Strongest Guard

C164 A Drop of Red Lip for Ten Thousand People

C164 A Drop of Red Lip for Ten Thousand People

0Lee Nanfang didn't have much feelings for Chiang Morann even now.    


To put it crudely, the two of them were partners.    


As for whether Chiang Morann thought so or not, Lee Nanfang would not consider it.    


He only came to send her off because he could tell that this woman seemed to understand him very well. When he was depressed and needed to vent his anger, she would use her feminine gentleness to persuade him.    


Was he a good friend?    


Lee Nanfang sincerely hoped that after she went to Beijing, she would be able to find her happiness there. After all, she was a very beautiful woman. No matter where she went, she would always get the attention of men.    


The train to Beijing had been going for a long time, but in Lee Nanfang's mind, he still remembered Chiang Morann getting on the train. That smile on her face was very bitter, as if she was sighing.    


If Lee Nanfang was really a diaosi, he wouldn't have given up on Chiang Morann. She had an outstanding figure, and her skills in bed were comparable to Teng Qingshan's first blade. Having such a young woman was the diaosi's ultimate dream.    


But he wasn't, so at most, he looked into the distance, and after a while, he turned and walked out of the departure lounge.    


Lunch had already been eaten at a nearby restaurant. Chiang Morann treated him to a meal while Lv Mingliang, his husband, did not come. Lao Lv was very discerning. After getting what he wanted, he would never be a annoying light bulb.    


Lee Nanfang also didn't want to do it. It was still the kind of light bulb that could illuminate the entire universe, neither doing nor doing. An invisible rope firmly tied him up.    


There were cars parked at the side of the road, and passengers carrying suitcases were passing by.    


Two black cross-country vehicles stopped not far in front of them. Just as the vehicles stopped, a young married woman got out of the car from the front passenger seat and opened the rear door.    


This summer, it was as if the world was filled with the beautiful legs of black silk. No matter what the appearance was, as long as it was a woman, she liked to wear black silk, adding a lot of temptation to the world.    


A slender and exquisite leg slowly poked out from the car. Black, slender and tall shoes lightly landed on the ground. Just by relying on this long leg, Lee Nanfang was able to determine that its owner was the kind of beauty that a man would miss for half his life just by looking at her.    


Lee Nanfang was right. The woman who got off the car was very pretty. Even though she was wearing sunglasses, she had an extraordinary coldness that could be felt in an instant.    


F * ck, so she's an acquaintance. No wonder she has such good taste.    


Looking at the beauty being escorted by a few men, Lee Nanfang smiled.    


Lee Nanfang only got to know him last night, so he talked a lot about him. However, it was all for the promotion of the tickets, and they also said a lot about him, but in front of thousands of fans, they ridiculed him for being a fake fan.    


If it wasn't Zhan Fei who was known as the most beautiful woman in the history of the music industry, then which one?    


Zhan Fei, ah concubine - look at this name, how much meaning?    


Thinking about this, Lee Nanfang suddenly thought of the name Yue Zitong.    


Zitong, if this name was used in ancient times, it would be the meaning of a wife. Since the famous Great Emperor Sui Li in history called Empress Xiao Zitong, wouldn't that mean that in the future, Yue Zitong could be called Wife Yue?    


While Lee Nanfang was staring at Lee Nanfang's wild thoughts, Zhan Fei had already walked in front of him and stopped.    


She recognized him when he recognized her.    


Lee Nanfang was not happy that Zhan Fei would mock him in front of everyone, but she hated him with all her heart. It was because of him that her country's tour around the field stopped abruptly in the midst of her Qingshan City, bringing about an irreparable negative impact to her reputation.    


Ignoring the anger in Zhan Fei's bright eyes, Lee Nanfang reached out his hand in a friendly manner: "Hey beauty, we meet again, it's really fate. Was he about to leave? I'm curious, isn't a star like you always taking a charter flight when you go out? Why do you have to take the train this time? "Oh, this is to experience the daily life of the traffickers, right?    


Zhan Fei would not shake hands with him, of course. She just looked at him coldly.    


Ignoring his extended hand, Lee Nanfang snapped his fingers and said, "Wu Junxing, since we still have some fate, can you reserve a ticket for me when you start singing again in the future? That way, I won't have to fight with the Yellow Ox over my head to snatch it away. Of course, I won't let you work in vain. Let's split the profits three to seven, while you split it three to seven. What do you think? "    


"Who is he?"    


The young woman beside Zhan Fei should be her manager. Seeing Lee Nanfang talking to her like this, she frowned and asked.    


"He is Mu Zi Li, the Mr. Lee from Northern Goose Flying Nanfang."    


Zhan Fei's voice was still calm and cold, as if she could cool down the air conditioner.    


"He is Lee Nanfang?"    


The young woman's expression changed drastically when she heard that. She turned around and glared fiercely at Lee Nanfang. With a wave of her right hand, two burly bodyguards immediately stepped forward and grabbed his arm.    


Who was the real reason to cut off Zhan Fei's money tour?    


It was Lee Nanfang!    


If he wasn't foolish enough to sell his ticket to Zhan Fei last night, how could Zhan Fei be afraid of being spread around by the two heroes and being forced to mock him in public? Yet, in the end, not only was he cursed by Min Rou and company, he was even exposed.    


