Strongest Guard

C2237 He Had Been Blessed by a Hundred Thousand Fiendgods

C2237 He Had Been Blessed by a Hundred Thousand Fiendgods

0The mute suddenly struggled free of the light weight and walked towards the bow of the ship. She immediately felt afraid and hurriedly stood up. She only took one step before she fell to her knees and kneeled on the deck.    


Hearing the sound of a knife chopping into her bone, and the sound of someone screaming in agony before she died, it was already good enough that Miura Qingying was still conscious after seeing that person suddenly float up from the stern and turn into a dead person.    


If it weren't for the mute caress to her head, telling her not to be afraid, she might not even be able to stand up.    


Just as Miura Qingying knelt on the ground, she heard Shangdao Yinghua shriek, "Nanfang, see you in the next life!"    


Perhaps it was because they were all women, Miura Qingying could hear the despair, sadness, unwillingness, and anger contained within Shangdao Yinghua's short words.    


But there was no fear.    


Shangdao Yinghua was not afraid of death. She just didn't want to die like that before she could find Lee Nanfang.    


She had promised him that she would protect Dongyang for him.    


If she were to die here tonight, she would definitely be devoured by this name, Tian Zhong, at the fastest speed possible.    


With the disappearance of Lee Nanfang, Yue Zitong had been buried in the sea. Yang Xiao and the rest were too busy searching for them to pay any attention to what was happening here.    


They wouldn't even care if she lived or died.    


Gala, who was sent by Lee Nanfang to assist Shangdao Yinghua, may have been relied on by her as her right-hand man, but regardless of origin, fame, or ability, he was unable to match up with Tian Zhong.    


This way, the foundation that Lee Nanfang had entrusted to Shangdao Yinghua to protect could only be swallowed up by this name through tonight's battle.    


Shangdao Yinghua felt like she was dying and didn't even have the face to see Lee Nanfang a hundred years later. That was why she was so unwilling to accept it.    


However, just as Miura Qingying heard her scream, from the corner of her eyes, she saw the mute suddenly raise her hand!    


Then, everyone present heard a loud and powerful sound of something tearing through the air.    


Weng ~ ~ ~ It sounded like a dragon's roar.    


Tian Zhong also heard this name.    


He could have heard it better than anyone at the scene.    


This was because the dragon's roar resounded in his ears.    


Only, before he could figure out where this dragon cry came from, Tian Zhong heard another muffled "puchi" sound.    


This muffled sound was like a child carrying an iron bar and piercing a rotten watermelon.    


Tian Zhong was puzzled as to why he would hear such a voice.    


No matter.    


No matter how strange the voice was, it was not as important as killing Shangdao Yinghua!    




Just as Tian Zhong was about to exhale and slash down Shangdao Yinghua's beautiful Tiny Skull, all the strength in his body disappeared without a trace, as if it was dust encountering a hurricane.    


What was going on?    


When the sharp katana fell onto the ground from Tian Zhong's upraised hands, he had never felt such pain before.    


It hurts, it hurts --    


It was as if his head had been pierced by some sharp weapon.    


He was in so much pain that he couldn't think, but he could hear his little brother's terrified screams beside him.    


And Shangdao Yinghua's scream: "Nanfang!?"    




Who is Nanfang?    


Shangdao Yinghua's screams were filled with the ecstasy of crying. The moment this name came to mind, she quickly slipped into the endless abyss.    


"Nanfang, Nanfang -- you, you're finally willing to show your face. Ken, see me. "    


Shangdao Yinghua's voice was hoarse as she cried and laughed. She desperately struggled to get away from the man's grasp, but she was still holding onto one of her powerful subordinates. Looking at the shadow standing on the bow of the ship, her delicate body trembled like a pendulum.    


She wasn't the only one. The subordinates of Tian Zhong were also stunned for a moment before they all looked in that direction.    


Just now, everyone had seen with their own eyes a streak of black light shooting towards them. Their Boss Tian's head had been pierced through and he died with grievance.    


These people had all heard of Lee Nanfang's name.    


He also knew that he was Shangdao Yinghua's man, the father of the princess of the island.    


Otherwise, how could they have planned to lie that they had found Lee Nanfang's corpse and lured Shangdao Yinghua here?    


