Strongest Guard

C276 How's Your Fight?

C276 How's Your Fight?

0Chen Xiao also realized that something had happened over there. She couldn't stand this kind of thing, so she ignored her meal and repeatedly told Lee Nanfang to hurry up and drive over. It seemed like someone was fighting.    


When the car drove past the intersection, Chen Xiao, who was leaning out of the window, spat in disappointment, "Damn, so it was these idiots who were arguing. They didn't do anything."    


Lee Nanfang frowned and warned, "If you dare to act like this in front of me again in the future, don't talk so much. Be careful that I don't let you go to the door of hell again."    


"An Lai, Uncle, let's go, let's go, a woman won't be able to watch a fight, right?"    


Chen Xiao shrugged resentfully, urging Lee Nanfang to find a good hotel and treat her to a big meal to make up for the loss of half of her Mountain Resort.    


However, Lee Nanfang slowly parked the car and looked back.    


Chen Xiao asked curiously, "What, Uncle, do you know those women who fought?"    


The three women were quarrelling. Two against one, two young women dressed in very tasteful attire, pointing their fingers at a young girl's forehead. Scolding her out didn't match their identity at all.    


It was a fluent Wei Jin language. It sounded like he was firing a machine gun: "Look at you, you little thing. You came out to sell, right? Do you believe that I can send you to the station with just a phone call and reflect on what you've done wrong? "    


"You, how can you all speak like that?"    


The young girl blushed, tears were in her eyes as she retorted in anger and shame, "How can you do such a thing? I've helped you preserve your things, yet you've asked for —"    


"Cut the crap, give me the money!"    


One of the young women raised her hand and hit the girl in the face. Caught off guard, the girl staggered and held onto the lamppost in a hurry to prevent herself from falling down.    


"Hey, what are you doing? Do you really think that Qingshan is so easy to bully?"    


The assaulting young woman stepped forward and was about to give the girl another blow, but the onlookers couldn't bear to watch any longer. A man stood in front of the girl, glaring at her and shouted.    


"Mind your own business, go away!"    


Although the young woman's words were harsh, she didn't dare to make a move. She took out her phone and threatened, "Do you believe that I can make a call and lock you in the station?"    


"Damn it, this outsider is so arrogant." Cough, uncle, I was filled with righteous indignation, which is why I said such vulgar words. Don't mind it, it won't happen again. "    


After swearing, Chen Xiao remembered Lee Nanfang's warning and explained with a smile.    


Lee Nanfang ignored her and said: "Go investigate and see what happened to the onlookers."    




Chen Xiao was stunned before she suddenly understood. "Oh, that local, local girl, you know her."    


"Are you going or not?"    


Lee Nanfang snapped: "So much bullshit."    


"Go, go, I'll go! "Uncle, don't be angry, I'll go right now okay?"    


Chen Xiao pouted as she opened the door and jumped off the car.    


She didn't guess wrong. Lee Nanfang knew the girl who got slapped. It was Sui Yueyue.    


He did not have a good impression of Sui Yueyue and had never cared about her before. Especially when he had a chat with Lao Wang a few days ago, he heard that she had been personally expelled by Yue Zitong because she had offended Secretary Min with Dong Jun.    


As for where Sui Yueyue would work after she was expelled, Lee Nanfang didn't even care.    


If it was a normal day, when the two of them met on the street, he would definitely ignore her and help Wu Tie offend Little Rou'er. Lee Nanfang was already very merciful if he didn't settle the score with her.    


However, now that he saw her being forced into a corner by two foreign women, oh, they were slapped, Lee Nanfang felt a bit uncomfortable. No matter what, the two of them were colleagues before, so they sent Chen Xiao to investigate.    


If it was Sui Yueyue's fault, Lee Nanfang would drive away, no matter who bullied her.    


But if she was bullied — well, Lee Nanfang admitted, his femininity was back to normal.    


Chen Xiao, who had the appearance of a pure and innocent high school girl, was still very popular. As soon as a sweet older brother called her out, a vulgar looking young man explained it all to her with a smile on his face.    


This matter wasn't Sui Yueyue's fault.    


She did a good deed, but did not get a good reward.    


Sui Yueyue received a call from her mother at noon. She said that her father, who was hospitalized in Beijing, was in critical condition and wanted her to hurry over so that she wouldn't have to regret it for the rest of her life.    


Sui Yueyue, who was resting during the night shift, panicked when she received the call. She immediately took a taxi to the train station and bought a ticket to take the 2 pm train to Beijing.    


While she was waiting for the car in the waiting room, she noticed that there was a famous bag on the seat next to her. No one wanted it either.    


He opened it and saw several bundles of cash, bank cards, mobile phones and the like.    


Although Sui Yueyue was short of money and didn't seem to have a good character, she knew that the person who lost the bag must have been very anxious. She might be in urgent need of the cash, and if she took it away silently, it might cause her death.    


The fact that Sui Yueyue was able to think of this proved that she was not hopeless. She picked up her bag immediately and headed to the station's lost property registration office. Unfortunately, there was an emergency when the staff went out.    


Just as she was about to deliver her bag to the station, her mother called again and told her some good news. After the rescue, her father was saved, and her mother told her to stay away and waste the money on her ticket.    


Sui Yueyue let out a long sigh of relief, clasped her hands, and thanked the heavens for their protection. She brought her bag out of the waiting room and took the bus home.    


