Strongest Guard

C2244 Southern Fighting Seven Killing Strikes

C2244 Southern Fighting Seven Killing Strikes

0From the northeast to the shores of the Southern Frontier, it was simply crossing the entire China, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was ten thousand miles away.    


However, with the development of modern transportation, forget about going from the northeast to the Southern Frontier, even if he went to the western hemisphere, it wouldn't take long.    


But on the day that Yang Tiantian received Lee Nanfang's call, she started rushing over to QIngling County. It took a full one and a half months and she still hadn't reached her destination.    


What kind of transportation was this? It was so slow?    


Even the worst bike would be able to run fifty kilometers a day, not to mention the high-speed rail and aircraft.    


A pair of legs.    


Yang Tiantian had set out a month and a half ago. She was about to cross the entire Huaxia with her legs.    


She didn't sit on the high-speed rail plane, but instead walked ten thousand miles. Was she stupid?    


Moreover, during this one and a half months, she had been out night and day.    


Sleep during the day and walk at night.    


It was like crossing a mountain or crossing a river in the middle of a river.    


Five hundred meters on the side of a certain mountain was the main road of Yangguan. Five hundred meters on the east side of a certain river was a bridge, but she did not walk.    


He walked south like a beast, ignoring the roads and bridges. He walked alone for ten thousand miles, his chin was still at forty-five degrees, looking at the Seven Annihilations Star in the Constellation of the South. Without a sound, he was like a driven zombie.    


Along the way, she had worn down countless pairs of shoes and shredded numerous pieces of clothing, but she hadn't wavered in the slightest.    


This girl, is she crazy?    


No one knew.    


She had never told anyone why she was doing this, or where she was going to end up.    


She left just like that.    


Sleep during the day — when the sun rises, she will stay in a hotel where there is a hotel. If there is no hotel, she will lie down on the floor.    


Traveling at night — When the Seven Killing Star Shine was in the south, she would walk out of the hotel or pack up her sleeping mat and look up at the sky as she walked alone.    


In one month, she had climbed countless mountains and crossed countless rivers.    


The mountain was not easy to flip over. There were more than a dozen times where she almost fell off the cliff and died a horrible death.    


The river was even more dangerous, especially the Yellow River. She had once disappeared underwater for almost five minutes, but then miraculously reappeared.    


Not to mention her, even a fool like Er Nong would be riddled with scars from the thorns and rocks while travelling like a monk.    


Yang Tiantian was a woman who was a hundred times weaker than Er Wenzi. Her skin was fair and tender, and her legs were delicate. Naturally, her injuries were even more severe.    


In fact, there had to be at least eight hundred scratches on her body.    


Her delicate feet had been punctured several times.    


Fortunately, on her way south, she didn't encounter a natural chasm like Everest, and the climate was still considered good in autumn. Otherwise, she would have been frozen to death.    


Was there only mountains and rivers on her path of asceticism?    




There were also wild beasts that liked to go out night and day.    


Although there were no ferocious tigers or wolves in the mountains of modern society, snakes was something that was never lacking.    


Among the hundreds of cuts on Yang Tiantian's body, there were many snake kisses.    




On the most serious occasion, Yang Tiantian was bitten by a venomous five-legged snake during a night in the wilderness and fainted on the spot. Because Yang Tiantian stayed in the bushes during the night and no one saw her, no one saved her.    


But she wasn't dead.    


The next night, when the Seven Killing Stars rose, she slowly opened her eyes, took out the rations in her backpack, and limped on the road as she ate.    


The beast was not the greatest danger to a woman walking south alone.    




Sometimes it's the worst.    


If Yang Tiantian, who was covered in wounds, was an old lady with a head full of chicken skin, Brother Sparrow, who had been following her for 24 hours, would definitely not care about her.    


Brother Sparrow was a professional trafficker. It was said that he had once been drinking and chatting happily with Wu Yuanming of the South Yue Meishan Valley.    


The people of the underworld all knew that the Meisen Valley of the Southern Yue was a place that specialized in selling good families.    


Unlike other hawker organizations, Wu Yuanming had a strong military background in his hometown. He only wanted young and beautiful women.    