However, no one would believe how arrogant he was.    


Shangdao Yinghua was already fierce enough. No matter how cocky her man was, how could they continue to live?    


However, from the looks of it, Shangdao Yinghua's man was more than shameless than her. What could he possibly be?    


As everyone stared blankly at the shadow standing on the bow of the ship, Miura Qingying smiled wryly to herself, "So he really is Lee Nanfang, Shangdao Yinghua's man. "I … How could I dare to compete with her for a man?"    


In an instant, the gentle girl fell into a daze. She slowly turned her head and looked into the depths of the ocean.    


She looked at the other side, very much like a mute.    


She knew what that black light that caused this person in the field to die was.    


Black stinger.    


It was a very unremarkable looking black thorn, and on the handle it seemed to have two seal characters — — Residual Soul.    


It was just an inconspicuous black thorn, how could he have the nerve to call it such a flashy name?    


This was Miura Qingying's thought when she first saw the name of the black thorn.    


Initially, a girl with a gentle personality would never be interested in something like a weapon.    


If not for the fact that every time Jack took out the Residual Soul and wiped it like a caress, Miura Qingying wouldn't even have bothered to look at Blackthorn.    


In fact, Miura Qingying also noticed that only when Lee Nanfang was wiping the black thorns, his dull eyes became more alert.    


This was a strong proof that Lee Nanfang had a special feeling for this black thorn.    


However, Miura Qingying still did not take the Residual Soul Black Thorns seriously.    


But tonight, when she saw the unremarkable black thorn, roaring like a black dragon, piercing through the head of this name, she suddenly thought of a sentence she had read in the book — Blessed by a hundred thousand gods and devils.    


Any weapon blessed by a hundred thousand Fiendgods, even if it were just a piece of scrap iron, could become a divine weapon of this world.    


However, the Residual Soul Black Thorns had been blessed by a hundred thousand Gods and Demons, and that was Lee Nanfang.    


Not good.    


Not good at all!    


If a mute was just a mute and not Shangdao Yinghua's man, then Miura Qingying, who had been hanging out with him for the past two months, was confident in convincing her father to take him as her son-in-law.    


However, he was the man that Shangdao Yinghua was looking for!    


Regardless of why he pretended to be dumb and became a beggar, regardless of how innocent Miura Qingying was, she knew that this kind of man was not someone she could keep.    


He could only be Shangdao Yinghua's man.    


The only man Miura Qingying was currently relying on was her alcoholic father.    


When she thought of her father, Miura Qingying, who felt extremely lonely, suddenly panicked. Without caring about anything else, she supported herself on the deck with both hands and "walked" to Sanpu and Shifu, holding him in her arms.    


She wanted to cry for her father, wake him, give her the security she needed.    


But when she opened her mouth, she closed it again.    


It was because of the killing intent that came from the shore, causing her to not dare to make even the slightest sound.    


She even stopped crying and hugged her father tightly. She bit her lips and secretly looked to the shore.    


The subordinates of Tian Zhong finally recovered from their confused state. Raising their long blades high in the air, they rushed towards the bow of the ship while roaring.    


Pouncing towards Shangdao Yinghua.    


Even though the boss was dead, and this was a very hard to accept reality, it was still a chance for him to make a name for himself.    


As long as you kill Shangdao Yinghua and her man, you can snatch away all the businesses in Broken Knife Flow and become the new boss.    


Who had made the rule that his little brother couldn't become the leader?    


When Tian Zhong first entered the world, wasn't he just a gambling addict who was treated as a lackey?    


Before Shangdao Yinghua became a legend, wasn't she also the good wife and mother of some rich and powerful man? She would only accept what he said!    


Their starting point was much higher than Shangdao Yinghua's.    


She could even become a legend, how could these little brothers be willing to stay as little brothers for the rest of their lives?    


Yes — whoever said that would break his teeth.    


In fact, being a lackey for the rest of one's life can sometimes be a type of happiness.    


At the very least, before the brothers saw a bright future, they would not immediately have the grand ambition of "I can replace you" right after their boss's death. Under the summons of money and beauties, they would ignore that frightening black thorn.    


And because of that, he suffered a fatal blow from regret.    


