Strongest Guard

C381 White Officer with Make-up

C381 White Officer with Make-up

0Lee Nanfang felt that it was necessary for him to delete some of his phone contacts. The ringing of his phone during sleep was not a big deal, as it would affect the quality of his sleep.    


In fact, handsome men are just like beautiful women, they both sleep out.    


If it was only Yue Zitong, she would have been so shameless as to call him. But when did Bai Linger learn to call him if she didn't answer?    


Inwardly, he sighed. After opening his mouth, Lee Nanfang closed his eyes and lazily asked, "What's the rush? Disturbing my dreams early in the morning, aren't you afraid of losing your lifespan?"    


"What early in the morning?"    


Bai Linger said angrily, "Lee Nanfang, you aren't living under the same sky as us, right? Is it eleven-thirty in the morning at your house? "    


"What? Is it eleven-thirty now?"    


Lee Nanfang was stunned. He opened his eyes again and looked at the time.    


Bai Linger hadn't lied. It was indeed eleven-thirty.    


"Open your eyes and look again."    


"I'm watching." Weird, when did the old man's footsteps become so hurried? "    


Lee Nanfang sat up and looked around with a yawn. Everything that happened before he fell asleep came into his mind like a flood.    


This was the bed in Loong Chengcheng's room. The night light was still on on on the east wall, and the light blue curtains blocked the sunlight outside the window. The sunlight was diluted by a few times, making the room seem even quieter.    


Loong Chengcheng was no longer there. The bloodstained clothes Lee Nanfang took off last night were also taken away. The room was clean and the air was filled with the smell of alcohol along with the fragrance of peppermint.    


A set of navy blue clothes was neatly stacked at the end of the bed. Beside the clothes, there was a shoe box.    


While he was sleeping, Loong Chengcheng had cleaned up the room, bought him a new set of clothes, and put a glass of boiled water on the bedside table. After a man had worked hard at night, he would wake up thirsty in the morning.    


From these small details, Lee Nanfang had to admit that Loong Chengcheng was a very meticulous woman. If he could discard some of her thoughts, it wouldn't take much effort to train her into a good wife and mother like a textbook.    


As one TV show said, women in the new century should be able to go to the hall, the kitchen, the bedroom, write code, find out what's wrong, kill the wooden horse, climb over the wall, drive a good car, buy a new house, fight a second breast, beat a hooligan —    


Wherever she was, she was able to quickly adjust her role so that men would feel that their lives had not been lived in vain.    


Unfortunately, Loong Chengcheng was a woman with lofty ambitions. Her thoughts would never be on being a good wife and mother. She would only like to use her high IQ to strive for greater benefits in this world of swindlers.    


She had even made detailed plans about how her descendants would develop.    


Women are too strong. It's a disaster, especially for the family.    


Some modern expert studies have shown that having a strong woman in the family represents the destruction of three generations of the family.    


The more powerful a woman was, the more destructive she would be to her family. Men's lack of self-esteem was secondary. The key was her influence on her children. It was fatal.    


If it were his son, under the guidance of his domineering mother, he would definitely become cowardly and cowardly, and even develop a motherly complex.    


If it's a daughter — if you want to hurt someone's family, you just have to marry your daughter into his family.    


"Hey, have you forgotten what you're going to do today?"    


Just when Lee Nanfang was listening outside to hear the commotion outside and wanted to hear whether Loong Chengcheng was there, Bai Linger asked impatiently.    


Lee Nanfang answered casually, "Yeah, what am I going to do today?"    


"Fuck, bastard, I'm not talking to you anymore!"    


Bai Linger scolded, and with a look of anger and embarrassment, she directly hung up the phone.    


"Do I need her to remind me what I'm going to do today?"    


Lee Nanfang raised his hand to scratch the back of his head, and just as he was about to pick up a cigarette, he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly called Bai Linger: "Hah, Officer Bai, you're too stingy, aren't you? I can't even joke with you. How could I forget to invite you to lunch today? "    


"Hmph, at least you have some brains."    


Bai Linger snorted coldly and continued to grumble, "But your heart is not sincere. If you really want to treat me to a meal, you should call me in advance and make another appointment. How can I call you to remind you? Hmph, it's just that our relationship isn't bad. If it were someone else, I would --    


"Right, right, luckily we have a good relationship, so you gave me face and took the initiative to remind me that I'm going to treat you to a meal at noon today. "Blame me, I deserve to die. Officer Bai, forgive me."    


Lee Nanfang quibbled, "You know that I'm a person with status now. The company had just been established, and I was busy with several jobs. During this time, I didn't get a good night's sleep. Last night, I was busy until two or three in the morning. "Sigh, my waist is already hurting."    


Mr. Lee's back was indeed hurting. It was not because he was busy with work, but because he accidentally dodged when he was on fire and tried to punish Wu Tie.    


Officer Bai wasn't the kind of person who liked both men and women. After hearing his words, she asked hesitantly, "Why don't you invite me another time?"    


Lee Nanfang called Bai Linger last night to ask her out for a meal. He was just using her tiger skin as a banner to scare Sister Zhang and the others, so he didn't really want to treat her to a meal. The expense was just one thing, but the two of them didn't have the same language.    