Sui Yueyue got off the car after she needed to change trains. She realized that her father was in danger and so was too excited that she forgot to take her bag to the police station. Worried that the owner might be anxious, she took out her cell phone and dialed a number to tell the owner that she had found the bag.    


Currently, she was waiting for the owner in front of Qingshan's mobile hall.    


The owner quickly caught a taxi and arrived. It was these two foreign women.    


Sui Yueyue had originally thought that they would definitely be grateful for her action of picking up gold. After thanking her for so many times, they might even give her a thank you payment, as if the owner was very rich.    


However, she never expected that after the owner found her and checked the contents of the bag carefully, he actually made a request that left her dumbstruck, asking her to pay a taxi fare of 58 yuan.    


The reason was simple. If Sui Yueyue had handed the bag over to the station police station after she picked it up, they wouldn't have needed to take a taxi and come all the way here to pick up the bag.    


Sui Yueyue had seen unreasonable people before, but she had never met such an unreasonable person. She immediately became angry, and when she spoke, her tone of voice was unpleasant to hear. Thus, both sides began to argue and very soon, it attracted the attention of the crowd.    



After listening to Chen Xiao's inquiries, Lee Nanfang smiled. Those two foreign ladies were really outrageous. He really couldn't understand how they could survive for so long without being beaten to death.    


"Uncle, you know that local girl?"    


Chen Xiao leaned on the door and looked at Sui Yueyue who was being protected by the crowd. She asked, "Do you want to help her?"    


"Help." "Even if you don't know her, I will still help you when something like this happens."    


Lee Nanfang suddenly asked, "Chen Xiao, how is your fight going?"    


"How about I fight?"    


Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment before she quickly understood. She puffed out her chest and said proudly, "It's not difficult for me to beat up three or five of them."    


Chen Xiao really did not brag, from the time she was in primary school to now she was already a problem child. From junior high to high school, she had experienced over a hundred battles, and was definitely one of the most outstanding women. Last time, when she fought with Wang Tianyu and the others, she was at a disadvantage due to the number of people on the other side.    


Looking at Chen Xiao rubbing her hands, Lee Nanfang found her pleasing to the eye for the first time, "Fine, then go and watch over the enemy. I'll teach those two unknown outsiders a lesson. Don't keep fighting and come back quickly after you're done … Oh, right, you'd better cover your face to prevent others from recognizing you."    


"Hehe, I know."    


Chen Xiao snickered and took off her school jacket. She took out a fiery-red headband and put it on her head. It seemed like it was a must for her when she was out playing truant. She brought it with her.    


Pulling the wig down a few times, it covered nearly half of her face, reverting back to her daughter, Hoodlum.    


"Chen Xiao!"    


When Chen Xiao walked a few steps away, Lee Nanfang suddenly said, "We can't let you act in a chivalrous manner for nothing. Collect some money to pay for your services. We'll split it 50%."    


Chen Xiao was overjoyed. She shouted, and like a thunderstorm, she charged into the crowd, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, all of you f * cking get out of the way!"    


The foreign woman, who had just slapped Sui Yueyue, smiled contemptuously at the man protecting her after the call, "The police are about to arrive, hurry up and get out of here. Don't blame me for not reminding you." "I'm someone you can't afford to mess with."    


Before she could finish her sentence, someone suddenly rushed over and viciously used their Nine Yin White Bone Claw on her proud face. She cried miserably in pain, and when they tried to cover her face with their hands, the bag on her arm was snatched away by someone.    


With Lee Nanfang at the side, Chen Xiao didn't have any worries. She fully displayed her daughter, Hoodlum's true colors. After snatching the bag for the woman with one claw, she turned around and ferociously threw the bag at the other woman's face.    


The woman screamed. She leaned back to avoid the attack. Her lower abdomen was in great pain. However, Chen Xiao had hidden it away with a kick. Just as she was about to curse, her jaw was kicked heavily.    


"F * cking b * tch, you dare to bully someone from Qingshan, are you tired of living?!"    


Chen Xiao scolded without showing any mercy. As she did so, she kicked the woman's left cheek, causing two of her teeth to fly out.    


Wow, who is this, so fierce?    


The surrounding people were also stunned. Afraid of getting caught in the crossfire, they all subconsciously retreated.    


In fact, even if they weren't afraid, no one would care about those two women. They were angry because of their domineering attitude, and if they didn't have some scruples, someone would have already come to teach them a lesson.    


Now, there was a chivalrous girl that descended from the sky. Her attacks were vicious and her feet were sinister. She beat up two foreign women to the point that they were looking for their teeth on the ground.    


Bang, bang, the sound of police sirens rang out in the distance. Someone shouted a warning to Chen Xiao, "The police are here!"    


Chen Xiao kicked out again before she carried her bag and rushed out of the crowd. Everywhere she passed, the crowd would move aside to make way for her. They completely ignored a foreign woman who screamed and stopped her.    


"Good job, let's go!"    


Chen Xiao jumped into the car. Just as she slammed the door shut, Lee Nanfang had already started the car and sped away.    


"Ha, haha, this is great! This is f * cking great!"    


Chen Xiao turned her head around and looked at the sky, laughing wildly. She patted Lee Nanfang on the shoulder and said, "Uncle, if there are such good things happening again, don't forget to let me know."    


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