Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C321 A Grand Wedding Grand Ending

C321 A Grand Wedding Grand Ending

0Today was a festive day, and the entire imperial city was immersed in a sea of joy. The Xuefeng Plains's nation was officially named the Xuefeng Empire today, and the Empire's young emperor, Li Yun, was going to marry his three emperors at the same time. Furthermore, the only two gods in the Immortal World, Li Yun's martial brothers and sisters, Qingxiao and Immortal Qinghong, would also hold their wedding ceremony with Li Yun today.    


The so-called extravagance was to not invite any of the famous immortals to attend. The so-called extravagance was to be found on all the streets of the imperial city, and there were many round tables filled with delicacies and fine wine. Any citizens and soldiers of the imperial city could eat and drink freely.    


At ten o'clock in the afternoon, Joanna, Natasha, Qing, and Qingxiao, the four brides, dressed in white wedding gowns and painted with beautiful makeup, escorted Li Yun and Immortal Qinghong to the imperial palace's city gate tower, where they received kowtowing and blessings from the nation's citizens.    


On the walls of the Imperial Palace, countless speakers had already been set up. The speakers were playing a joyous song, "Phoenix Imprisoning the Phoenix". The jumping of the notes made the atmosphere of the wedding extremely lively.    


3000 Wehrmacht soldiers lined up in thirty-one hundred square lines, anxiously waiting for the wedding to begin. They would pass through the city gates today, representing the Wehrmacht in accepting the inspection of their young emperor, Li Yun.    


From the start of their Wind Continent, they had followed Li Yun, step by step, until today. Even though they had experienced countless battles and dangers, their cultivation had already reached the Golden Immortal Realm, and they could live as long as the heavens. This was something they had never dared to imagine when they were in the Wind Continent.    


Li Yun, the most outstanding commander in their hearts, had led them all the way here. In their hearts, they worshipped Li Yun, and they were also familiar with his three queens. Not only was they pretty, but they were also infatuated with him.    


These two peak existences in the Immortal World were actually the senior and junior brothers of their young emperor. If the news was true, the position of the Xuefeng Empire in the Immortal Realm in the future would be incomparably revered. No one would dare offend them, and they could not afford to offend them.    


At eleven o'clock sharp, Li Yun began to talk into the microphone. Countless cameras and cameras were aimed at the palace gates and buildings.    


"Good day, citizens of the Xuefeng Empire. Today, I shall announce the official establishment of the Xuefeng Empire. The military parade ceremony will now begin."    


Suddenly, the sonorous sound of a valiant march could be heard. At the end of the street, the first line of soldiers appeared, each of them carrying a Assault Rifle at an angle. They were all dressed in colorful military uniforms and helmets, and they walked towards the city gate with orderly steps.    


When they were still 50 meters away from the city gate tower, they suddenly changed from walking to walking, the Assault Rifle in their hands was lifted horizontally, and walked towards the city gate tower in an unstoppable manner. When they passed the city gate tower, a series of dazzling movements occurred, causing all the soldiers in the squad to salute with their right hands holding onto their rifles, and exclaiming loudly: "Use me for the first battle, use me to win."    


Just as this team passed through the city gate tower, a second team appeared at the end of the street, followed by a third, then a fourth …    


One by one, dignified soldiers of the National Defence Force passed by the city gate. They had neat military uniforms and solemn expressions. The shock and pride they brought to the citizens of the empire was incomparable.    


Li Yun then picked up the microphone and took over the host. "Nationals of the various empires, brave soldiers of the National Defence Force, we are gathered here today for the wedding of Immortal Qinghong and Qingxiao. At the same time, I will officially marry my three empresses."    


Marriage is a sublimation of love and mutual trust. It required not only a lifetime of love, but also a lifetime of mutual trust. Today, Immortal Qinghong and Qingxiao will solemnly declare to everyone their love and trust in each other.    


Then Li Yun turned to Immortal Qinghong: Qinghong, will you marry Qingxiao as your wife? Would you be willing to love her without reservation and be loyal to her forever, whether you were in good or bad circumstances, rich or poor, healthy or ill, happy or sad?    


Qinghong picked up the microphone handed to him by a servant girl and said solemnly, "I am willing."    


Li Yun then turned to Qingxiao. Qingxiao, are you willing to marry Qinghong, as his wife, whether you are in good times or bad, rich or poor, healthy or ill, happy or sad, and you will love him unreservedly and be loyal to him forever?    


At this moment, Qingxiao was completely overwhelmed by happiness. She excitedly took the microphone from the servant girl and loudly shouted, "I'm willing!"    


Li Yun smiled and said, "You can exchange rings now."    


The two maidservants immediately walked up to the two of them obediently, each of them holding a wooden tray. The tray was covered with a red velvet cloth, and on the cloth, there was a shiny diamond ring.    


On the sacred wedding march, Qing Hong and Qingxiao put a diamond ring on each other.    


Li Yun had a crafty look in his eyes as he smiled and said, "Groom Qing Hong, you can kiss your bride in public now."    


Qingxiao was even more shy as she stomped her tiny feet, "Second Senior Brother, how can you do this?"    


Li Yun suppressed the smile in his heart and said with a serious face, "Junior Sister, this is an important part, and this is the happiness of your entire life."    


Qingxiao's shyness turned into bravery the moment she heard those words. She threw herself into Qing Hong's embrace, raising her pretty face up.    


Then Li Yun turned to his three brides. Nationals of the empires, brave soldiers of the Wehrmacht, we are gathered here today for the wedding of Li Yun and Joanna, Natasha, and Qing.    


Marriage is a sublimation of love and mutual trust. It required not only a lifetime of love, but also a lifetime of mutual trust. Today, the Emperor of Xuefeng, Li Yun, Empress Joanna, Empress Natasha and Qing would solemnly announce their promise to each other regarding their love and trust.    


The Emperor of Xuefeng, Li Yun, solemnly swears here that he will be willing to marry Natasha, Joanna, and Qing as my wives, whether it's due to circumstances or adversity, wealth or poverty, health or illness, happiness or worry, he will unreservedly love them and be loyal to them for eternity.    


Bride Natasha, bride Joanna, bride Qing. Will you be willing to marry Li Yun as his wife, whether you are in good times or bad, rich or poor, healthy or ill, happy or sad? Will you love him unreservedly and be loyal to him forever?    


Natasha said happily, "I'm willing."    


Joanna also happily said, "I'm willing."    


Qing added, I'm willing to do it too.    


(End of book)    


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