I can't say to her, Hey, after we've had enough to eat, let's go to the hotel and have a nap, or go to the clubhouse and get a shot?    


Therefore, when Bai Linger said that they would meet again another day, Lee Nanfang wanted to say "Okay okay". Then they would meet again another day, when the time and place were decided by you, you're going to treat —    


But when the words were about to leave her mouth, she stopped herself in time and said very seriously, "Officer Bai, I'm going to criticize you if you say that. You know, I'm one of those people who can't keep up with their credibility when they say it out loud. How can you, because of your concern for me, make me give up my principles and disregard my promises? "    


Bai Linger was speechless when she heard his words. "Alright then. "Then today, where are we going?"    


Lee Nanfang thought about it and asked, "Have you heard of a happy family?"    


As one of the guardians of the people of Qingshan, Bai Linger's longest job was to move around the city. Zi Fann was a place where she could eat. There was nothing she didn't know.    


"Damn, aren't you being too stingy? Invite this police officer to dinner and go to that kind of place? "    


Officer Bai could not help but curse as she saw the happy sight of dozens of small tables under a row of weeping willow trees in front of her eyes.    


"Are you calling me stingy?"    


The reason Lee Nanfang didn't want to spend money was very clear, "Sit by the river under the willow and watch the smoke rise up into the sky. Countless birds flew over the branches. The cool breeze caressed your face, and your mind wandered for a long time."    


"That's enough, that's enough. There's no need to describe that high level of cultivation anymore." If you don't know, you might think that blissful family is a high-class place, but in reality, it's just a barbecue stand. "    



Bai Linger interrupted him, "Let's just barbecue at the barbecue stand. This police officer really doesn't mind." What matters is the sincerity with which you're treating me. This is how it is, a happy family meeting. "    


After she hung up Lee Nanfang's phone, Officer Bai jumped up from her chair and ran into the women's locker room while whistling.    


She was in such a rush that she completely forgot about the big office in her work unit. Around a dozen of her colleagues were looking at her with astonished expressions.    


Something big had happened. Officer Bai had worked for so many years, but she had never heard of anyone treating her to a meal. Even Han Jun, who was transferred away, did not invite her.    


Now there's someone, and the people who made her happy are ignoring our existence.    


However, Lee Nanfang is too stingy. Inviting a flower of our Qingshan Police Department to a meal, and not eating western cuisine, to actually invite her to a barbecue, isn't this the same as humiliating for us Qingshan City Board?    


Fine, let's humiliate then. As long as we can change Officer Bai's violent temper after being nourished by love, we are willing to accept the humiliation.    


"Hey, Zhang Li."    


Glancing at the locker room, Little Wang whispered, "Do you dare to bet?"    


"What bet?"    


Before Zhang Li could answer, a few people beside him came over.    


"Two bets. "One, bet Officer Bai will put on makeup."    


As Little Wang spoke, she took a few paper cups from the side and placed them on the table. Then she took out another hundred pieces and placed them in the left paper cup. I bet she won't wear makeup. Put it in this cup. At the very least, who would dare to bet on an old head? "    


"Damn, Wang'er, just wait for the money!"    


Zhang Li immediately took out a hundred yuan and placed it in a cup beside him. "Officer Bai can make up? Dream on. "    


"That's right, that's right."    


Those who didn't believe that Bai Linger knew how to put on makeup immediately took out money and put it together with Zhang Li.    


There were at least a dozen people in the office. Other than the operator, Xiao Ma, who was betting with Little Wang that Officer Bai could put on makeup, everyone else was against it. They even urged him to hurry up and say the second one.    


Little Wang took out another hundred yuan and placed it in another cup. She smiled and said, "The people who believe that Officer Bai will pay the bill, put it here."    


"Damn, Wang'er, aren't you too unconfident in Officer Bai? Being forced to treat people to a barbecue is already a humiliation to everyone in our city's police department, and you actually said that Officer Bai would pay! You are courting death, you can't blame others. "    


Zhang Li took the lead again as he placed the note into Little Wang's opposite side cup.    


This time, even Xiao Ma, who was secretly looking at Xiao Wang, did not have any confidence in Xiao Hui. After hesitating for a while, Xiao Ma placed the banknotes in front of Xiao Wang.    


With a snap of his fingers, Little Wang picked up two magazines and covered four paper cups. Next, let's use facts to prove who the winners are. "    


Time passed minute after minute — — Okay, this saying has been used by brothers many times before, and it is still used today. There are still some suspects that the words are poor, but this also proves that there is a rather deep feeling towards this saying.    


Just as everyone's eyes were focused on the door, their patience gradually dwindling, the door finally opened. Bai Linger, wearing a white tracksuit, walked out.    


Invited to date with a man, also dressed like this, alas, really no taste.    


Wait, wait, who was the person that came out?    


Is, is this Officer Bai?    


Red lips, big black eyes, curved willow-shaped eyebrows, and a shining face that looked as if it had been scraped with a scraper. This image could easily be used in a ghost film as a female lead.    


Seeing everyone looking at her as if they had seen a ghost, Bai Linger felt a little embarrassed. She coughed dryly and asked, "Cough, I put on a little bit of makeup, isn't it nice?"    


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