Strongest Guard

C2243 King Yutang King Yutang He Said

C2243 King Yutang King Yutang He Said

0The moment Yue Zitong committed suicide and fell into the sea, she suddenly felt relieved.    


It was just that she had done too many wicked things — the heavens didn't want her to die so easily, so the moment she hit the surface of the water, she fainted and was sent flying into the sea.    


If she hadn't lost consciousness and consciousness, she would have instinctively opened her mouth and let out a shriek after being submerged by the sea water. Afterwards, the sea water would swoop in and let her drink until she ran out.    


However, she fainted just in time. She closed her mouth tightly and quickly entered a death-like state. The sea water could not be poured back in and only carried her into the sea. Following the flow of the dark current, they floated deeper and deeper.    


No one knew what Yue Zitong would feel like after she was carried into the sea.    


In any case, she had been sent far by the underwater current, and only when dawn broke in the east did she gradually rise to the surface of the sea along with the calm waters.    


there's water in the sea, there's boats on the water --    


Actually, many incredible things were explained in such a simple manner.    


On the night of the full moon every month, the "field officer" who goes out to search for the Peach Blossom Jade Pendant would return from their respective locations to report the work they had done during the month. On the way to a certain region of the sea, they suddenly saw a White Shadow floating on the surface of the sea.    


Following the principle of saving a person's life and winning against a seven-layered pagoda, the person in charge of this ship, Zhuang Dahai, immediately sent people to pick this person up.    


Without a doubt, this drifter dressed in white was the one called Landlady from Lee Family Villa, Yue Zitong.    


How about we say that people don't live long, and that disasters leave only a thousand years?    


The moment Yue Zitong committed suicide and fell into the sea, not only did she fall into a fake death state and avoid the sea water's water flow, but she was also dragged into the sea by the underwater currents, forming a strong water pressure that prevented blood from oozing out of the wound.    


Moreover, seawater also has anti-inflammatory effect, can avoid injury mouth inflammation infection.    


In short, Yue Zitong's fate was pretty good.    




There are two unfortunate points.    


The first was to stay at the bottom of the sea for a long period of time, with her brain suffering from hypoxia, allowing her to activate her self-protection function. After being rescued onto the ship, even her subconscious thought that it was to continue playing dead in a dangerous situation.    


Secondly, Zhuang Dahai, who rescued her, was the foster son of Piaomiao Countryside's village chief Zhuang Yu. According to the village rules, after a man rescued a woman, he would be treated as the patriarch's arrangement and could request to marry her.    


But even if it was possible, it wasn't possible either.    


If Yue Zitong wasn't so charming and beautiful, Zhuang Dahai, who already had two wives, would never have thought of this ancestral rule. After bringing her back, he would have asked his godmother, Zhuang Yu, to take her in as a concubine.    


The person was saved by Zhuang Dahai, and the family rules also stated so.    


Moreover, he was deeply liked by the village chief. Therefore, it was a good thing for Yue Zitong to marry him as a concubine and give birth to two little brats to enrich the population of the village.    


As for how Yue Zitong fell into the sea, her status in the outside world, whether she had a husband and children, and so on, they were all unimportant.    


Once you enter the Piaomiao Countryside, you will be indiscernible for the rest of your life.    


Only women could enter Piaomiao Countryside. Once you enter, don't even think about leaving, this was also part of the clan rules.    


Thus, from the moment Yue Zitong was brought to Piaomiao Countryside, she could never dream of going out again, and could only obediently marry Zhuang Dahai as a concubine.    


However, there was another clan rule in Piaomiao Countryside, and that was that men could not use force without the consent of the woman.    


Yue Zitong had been in a coma the whole time. Besides talking about Lee Nanfang in her dreams and her precious pair of names, how could she agree to Zhuang Dahai's courtship?    


The clan rules cannot be broken.    


Zhuang Yu, the village chief, couldn't do anything either. She could only send people to take good care of her, and when she woke up, they would talk about the major events of her new life.    


Although this woman was in a coma, her delicate body was moving, and her beauty as beautiful as the moon and flowers were the natural ability to make Zhuang Dahai make a mistake.    


Whoever violated the clan rules would only die.    


In order to prevent his godson from making a mistake, the village chief had no choice but to place Yue Zitong in the core area of the Piaomiao Countryside — inside the black jade house on the banks of Dragon Eye Lake.    


The Dragon Eye Lake was a place filled with Yin Qi. It was a forbidden area for males. Anyone within three hundred meters of it would freeze to death within an hour.    


However, if a woman lived here, it would have the miraculous effect of beauty maintenance and the complete elimination of all gynecological diseases.    


But not more than a year.    


If Yue Zitong was unconscious for a year, then when she woke up again, she would discover that there was a tail growing on her butt …    


"Do you know?" Beneath the lake called the Longan Lake was the Dragonpulse and dragon eye of the water dragon of the world. Water Dragon was yin, so the yin energy was too rich, it could cause a person's body to change. Our ancestors protected the Dragon Eye for generations, so you understand. "    


After the white-robed woman gave Yue Zitong a brief account of her journey, she shook her head and sighed with a look of pity on her face.    