They are looking around the world and are paying "retail investors" for women with more than seven points of looks and looks.    


The women who were kidnapped and sold to that place didn't use their original names at all. They all had the same name — beautiful goods.    


Mason Valley measures how many points a beauty has. It has a strict and very precise standard.    


This standard was based on a woman's physique, skin color, disposition, age, occupation, and even her voice.    


Simply put, if the Yang Tiantian that Brother Sparrow had set his eyes on were to be placed in Mason Valley, it would at least be 9: 1.    


If her calves, which had been revealed due to the ripping of her pants, didn't have so many wounds, just based on her figure, with her dignified and virtuous appearance, especially her eyes full of shyness, she would definitely be able to score 9.6 points.    


So far, there had been countless beauties being sold in the Meisen Valley, but very few people had managed to reach 9: 05.    


A woman with 9 points or above was worth millions of dollars.    


Brother Sparrow didn't really care about how high the auction price would be after receiving one million US dollars worth of goods from the Missen Valley.    


When he first saw Yang Tiantian with messy hair and a face full of dust, Brother Sparrow, who was resting by the river with his companions and was planning to take the chance to go to a village for a round of adventure, thought that Yang Tiantian was crazy.    


If she wasn't a crazy woman, why would she suddenly come out from the bushes by the river and give the old men a fright?    


But when Brother Sparrow shone his flashlight on her, he saw her washing her face with water by the river, revealing her beautiful face, he was stunned.    


By the time they woke up, Yang Tiantian was already far away.    


Brother Sparrow didn't dare to take action that night. The way the woman walked, the way she raised her head and looked at the sky, was especially strange and strange.    


Although it was a prosperous era, there were always some terrifying organizations in the martial arts world that Brother Sparrow could not provoke.    


Thus, Brother Sparrow and the other two followed behind her with great curiosity, trying to see what she was up to.    


After staying with Yang Tiantian all night long until dawn, staying at a small hotel in a certain town and observing everything for a whole day without any abnormalities, Brother Sparrow finally made up his mind — tonight, kill her!    


This hotel was too small and only had a couple running it. It couldn't stop Brother Sparrow and the other two men at all.    


However, just when Brother Sparrow and the rest were ready to act at midnight, their target walked out of the hotel. Brother Sparrow and the others were ready to act at night, but their target walked out of the hotel at night.    


Heh heh, could it be that these girls knew that they were going to tie her up, so they purposely walked in the fields of hope?    


Brother Sparrow and the others were very happy.    


The sky had turned completely dark.    


When Yang Tiantian reached the foot of the mountain, it was quiet and devoid of any signs of life.    


There were only three of them.    


Brother Sparrow and the others were like ghosts from hell, surrounding Yang Tiantian.    


"Hey, hey, beauty, where are you going? From the looks of it, you look quite dignified. It doesn't look like there's something wrong with your head. Why would you come out at night and pick up desolate lands to walk on? Are you waiting for your brothers? "Ha, ha, ha."    


Brother Sparrow stretched out his right index finger to pick at Yang Tiantian's chin.    


Yang Tiantian didn't dodge.    


Ye Zichen didn't even look at him, he just raised his head and looked at the Seven Slaughter Star with a 45 degree angle, then charged straight towards Brother Sparrow.    


Brother Sparrow clearly wanted to kidnap her, so he was prepared for her to scream and struggle. However, after she directly crashed into him like this, he didn't dare to stand on the spot and hurriedly retreated.    


Immediately afterwards, Brother Sparrow listened to Yang Tiantian's voice, which sounded as if it came from the ancient times, saying, "Please get out of the way, don't bother me. Otherwise, you will die. Too many people have died trying to do something to me on my way south. With every death, my sins will become more and more serious, and I will need more time to redeem myself. "    




On your way down south, there have already been a lot of people who tried to do something against you.    


Guys admit, with your little appearance and walking alone in the dark, you'll attract a lot of people to try to do something to you.    


But looking at your timid appearance, you probably wouldn't even dare to kill a chicken, right?    


Hehe, even if you dare to kill people, you can kill three men like us.    


Beautiful girl, you are so funny.    


