Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C13 Natasha's Institute of Beauty and Beauty

C13 Natasha's Institute of Beauty and Beauty

0Zhang Xu hadn't had such a good night's sleep in a long time. He slept from 10 o'clock last night to 6 o'clock this morning and woke up naturally. He slept for 8 hours without a dream.    


After waking up, he felt refreshed and full of energy. After washing up, he drank a big bowl of porridge personally cooked by his wife, Zhou Mei, and stretched himself lazily on the balcony.    


He didn't know why, but he was looking forward to Li Yun healing his body. That kind of strange feeling of being able to walk all over his body and feel cold and numb was really fascinating.    


Although Zhang Xu didn't know that it was a Spiritual Energy, his dozens of years of life experience told him that it was a precious thing. He saw with his own eyes that after Li Yun introduced the pill into his body, his face turned pale and he swallowed a bunch of pills.    


Experience had taught him that these pills could be used to replenish his energy, but now, he actually had 30 of them. Unfortunately, one pill a day would last him 30 days.    


He still wanted to have more, but it wasn't a matter of money. He found that Li Yun also valued this pill, and when he gave him the pill bottle, he counted them one by one very carefully.    


At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Zhang Kai, Li Yun and Natasha entered the room one after another.    


"Dad, how do you feel today?" Zhang Kai asked out of concern.    


"His whole person feels like a brand-new person." Zhang Xu replied happily.    


"If Uncle Xu has no objections, we'll start the second treatment right away." Unknowingly, Li Yun had changed his way of addressing Zhang Xu.    


Zhang Xu happily discovered that his son had really done it. He looked at Zhang Kai with a praising gaze and then said to Li Yun, "If Yun thinks it's okay, then let's begin."    


Thus, Li Yun took out a Peiyuan Pill and gave it to Zhang Xu, telling him to swallow it. After Zhang Xu consumed it, a warm feeling spread from his stomach to his entire body. His whole body felt exceptionally comfortable.    


His heart was in turmoil. This was clearly the medicine he had used to treat himself yesterday. It was at least four times bigger than the thirty pills in the bottle, and the color was also different.    


His intuition told him that if the small pill was at the tonic grade, then this large pill was at the life-saving level. His understanding of Li Yun deepened by another step.    


But decades of social survival have left him unmoved.    


At this moment, a stream of cool stream flowed into his wrist, wrapping around the warm thing that was scattered all over his body and heading towards his abdomen …    


Two hours later, Li Yun let go of Zhang Xu's wrist, stuffed a handful of Qi Replenishing Pill into his mouth, and started recovering. Five minutes later, he finished meditating.    


Zhang Xu finally couldn't hold his curiosity anymore and asked, "I saw that you have two drugs. The latter one is obviously stronger, why do you take this less effective one instead of the better one?"    


Li Yun did not mind, smiled and patiently explained, "This kind of small pill is called Qi Replenishing Pill, its efficacy is equivalent to a thirty year old wild ginseng. And this kind of large pill is called Peiyuan Pill, the effect of replenishing Qi is thirty times stronger than Qi Replenishing Pill, and the most important thing is to strengthen the body and nurture the spirit. "    


He laughed self-deprecatingly: "The reason I don't eat it myself is because I only need to replenish my energy. Furthermore, Peiyuan Pill are more precious and there aren't many of them. "Therefore, we should save as much as we can!"    


After hearing these words, Zhang Xu was very touched: "But you used two on me."    


Li Yun smiled and said, "Uncle Xu, you've already paid for it. As long as the price is right, I'll sell it to anyone who wants it. This feeling of yours is a bit of a waste. Quickly go to the toilet and expel the poison."    


Hearing that, Zhang Xu smiled awkwardly and went to the bathroom.    


Since there was nothing to do, Li Yun asked Zhang Kai: "Brother Kai, you are quite familiar with the real estate industry. Help me look out for suitable places to do beauty club work."    


Zhang Kai was overjoyed to hear this. This was truly a good thing for a criminal to be able to sleep so soundly on a pillow. On the surface, he looked serious and considered for a moment before asking: "Has Yun ever been in the beauty industry? Rashly investing is a big taboo.    


Li Yun took Natasha's hand and said affectionately: "Natasha's studies are over and she has nothing to do right now. She was originally studying beauty and physique, so I wanted to open a shop and let her do something so that she wouldn't be too bored."    


Actually, Li Yun felt that if Natasha was too bored, she would stare at him everyday, which meant that he wouldn't have time to go to the Wind Continent.    


His life was truly like a play, it was all thanks to his acting skills. Li Yun's words moved Natasha to a complete mess. Immediately, tears began to shine in her beautiful blue eyes. "Dearest, I've never been a boss. I'm afraid I'm going to get mixed up."    


Zhang Kai was afraid that Li Yun would give up on this idea, so he immediately interrupted, "Don't worry Natasha, we have a professional planning team. As long as we plan well enough, there's no chance of failure."    


Li Yun curiously asked, "Then what do you plan to do? Tell me about it. "    


Zhang Kai put on a show, "Firstly, it's the goal and plan of the enterprise. Secondly, it's to build the core competence of the enterprise. Thirdly, it's a slogan with social impact."    


After thinking for a while, Zhang Kai continued, "We can set the target customer as a rich woman with a wealth of more than 10 million and some first-tier celebrities. According to their needs, we can plan the business environment and service standards of the clubhouse."    


Li Yun couldn't help but ask, "What's the core competitive strength?"    


Zhang Kai explained, "The core competitiveness of the enterprise is that it has an advantage that other enterprises do not have, and this advantage cannot be replicated by other enterprises for a short period of time."    


Li Yun happily said, "This is easy. I can provide a large amount of qi replenishing pills. It can fundamentally repair the damaged tissue and cells in the body, and activate the cells' vitality. The only effect that can be seen is to make middle-aged women younger and have skin as tender as a baby's. "    


"Alright, this is the core competitive strength. With just this, it would be hard not to get popular." Zhang Kai shouted.    


When he came out of the toilet, Zhang Xu, who had been standing quietly on the side for a while, said, "Our company's Su He pro-water building lives in rich people and celebrities. Now that the building has sold out, the sales office is located at the corner of the street, it's location is very good, the area is over 800 square meters, so we can just give it to Yun as a clubhouse. "Haha."    


Li Yun was shocked by Zhang Xu's straightforwardness. However, since he had accepted money for the treatment, he was unwilling to be indebted to him.    


Therefore, Li Yun sincerely said to Zhang Xu, "Uncle Xu, I don't agree with you doing this. Brother Kai and I can be considered to be on good terms, how about we go together, Brother Kai and Natasha can manage it together, each with half of the shares. I'll be responsible for purchasing and supplying the qi replenishing pills, how about that?"    


Zhang Xu happily said, "Yun, I agree with your proposal. I will raise two points. First, the real estate office will be our Xiao Kai's investment share capital. After all, our construction team and materials are already prepared and there's no cost, haha, so you don't need to pay anymore, just prepare the source of supply for the qi replenishing pills as soon as possible. "    


Li Yun was not an unreasonable person. He cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Uncle Xu, for your consent."    


Zhang Xu was stunned for a moment and then understood that Li Yun was joking. He also cupped his hands and said, "How dare you." Both sides laughed out loud.    


After a round of discussion, both sides confirmed that they would use the name "Natasha Beauty and Body Beauty Professional Club" to register their businesses.    


That night, Zhang Xu, his son, his wife, Zhou Mei, together with Li Yun and Natasha went to a high-class clubhouse to celebrate.    




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