Strongest Guard

C73 If You Want Money Do You Want My People

C73 If You Want Money Do You Want My People

0"Give me three to five thousand yuan, I'll leave immediately without a single one."    


Scum is scum, speaking in front of a beautiful lady would shut one's mouth, fart, aren't you afraid of smelly one's mouth?    


"What do you want money for?"    


The more she looked at his stinky face, the more she felt that the gap between her and Holan Fusu was too big. Yue Zitong's mood worsened, completely forgetting that she even took the initiative to undress and take off her clothes.    


Lee Nanfang kicked the door behind him and closed it. He walked to the table and sat on the corner of the table naturally, saying, "Buy a phone." You saw me on the way here. I was hit by a blind foreign woman, and although I was fine, my cell phone screen broke, so I had to buy a new one so that when you think about me later, you won't be able to call me. "    


"Why didn't I fall to your death?"    


Yue Zitong took a pen and scrawled a few lines on a piece of paper. Just as she raised her head to say something, she saw that the fellow's eyes were wide open as he stared at the inside of her collar.    


"Do you believe that I'll poke your dog eyes blind?"    


Yue Zitong embarrassedly raised her hand to cover her collar as she stabbed the pen in her right hand at Lee Nanfang's eye.    


"I've seen it and touched it. Is there a need to have such inviolable facial expressions?"    


Lee Nanfang quickly jumped down from the table and clicked his tongue, "Tsk tsk, but it seems to be bigger than this morning. Could it be that after my godly hands' guidance, there's a qualitative change?"    


"Lee Nanfang, get lost!"    


Yue Zitong felt even more embarrassed and threw a stack of documents at him.    


Seeing that she stood up abruptly and was about to move the laptop away, he quickly raised his hand in surrender: "Aunt Yue, stop messing around. If I come to report to you and see you flirting here, it will be bad for your reputation."    




Yue Zitong could only curse bitterly when she thought of this. She sat down and said, "Sooner or later, I'll be angered to death by you."    


"It's your fortune to be able to be angered to death by me."    


Lee Nanfang liked to bicker with beauties the most. Whether it was dirty or plain, anything that was familiar would be fine.    


However, the sound of hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside. He didn't dare to delay Director Yue's work, so he immediately raised his hand and made a silencing motion, squatting down to quickly pick up the scattered documents.    


The person who knocked on the door was Chief Zhang from the Finance Department. He was slightly above average in looks, but his black silky legs were very alluring.    


After entering, he saw Lee Nanfang sitting on the sofa, flipping through a pile of documents with a frown. He seemed to be troubled, and he felt it was strange: Didn't Lee Nanfang get fired? Why did he come to Director Yue's office and do the work that Secretary Min should do?    


Chief Zhang reported to Director Yue that the investigation team brought back the account book that they took away yesterday. He asked Director Yue if he would like to make a few phone calls to complain.    


Yes, this Director Zhang could be considered a talent who wholeheartedly worked for the company. He knew the principle of beating a snake with a stick, and had the qualifications to be specially groomed. Lee Nanfang praised him in his heart, then he heard Yue Zitong say lightly: "Don't worry about them, I believe the management should know what to do."    


After nodding, Director Zhang asked Director Yue about a few other aspects of the work before taking his leave.    


Looking at Lee Nanfang, who was still looking at the documents, Yue Zitong cursed in her heart. She opened the bottom drawer of the desk and took out a beautifully wrapped box.    


Yue Zitong originally wanted to use this smartphone after buying it, but now, in order to get Scumbag Lee out of her sight, she had to give it to him: "Here, take it away. It'll disappear in five seconds!"    


"White shell, only suitable for women."    


Lee Nanfang automatically filtered the words that disappeared for five seconds. Then he walked over to the box and picked up the phone. He looked at it for a few seconds and said with a frown.    


"If you want a meal, don't drag it out."    


Director Yue was full of black lines on his forehead as he reached out his hand to grab it.    


"If you don't want it for nothing, then so be it."    


Lee Nanfang raised his hand to avoid the hand and lowered his head to kiss it.    


Yue Zitong was so scared that she quickly withdrew her hand and stomped her foot in anger, "Lee Nanfang, are you done yet?!"    


"Two things are all that matters."    




"The first thing is, my job --"    


From now on, you are a lifelong employee of Kaihuang Group.    


"Should I convene an emergency meeting of the upper echelons to solemnly declare that my reputation of being fired for no reason will be restored, and apologize to me in front of everyone, so as to give a profound reprimand?"    


"Grandpa Li, I beg of you, hurry up and get out of here, okay?"    


Yue Zitong's head hurt. She lay down on the table and waved her hands.    


"Okay, let me finish the second thing."    


Lee Nanfang finally discovered his conscience and no longer hoped that Director Yue would do something about him being fired for no reason. He held the newspaper clipping and asked: "Look at how many lines you drew on it with your brush, this proves that you are very eager to join General Assembly of Socks Union, right?"    


Yue Zitong replied weakly, "Yes, so what?"    


"I know someone."    


Lee Nanfang said slowly.    


"You know someone?"    


Yue Zitong was taken aback. She sat up straight with disbelief written all over her face. "Who do you know?"    