After Lee Family Landlady was placed in the Black Jade Room, although she was deep in a coma, she still exuded a "I'm very amazing" arrogant aura.    


The woman in white knew Lee Nanfang's name, and when she was talking to Lee Nanfang in her dreams, she asked him and he answered instinctively.    


This was no ordinary woman.    


The white-robed woman knew very well.    


But so what?    


As long as she came to the Piaomiao Countryside, the worldly possessions would no longer belong to her.    


Unless she died.    


Otherwise, she could only obediently be Zhuang Dahai's concubine.    


Thinking about Zhuang Dahai's fierce-looking face, Zhuang Yu sighed with emotion, "Flowers in cow dung", but there was nothing she could do about it.    


Because she's not the mayor any more.    


Even if she was, she couldn't violate the clan rules.    


Yue Zitong's men outside were quite strong. They could enter the Piaomiao Countryside from the bottom of the sea, defeat the experts in the clan, and rescue her.    


The problem was, not to mention that in the past thousand years, no one had been able to dive into the seabed and travel through such a long underwater tunnel to reach the Piaomiao Countryside.    


Even if there was someone, could they be an expert with Piaomiao Countryside?    


Not to mention the Zhuang Yu who Zhuang Chun called Old Witch, just this pale-faced, white-jade woman was already an invincible existence in the outside world.    


So in every way, Yue Zitong was pitiful.    


Strangely, after Yue Zitong finished listening to her story, she didn't show the slightest trace of fear.    


Instead, he smiled.    


Landlady's smile was exceptionally moving, and it came from the bottom of her heart. She was extremely charming, as if she was trying to hook up with someone.    


Zhuang Chun could not help but ask, "Are you scared silly? Or are you willing to give birth to Zhuang Dahai's son? "    


How could she have known that if her mother, the woman in white, didn't mention something about how excellent water quality was and how strong people were, Yue Zitong would definitely be scared.    


Hehe, who can be better than Lee Nanfang when it comes to swimming in the modern world?    


In this world, who could compare to Yang Xiao!    


"You little girl, what the f * ck do you know? Would I be scared silly, would I give birth to a child for that ocean? Hehe, I will leave this damned place. It's fine if that Hai Yang obediently acts like a foster son, but if he dares to have any ideas about me, he will die a miserable death. "    


Yue Zitong snickered on the inside, but she would never say it out loud.    


If Zhuang Dahai knew that her family's man was as shameless as he was, but he couldn't bear to part with such a delicate beauty like her and force her to do it, then who would she cry to?    


What Yue Zitong wanted to know the most right now was what to do in order to let Little Nephew know that she was in this damn place.    


After giving the woman a deep bow, Yue Zitong asked, "May I know your surname, Madam?"    


The lady in white looked at her suspiciously, but returned the greeting and answered honestly, "My name is Zhuang Qing, this is my daughter, Zhuang Chun. Only girls will be born in Piaomiao Countryside. "    


Yue Zitong couldn't be bothered to care about why her family had only one daughter, so she asked curiously, "Madam Zhuang, are you sure this child is your own daughter?"    


Zhuang Chun was infuriated.    


Landlady actually dared to doubt the purity of her bloodline. Could it be that she was blind and couldn't see her fox tail?    


If not for the presence of her mother, Zhuang Chun would definitely have taken care of this woman.    


Zhuang Qing frowned, then understood, and laughed bitterly: "Actually, Little Pure is just a little weird. It may be that my mother, dissatisfied with her father for being a rake, despised her so much that her rebellious nature was exacerbated. "Please do not blame Madam Li for offending me."    


"Why would I lower myself to the same level as the little girl?" Besides, I've always been a generous person. "    


Landlady magnanimously waved her hand. She smiled at Zhuang Chun, who was clenching her teeth and showing her dissatisfaction at being called a little girl. She thought to herself, "Just you wait. Sooner or later, I'll let you know the consequences of offending me."    


"Xiaochun, you leave first. I have something to say to Madame Li."    


Zhuang Qing's eyebrows creased once again as she said indifferently to Zhuang Chun.    


Zhuang Chun didn't want to leave, but she had to. She patted her butt and quickly left, saying coldly, "I'll go tell Zhuang Dahai that his third wife has awoken and can propose to him."    


Yue Zitong was a little regretful. She shouldn't have offended this little girl.    


However, since she had already said it, asking Yue Zitong to apologize and ask her to hide it for her was even more unacceptable than having one's head chopped off.    


After Zhuang Chun had left, Zhuang Qing gazed at the Dragon Eye Lake for a long time in silence. Then, she said, "Madam Li, can I beg of you?"    


Yue Zitong immediately nodded. "As long as I can do it."    


"I might not live long."    


