Strongest Guard

C188 A Coffin in a Cave

C188 A Coffin in a Cave

0If the blurry White Shadow did not have Lee Nanfang's phosphorescence and night vision function, he would definitely not be able to see anything.    


"Who, who are you?"    


When Lee Nanfang asked this question, he felt that there was a bloody taste in his mouth and his voice was extremely dry.    


After the back of his head smashed into something hard, not only did it cause him to lose consciousness, it even caused his gums to shatter.    


"My son!"    


As if there were ghosts crying at night, the sound came from the White Shadow and gradually became more indistinct.    


"Are you a human or a ghost? Who is your son!? "    


Lee Nanfang jumped up from the rotten leaf. He staggered and was about to fall to the ground. He reached out his hand and waved it, only then did he manage to find his balance.    


Without the thick corrosive leaves beneath his feet, Lee Nanfang would definitely fall into a meat patty if he fell from such a high place. He didn't have time to thank the leaves, and he was even more disdainful of kicking away the damn thing that knocked him out.    


Your ghastly wails caused me to fall from such a high place, nearly killing me. But now you want to leave as if nothing happened, what kind of international joke is this?    


Even if you're a ghost, I'll have to get you out and make money from exhibitions all over the world.    


The truth proved that people who didn't want to die would never die, and when they were ruthless, they would always do what a fool would do. If Lee Nanfang still kept his cool, he definitely wouldn't be going after that White Shadow.    


Instead, he would try to think of ways to leave this place and find a safe place in his wife's arms, just like when he was a child being bullied by Er Wazi and the others.    


He swayed his body like a gorilla, chasing after the White Shadow. No matter how fast he ran, he always kept a distance from the White Shadow, which made him want to win. He used all his strength to chase after the White Shadow, ignoring the rustling sound that was getting closer and closer.    


The White Shadow flashed and suddenly disappeared.    


Lee Nanfang ran over and stared at the left side of the White Shadow where it had disappeared with his eyes wide open. Suddenly, he remembered that the White Shadow was smoking.    


As long as they smoked, they would rather not bring a wife out than a lighter.    


The flame of the disposable lighter was very weak in this environment. It wasn't very far, but it had a certain effect, allowing Lee Nanfang to discover a hole.    


The hole that was as tall as a person was round, so Lee Nanfang could easily walk in with a slight bow.    


After entering the cave, the stench of rotting corpses had lessened, and the humidity in the air had dried up. There was even the squeaking of rats coming from the depths of the black hole ahead, welcoming this uninvited guest.    


The crying ghost lady had definitely come to the cave. It was just that she had been living in this environment for a long time, so she had long since adapted to the darkness. Even without any lighting, she was still able to walk on it as though it was flat ground.    


As he walked, Lee Nanfang felt that he came into the cave on purpose.    


At this point, he still had a chance to leave, but it wasn't his personality to give up halfway. It was like having a good time with Chiang Morann, and when it was about to explode, you had to pick up his hair and push him aside, he promised he wouldn't be able to beat you.    


With a bang, something tripped him, causing him to almost fall. He leaned against the wall of the cave and looked down — he saw a corpse.    


This, should be a man, right?    


Why should it be a man? It was because the corpse was wearing men's outdoor exercise clothes, yet the corpse itself had turned into a pile of bones. There wasn't even a trace of flesh on the bones, as if the corpse had been boiled in boiling water for two hours and then brushed off the meat with an iron brush.    


Lee Nanfang felt that he should know the identity of this corpse. They once said that they threw down two men holding photos of their mother-in-law from above. Those two people were wearing this kind of sportswear.    


Second Fool and the others didn't say anything. Before they threw the people down, they had already skinned and cramped them. Now that the corpses were like this, perhaps the rats could have bitten them?    


It didn't look like it either.    


If it really was a rat, then it would gnaw the bones of the corpse as well. The bones of the corpse were very intact, and even the bone specimens used in university for teaching were not as oily and smooth.    


The sound of rustling came from behind him.    


Lee Nanfang looked back and couldn't see anything.    


Now that he was here, regardless of what was in front of him, it was time for him to brace himself and move forward. The old man had said that he came to this world to save all mankind, and now he had only saved Chiang Morann to complete one sixth of the mission. How could he just die like that?    


Forward, forward!    


The more he was in an environment where it was difficult to give up, the braver he had to move forward in order to obtain the final victory.    


When Lee Nanfang saw a streak of red slowly appear in front of him, he knew that he was approaching the core of a mysterious place, and that was the light of fire.    


Since Pangu's Land was created for humans to live in, fire had become the most important source of danger for humans to drive away their beasts. It was the same before the Stone Age, and it was the same in the modern era.    


Wild beasts and evil spirits were afraid of the fire.    


If there was a fire here, it would prove that someone was here.    


Was it that damned woman who always cried?    


Lee Nanfang felt that it should be so. He quickened his footsteps and turned left, only to see a torch.    


Deep inside the cave, to the right, was a space of dozens of square meters — or, rather, a room.    


It was a classical room with a windowless door, a floor, tables, chairs, walls, frescoes, and a coffin.    