When Zhan Fei left Qingshan, she had to keep a low profile and leave in a sorry state by train. Who would have thought that she would run into the culprit here?    


"Men! Da'ming Xing and Zhan Fei are going to kill! Help!"    


The two bodyguards just grabbed Lee Nanfang's arm. When they wanted to drag him to the car, at least one of his legs would have to be broken.    


Many passers-by looked over.    


"Let him go!"    


Zhan Fei immediately ordered her bodyguard to let go.    


Currently, she had already fallen into the whirlpool of 'a playboy becoming a lord'. If there was another news report of Zhan Fei taking revenge on Lee Nanfang, then she would be done for.    


The two bodyguards were very clear of this logic, and hurriedly let go of his arm-- But Lee Nanfang didn't let go. He grabbed a person's collar and shouted loudly: "F * ck, grandson, who the hell are you fighting against? You want to leave? None at all! "Come with me to the station. We'll get the police to help us deal with it."    


It was obvious that Zhan Fei was afraid of causing trouble. As long as they held onto someone and didn't let them go, they would quickly attract the attention of the police. This would be a fatal blow to Zhan Fei.    


Raising her hand to signal the angry manager, Zhan Fei asked in a deep voice, "What do you want?"    


"What do I want?"    


Lee Nanfang looked at her and sneered: "I should say, what do you want."    


Zhan Fei quickly realized what Lee Nanfang wanted to do. Her eyes narrowed as she whispered, "Sister Wang, give him twenty thousand yuan and tell him to scram."    



"Men, Da'ming Xing and Zhan Fei —"    


Lee Nanfang howled again. Zhan Fei's reaction was surprisingly fast as she covered his mouth: "Fifty thousand!"    


"Save me …"    


Lee Nanfang completely ignored her, broke away her hand and shouted again.    


This time, even without Zhan Fei, the two bodyguards knew what to do.    


Lee Nanfang didn't mind being covered up by Zhan Fei's small hand, but he was truly disgusted by the man. When he lifted his hand to open it, he heard her say, "One hundred thousand!"    


"Do you have that much cash?"    


Lee Nanfang stopped shouting. One shouldn't be too greedy, otherwise, he would be struck by lightning.    


Zhan Fei pursed her lips and said coldly, "I remember when you were trying to sell me your ticket, you said that your phone would support all the banks, payment stores, and WeChat transfers."    


Lee Nanfang nodded and was a little worried. "You won't take this opportunity to take down my cell phone number and plot to take revenge on me in the future, right?"    


Without waiting for Zhan Fei to say anything, he continued, "But I'm not afraid. Anyway, you know that I'm from Qingshan City, and you also know my great name. If you want to find out that I came here, it's as easy as flipping my palm, you can transfer your bank card."    


It wasn't Zhan Fei's business to transfer the money, but Sister Wang, the young woman, could handle it.    


A hundred thousand yuan was nothing compared to Zhan Fei, who was a popular singer. However, the problem was that she couldn't accept it. She looked at Lee Nanfang with an icy gaze.    




After Lee Nanfang received the message, he snapped his fingers and smiled mischievously: "If there's a way, then let's just meet by chance. Since we're destined to meet again, let's take a photo together. When I'm bragging to others in the future, I'll have the capital to do so, right?"    


"You can refuse."    


Lee Nanfang laughed, "But I will do it. Do you think that if we pull and pull it out, it will attract others' attention?"    


Zhan Fei was speechless. Her chest heaved as she gritted her teeth.    


"No, you can have people hit me."    


As Lee Nanfang said this, he stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Zhan Fei's small waist. He then held his phone tightly and gave it to Sister Wang, "Aunt, please take a picture for us." Remember, you must do it well. I'm very busy, and I don't have much time here to keep you guys company. "    


A superstar like Zhan Fei, who was forced to take photos while being carried away by a scumbag, could not struggle due to helplessness. Sister Wang even had the heart to kill Lee Nanfang right now.    


However, she didn't dare to do that. She could only accept the phone and take a few steps back to take photos.    


After a "kacha" sound, Lee Nanfang spoke again: "One more. Wait a moment — take off your big sunglasses. If you wear this, how can others know who you are? "    


He took off the sunglasses on Zhan Fei's face and stuffed them into his pocket. Then he extended his hand towards the camera, "Yay!"    


When Sister Wang clicked on the photo again, Lee Nanfang suddenly lowered his head and quickly kissed Zhan Fei's red lips.    


Sister Wang was shocked, but it was too late. She had already imaged it.    


Heavens, Zhan Fei, who was loved by so many fans, was actually kissed by this scumbag?    


Not only was Zhan Fei stunned by the forceful kiss, even Sister Wang and a few of her bodyguards were also stunned.    


"Not bad, not bad. Your photography skills are pretty good."    


Taking advantage of Sister Wang's confusion, Lee Nanfang grabbed the phone, opened it and took a look. He gave her a thumbs-up and whispered to Zhan Fei, "Her small mouth is very fragrant, what's there to eat? Don't f * cking pretend to be disgusted and wronged. Do you really think laozi doesn't know how many men have fiercely bitten your mouth? "I don't even find it dirty, why are you still pretending to be wronged?"    


"I'll give you two lines of poems. One jade arm with a thousand people as a pillow, and a little bit of red lips for everyone to taste. We'll all work together. Ha, ha, ha."    


Lee Nanfang laughed crazily and left.    


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