable.    


"In order to awaken his humanity, Yue Zitong committed suicide several months ago. The devil nature that was already one with him has been restored in time and the evil spirits have been driven away. "    


Master Empty laughed with great difficulty, his voice became softer and softer: "He knows, he's wrong." He also knew that his humanity and demonic nature were originally him. But it's too late, Yue Zitong committed suicide and fell into the ocean, Duan Xiangning's Incense Soul did not rest in peace. "    


Ka-cha! *    


It was as if thunder was striking Duan Linghsing's ears, and the sky was clear outside the window.    


Yao Xing flickered again, she said with a trembling voice: "I-I'm like Lee Nanfang?"    


"You're Duan Xiangning, and you're Duan Linghsing. She loves Lee Nanfang, and you are his woman. Duan Xiangning will not harm you. She only hopes to merge her love for that person with yours. "    


After some thought, the old monk explained carefully, "You can also think that you are the combination of Duan Xiangning and Duan Linghsing."    


Duan Linghsing didn't say anything, but her eyes gradually lit up.    


The old monk was very thirsty as he raised his head to look at the water dispenser by the window.    


He was a bit regretful, why did he chase Duan Chuhuang out?    


As a result, now that the old monk had revealed some of his secrets, when he felt weak and unable to move, there was no one who could pour water on him.    



Old Bastard could only swallow his saliva and say: "Immeasurable Buddha. Ah, no, it's Amitabha." Female Donor, you can choose to accept or not accept Duan Xiangning. Although this old monk is a swindler, I still have some means of exorcism. "    


Duan Linghsing asked: "What will happen after Incense Soul leaves me?"    


The old scoundrel began to speak no more human words. "Dust to dust, dust to dust. Three Realms, Six Paths to Nine Heavens. Duan Xiangning shall never be seen again."    


"With her, I think, with love, with a man."    


Duan Linghsing spoke very slowly, but her meaning was clear.    


"Infinite Empyrean. Excellent. Excellent."    


The old monk clasped his hands together and bowed his head as he wished Duan Linghsing high ascension in her thoughts.    


"I want to eat!"    


"Female Donor, at least tell me what this old monk is thinking."    


The old monk lifted his hand and wiped his forehead. With a pleased expression, he looked no different from an old swindler.    


Duan Linghsing raised her hand and pressed the bell on the bed. "Sister Xiangning is here. Yue Zitong, is she really dead?"    


"Heaven's Secrets cannot be leaked out."    


The old monk sighed with emotion, "Roasting chickens is too little."    


Duan Linghsing asked again, "Master, do you know where Lee Nanfang is?"    


"Too few roasted chickens!"    


The old thief raised his head and looked at the star in the sky through the window.    


Seventh Annihilation. Astral light flashed.    


Before the door was pushed open, Duan Linghsing asked, "Lee Nanfang, what do we do now?"    


The old monk closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "He's in the — the wave."    


The surf, which did not lie near the boat on the left side of the fishing boat, rose up.    


Miura Qingying was puzzled. The rubber dinghy could clearly carry more than ten people. How could Lee Nanfang carry Rou'er in the water?    


"Could it be that there is an unusual feeling in the water?"    


Her face flushed, and her heartbeat quickened as she covered her ears with all her might.    


However, the weeping Rou'er's voice continued to echo in her ears and ears, echoing beneath the starry sky.    


Splash... Splash...    


The water splashed more and more violently.    


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