Strongest Guard

C122 Application of Aeolus

C122 Application of Aeolus

0Young Master Loong personally went to Qingshan City and asked Yue Zitong for the guest invitation for General Assembly of Socks Union.    


As for harming two of Wu Tie's lackeys, they would naturally be ignored. No one would care about whether they lived or died, because after they helped Loong Zaikong, the bureau chief's wife, they had already been abandoned by Loong Family.    


He had finally received the VIP invitation that he had been looking forward to for a long time. It would be the top General Assembly of Socks Union in the world, displaying the charm and elegance of the products produced by this company. How could he not celebrate it?    


Although Loong Family was sufficient to benefit Yue Zitong in order to receive this invitation letter, that little bit of sacrifice was not worth mentioning in the case of a better tomorrow.    


Loong Zaikong, who made a great contribution, got drunk at the celebratory feast. Afterwards, he called two local beauties and invited them to his villa. After messing around for a few hours, he fell asleep in his lap.    


In her dreams, she couldn't avoid calling out Yang Tiantian's name.    


Once he meets an itchy prey, Loong Zaikong will be the first to find out about her background. No matter who the target is, his men will be able to present the most basic information about the prey to him in the shortest time.    


Yang Tiantian, height, three sizes, and weight are all still unclear because she has already left the Qingshan City.    


Before this, she seemed to have been living in Beijing. The aristocratic aura she emitted, as well as Yue Zitong's origins, should be from a small rich family in Beijing.    


If Yang Tiantian came from a rich and powerful family, it was impossible that Loong Zaikong had never heard of her name in Beijing.    


This avoided the risk of offending important figures and increased Loong Zaikong's confidence in successfully killing prey. After he recovered his spirit, he would immediately plan a detailed hunting plan.    


However, before he could get enough sleep, his father, the manager of the Long Brothers, suddenly called him and told him to hurry back to the company.    


Did the sky collapse? Didn't he know that Young Master Loong would not wake up until he had slept for 20 hours after hundreds of rounds with the two beautiful women last night?    


If it was anyone else who dared to disturb Young Master Loong's daydream, he would have scolded her lightly on the spot. However, the person who called him was his father. Even if he died on a woman's stomach, he still had to make it back to the company.    


In the entire world, the person he feared the most was his father, while his sister was the one he trusted the most.    


When Young Master Loong found out that Long Da's Knitting had been ambushed by an unknown overseas capital company, his drowsiness and drunkenness disappeared completely. He was dumbfounded. Who had nothing better to do after eating so they took a suicidal stance against Long Da's Knitting?    


It was Suya Qier, who was known as the financial little witch in Europe and the United States. She was the infamous Mad Women, who was said to be the most outstanding financial vampire after Master Solace.    


How did Suya Qier make a move on Long's Big Knitting?    


Even though Long's Knitting was quite large in China, Suya Qier, who was still young but was already a money grinder, was able to show signs of defeat within two days after launching a malicious sneak attack.    


Perhaps the dragon-sized knitting could withstand her vicious attack, but he was afraid that her actions would attract the ideas of other IMF funds, resulting in a new, global financial storm.    


The first to bear the brunt of the onslaught would be smashed to smithereens in this storm.    


Loong Family were angry and resentful, but most of them were afraid. They immediately sent Loong Family number three, rushed to the United States, found a relationship with the iron rod, and went to New York to invite President Su Ya.    


Elder Loong San did not see Suya Qier. He could only feel the tension from the company headquarters.    


"I must see her, no matter the cost, no matter the means, I must find out what happened, or else you won't come back!"    


When Elder Loong received the call from Old Third, his angry roar seemed to echo in Loong Zaikong's ears even after a whole night.    


Last night, it was Sleepless again.    


All the higher-ups were present in the small meeting room that was created by Long's knitting. Loong Zaikong was the youngest, but he was also the one with the worst physical fitness. He didn't get a good rest for several nights straight, which made him drowsy.    


Ding ling ling, the phone on the cabinet suddenly rang, breaking the deathly silence. The secretary immediately grabbed the phone and said, "Hello, I'm Suya Qier, I'm looking for Long Mahang."    


"You're Suya Qier?"    


The secretary didn't connect the woman on the other side of the phone with the dark cloud hanging over Long Da's knitted shirt. When he subconsciously repeated himself, the boss suddenly rushed over and snatched the phone away, pushing him to the side and laughed, "Ha, President Su Ya, hello. I'm Long Mahang."    


I can't bear to see Suya Qier, so she took the initiative to call us?    


Everyone in the meeting room looked as if they had been splashed with cold water. All of them were in high spirits as they focused on Chief Long and listened to every word he said.    


"President Su Ya, I think this is a misunderstanding. Hur Hur, indeed it is a misunderstanding. Hur Hur — — Okay, okay, I understand. Send someone to do it now. Okay, goodbye."    


