Strongest Guard

C411 Bro This Is Exactly How Amazing You Are

C411 Bro This Is Exactly How Amazing You Are

0After accidentally touching the railing, Sister Xin could only let out a muffled snort due to the pain. She believed that Yue Zitong would not be disturbed by the uncontrollable singing.    


Slowly opening the door of Lee Nanfang's room, Helan Xiaoxin didn't rush in. She stood at the door and looked back at Yue Zitong's bedroom. After a short while, she didn't hear any unusual noises, so she lightly closed the door and tiptoed inside like a cat.    


Using the starlight shining through the window, she could faintly see a person lying flat on the bed.    


No need to ask, this must be Lee Nanfang.    


This kid was sprawled on the bed, completely motionless. He slept like a dead dog, and the blood in Sister Xin's body flowed even faster.    


No wonder the ancients said that a wife was not as good as a concubine. A concubine was better off stealing, rather than stealing it, it was better not to steal it …    


'Pah! For an exquisite person like Sister Xin, if she couldn't steal a man, she might as well knock her head against the south wall and drag her down with her.    


Helan Xiaoxin despised him in her heart. Just as she was about to walk to the side of the bed, the blood that was flowing rapidly all over her body suddenly froze.    


She saw a patch of white on the floor in front of the bed.    


In the darkness, the flash of white looked extremely frightening, and it instantly disrupted Sister Xin's plans for a clandestine love affair.    


In the evening, Sister Xin had just 'visited' Lee Nanfang's bedroom. She praised Yue Zitong for being able to 'do' such a thing like not being able to find even a single strand of straw in a bed.    


Since there was not a single strand of straw in the room other than the wooden bed, what was that white light that was peeking out from under the bed?    


Of course, it wasn't the moonlight from the window, nor was it a ghost. It was a person wearing a white robe, hiding under the bed. However, it didn't hide properly, revealing his fox tail.    


There were only three people in the Yue Family's Villa. Now that Lee Nanfang was lying on the bed and Sister Xin was standing in front of the bed with the blanket in her arms, the only person that could be hiding under the bed was Yue Zitong.    


Actually, you do care a lot about him, it's just that you didn't feel it yourself. That's why for face, you said in front of me that you would punish this brat, but you secretly came to find him in the middle of the night to have fun.    


Speaking of which, it's Sister Xin, I'm in the wrong. I've disturbed both of you.    


But who told your man to be so attractive to me?    


No, there's no obscene smell in the air, and Lee Nanfang doesn't seem to be awake either. It seems like the two of us came from all directions, and before you could do anything good, you noticed me, so you hid under the bed.    


Ha, ha, ha. Sister Xin, my eyesight is really quite good.    


Hmm, you've also prepared well. Aren't you carrying a prop in your arms?    


Although I won't be able to taste life and death tonight, this is a good opportunity for me to gain the trust of both of you.    


God, I'm not bad.    


Sister Xin thought of all this as she quietly lifted her hand and used the cover of the blanket to slowly tear off the tape sealing her mouth. She called out softly, "Lee Nanfang, are you asleep?"    


Lee Nanfang did not move. It was like a dead dog, but God can testify that he was secretly peeking at Helan Xiaoxin.    


Helan Xiaoxin called out Lee Nanfang's name again. She gently stepped forward and covered him with the blanket. Her actions were gentle, like a mother tucking a sleeping child under her blanket.    


Lee Nanfang still didn't move. It was like a dead dog.    


After covering her face, Helan Xiaoxin turned around and left.    


After walking two steps, he stopped and looked back. He looked at Lee Nanfang and sighed, "Ai, boy, you are fortunate to be able to get to know Tongtong and to be accepted by her. What kind of person was Tongtong? That is a woman with eyes that are high up in the sky and a genuine talent. Although she is a girl, she does not lose out to other women. "    


"Honestly, let's not talk about you. Even a man a hundred times better than you wouldn't be worthy of Tongtong. She can't treat you with sincerity."    


After hearing her mutter, the left corner of Lee Nanfang's mouth twitched. He sneered in his heart, Tsk, is she as good as you said? What do you mean by a woman with a beard, just a body full of lowly bones, arrogant, impulsive, yet brain-damaged, a typical stupid woman who would pat her head to do something without considering the consequences.    


How could I not be worthy of her?    


She even said that she treated me sincerely, why didn't I see that?    


Sprinkling salt into my bowl, almost killing me, it's from the bottom of my heart.    


While Lee Nanfang was thinking this, Yue Zitong, who was under the bed, was so moved that tears were almost flowing down her cheeks. Sister Xin, my good Sister Xin, you really understand me too well.    


On the other hand, I, who have always been a petty person, feel ashamed to feed you!    


Director Yue, who was under the bed, was ashamed. He raised his hand to wipe the corner of his eyes, then heard Sister Xin continue, "I know that if I told you this when you're awake, you would definitely look down on me. You will only notice that she is plotting against you by throwing salt into your bowl, but you will not think that if she does not truly care about you, she would make a fool of you. "    


"Only when a girl cares about a man and has a sense of danger that she can't control will she use this method to remind you and pay attention to her. "Sigh, this is the so-called 'painstaking effort'."    