No one could clearly see that Lee Nanfang, who was standing on the bow of the ship, used some kind of evil technique in just ten seconds and had all of his subordinates fall onto the ground.    


Everyone only knew that their arms and legs had been broken.    


The acute pain caused his subordinates to let out miserable wails. Only then did they remember how their boss had died.    


The boss was such a shameless existence, he didn't even see Lee Nanfang's face before his head was pierced by the black thorn. A wisp of heroic soul slowly faded away. They were unable to defeat a powerful enemy with their "I can take its place" passion.    


Fortunately, the scary Lee Nanfang only broke their arms and legs but not their necks.    


The lackeys in Jiang Hu had some experience. After seeing that Lee Nanfang was lenient, they all tactfully shut their mouths to prevent the pig-like screams from angering the god of death, making them unable to enjoy the taste of pain.    


When Lee Nanfang bent over and reached out to take back the Black Thorn from the head of Tian Zhong, one of his smart little brothers immediately realized that this night's Absolute Man and Lady pair were about to start a cordial meeting — he had better leave quietly.    


His leg was broken, how could he leave?    


No matter, you can get lost.    


When the cleverest little brother endured the pain and slowly rolled away, the others also came to their senses and immediately began to emulate his actions.    


When the last unlucky lackey, the agile figure, disappeared in the dawn, Shangdao Yinghua finally got rid of a strong body — she leaped into Lee Nanfang's arms, hugged his neck tightly, and wrapped her two long legs around his waist. As she sobbed, her red lips were like raindrops that kissed his face.    


Lee Nanfang did not have any response.    


Just like a statue.    


How would the statue react when it was hugged and kissed by a beautiful woman?    



Shangdao Yinghua's kiss finally stopped.    


She looked at Lee Nanfang with eyes full of indescribable terror.    


Although Lee Nanfang was unshaven and not as handsome as he was, Shangdao Yinghua could still remember his eyes for the rest of her life.    


Now, this pair of eyes that could understand the depths of her heart was incomparably lifeless.    




Just like how he would quickly turn around and disappear into the ocean, never to return.    


Shangdao Yinghua was scared to death.    


She opened her mouth and her delicate body trembled. She wanted to say something, but nothing came out of her mouth.    


Thus, she lowered her head and fiercely bit Lee Nanfang's shoulder.    


A mouthful of blood!    


Sculpture, live — left hand on her buttocks, right hand lightly patted her back, but did not say anything.    


As Miura Qingying listened to Shangdao Yinghua's ecstatic cries, her heart was filled with grief.    


She had occasionally thought of Shangdao Yinghua's current appearance.    


When she first thought about it, she was still frightened by this idea and silently cursed herself for being a lovestruck person. Back then when she accepted the mute, she only felt pity for him.    


Even if she had thought that he was reliable and wanted to recruit him as her husband, the gentle Miura Qingying shouldn't have hugged him in such a intimate manner.    


Miura Qingying once had the opportunity to hug Lee Nanfang like this, but did not cherish it --    


Right now, she could only stare helplessly at Shangdao Yinghua as she embraced the man that had unknowingly walked into her heart. She felt as if a knife had pierced her heart and only wanted to cry.    


Don't cry yet.    


Why did Father Sanpu and his friends look so weird?    


In Dawn, it was as gray as a dead face.    


Not only that, his face was also extremely cold.    


Miura Qingying subconsciously lowered her head and pressed her cheek against her father's face for a bit. Then, she hurriedly raised her head and placed her hand under his nose. Her delicate body trembled as she mournfully cried out, "Dad!"    


This was to prevent San Pu He from exposing everyone's movements, and he ruthlessly threw a stone at the back of his head, which not only knocked him out.    


And — killed.    


Miura Qingying's sorrowful cries woke Shangdao Yinghua, who was wholeheartedly tasting the taste of love's blood. She hurriedly raised her head.    


Lee Nanfang also looked back, and then he gently took her long legs away and jumped onto the fishing boat.    


As if she saw her savior, Miura Qingying immediately grabbed onto Lee Nanfang's pants and cried, "Meteor! Liu … Lee Nanfang!" "Quick, quickly look at my dad. What happened?"    


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