On the walls and floor, there were patterns of ancient buildings, familiar to people as dragons and phoenixes. They were older than the southern mountains, with a large group of bats revolving around the cabbages, giving them a strong sense of time, antiquity, and elegance.    


It was also very strange.    


Especially when he saw the two walls that had stone carvings of the Fire Devouring Beast and then looked at the huge coffin. If Lee Nanfang still couldn't tell that this was an ancient tomb, then he might as well go eat sh * t.    


This was an ancient tomb used by the ghost girl as an embroidered building. It was really a mystery how she came here and what she relied on to survive. Could it be that she ate rotten leaves?    


Where was the damned woman who led Lee Nanfang here?    


Lee Nanfang looked at the coffin.    


After reading too many tombstone novels, the big guy would realize that the real quality of coffins were called coffins, just like big boxes with small boxes. In order to open the coffin and examine the corpse, one had to first light a candle in the southeast corner of the tomb chamber, and then open the coffin outside, and they would see the coffin, as well as the treasures between the walls.    


These treasures were used by the owner of the tomb to entertain the guests.    



If the guest was easily satisfied, he would take these items, put them back, give a deep bow of thanks, and turn away.    


A normal person could use the treasures in between a coffin and a bed — since it was a gift for a guest, it could be used, of course, without a cursed aura, and a small person could make a family heirloom.    


However, the guests were not satisfied. They had to get the treasures inside the coffin, so they had to see what the owner of the tomb had in mind.    


If the owner of the tomb felt that there was no fate between him and the treasures he had buried, he would allow the tomb robbers to take them away, and the candle in the southeast corner would always be lit.    


But if the tomb's owner was a miser and counted the treasures that had been buried with him, how many more years would he have to follow him to his end, he would remind the tomb robber to blow out the candle.    


When the candles were extinguished, it meant that the tomb robbers had ordered their guests to leave. Those who understood the rules would immediately give up all the treasures, close the coffin, kneel down and kowtow a few times, say a few words to disturb, then turn around and leave.    


The owner of the tomb might even command the servants to send off the guests, welcoming them back …    


Those who didn't abide by the rules still dared to open the coffin to take the treasures after the candles were extinguished. Sorry, please take a look at the third episode of a certain notebook.    


Even if the tomb robber was already prepared, carrying black donkey hooves, cinnabar and other divine tools, able to handle big dumplings, taking away treasures, those things would also possess a certain amount of evil aura, and whoever used them would die.    


Legend has it that in that unspeakable era, those soldiers that were not afraid of death and did not believe in evil had once pulled out the corpse of Emperor Wanli, enjoyed a sunbath, and then threw his coffin into the ravine.    


The knowledgeable old farmer picked it up and knew it was made of Golden Silk Sauna Wood. He happily carried it home and had the little carpenter at the east end of the village set up a wardrobe and put it at home, ready to be a family heirloom for generations to pass down.    


No matter how he struggled, he could not get out. When the adults found out, the children were already suffocated to death. Before they died, they used their fingernails to dig at the cabinets, leaving behind streaks of blood.    


The people who were in charge of disturbing the Emperor didn't have a good ending. They either went mad or died from an illness, causing everyone to panic. From then on, they didn't dare to disturb the other generations of Zhu's family.    


On the contrary, it was the Old Buddha's underground palace that was overturned by Sun Tzu Ying. No matter how he played, no one had ever heard of his violent death. The later generations all believed that this was probably because the Han people had messed with the entire Qing people, the Manchu shamans who worshipped in the Qing Dynasty, and there was no way for them to deal with the Han people.    


Therefore, for those people who loved to talk and buy kata, it was best to first understand the God of the West and not understand Chinese, and then decide whether or not they could understand Jay Chou's songs before deciding whether or not to believe in them.    


It was too far away.    


It was all because of Lee Nanfang's high level of suffering from the poison of the tomb robbing culture. After seeing a coffin, he thought of so much and almost got down to business.    


There was no coffin. Under the light of the torches, it was pitch black and gave off a deathly aura. Lee Nanfang couldn't help but swallow his saliva to ease the tension caused by the unknown.    


The torch was at the southeast corner of the tomb chamber. Judging by the flaring flame, it should not be extinguished, which implied that Lee Nanfang could open the coffin to take a look and take a look. If there was anything valuable inside, he would take it.    


Since that was the case, there was no need for Lee Nanfang to be polite. That ghost woman, whether she was a human or a ghost, lured him here probably to give him a big gift. Then, she begged him to go to the ground, then buy some paper money for her long-dead son.    


After guessing what the ghost girl meant, he decided to help her. He looked back at the empty door, walked in front of the coffin, bent down and put his ear on it, listening for the sound of his fingers scratching the coffin board.    


He didn't hear anything and that was right. How could he ask for someone's help to scare him again?    


The ghost girl was very sincere. The nails on the coffin had been pulled out, so Lee Nanfang didn't even need to move the Military Thorn.    


The lid of the coffin moved away bit by bit. Using the light from the torch, Lee Nanfang saw what was inside.    


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