Helan Xiaoxin sighed again. After a moment of silence, she continued, "Oh, you two little enemies of mine who make me speechless. Don't you ever reflect on why you treat each other like that? Lee Nanfang, you are a careless man. It's the same with Tongtong. Until now, she still hasn't found out that she cares about you far more than any man, including my younger brother Fu Su. "    


Nonsense, right?    


Lee Nanfang nearly opened his mouth to ask that.    


It can't be?    


The three words spun in Yue Zitong's throat and was swallowed back.    


"As the saying goes, the onlookers know what is going on, while the people watching are enigmatic about what is going on. You don't know it, but I can see it at a glance. "    


Helan Xiaoxin said quietly: "Tongtong does like Fu Su, but only like him, similar to the relationship between sister and brother. Only, she didn't know. She thought it was love. No. If the two of them walked together, Tongtong would feel very happy in a short period of time. However, as time passed, she would feel that it was boring. Besides, she's also a cold and arrogant person, so the two of them will quickly fall out. "    


Lee Nanfang was silent.    


She had to stay silent and pretend to be asleep. No matter what she said, the sound of her snoring didn't change at all.    


He remembered that Yue Zitong had told him that her feelings for Holan Fusu were brotherly, but he didn't believe her. Now, he believed her.    


He did not believe Yue Zitong's words. Perhaps she was just a fool.    


At the same time, Yue Zitong, who was hiding under the bed, was also confused. If Fu Su and I were to walk together, would it really be like what Sister Xin said?    


"What do you mean by little enemy?"    


Helan Xiaoxin answered her own question, "The full name of a small enemy is to like the small enemy. Only when the two sides are at odds with each other will their feelings become stronger. "    



"On the contrary, it's the so-called 'husband and wife who respect each other like the guest'."    


Helan Xiaoxin chuckled. "Hur Hur, what's there to be nostalgic about that kind of life, which is like a stagnant pool?"    


What she said seemed to make a lot of sense.    


Lee Nanfang, who was on the bed, and Yue Zitong, who was under the bed, both thought this.    


"Fu Su is my blood brother and Tongtong is my close friend. As an elder sister, of course I hope that the two of them can get together."    


Helan Xiaoxin raised her head, looked out the window and said softly, "Even after knowing that you're her fiancé, I still encouraged her to elope with Fu Su."    


F * * k, this method of yours is so vicious!    


Lee Nanfang was shocked when he heard this. He then scolded her secretly, "How dare you incite Yue Zitong to give me a green hat, what a lack of grass."    


Helan Xiaoxin added, "But when I saw her sprinkle salt in your bowl, I knew I was wrong. She might be moved by my suggestion, but she would never do that. Because, you have long been branded deeply in her heart, firmly holding her back, and preventing her from taking even half a step away from you. "    


Lee Nanfang was happy, bro is that awesome!    


Yue Zitong, on the other hand, was extremely shocked. She suddenly realized that her actions of sprinkling salt into Lee Nanfang's bowl was just as Helan Xiaoxin said. She only wanted to use this method to deepen his impression of her.    


"You are only a pair created by the heavens and the earth. No matter who you are, you will never be separated from them. Fu Su couldn't do it. "Me, too."    


Helan Xiaoxin walked to the bedside slowly, bent down and kissed on Lee Nanfang's forehead.    


Lee Nanfang's soft snores paused as if it was a matter of course. Then, he rolled over and mumbled something. Then, he stopped moving again.    


"After I was tainted by you, all I could think of was how to kill you, and how to make a detailed plan."    


Helan Xiaoxin said dreamily, "Tongtong saw what I wanted to do, so she confessed her relationship with me … Sigh, no matter how much I hate you, how can I kill Tongtong's fiancee? I can only bring you to the Southern Frontier, to let you experience Sister Xin's ruthless methods, which can be considered as your punishment. "    


"But you definitely don't know that I'm quite contradictory."    


Helan Xiaoxin remained silent for a while before she continued, "I want to kill you to wash away your sins. On the one hand, I can't bear to part with you. I've only had two men so far. The first one, his bones were all gone. You're the second — these days, I've been thinking, should I fight with Tongtong for you, and spend the rest of my life with you? No matter how strong a woman is, she has to have a man to accompany her. "    


Lee Nanfang was happy again. Brother, you're so awesome, and everyone loves you.    


Yue Zitong bit her lower lip and thought to herself, You are my best sister, don't force me to fall out with you.    


"But I've thought it through tonight. I won't. The reason was simple. I would rather die than lose Tongtong because of this. What's more, my attachment to you only comes from my body. We have no feelings. "    


"Tonight, I came to deliver the quilt to you in hopes that when you wake up tomorrow, you will think that it is Tongtong's concern — boy, don't let her down. Otherwise, even if I die, I won't let you go. "    


Helan Xiaoxin closed her eyes and thought back for a moment. After confirming that there were no problems, she tiptoed away.    


The room was empty of the enchanting fragrance she had once known.    


Sister Xin, being able to know you in this life is definitely my greatest fortune.    


Excited, Yue Zitong pricked up her ears and listened for the sound of the door closing. Then, she slowly crawled out on all fours like a little dog.    


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