Lee Nanfang leaned on the table, and said mysteriously: "Aunt Yue, I can tell from the strength of the lines you drew, that you are very eager to receive an General Assembly of Socks Union invitation letter. As for me, I happen to know Li Zi from the Heavenly Bridge District. I reckon that he has a way to get an invitation letter. "    


"Li Zi from the Heavenly Bridge District?"    


Yue Zitong blinked her eyes, "How is it that I've never heard of such a person? On what basis does he think he's able to obtain the Alliance Assembly's invitation letter?"    


Lee Nanfang answered with a question: "Tell me first, do you want to go to Mexico to participate in this conference."    



"Yes, very much!"    


Yue Zitong nodded solemnly.    


When she had just joined the National Security Organization at the age of sixteen, the theoretical instructor had told her to never underestimate these insignificant figures. This was because the facts proved that many of the major historical changes had been accomplished by minor characters.    


The instructor also made an analogy, saying that at the beginning of the last period of the Song Dynasty, when the Mongolian army led by Big Khan Mengge attacked Xiangyang in the Southern Song Dynasty, he was hit by a small soldier and fell off his horse.    


His death not only caused the Southern Song to linger on for more than 20 years, but also caused the western expedition, Kublai Lie and other princes of Mongolia, to give up on the western expedition in order to fight for the position of king.    


If a single soldier could change the entire history of Europe, then the pockmarked Li Wei was talking about might really be able to get an General Assembly of Socks Union invitation letter.    


Lee Nanfang also became serious: "But you have to pay a certain price."    


"If you want money, or my people, then go ahead!"    


"Satisfying! I like this little aunt!"    


Lee Nanfang snapped his fingers and said in a murderous tone, "If he dares to take your people, then I dares to take his life-- Give me money, 10,000 yuan can fill his greedy appetite."    


"If you want money, we can talk about it. Tell me, what is that pockmarked Li doing?"    


"He's a forger. I took care of him once, and I knew he was very good at it. He could definitely fake the truth — Oh, oh, it hurts, let go! If you twist it again, your ears will fall off! "    


Secretary Min, who was about to lift her hand and knock on the door, heard Lee Nanfang's scream and froze for a moment. Then, she came to her senses and quickly walked back into her office and cursed in a low voice, "Serves you right. It's light even when you're wringing your ears off, causing Wu Tie to be almost tainted by this old bastard."    


Ding ling ling. The phone on the table rang.    


Min Rou reached out to pick up the phone. "This is Min Rou."    


The girl at the front desk said, "Secretary Min, there's a female customer from the United Kingdom who wants to see Director Yue."    


"A female guest from England?"    


Min Rou asked, "What's her name and what does it do?"    


"Her name is Demis, and she is the manager of Yuping Cosmetics Group's branch in China. She came to our company on instructions from the head office to discuss the preliminary intentions of working together."    


The British Yuping Cosmetics Corporation is the most famous cosmetics company in the world, it is definitely at the top tier. As of 10 years ago, they had already started their factory in China, but they are all in first-tier cities.    


Min Rou was stunned and blurted out, "There's such a good thing?"    


Compared to other people's Yuping Group, Kaihuang Group was like the difference between an elephant and an ant. Based on the current momentum of development, even if you worked hard for thirty to fifty years, you still might not have the qualification to cooperate with them.    


He never thought that they would actually send someone over to contact him with Kaihuang Group today. How could Min Rou not be shocked?    


"Little Sui, please wait a moment, I'll tell Director Yue right away!"    


Min Rou hurriedly hung up the phone. She did not care about Aunt Yue lecturing her nephew in the office and quickly knocked on the door.    


In the office, Lee Nanfang's left ear was flushed red. His cheeks were constantly twitching as he fiddled with a new phone. Director Yue sat upright behind the old table with an indifferent expression on his face.    


"Director Yue, just now, the front desk called to say that the British Yuping Group has sent a special agent to come to our company to discuss on working together."    


When Min Rou reported the news to Director Yue, her face flushed red from excitement.    


Yue Zitong was also very surprised, with a bit of luck that got hit in the head by a pie falling from the sky. When she stood up and was about to personally go out to welcome him, she realized that she was just like a dignified CEO, she had to put on airs when she needed to, or else she would be looked down upon by others.    


"Why aren't you getting out of here and waiting to embarrass yourself?"    


After Min Rou walked out of the office, Yue Zitong reprimanded Lee Nanfang without any hesitation.    


"Tsk, a mere Yuping Group envoy coming to visit and making you so excited like this, what a country bumpkin who has never seen the world."    


After throwing that sentence, Lee Nanfang ran out of the office before Director Yue got angry.    


Although he said it lightly, he could tell what was important in his heart. He was also very happy that Yue Zitong was hit by a pie falling from the sky. Otherwise, he wouldn't have dialed Ye Xiaodao's number on his new phone after walking out of the office.    


Ye Xiaodao's impatient voice sounded, "What the hell, are you trying to rush me? Do you really think I'm some super human that can do anything and figure out who wants to kill your aunt in such a short amount of time?"    


"I've come to find you for something else."    


Lee Nanfang walked to the mouth of the Elevator Door, looked behind him, and said in a low voice: "Go look for Qi Qi, tell her that you have something to ask her for."    


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