Zhuang Qing said softly, "But before I die, I will ask my mother to hand over the throne to Xiaochun. After all, she had the most direct line of descent. In that case, after Xiaochun inherits the throne, she will definitely go out to look for a wife. When that time comes, I hope that Madam Li can consider the fact that I've helped you and not make things too difficult for her. "    


Yue Zitong didn't care about why she wouldn't live for long.    


Yue Zitong only cared about how Zhuang Qing could believe that she could leave this damned place.    


Zhuang Qing turned around and looked back at her. "After what I told you, you weren't unwilling or afraid. "I'm not surprised that this is the dragon's eye of the water dragon, but all of a sudden, I know who you are."    


Yue Zitong suddenly felt Xinn'er's body violently jump. "Who am I?" she asked in a raspy voice.    


Zhuang Qing said slowly, "Your husband, Lee Nanfang, should also have a wife who came from the depths of Mount Kunlun. That is the place where the dragon's eyes of the world are located. "    


Yue Zitong's expression finally changed, "You, you know Yang Xiao?"    


"Is the name of your husband's wife Yang Xiao? "Hehe, this name is rather cool."    


Zhuang Qing chuckled and shook her head, "I don't know Yang Xiao, and I've never seen your husband. However, two years ago, I saw that Lu Long's Dragon Eye was sealed due to the sudden appearance of the stars and the Dragon Eye Lake. This proved that the messenger who guarded the Dragon Eye had completed her thousand-year mission and found the one she was waiting for. That's your husband. He should be the person in the world most proficient in swimming. "    


Yue Zitong didn't say anything.    


What Zhuang Qing said was completely correct. What else could she say?    


Zhuang Qing waited for a moment before she continued, "The Dragonpulse of the world is separated into two places, the land, the dragon and the water. Every place was guarded. "I don't know what Yang Xiao, the guardian of Lu Long, called himself before he entered society …"    


Yue Zitong interrupted her: "King Xuanyuan."    


"King Xuanyuan? Well, a good name, like Yang Xiao. Domineering, masculine. "    


Zhuang Qing nodded and said, "Our side is the water dragon, so of course our self-proclaimed name would be much gentler. Do you see those Ephemeral Flowers? "    


Misty Mist Piaomiao Countryside.    


King You Tan of the Euphrates.    



The village head of Piaomiao Countryside was precisely King You Tan.    


Zhuang Qing did not know what would happen to Yang Xiao's ancestors after a thousand years of waiting for the Dragon Eye and being affected by the Dragon Qi.    


However, they all had fox tails.    


"Only those who know about the Dragonpulse and believe that someone is protecting them will not be surprised."    


Zhuang Qing raised her head and looked at the water luster. "If it were any other ordinary person, seeing the fish in the sky and seeing this place as the eyes of the water dragon, they would have found it unbelievable. Lady Li, actually, this is at the bottom of the lake. The sky we see, this is a big crystal. "    


Yue Zitong still didn't care about all this. She only asked, "Are you going to let me go?"    


"I cannot go against the clan rules. I can't even reveal your identity. Otherwise, my mother would have told Zhuang Dahai to use violence on you immediately. The reason was simple, water and land were always at odds with each other. To them, being able to destroy you, who is related to Lu Long, is a great accomplishment. "    


Zhuang Qing said in a sincere tone, "Therefore, I ask Madam Li to behave 'normally' because she is afraid of this place."    


"I, I've always been very low profile."    


Landlady smiled coyly and asked, "You're breaking the clan rules by saying all this to me, right?"    


Zhuang Qing nodded.    


Landlady continued, "The only reason you're doing this is because you won't be able to live for long and will give your daughter some good fortune in advance."    


Zhuang Qing smiled bitterly, indicating that she was not used to her way of talking.    


However, he soon felt relieved. After all, this woman was related to Yang Xiao, the Dragon Guardian God. It was normal for her to be so domineering in such a desperate situation.    


Yue Zitong was silent for a moment before asking again, "You want to help me and pass a message to my husband?"    


Zhuang Qing shook her head. "My current physical strength is insufficient for me to pass through the underwater tunnel. Little Pure, and she's too young. "    


Yue Zitong wondered, "Then, how can I let my husband know that I'm in this damned place?"    


"Someone will lead him here."    


Zhuang Qing raised her head and looked at the gradually descending sun. With a soft voice, she said, "No wonder the stars in the sky have changed these past few days. So it turns out that all of this is related to you. "    


Yue Zitong also raised her head and looked at the sky at the bottom of the lake, "Who is that person? How did he find this place? "    


"I can freely arrange it in the underworld."    


Zhuang Qing dreamily said, "Tonight, the stars will change. The man who guided your husband was looking for you according to the changes in the stars. Perhaps that person didn't know what he was doing, but he had to do it. It was almost dark. The person who has been out all day and night should open his eyes and be ready to go. "    


As the sun set, Yang Tiantian, who was lying on her bed in an inn, finally managed to dedicate all her remaining splendor to this world, opened her eyes.    


She looked out the window at the distant horizon and saw a faint star gradually becoming brighter as the sun set.    


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