After being threatened by Yang Tiantian, Brother Sparrow was stunned for a moment, but before he could say anything, his comrade, nicknamed Bumblebee, burst out in laughter: "Ha, haha. Beauty, don't scare me. I'm a coward. Of course, if you could really kill someone and die in your hands, I'd be happy to be a ghost too. Come, come and kill me. I'd like to see how I die -- "    


Ka-cha! *    


A soft but clear fracture sound interrupted the bumblebee's words.    


It could also be said that it satisfied his dying wish, allowing him to see how he died.    


Anyone who turned their head 180 degrees would know that he was dead when they saw the back of their body in pain.    


The bumblebee, whose wish had been fulfilled, rolled its eyes desperately to see the man who had broken his neck before the signs of life quickly passed.    


Was this a man?    


Or a woman?    


The person who wore white clothes, had her hair behind her head, had a grave and stern face, and was clearly extremely beautiful yet extremely cool. Was he a man or a woman?    


Was it a man or a woman in white?    


He or she is wearing white, okay?    


The bumblebee's eyes were so useful that it didn't see how this person appeared nor when he appeared behind him.    


Would … would this be enough to make people die happily!?    


The ghost-like man in white seemed to snap the wasp's neck as soon as he appeared in the air. His pair of evil eyes were sharp like a knife and like lightning. When he looked at Brother Sparrow, he finally believed that the beauty who came out day and night was not lying.    




No matter if the man in white was a man or a woman, and no matter where he came from, how could he so easily kill the wasp — Brother Sparrow didn't care.    


The most important thing for him to do was to run.    


He ran away from this damned place as fast as he could.    


Brother Sparrow escaped very quickly — he really flew up.    


Seeing the other brave man's head suddenly looking strangely towards the sky, Yang Tiantian let out a faint sigh as he fell to the ground behind her. Brother Sparrow, who was flying like a sparrow, hit his head on a rock at the foot of the mountain, causing thousands of peach blossoms to bloom under the starlight.    



The man in white frowned. Just as he turned around and was about to disappear in the shadow of the mountain, Yang Tiantian spoke, "Yang Xiao, he already knows he's gone. You don't need to kill him again. In this way, it will only increase my sins. "    


"That's your problem."    


Yang Xiao laughed sinisterly and said softly, "I'm only responsible for sending you safely to the place you want to go and find Nanfang."    


Yang Tiantian's feet did not stop moving. She was still looking at the Seven Killing Stars. "Don't tell me that you didn't realize that you're more and more similar to how you were in the past?"    


Yang Xiao used to be a day girl and a night man.    


Ever since she married Lee Nanfang, her terrifying transformation had completely stopped.    


No matter if it was day or night, she was still a beautiful little girl.    


It was just a little cold.    


However, after following Yang Tiantian all the way south and killing everyone who tried to offend her, Yang Xiao became more and more manly at night.    


Yang Xiao knew that this was because she had killed too many people.    


However, she didn't care and laughed again: "I only want Nanfang to come back successfully."    


Yang Tiantian then asked, "How do you know that I can make that person change his mind and return to Qingshan?"    


Yang Xiao looked at the Seven Annihilations Star and lightly said: "That starlight is constantly changing. When you go out at night and day, you will see mountains and rivers, but you will never let Seven Killings out of your sight. In the darkness, there was a mysterious force that was guiding you to a certain place. It was impossible to go against the will of the Heavens. You, I dare not disobey. "Nanfang, I can't go against it."    


Yang Tiantian's feet paused for a moment, then she took a big step forward and caught up to the rhythm of Seven Deadly Star: "Yang Xiao, you don't have to worry, I will do it with that person —"    


Yang Xiao interrupted her: "I will kill you."    


Yang Tiantian smiled strangely and said softly, "I won't die."    


The wind blew.    


Yang Xiao didn't see him.    


Yang Tiantian walked far away.    


At the foot of the mountain, only three corpses remained.    


The starlight in the Seven Annihilations Slaughtering Formation suddenly shone brightly, and then it returned to a state of tranquility.    


Miura Qingying, however, caught the changes in the starlight. She held Lee Nanfang's arm and lovably asked, "Meteor, do you see that star?"    


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