He slowly put down the microphone for a long time, and then turned around to look at everyone, and slowly said: "She, she doesn't want us to replace Kaihuang Group, and go to Mexico City to participate in this session of General Assembly of Socks Union."    




Loong Zaikong suddenly stood up and shouted angrily: "Why should she care about our business!"    


Long Mahang was very dissatisfied with his son's impulsiveness. He frowned, "She told me to keep it a secret. That invitation was specifically sent by her to Yue Zitong. She said she admired Yue Zitong. "    


Loong Zaikong was stunned, "That Mad Women, how did she know that little ant Yue Zitong, and even intentionally sent her a VIP invitation?"    


How did Long Mahang know all this?    


He only knew that if he didn't do as Mad Women had asked and sent the invitation letter to her designated location, he would safeguard this secret so that no one would know about it.    


The invitation letter to Socks Union was indeed very important to Long Da Jiu. In order to obtain it, Loong Family had also given Yue Zitong a considerable amount of benefits, and like this, obediently handed it over with both hands. Not a single person present was willing to give it to her.    


However, the benefits of an invitation letter to Yue Zitong were nothing compared to the benefits of the whole dragon knit. He had to be quick and resolute and send the item back.    


"In the air, you can do this."    


Long Mahang was silent for a moment, and then made a decision, "Remember, put your things in the trash can under the lights of Street No.18, on the way to Wang Hong Kong villa. No, no. "Otherwise, she would have let Long Dazhi be completely defeated before the plate was sealed.    


The invitation letter was something Loong Zaikong had brought from Qingshan, but now he had to personally deliver it. This was definitely a very sad process for him, but he didn't dare to disobey and could only nod in dejection and say yes.    


A few light knocks on the door woke Lee Nanfang, who was sleeping on the carpet in the living room.    


Pushing Suya Qier, who was still asleep in his arms, away, Lee Nanfang shook his dizzy head and got up. He casually pulled a cushion from the sofa and covered her with it, walked to the door, looked out from the cat's eye and opened the door.    


Amara was standing outside with her collar lowered, but Lee Nanfang was completely naked. He faced her in such a manner and yawned, asking, "Did you bring it?"    


Amara quickly glanced at the carpet in the room and swept her gaze under the man's crotch. When she raised her head, the tip of her bright red tongue lifted from her upper lip. She didn't say a word and left after Lee Nanfang took the envelope.    


"Why are you walking? I wanted to invite you in to take a seat."    


As Lee Nanfang told the woman's back, Amara's footsteps became more hurried.    



"Don't provoke her, if you have no objection to her."    


Suya Qier sat up from the floor and leaned lazily on the sofa. She narrowed her eyes and raised her hand, "Come, lend me your chest. Let me sleep a bit more."    




Lee Nanfang refused bluntly. He opened the envelope and looked at it, then threw it on the sofa and walked towards the bathroom: "I'm hungry. I'm going to take a shower so we can eat first."    


"I'm leaving in two hours. At that time, you can eat as much as you want. "    




Lee Nanfang was stunned, he turned around and asked, "You are leaving in the afternoon?"    




"Shall I go with you?"    


According to Suya Qier's suggestion, Lee Nanfang would accompany her for at least a week.    


At his insistence, she gave in and flew over to meet him at Mingzhu's for seven days. When she went to America in the future, she would only be here when she was called.    


Now that they've only been together for a day, Suya Qier said she was leaving. Lee Nanfang was obviously unhappy and was about to accuse her of going back on her word, but Suya Qier said, "I left by myself. You can do whatever you want. Sigh, you must be very happy right now, I didn't think that you would be able to get rid of me, Mad Women, so quickly. "    


"I'm not as heartless as you make me out to be."    


Lee Nanfang said hypocritically, walked over and sat beside her: "What, do you have urgent matters to take care of?"    


Suya Qier's eyes dimmed for a moment before she said softly, "Last night, before you came, grandfather's doctor in charge called and told me that he is not in good health."    


Lee Nanfang was silent for a moment and said: "Then I'll accompany you back."    




"It's true."    


"Forget it, I understand."    


Suya Qier raised her head, looked at him and said softly, "Let's do it again. Time is still allowed. However, I need to walk slowly this time. I still need to walk in the afternoon. "    


"Any time."    


Lee Nanfang happily agreed: "Do you still want to use the essence?"    


"Are you trying to curry favor with me like this because I'm afraid I'll make a move on your Yue Zitong?"    


"One time, use two bottles."    


Lee Nanfang gritted his teeth and stated his highest price.    




Suya Qier started to giggle, and flames started to burn in her green eyes once more.    


An hour and a half later, Suya Qier walked out of the suite. She dressed neatly and put on a black gauze hat that was worn only by medieval European ladies. She bowed her head and kissed Lee Nanfang, who was still sleeping on the sofa, then tiptoed out of the room.    


He casually took away the two bottles of opened but useless essence wind oil.    


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